c a m p u s
By Cory Jackson • Photos by Rick Lee
Behind the
Marshall’s Support Staff Keeps the University Running
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hen students flood onto campus this fall – filing in and out of Smith Hall, dining in Harless Dining Hall, racing past flower beds, meeting in the Memorial Student Center and relaxing and studying in their residence hall – another group of people will be there as well, satisfied in the knowledge that they made those students’ days possible. Those people, the support staff of Marshall University, handle housing, dining, maintenance, health and safety, print services, mail service and campus IDs, as well as a multitude of other aspects many don’t often think about. At the helm of these operations is Senior Vice President for Administration Dr. Karen Kirtley. “Sometimes, we just don’t think about the things going on behind the scenes,” she said. “These folks – and I think this is indicative of a lot of the people at Marshall – really love this campus and the university. The work they do is absolutely amazing.” The work of the support staff at Marshall isn’t just amazing; it’s also never ending. The Physical Plant is responsible for all maintenance and grounds work for the academic and administration buildings on campus. That’s 39 buildings and 115 acres. The Housing and Residence Life department manages room assignments, residence hall maintenance and housekeeping, residence education initiatives,