5 minute read
Dr. James Helvey
by Teresa Buckner, Director of Publications
Doris Helvey’s first introduction to the man who him, “They are known for producing excellent would become her husband was through poetry and ministers.” letters that he wrote to another girl. So, he set out with his parents to Mars Hill College, “That’s when I first started falling in love with him,” sight unseen. He moved into Rivermont Dorm, an she said recently. At the time, she told her friend— older building on the campus. His daily schedule the recipient of the verses—that she would have to would include hauling coal for the pot-bellied stove make her own decision about the affections of Jim in his room, and going to the basement to take a Helvey, but “I can tell you that this is a jewel of a shower. Despite his initial misgivings, Jim would man.” later tell Doris that he felt a sense of belonging at Down the road of life, the Mars Hill. He came to love the college, its students unimpressed girlfriend chose and professors, and even his another man, and Jim and dorm, where he chose to live Doris Helvey (MHC classes of again the following year. ’48 and ’50, respectively) chose Helvey graduated from Mars each other. They were married Hill College (then a twofor 68 years, had three children year institution) in 1948 and together, buried one of those completed his bachelor’s degree children, and built a life around at William Jewell College in service to education and to the Liberty, Missouri, in 1950. He church. And when, in April of this then went to Southern Baptist year, Dr. Helvey passed away, Theological Seminary where he Doris affirmed that he was, and Doris and Jim Helvey in 2009 earned a bachelor’s degree in had always been, “a jewel of a divinity in 1953 and a master’s man.” degree in theology in 1960. He According to Bud Christman, Vice President for later earned M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in English from Advancement at MHU, Dr. Helvey was not just a the University of N.C. at Greensboro. Doris Helvey priceless jewel to his family, but he was also a graduated from MHC in 1950, and obtained both priceless friend to Mars Hill University. bachelor’s and master’s degrees before pursuing her “Jim Helvey was one of the most approachable life’s work as a high school English teacher. people I have ever met,” Christman said. “His Dr. Helvey served as a Baptist pastor of churches character and actions were informed by a dynamic in Kentucky and North Carolina for 15 years, and faith, one which held strong to eternal truths yet later as an interim pastor in the Church of Christ. remained forever open and growing. He always He also served for over a decade as a professor of struck me as one of those ‘life-long learners’ whose English and religion and chairman of the fine arts inquisitive nature pursued expanding knowledge in department at Davidson County Community College subjects ranging from poetry to space to history.” in Lexington, N.C. Jim Helvey grew up in a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri, Throughout his life, the poetry that first drew the and when he announced a calling to be a minister, heart of his wife was a constant in Jim Helvey’s life. his pastor recommended a small, little-known He wrote mountains of verse, and published three college in the mountains of North Carolina, telling books of poetry.
MHU Legacies
“Many things were important to Jim,” Doris Helvey said. “He loved words; he loved books; he loved travel; he loved education. His mind was just a miracle.” The Helveys’ love for education prompted them to give back to the alma mater they loved. They have continually remembered Mars Hill and its “Big things come in small packages” certainly characterizes the life of James Pittman. students in their charitable giving , including the establishment of the James and Hazel Helvey Memorial Scholarship (in memory of Jim’s parents), and a gift from Dr. Helvey’s estate. They have also given of their leadership, serving the institution as trustees: he served from 2000–2003 and she served from 2006–2009. Following their service as active trustees, they were both named honorary trustees.
Rev. James Pittman
by Bud Christman, V.P. for Advancement
So in addition to being learned, spiritual, and entrepreneurial, he was also a visionary. Born in the tiny hamlet of Scotland Neck, North The Pittmans’ financial investment in Mars Hill Carolina (population 1,802), in rural Halifax County, University has not been limited to a new dining James Pittman evolved into a “Renaissance hall, of course. They have also provided support Man” who, upon his death on April 7, 2020, was for initiatives ranging from the Mars Hill Fund to considered one of the most prominent voices in the residence hall renovations to the establishment history of Mars Hill University. of endowed scholarships. In recognition of the He was a learned man, with degrees from Mars Pittmans’ generosity toward statewide nonprofit Hill College (1951), Wake Forest University, East organizations, they were recognized in 1994 as Carolina and Southeastern Seminary. He was also Philanthropists of the Year among North Carolina a spiritual man, an ordained Baptists. They received a similar recognition from Baptist minister, who served Mars Hill in 2003. churches in countless ways for Just two months prior to over 60 years. And he was an James’ death, Vice President for entrepreneur, with an innate Advancement Bud Christman sense of business intuition that visited with him and recorded served him well in ventures from an audio message that was used farm supply sales to real estate during the annual Day4MHU development to motel and rental event in March. Even at age 95, property management. Mr. Pittman’s mind was clear and When Rev. Pittman and his wife his passion for Mars Hill was as of 44 years, Ganell, offered a $1 million challenge gift in 1989 James and Ganell Pittman strong as ever. He said, “What Mars Hill means to me and my for the purpose of constructing family is something that no other a new cafeteria at MHU, it marked at the time the institution or business has been able to supply. largest capital gift ever given to Mars Hill. The gift Mars Hill comes first. It is just my way to pay back also served to ignite giving from college board what they have done for me. I thank the Lord for members, alumni, and friends of the school. Upon sending me that way.” completion of the 32,000 square foot Pittman While most of us certainly do not have James Dining Hall, MHC President Fred Bentley noted Pittman’s financial wherewithal, his lifelong that, “This trustee [Pittman] has had the future enthusiasm for his alma mater is truly a model of of Mars Hill College on his mind for some time.” inspiration.