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A Different Kind of Graduation
Graduation ceremonies for seniors who finished their degrees at the end of the 2019-2020 academic year looked a little different than usual. Mars Hill got a beautiful day for the October 4 celebration, which was held outside on Lunsford Commons.
Graduates and their families processed along the university quadrangle, known as Lunsford Commons, to a stage set up in front of the Founders Memorial fountain. While the families watched from ground level, the graduates climbed the steps of the stage to be welcomed by Provost Tracy Parkinson and to receive their diploma from President Tony Floyd. Chaplain Stephanie McLeskey, faculty Chair Amanda Knapp, and board of trustees Chair Linda Judge-McRae, also participated in the ceremony. Floyd told the graduates, “I know this is not exactly how you planned it, but I want you to know today we’re so proud of you; you’re incredible; and this day is to honor you.” Prior to processing onto the Lunsford Commons, each graduate and family group gathered under a check-in tent for temperature checks and hand sanitizing. The three-hour ceremony allowed the family groups to be spaced out, consistent with social distancing guidelines. Spring graduates had their degrees conferred in May, and were recognized in a video featuring their photos and words of celebration from faculty. But COVID-19 forced the postponement of their inperson commencement. The October ceremony also included students who completed their degree requirements in August following the summer term. In all, the May and August graduates total 167, and 84 of them participated in the in-person commencement ceremony.
Responding to COVID-19, continued
housekeeping staff stepped up cleaning and disinfecting procedures (including quarantine and isolation rooms). Facilities staff rebuilt the Student Health Center in a new location, with a safer, more private entry, and they installed barriers in critical places in the dining hall, fitness center, and residence halls. In addition to delivering meals, members of the financial aid office used their personal money (and later, gift monies from others in the community) to create “goodie bags” for every student staying on campus in quarantine or isolation.
One professor even went to her church for a donation to provide artwork in the quarantine and isolation rooms. Such efforts made the 2020-2021 academic year possible, Hunt said. “The collaborative effort of the CRT, the Student Health Ambassadors, a caring group of meal delivery volunteers, as well as the proactive approach to testing and contact tracing allowed the campus to continue with the face-to-face learning environment this year,” Hunt said. “it’s been a challenging year, but our faculty, staff, and students have stepped up to keep our campus as safe as possible.”
Dr. Dave Rozeboom, V.P for Student Life Dr. Grainger Caudle, Director of Planning and
Strategy . Dr. Tracy Parkinson, Provost Lisa Wachtman, Senior Director of Student Success Judith Harris, Director of Disability Services Brian Daniel, Director of Residence Life Kevin West, Director of Security Allen Shelley, Assistant Athletic Director for Sports
Medicine Dr. Kari Hunt, Coordinator of the Student Health
Ambassadors Stephanie Shelton, Director of Medical Services Nicole Holcomb, Student Health Center Medical
Student Health Ambassadors
Ruben Trillo, Hunter Burnette, Reggie Wright Joshua Hager, Danielle Harris, Brookelyn Nanney.
to everyone who helped keep MHU students safe and cared for this semester.
Meal Delivery Volunteers
Debra Alexander Rick Baker Ryan Bell Nichole Buckner Cassandra Buckner Emiley Burriss Chris Cain Lucia Carter Tim Clifton Joy Clifton Jamey Cooke Meredith Cottrell Isolde Curry Michelle Gilley Denise Griffin Jennifer Griffin Joshua Hager Danielle Harris Nathan Hayes Andrew Hoots Kari Hunt Jeff Jamerson Kerri Jamerson Amanda Knapp James Knight Jennie Matthews Maria Moreno Bridget Morton Marc Mullinax Clifford Phifer Anna-Sophie Poost Marla Reese Andrea Rose Christine Roser Dave Rozeboom Stephanie Shelton Laura Steil Susan Stigall Caleb Strother Brendan Storrier Lisa Wachtman Kevin West Tammy Woody