The Inlets: the transformation of a post industrial waterfront in Baltimore Maryland.

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The Inlets the transformation of a post industrial waterfront in Baltimore Maryland. This senior project is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Degree in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. ________________ Date _____________________________________ Ashleigh N. Marshall _____________________________________ Wendy Jacobson, Project Advisor _____________________________________ Benjamin Johnson, Senior Project Coordinator _____________________________________ Brian Katen, Program Chairperson 1

< middle branch

< inner harbor

< federal hill 2

contents: acknowledgements............................................................04 project introduction...........................................................05 site&context..................................................................06-07 the culture of baltimore................................................08-09 initial analysis and theoretical basis..............................10-11 project goals&objectives...............................................12-13 analysis..........................................................................14-17 vision.............................................................................18-21 concepts........................................................................22-25 master plan........................................................................26 Underpass Public Space................................................35-37 Ecological Park..............................................................38-41 Waterfront Commercial District....................................42-47 conclusion.....................................................................48-49 references.....................................................................50-51


acknowledgements The past five years have been a journey for me that would not have been possible if not for the personal relationships I have gained at Virginia Tech. I would like to graciously thank all who have supported and guided me in this experience. First, my family, Momma & Daddy, Matthew & Marybeth: I could not have done this without you! Your love and support have, and always will, mean the most to me--and of course, thanks for the financial support! I love you! My Studio Family: I will always cherish your friendship, this experience would not have been the same without you. Wendy Jacobson, thank you for your guidance and insight throughout this project, I have learned more than I could have ever imagined at the onset and have been honored to work with you. Thank you to all the landscape architecture faculty, for the knowledge and encouragement.

< gwynns falls trail 4

project statement Throughout American cities, we are seeing a pattern of interest leading to the redevelopment of de-industrializing districts in an effort to bring life back to the city that has overtime reverted from the social center to a nine to five destination. Baltimore Maryland, which has been historically associated with industry and a truly blue-collar lifestyle, is a prime example of a de-industrializing city, struggling to address the changing dynamic of its fabric while also dealing with a variety of issues that complicate an urban problem. Acknowledging this attempt to bring life back to our cities through revitalization, this senior project addresses a degrading portion of waterfront land along the Middle Branch of the Patapsco River in Baltimore Maryland. The site is unpredictably toxic, a major wildlife habitat, the central sports district for Baltimore, and woven with a tangle of transportation infrastructure. All these components combine to form an interesting set of urban issues that together call for the site to be an example of a 21st century waterfront. With Baltimore’s Inner Harbor just blocks away, this new waterfront will bring together tourism and commerce, in a place that fosters community development, cultural vibrancy, and local lifestyle, all while building from the foundation of public space provided by the sports stadiums.


> 5


maryland CBD inner harbor camden yards

northwest branch ravens stadium federal hill study area

middle branch


The study area is located in southern Baltimore in a district that is currently transitioning from an active industrial edge to a vacant toxic waterfront. The site has a variety of uses surrounding it, such as active railroad, sports stadiums, communities with diverse populations, and the infamous Inner Harbor. This part of Baltimore is easily recognized for its ample revitalization opportunities within the city. It has the potential to be an iconic waterfront within the city.


baltimore is...



beehives&diners blue collar


cheaspeake bay habitats



charmcity edgarallanpoe

..a truly blue collar city. The combination of industry, water and sports, form a place that is a unique mixture of northern and southern American traditions. The Chesapeake Bay lifestyle, consisting of waterfront living, fishing and active

outdoor recreation, sets a common identity in Baltimoreans and Marylanders alike. Sports are major public events in Baltimore, the MLB Orioles’ iconic Camden Yards is know to everyone in the city, and the NFL Ravens, named after “The

industry fishing

Raven,” by famous poet and Baltimorean, Edgar Allan Poe, continue to bring pride to the city season after season.


initial site assessment and theoretical basis The Camden Industrial area of Baltimore has be transforming over the years. Development in the late 1990’s in the Camden Yards area of the Baltimore Orioles and Ravens professional sports stadiums created a buzz around the city about post industrial development. Since then development plans have been emerging. The Middle Branch is viewed as Baltimore’s up and coming version of the popular Inner Harbor. Hopes to clean up the Patapsco River and create new housing, economic and recreational


opportunities are abundant, because though polluted, the Middle Branch is a popular fishing and crabbing venue as well as, bird watching, boating and kayaking. Citizens of Baltimore take great pride in their sports teams, seafood and the Inner Harbor. The relationships of the city to the Patapsco River has been prominent for years. Historically the river was a vehicle for industry and military growth. Today it has become a vision for the future

of tourism and recreation. It is important to preserve and reclamate the habits that are so fragile along the river, in order to maintain a human connection to the city and the environment. In the development of this project the deep ecology theory is used to find basis and meaning in the work. A sense of place restores ones relationship to the land and the community, and therefore to oneself. Deep ecology promotes the weaving of natural and human elements into a cohesive function. Creating a natural place for recreation within a city is not only better for the environment but for the overall health of the residents of the community. The idea is not to just add greenspace but to design a place that fosters community development and an overall healthier city.

impact analysis understanding the pros and cons

impact on energies

impact on environment

impact on economy

Redesigning the site will create changes in energy flows on and around the site. It is important to understand both the potential positive and negative effects of a new development. The left diagram show the shift in energy flow around the site. The black arrows represent development while the magenta are human flows.

The middle diagram shows the potential positive and negative impacts for the environment in the case of new development. There is a potential for increase in wildlife on the site as well as the positive effects of pollutant removal. However, increases in development can also create potential for habitat loss

displacement of homeless and low-income families living on and near the site may occur. As shown in the right diagram.

Currently the waterfront and vegetative areas of the site create a major habitat for wildlife in the city. It is important to consider the effects of a large-scale development such as this on the environment. Demand to reclaim the land these animals live on could be detrimental to their habitat.

Changes in the land use on the site will affect property values in and around the site. The new design will bring economic change to the site, while an increase in residents and demand for services will be beneficial to the city,

By studying these potential impacts the design is more informed about the issues affecting the city as a whole and the potentials for the waterfront.


goal &objectives

Create an urban waterfront district that combines sport culture, natural ecology, and the de-industrializing nature of the site, into a closely woven space that promotes daily uses aside from the fluctuating crowds on gamedays and supports public events


reintroduce water into the fabric of the site to create a draw toward the waterfront as well as adapting for flood changes and the historic pattern preserve a portion of the waterfront to maintain plant communities and wildlife habitat reuse[under]pass area in a way that is interesting and a better use of valuable urban land highlight de-industrialization of the site through phytoremediation provide a variety of uses to appeal to people of all ages ( a family space, nightlife) connect with the culture of Baltimore through, seafood, aquatic culture, industry, rail, & sports introduce housing opportunities to ensure habitation at times other than sporting events


analysis key components During analysis of the site, city, and region, many layers were explored and it was discovered just how complex this urban district is. From issues of economic classes in the deteriorating neighborhood of Westport and the gentrification of Federal Hill, to ecological populations including avian habitats, the site poses multiple issues as well as opportunities in a variety of scales. Natural ecological


issues, existing man made structures and social implications of the site were all explored through the analysis process. Throughout the process it became evident that a few critical components would need to be identified in order for a successful design to be completed. By relating this idea back to the initial goal of the project, which involved

creating and ecologically sensitive waterfront that calls attention to the natural benefits that an eco-park could provide for the city, as well as addressing its relationship to the post-industrial nature of this district, three key components were identified and explored in more detail. These components are labeled, Physical, Biophysical, and Cultural.


ravens stadium, vacant warehouses

elevated highway vacant underspaces, major transpotation connections

site boundary the site is bounded by Russell Street to the West and ends under I-395 to the east


There are many key PHYSICAL aspects to the site. It is a network of infrastructures, such as rail, highway, streets and buildings. Paying close attention to the elevated roads such as Russell and Ostend, and working with the parking lots under the I-395 overpass will be critical opportunities


no scale north

to design spaces that integrate infrastructure and public space, which is quickly becoming a necessary design strategy in American cities. The site is a dynamic web of transportation infrastructure and is some of the most valuable waterfront land remaining in the city. The existing

maintain an industrial connection to railroad,light rail service

light rail line is a great feature that raises many possibilities on the site. Utilizing the vacant spaces to their full potential, and retrofitting the design with the existing structures is critical to the future of Baltimore and the success of the project.



remains from previous industrial uses

historic waterline

approximately 50 percent of the site he been infiled over time

wildlife habitat

primary avian staging zone, home to fish and sensitive wetlands no scale


The BIOPHYSICAL aspects of the site provide both constraints and opportunities. The levels of toxins on the site are unpredictable but still pose problems for human and wildlife contact. Despite varying levels of toxicity the land and water hosts a variety of wildlife, from rare bird species, to oysters and catfish. Native plants thrive in the natural areas of the



site and contribute a vital role in the ecosystem as well as the aquatic habitat. The wetlands are sensitive, yet they are crucial to cleansing the water. Preserving these natural areas is a vital part of a successful design. The historic waterline is important to consider because most of the site has be infilled over the past 100 years, leaving the soils a

mixture of urban soil, construction materials and even trash. These historic landforms are important because more than likely, due to the natural water table, the landform would revert back to its original form, given the opportunity, which is something to consider when designing for this site.


natural environments provide stage for passive activities


former site for chemical manufacturing, heavy rail shipping

young professional

gentrification in Fedhill, student populations in Pigtown



The CULTURAL themes of the site and the surrounding neighborhoods are important to the project because they give the place identity. Making cultural connections with the surrounding places will ultimately make the design more successful. Acknowledging the sports arenas and their

Baltimore Ravens football, Orioles Baseball at Camden Yards

contribution to the city will be key to the design. Also taking advantage of the crowds that frequent the sports stadiums will set the framework for a more successful public space. The surrounding neighborhoods are quickly becoming gentrified, young professional neighborhoods. Considering

the needs of the under 35 age group will be important to the programming for the project. With its natural areas, this section of waterfront is a great place for recreational activities such as fishing and bike riding, the project will seek to facilitate recreational actions to promote a more active city.


vision From the analysis and synthesis of its components a series of visions were developed for the design outcome of the project. From the beginning the idea was to preserve the ecological habitats and create a network of greenspace for the city that also promotes a level of economic revitalization. It became clear that this vision of an ecological park


could not stand alone in this part of the city, without an additional component of mixed use development. Each of the visions described in the next few pages will rely on one another to be successful places. They each support a different type of use but together function as a system that facilitates the vision of what a successful waterfront is.

The vision was important to the project as it set the conceptual framework and created an understanding of the necessary elements to include in the design.

ecological waterfront In the proposed project, the Eco-edge will maintain a natural quality while promoting a greater recreational use. Boardwalks and open space that access the water will create a place where people can congregate in relationship to the rest of the project. Connections with the football populations and the proposed entertainment district will create a population of users for the more passive entity of

the park. It is important to maintain and preserve these areas, as it is some of the last remaining waterfront habitat in Baltimore, and also it has an opportunity to be a vibrant recreation center due to its location near the popular sports arenas and the rest of the vision for the project.

the natural systems of the waterfront, by providing wetland interaction, places for fishing and crabbing, and canoe and kayak launch points. The primary design feature that will carry out this vision is a series of wetland fingers that will extend back into the site, setting the stage for recreation, as well as acknowledging the historic floodplain.

The vision is to create higher quality human interaction with


sports&entertainment district The Sport and Entertainment District will be the economic draw for the project, by revitalizing the de-industrializing core of the site, the project will have a point of interest to draw people to the greenspaces that surround this core. Attracting people from the sporting events, families from the nearby neighborhood as well as visitors to


Baltimore will be critical to the success of the space. Sport spaces have been called some of the last truly public space in our cities, it is in these places that people from all walks of life come together around a central event and an individuals’ social class is somewhat forgotten. By using the framework that is set by the sport stadiums the

site has potential to be a hub for civic and cultural events within Baltimore. Economic value will be created through mixed use development that supports not only a new residential population but also the sports fans and citizens of Baltimore’s needs.

under[pass] Currently the majority of underpass areas on the site are vacant parking lots occupied by tailgaters and Ravens fans on game days. The space is dark, somewhat loud, and gray. The proposed space will maintain the ability for tailgating and the gameday events, which serve as the foundation for social interaction, but will also become a transformable

place for cultural events as they relate to the city and the community. Passive recreation, such as jogging and biking, as well as festivals, markets, art installations, and concerts are only a few of the many possibilities that a transformable space such as this can foster. Design features such as new lighting, paving interventions

and greenwalls to soften the harshness of all the concrete jungle are envisioned as ways of making an infrastructure park a more welcoming and culturally vibrant place. After interventions such as these are implemented, the real culture of the place will come through in the events that the place hosts.


concept options Upon developing the three visionary districts, the ecological corridor, the infrastructure park, and the sports and entertainment district, spatial and physical site layout options were explored. Three concept options considering, the outcome and synthesis of the analysis, the physical breakdown of the site and potential master planning

schemes were developed. The concept options consist of three ideas. One, creating three somewhat separate districts, and tying them together with a common thread, which is called ‘external linking.’ A second called ‘internal interlacing’ which proposes the three zones be interwoven within one another, and the third called, ‘selective infill’ looks at limiting

camden yards

camden yards

inner harbor

ravens stadium cross street market

inner harbor

cross street market

federal hill




federal hill
























ravens stadium

the amount of architectural infill, maximizing open space and understanding what the appropriate amount of infill for the site would be.

This concept looks at creating three major components of the site and linking them with a common thread. The majority of the sports district is developed along Russell Street and the Ecological preservation is limited to the waterfront edge.



This concept looks at developing three major components and weaving them together throughout the extent of the project. This concept also explores extending the vision for the waterfront back into the fabric of the city to the parking lots that exist between Ravens Stadium and Camden Yards


camden yards

inner harbor

Current Shopping and entertainment center at Camden Yards

Connection with the Inner Harbor. Opportunity to be a waterfront district.

Intersection of the entertainment venue with public under space ravens stadium

cross street market














federal hill

This concept raises the question of how much economic development is appropriate for the site. It questions whether it is safe to rely on infill of surrounding parcels to bring life to the space, therefore allowing for more ecological preservation and and reversion to occur on the Western portion of the site.


Interlacing. weaving the canal edges back into the commercial district to create waterfront connections

Street level connections with the Federal Hill community Transition from the solid infrastructure zone to the ecological zone Three way intersection of the Entertainment districts waterfront edge, and exploratory wetland and the public under space.

This drawing looks at critical connection points on and around the site as the affected decisions about the conceptual layout iterations.

critical connections


final conceptual layout

[urban transition] [stadium gateway]

adaptive reuse, retail, commercial

[eco/remediation cooridor] [public event space]

retail, commercial, office, live work


residential, retail, commercial

After studying the three original concepts and working toward the final master plan design, a final conceptual layout, as it relates to the physical design of the master plan was created. The final layout tends to reflect components from all three original concepts. One of the main project goals, the manipulation and reintroduction of water back


into the fabric of the site, serves as the internal laces of the site by binding together the two primary zones, which were re-designated as the urban transition zone and the eco/ remediation corridor. The final concept is selective about infill as it opts not to build along the western side of the site, due to the toxic nature of the soils and the issues of

the floodplain. Rather this zone becomes the natural and restorative area the site, as well as the entire city is begging for.

Transformable Event Space:

Canal Greenspace

Potential Uses: Open Air Market Races Concerts Festivals Tailgating Car Shows

Potential Uses: Biking Picnicing Tailgating Reading Running

Ravens Stadium

Stadium Gateway Potential Uses: Residential Retail Pregame Entertainment






nd S

tree t pop

ulati on f


Public Event Space:

Potential Uses: Biking Picnicing Bird Watching Fishing Running


ral H


lm S

tree t

rail light

W ar





Potential Uses: Fundraisers Proms Wedding Reception Family Reunion Ravens NFL Events Art Shows/Exhibits Daily: Offices and Live/Work Studios

Waterfront Eco-Remediation Park


Fed e

Potential Uses: Kayak and Canoe Launching Restuarants/Dining Retail Shopping Daily Life


site activity

pedestrian automobile

circulation pattern


master plan Chambered Stormwater Canal

Ravens Stadium

Pedestrian Bridge to Stadium

New-2 floors [mixed use]

Adaptive Reuse [Residential]

New-3 floors [mixed use]

New-4 floors

Wetland Canals

New-3 floors

[event space with large atrium] [event space]

Adaptive Reuse [Residential]

Gywnn Falls Trail Extension

Elevated Lightrail Platform Terraced Highrise [Residential, Retail, Office, Exhibit]

Terraced Highrises [Residential, Retail]

Interstate 395 Stormwater Chamber Phytoremediation Groves

north scale:



75 25


Existing Bridges

The Master Plan for the entire site is grounded by the manipulation of the waters edge. In the natural areas of the site the two existing canals are opened up and extended back into the fabric of the city in the form of wetland/estuary fingers. In the more urban part of the site the waterfront extends back into the city in the form of a constructed stormwater treatment canal. The eastern side of the canal is designed to be a linear public space underneath the existing infrastructure that is active with daily life and weekend festivals. Pedestrian flows are channeled towards the canal through the perpendicular side streets that connect to the Federal Hill neighborhood.

On the western side of the canal the landscape transitions into a more natural park setting. Shade trees and benches set the stage for users to engage in passive recreation and activities like picnicking. As visitors walk along either side of the canal they begin to feel a transition towards the natural waterfront and the residential community. Three high-rises line the waters edge, two directly on the waterfront and one along the canal. A new suspension bridge on Stockholm Street, provides vehicular access over the proposed canal and is an architectural/ engineering feature that speaks to the series of bridges that exist throughout the city and on the site. The

bridge is intended to be a major focal point and an iconic feature in the landscape. On the Westernmost side of the site the landscape begins to transform from a dense and complex network of infrastructure and architecture into a natural and peaceful waterfront habitat. Thick wetlands are home to many species of birds and aquatic life, while humans interact along the banks. A series of trails for running, walking and biking weave throughout the Eco-Park, and several foot bridges allow access to either sides of the estuaries. The lower wetland has an upper feature that functions similarly to the stormwater canal, and provides a more formally constructed entrance at the southern edge of the project.


Stormwater Wetland and Underpass


Tidal Canal Bird’s Eye


stormwater canal

Proposed Outfall city stormwater pipes are rerouted to flow into treatment facility

Stormwater Chamber 1 1851 CU Yards Storage capacity

Stormwater Chamber 2 4165 CU Yards Storage capacity WATER CAPACITY:

Stromwater Chamber 3

At LOW TIDE: 11,315 cu yards

1898 CU Yards Storage capacity + At HIGH TIDE: 8,576 cu yards + At Flood Level 1: 9,437 cu yards + At Flood Level 2: 10, 938 cu yards

Tidal Influence Chamber flood level 2

flood level 1

high tide

low tide

The central canal serves as a backbone for the entire site design. On the eastern side of the canal lies the very public and transformable infrastructure park, and on the western side is a more passive greenspace that serves as a transition to the natural waterfront.


Aside from the design feature that the canal serves as, it is used as a tool for treating city stormwater, and also mitigating flood issues along the waterfront. Currently city stormwater pipes are routed directly into the river, the goal of this system is to increase water quality in the river. The diagram above shows the treatment and storage capacities of the canal.

The upper three chambers of the canal will be controlled by a series of weir and pedestrian bridge combinations, allowing for the most efficient stormwater cleansing. The chambers will contain plants typically used in bioretention facilities, which can withstand periods of drought as well as inundation. The image to the right details the weir and bridge.

bioretention plantings

linear boardwalk

canal edge

6� ponding weir

steel cable handrail

weir openings

aesthetic suspension cable detail

Bridge and Weir Combination: this detail shows the proposed pedestrian bridges that serve as access to either side of the stormwater canal. The base of the bridge is constructed of a dark wood and has a steel cable handrail as well as cable that simulate a suspension bridge at the base. The weirs located below the bridge are sized to appropriately retain stormwater in the various wetland chambers to allow time for cleansing.


Weir and Bridge Combination

Ostend Street Bridge

canal structual element and access feature

access gateway to ravens stadium

Passive Park side of Canal greenspace and buffer for active railroad

MTA Elevated Light Rail major mass transportation opportunity

Active CSX Rail lines

Tidal Canal terraces serve as flood control and social space

Section A-A 32

Ravens Stadium

MTA Elevated Light Rail

Interstate 395 Overpass

major mass transportation opportunity

underspace:public park with greenwalls

Passive Park side of Canal Active CSX Rail lines

greenspace and buffer for active railroad

Wetland Chamber series of three chambers that filter city stormwater

Section B-B 33

In the Underpass Park is designed to be the most socially vibrant part of the waterfront. The area under the Interstate 395 highway overpass currently serves as a parking lot for the Baltimore Ravens football stadium, and is the center for tailgating and gameday socializing. With an already strong social scene the space only needs a few minor design interventions to be an even more successful public space that will promote many public events, not just tailgating. In the design of the transformable space the ground plain is manipulated through paving patterns that represent the existing parking spaces. Permeable pavers are laid in the shape and size of a parking space and surrounded by a 6 inch course of pea gravel. This formation suggests a parking


space but is also a stage for many other uses such as a market vendor. By creating a clear separation between each ‘parking space,’ setting up for events, especially markets and festivals will be easily organized, as vendors can be assigned specific ‘parking spaces.’ A central aisle flows between either side of the ‘parking spaces’ creating not only a pedestrian promenade but a vehicular access lane. Places under a highway overpass tend to be dark and gray. To mitigate this issue lighting has been designed for not only safety but to create an ambiance in the space at night. In addition to lighting, the outdoor space needs an element of the natural landscape to oppose the harshness of the manmade and create a greater sense of a parklike setting.

Suspension greenwalls are proposed around each support column. Steel cables are attached to the ground plain and the underside of the highway, and vines are planted to climb the cables and create a dense wall of vegetation. The stormwater canal runs along the western side of the space and a portion of it is actually under the overpass. Terraces allow access down into the canal, providing a place to sit and socialize. At the existing light rail station a large pedestrian patio directs human flows to the stadium via a gateway bridge over the railroad lines and also creates movement toward the southern part of the project.

Underpass Public Space existing lightrail station primary hub for football fans

bridge over railroad access gateway to ravens stadium

entrance plaza access gateway to ravens stadium

pedestrian bridge/weir combination connections to either side of the canal and functional weirs

central vehicular and pedestrian road access for vendors and parking, pedestrian promenade

10x20 paved spaces unit paver block mimicking the size of a parking space for use as both parking and event space

benches opportunities for passive recreation

overhead electric lightrail access opportunity throughout the city

open lawn areas places for picnics and passive recreation

canal side terrace stepped down terraces for access and exploration of the canal


active CSX railroad lines scale:


35 10


linear pedestrian boardwalk access opportunity throughout the city


pea gravel alternative to impermeable paving

suspension greenwalls to soften the hardness of the concrete columns

Underpass Public Space- june15 2 pm: baltimore classic car show 36

The transformable underpass space can take on a variety of uses. In this example the space is used for a classic car show in early summer.

ample lighting for safety and atmosphere

interchangeable lighting colors purple for the balitmore ravens

Underpass Public Space-september18 9pm: baltimore fall concert series

In this example the space is used for an outdoor concert. The overhead highway provides acoustic benefits as well as shelter from the elements, while still being open air. Lighting serves as a safety feature and a design element.


Ecological Park and Remediation Area Russell Street Bridge major arterial along the edge of the site north scale:


35 10


wetland/estuary canal allows the waters edge to reclaim the site and provides space for passive outdoor recreation

adaptive reuse warehouse 50 residential units with access to water

Gwynn Falls Trail extension existing bicycle and pedestrian path

proposed Warner Street bridge major vehicular connection to stadium

phytoremediation groves located on hotspots, set the stage for remediation as well as natural succession on the site

constructed canal stormwater pipes outfall into a pool edged by an old railroad track flows under a bridge into a constructed wetland

preserved railroad tracks serves as a wall edge for canal and street median


In the Ecological zone of the project park visitors have opportunities to explore and play in a natural habitat that resembles that of the Chesapeake Bay. The Gywnn Falls Trail which currently intersects the site is rerouted along the new estuary and several terrestrial paths are introduced throughout the park.

Due to the toxic nature of the soils and water in this area, it seemed more appropriate to allow natural succession and reversion to occur, reclaim the original state of the waterfront, and provide, increasing wildlife habitat, cleansing wetlands and opportunity for passive recreation.

Phytoremediation groves consisting of Hybrid Poplars and River Birch are planted on a grid over hot spots on the site. Dredge material from the construction of the wetlands is included in the these areas as well. Over time this waterfront will not only cleanse itself of its past industrial history, but create a new and extraoridinary habitat that will serve as Baltimore’s premier ecological sanctuary.


The southern wetland canal, functions similarly to the stormwater canal. Utilizing the exisitng rail bed preserves some of the industrial past.


The remediation groves will consist of birches and poplar trees. Secondary pedestrian paths weave throughout the groves. Over time the remediation forest will succeed into a wild and natural habitat.


Banquet Hall large event space for fundraisers and receptions

Ostend Street Bridge pedestrian and vehicular access to stadium

tidal canal terraces serve as public space and flood control

elevated lightrail station station platform at third floor retail access to ground level and Ostend Street bridge

proposed Stockholm Street bridge large vehicular and pedestrian suspension bridge

lightrail station stair access existing bicycle and pedestrian path

terraced waterfront highrises terraced toward waterfront for ample views primarily residential with lower level commercial

outdoor waterfront patio supports retail by providing stage for waterfront shopping and dining

north scale:


35 10


Waterfront Commercial District 42

boat docks and launch area

The most economically vibrant and stimulating part of the project is the waterfront high rise development. Here is where the majority of the new population will live work and play. The two large high rises are primarily residential with the first floor designated for retail, and commercial development. The upper five floors are designated as residential condos. Floors Two, Three and Five have direct patio access to the green roof terraces, while units on Four and Six have large private balconies. The building terraces

are oriented towards the water in order to provide prime views of the Patapsco River and the new Ecological Park. On the canal side of the waterfront another high rise, with mixed uses serves as the foundation for a new elevated light rail stop in the project. This light rail station will serve the residents of the high rises as well as people throughout Baltimore. Typically retail would not be proposed for the third floor of a building such as this, but because of the light rail station it is an appropriate use. The lower two levels will

be designated as office and studio space and the bottom floor will be primarily used for galleries of local and regional art. The top three floors are residential condos similar to those on the waterfront. Even further north along the canal two event buildings are proposed. One will serve as a venue for parties such as fundraisers and receptions and the other will contain support feaures for the outdoor event space and a concert hall for performances.


Waterfront Highrise & Elevated Light Rail

Waterfront Highrises & Stockholm Street Bridge 44


d-d c-c

a-a scale: 1:30


b-b scale 1:30 45

Stockholm Street View Of Highrises

Elevated Light Rail Station & Stormwater Canal 46


d-d c-c


c-c scale: 1:30

d-d scale 1:30


View from Ravens Stadium


View of Tidal Canal

View of the Infrastructure Network

photos: A Marshall


Resources: Breen, A., & Rigby, D. (1996). The new waterfront: A worldwide urban success story. New York: McGraw-Hill. Devall, Bill & Sessions George (1985). Deep Ecology: Living as if Nature Mattered. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Books. Drengson, A. R., & Inoue, Y. (1995). The deep ecology movement: An introductory anthology. Io, no. 50. Berkeley, Calif: North Atlantic Books. Galliano, Steven & Loeffler, Gary (1999). Place Assessment: How People Define Ecosystems. United States Department of Agriculture. Gehl, Jan. (1996). Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space. The Danish Architectural Press: Cogenhagen Denmark Hester, R. T., & Hester, R. T. (1984). Planning neighborhood space with people. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Hester, R. T. (2006). Design for ecological democracy. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. Kaplan, R., Kaplan, S., & Ryan, R. L. (1998). With people in mind: Design and management of everyday nature. Washington, D.C.: Island Press Lyle, J. T. (1994). Regenerative design for sustainable development. New York: John Wiley. Roszak, Theodore (1995). Ecopsychology, Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books. Seamon, D., & Mugerauer, R. (1989). Dwelling, place, and environment: Towards a phenomenology of person and world. New York: Columbia University Press.

Online Resources: (GIS Data) The Middle Branch Master Plan, City of Baltimore, Planning Department



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