8 minute read
1 - 8 April
Trees in Art Exhibition, 10.00am-4pm, Celebrating the Queen’s 70th Jubilee with tree paintings, inspired by The Sidmouth Arboretum, Kennaway House, 01395 515551, www.kennawayhouse. org.uk.
1 - 20 April
Peter Kuhfeld The Jerram Gallery, Half Moon Street, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3LN www.jerramgallery.com.
1 - 30 April
Unique Framecraft welcomes Didi as guest artist for April. Didi will be exhibiting her acrylic artworks inspired by sea and land , mainly seascapes, some moody, calm and sunny usually of local coasts , Lyme Regis , Charmouth and West Bay etc . Large expressive works on board and a range of smaller pieces too, dogs , foxes and other animals are on show as originals, prints and as greetings cards. Viewing daily from 8.30 - 4pm at Unique Framecraft, Unit’s 4 - 5 Millwey Rise Workshops, Second Avenue, Axminster. EX13 5HH Telephone 01297 631614 or 07801 260259. Instagram @uniqueframecraft. Kit Glaisyer: Cinematic Landscape Paintings an evolving exhibition of West Country landscapes with a range of works on show in gallery and studio. Open Weds & Sat 11-3pm or by appointment. Bridport Contemporary Gallery, 11 Downes Street, Bridport, Dorset DT6 3JR. 07983 465789 www. bridportcontemporary.com @bridportcontemporary
Until 2 April
Lisa Hammond: Future Perfect Inviting a dialogue between mentor and apprentice, the exhibition presents works by potter Lisa Hammond MBE and three of her former students. Featuring Lisa Hammond MBE, Florian Gadsby, Darren Ellis & Francis LloydJones. Wed – Sat, 10 am – 1 pm & 2 – 4 pm. Make Hauser & Wirth Somerset, Stockwell House, 13 High Street, Bruton, BA10 0AB. 2 - 24 April
‘11+’ Sou’-Sou’-West Arts Gallery, Symondsbury Estate, Bridport DT6 6HG. Open daily 10:30-4:30. Free admission & parking. Contact 01308 301326 www.sousouwest.co.uk. Visit an innovative ‘galleries within a gallery’ show: a platform for discovery. Sou’-Sou’West brings together a selected collection of artists and makers, each of whom will have their own individually curated exhibition space within the gallery to showcase their work.
4 - 24 April
‘The Light of Dorset’: Irina Song Sou’-Sou’-West Arts Gallery, Symondsbury Estate, Bridport DT6 6HG. Open daily 10:30-4:30. Free admission & parking. Contact 01308 301326 www.sousouwest. co.uk. Bright and vibrant original oil paintings, inspired by rural, wild, and coastal Dorset scenery. Irina says “The beautiful Dorset landscapes never fail to inspire me with their compelling diversity and bursts of life. Dorset has found a place in my heart that reached the tip of my paintbrush. Wherever I go, my easel and oil paints tail behind me. Whether that’s up a soaring Dorset hill or on a bustling street, I am immensely captivated by the multifaceted life as it reveals its mysteries around me”.
Until 8 April
Wildlife Photographer of the Year The world-renowned exhibition, on loan from the Natural History Museum in London, is open at Seaton Tramway. 10am - 4pm. Seaton Station, EX12 2WD. Visitor Enquiries: 01297 20375. John Hammond - Master of Light. 10am – 5.30pm. From the coastal landscapes of South West England, to a vibrant French café, or to the dappled reflections bouncing off Venice’s waterways, John is a true master of his subject. His painting methods have been the subject of several books and even a film. Marine House at Beer, Fore Street, Beer Nr Seaton, Devon, EX 12 3EF. 01297 625257, info@marinehouseatbeer.co.uk, www.marinehouseatbeer.co.uk.
14 - 19 April
Out of the Dark 14 multi media artists respond to a theme. Wessex Contemporary Arts10.30 - 4.30 daily, 2 West Walks, Dorchester DT1 1RE.
14 - 24 April
Out of The Dark From post-modern realism to total abstraction 14 members of Wessex Contemporary Art (Wesca) respond to a theme using a wide and sometimes surprising range of materials. This will be a stimulating exhibition showing in a Georgian townhouse which overlooks the Borough Gardens in Dorchester. Open over Easter from Thursday14th April –Sunday 24th April 10.30 -4.30pm Closed on Wednesday April 20th. Wessex Contemporary Art, @2 West Walks, Dorchester DT1 1RE for this show only. Contact telephone number is 01305 260215. Art Exhibition at the Jurassic Coast Studio by Ruta Crafter and Mandy Selhurst. Ruta’s oil and acrylic paintings are bold, expressive, colourful and free, on wooden boards and canvasses. Her subjects include landscapes, flowers, gardens and abstract compositions. Mandy says “landscape has been a much loved part of my life”. She has exhibited at galleries in London, the Cotswolds, Dorset and abroad. She aims for a loose, free, semi abstract interpretation to her work, but which is easy enough to recognise the subject. Much of her work is done with a palette knife. Open: Daily 10am – 5pm. The Durbeyfield, West Bay Road, West Bay, Bridport DT6 4EL info@thedurbeyfield.co.uk Tel 07973769432 or mandyselhurst.art Tel 01308 867641.
21 - 24 April
Out of the Dark 14 multi media artists respond to a theme. Wessex Contemporary Arts10.30 - 4.30 daily, 2 West Walks, Dorchester DT1 1RE.
Until 24 April
Every Breath We Take: paintings by Christine Allison. In this exhibition, Lyme Regis-based artist Christine Allison celebrates trees, the planet’s most important and too often undervalued resource. Rotunda Gallery, Lyme Regis Museum, Bridge Street, Lyme Regis DT7 3QA, Tues-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 10am-4pm, www. lymeregismuseum.co.uk.
Live or Online send your gallery details to info@marshwoodvale.com BY APRIL 13TH .

25 April - 8 May Until 29 April
‘Enclosure Acts’: Sarah Jane Ross Sou’-Sou’-West Arts Gallery, Symondsbury Estate, Bridport DT6 6HG. Open daily 10:304:30. Free admission & parking. Contact 01308 301326 www. sousouwest.co.uk. Sarah Jane Ross explores access to green spaces and the carving up of our landscape.
26 April - 12 June
Waterline 2022 Contemporary abstract photographs by Lois Wakeman and Tricia Scott of weathered and textured boat hulls. Rotunda Gallery, Lyme Regis Museum, Bridge Street, Lyme Regis DT7 3QA, Tues-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 10am-4pm, www. lymeregismuseum.co.uk. Body Beautiful: Diversity on the Catwalk examines how today’s fashion industry is challenging perceptions and championing alternative ideals of beauty on the catwalk, in advertising, editorial and behind the camera. The first exhibition of its kind in the world, it looks at how fashion creatives are embracing inclusivity and body positivity by exploring five key themes: size; gender; age; race and disability. Visitors will learn how the industry is calling into question existing practice, and why it must address diversity from the inside out to reappraise contemporary ideals of beauty. A National Museums Scotland exhibition. The Gallery, Arts University Bournemouth.
Until 2 May
Until 8 May
Cliffland Vanessa Gardiner A solo show of recent paintings and drawings. All Vanessa’s paintings are presented beautifully framed with white box frames. She works in acrylic on board or plywood. Furniture by Petter Southall. Sladers Yard Gallery and Café Sladers, West Bay Road, West Bay, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4EL +44 (0)1308 459511. Ida Applebroog. Right Up To Now. Over the past six decades Ida Applebroog has navigated an in-depth inquiry into the polemics of human relations, dissecting and reassembling the world around her spanning diverse mediums and modes of display. Now in her 90s, this comprehensive survey speaks to her radical introspection as a woman and an artist, presenting life as it is and the repetitive patterns of our existence. Tue – Sun, 10 am – 4 pm. Hauser & Wirth Somerset, Durslade Farm, Dropping Lane, Bruton, Somerset BA10 0NL
Until 14 May
Nick Goss, Mud Angels Imagined floods and submerged landscapes form the catalyst for Goss’ new series of paintings and works on paper, which encapsulate the impermanence of our surroundings. Curated by Melissa Blanchflower (Serpentine.)Open Wednesday – Saturday, 10-5. Thelma Hulbert Gallery, Dowell Street, Honiton EX14 1LX, 01404 45006 www.thelmahulbert.com
Until 16 June
Mixed Spring Exhibition of Gallery and Guest Artists. Returning to normality we hope with an exhibition featuring all our gallery artists including sculptors Johannes von Stumm and Sarah Moore, ceramicist Alison Wear and many paintings and prints from Phillippa Headley, Kim Pragnell, Colin Moore, Ruth Ander, to name but a few. Visitors also welcome outside normal hours by prior appointment. Tincleton Gallery, The Old School House, Tincleton, nr Dorchester, DT2 8QR. Opening / performance times: Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon from 10:00 – 16:00. Tel. 01305 848 909. www.tincletongallery.com
Until 18 June
Spring Exhibition Gallery and guest artists The Old School House, Tincleton, Nr Dorchester DT2 8QR www.tincletongallery.com.

Until 25 June
In Xanadu: Coleridge and the West Country.
An exhibition in partnership with the British Library to showcase the earliest manuscript of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s extraordinary poem Kubla Khan. The exhibition celebrates the manuscript’s return to the county where it was written. It will tell the story of Coleridge’s time spent living in and near the Quantock Hills, his relationship with William and Dorothy Wordsworth, and the legacy of his writing. 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Tue – Sat (some Sunday opening) The Museum of Somerset, Taunton Castle, Castle Green, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4AA Museumofsomerset.org.uk See website for booking information
Until 26 June
Ray Balkwill’s The River’s Voice is a celebratory exhibition of painting the Exe Estuary for over four decades. Ray Balkwill was born in Exeter and graduated from Exeter College of Art in the late 60s. He returned to Exeter in the late 70s to work in advertising giving up his job as an Art Director to paint professionally in 1990. Since then he has lived and worked in Exmouth for over forty years, mainly capturing the many moods of the river. The exhibition will also feature some of his Mixed Media Assemblages from material washed up on its foreshore. The Cafe at RAMM, Queen Street, Exeter, EX4 3RX. Open Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 5pm. Closed Mondays and Bank Holidays. Admission free and all work is for sale. rammuseum.org.uk. raybalkwill.co.uk.
Until 31 October
Exhibition Buried in Time at West Bay Discovery Centre. We are marking the 20th anniversary of the designation of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site by looking at the geology of the stretch of coast between Eype and Burton Bradstock, its fossils and the human element of those who study and collect them. Open daily 11 am - 4 pm excluding Mondays. Admission free, donations welcomed. There will be various walks, talks and events associated with this exhibition during this period. Further details. http://www.westbaydiscoverycentre.org.uk/