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Campaign Update

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In Memoriam

In Memoriam

The Together We Rise campaign, with its initial goal of $20 million to build a new centrally-located MHU Campus Center, has surpassed that goal. The ongoing support of alumni, parents, and friends has made it possible to keep moving forward with the dream of a modern student center, designed to have intentional crossroads with students, faculty, administration, and staff.

“At this time, we are continuing to raise money and look at creative revenue streams internally that will allow us to meet additional costs associated with the project,” said Vice President for Advancement Bud Christman. “The project cost has risen, like many other building projects in the area, due to inflation and supply chain challenges.”


To help with this, the Together We Rise Task Force, made up primarily of board of trustee members, is also looking at ways to manage the project for additional savings. All planning, Christman said, has been undertaken “with the full intent and hope that we will be breaking ground in 2023.”

Prior to the groundbreaking for the campus center itself, the the university will undertake the beginning phases of the project: a new university gateway and a renovated sunken garden which will hold the Founders Memorial.

Together We Rise Campaign Steering Committee:

Board of Trustees

Wayne Higgins ’75 (chair)

Mark Cabaniss ’82

Julian Cuthbertson ’08

Carolyn Ferguson

A.C. Honeycutt ’75

Mike Kelly ’82

Eric Mann ’81

Cheryl Pappas ’70

Paul Powell ’79

Magay Shepard ’84

Brent Townsend ’02

Charlie Trammell ’59

Jim Wilson ’67

Board of Advisors

Charles Pond ’67

Alumni Board

Kellye Ratcliff ’86

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