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Event News and Courses
1 January
East Devon Ramblers 4.5 mile leisurely walk. Sidmouth Phone 01395-513974. 2 January
Singing Bowl Soundbath 2pm-4pm. Oborne Village Hall, Oborne, nr. Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4L. £15 Please book in advance 01935 389655 or email ahiahel@live.com ffi www.centreforpuresound.org. 3 January
Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Evening of Scottish Dancing at Chardstock Village Hall. 7.30-10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided and no partner required. Contact David on 01460 65981. Cost £1.50 www. chardscottishdancing.org. 4 January
Scottish Country Dancing every Tuesday at Ashill Village hall TA19 9LX from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Learn the steps, formations and dances, have fun and keep fit. Hot drinks at the interval. For more information please contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail. com or just come along and bring a friend. See you soon. Beaminster Museum hosts its 4th Winter Talk at 2.30pm. Brian Earl, Curator, talks about “Mr Hearne’s long walk.” Samuel Hearne, educated in Beaminster, eventually joins the Hudson Bay Company and finds himself on a mission to locate lucrative new business opportunities for his employers deep inside the Arctic Circle. Hear about the harsh conditions, and unpredictable travelling companions. Entry £3. 5 January
East Devon Ramblers 8 mile Moderate walk. Castle Drogo. Phone 07874-330097. 6 January
Celebrate Twelfth Night with Bridport Broadside male sea shanty singers at Bridport Town Hall 7.30pm. In aid of Bridport Millennium Green £8, members £7. Wine/nibbles, raffle. Details Sandra Brown 01308 423078. Leave no Trace (2018, US, 12, 106 mins, Director Debra Granik) 7:30 pm. Clapton & Wayford Village Hall (TA18 8PS). Membership £22, guests £4 per film. Contact mickpwilson53@btinternet.com or ring Mick Wilson on 01460 74849 or Di Crawley on 01460 30508. Prices as they were in 2019. Sensible COVID-19 precautions are in place. 7 January
Flying Folk with ‘Stompin’ Dave Allen & ‘Slammer’ Durrant, and The Farey Family Ilminster Arts Centre TA19 0AN £10. Starts 8pm. Doors open 7pm, with bar. 01460 54973 - musicbookingsIAC@gmail.com www.ilminsterartscentre.com. 8 January
Film night at South Perrott Village Hall. 7pm “The Slow and Dirty” A documentary about the Somerset & Dorset Railway followed by “A History of Farming in Dorset and Somerset” Tickets £6.00 to include refreshments. Cash Bar Bookings: Mike Gardner 01935 891669. Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 7.5 mile walk from Ringstead. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. Photograper Pauline Rook will be at the Somerset Rural Life Museum for a Meet the Artist event when she will be available to discuss her work and the exhibition The Blackdown Hills: A Photographic Portrait. On 12 February Pauline will be giving an illustrated talk as part of the museum’s Talk and Tea series. Somerset Rural Life Museum, Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 8DB. 01458 831197. For more information and to book your visit go to srlm. org.uk. 9 January
East Devon Ramblers 8 mile moderate walk. Charmouth. Phone 01404-45944. 10 January
Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Evening of Scottish Dancing at Chardstock Village Hall . 7.30-10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided and no partner required. Contact David on 01460 65981. Cost £1.50 www. chardscottishdancing.org. Crewkerne Gardening Club welcomes you to a new gardening year, with a talk on “ The Vineyard” by Susanna Applegate. This will be held in the Henhayes Centre at 7.30pm with refreshments. Membership £15 per annum. Contact- Rosemary Prince 01460 74290. Bridport folk Dance Club Like music and dancing, gentle exercise, socialising and maybe learning something new, then come along to our dance sessions in the W.I Hall on Monday evenings from 7.15 to 9.30pm. All welcome, especially beginners. Tel: 458165 or 459001 for more information. Hawkchurch Film Nights, in association with Devon Moviola, proudly presents ‘The Courier’ (Cert.12, 112 mins). 6.30pm (doors 6.00pm) at Hawkchurch Village Hall, EX13 5XD. Reservations £5 from csma95@gmail.com or 01297 678176, or pay at the door. Refreshments available. Talk: ‘Exploring Winter’ A New Exploration on Painting, Photography, Poetry & Prose. From Scott of the Antarctic and Shackleton’s photographers, to artist responses to the season and poetry & prose. Face to face with masks and ventilation. 2pm: Venue: Bridport, United Church Hall, Fee £11. Pam Simpson, MA, Associate Lecturer, London College of Fashion. To book please email: chris. pamsimpson@btinternet.com (This lecture would move on line, if covid prevents face to face lectures). Dorchester TG. Late Flowering Lyricist. Miranda Pender, guitarist and singer. 2 p.m. Visitors £2.50. Dorchester Community Church, Liscombe Street, Poundbury. 01305 832857. 11 January
Scottish Country Dancing every Tuesday at Ashill Village hall TA19 9LX from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Learn the steps , formations and dances, have fun and keep fit. Hot drinks at the interval. For more information please contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail. com or just come along and bring a friend. See you soon. 13 January
Seaton Garden Club will hold their monthly meeting in the Masonic Hall Queen Street, Seaton at 14.30. Speaker will be Harry Barton of Devon Wildlife Trust entitled - “How Nature Rejuvenates”. Visitors welcome, cost £2 with refreshments. Art History - A Renaissance art history course on Thursday evenings, at 6.30pm, online on Zoom for 6 wks, fee £55. Course is led by Pam Simpson MA, Associate Lecturer, London College of Fashion.
To book please email: chris.pamsimpson@btinternet.com Lyme Voices Community Choir. 19.30 to 21.15. Sing for fun. Learn tunes by ear. Everyone welcome. Baptist Church (pine hall round the back), Silver St., Lyme Regis, DT7 3NY. Phone 01297 445078 or email petelinnett2@hotmail.com. Please let us know if you are coming. 14 January
East Devon Branch, Devonshire Association; The Kingdom of Dumnonia c. AD400 - 700; Derek Gore, University of Exeter, will shed some light on the fascinating and mysterious story of what happened in the South West after the Romans left; 2.30pm, Manor Pavilion Theatre Sidmouth EX10 8RP; contact Brian Ludford 01395 513232 or edevon.sec@devonassoc.org.uk. The Courier doors at 7pm, film starts at 7.30pm at Holyrood Academy Upper Site. Plenty of well-lit, free parking. Tickets for £5 and £2.50 from Eleos, the PO and Barron’s or online at ticketsource/ cinechard; or on the door for £6 and £3. This is a true community cinema and we look forward to welcoming you back to our new venue. East Devon Ramblers Friday 5 mile leisurely walk. Seaton. Phone 07710-160903. Talk on line via Zoom: ‘Exploring Winter’, A New Exploration on Painting, Photography, Poetry & Prose. From Scott of the Antarctic and Shackleton’s photographers, and artist responses to the season and poetry & prose. 2pm: Fee £11. Pam Simpson, MA, Associate Lecturer, London College of Fashion. To book please email: chris. pamsimpson@btinternet.com. East Devon Branch, Devonshire Association; The Kingdom of Dumnonia c. AD400 - 700; Derek Gore, University of Exeter, will shed some light on the fascinating and mysterious story of what happened in the South West after the Romans left; 2.30pm, Manor Pavilion Theatre Sidmouth EX10 8RP; contact Brian Ludford 01395 513232 or edevon.sec@devonassoc.org.uk. Mike Denham & his Sunset Cafe Stompers - vintage jazz Ilminster Arts Centre TA19 0AN £20. Starts at 8pm. Doors open 7pm, with bar. 01460 54973 - musicbookingsIAC@gmail.com www. ilminsterartscentre.com. 15 January
CUPID is a mutual support group for ostomists, i.e. anyone with a stoma (colostomy, urostomy, ileostomy) or pouch. Meeting will be held between 10:00 and 12 noon at the Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester DT1 1RR. Parking is available opposite at the Top of Town car park. Mr Talwar, a surgeon from Dorset County Hospital, will be giving a talk about advances in techniques and giving general information on this type of surgery. The specialist clothing company CUI will be represented by Kayte Hiscock. Join a friendly and informal gathering where you are welcome to refreshments and maybe chat to others, not necessarily always about stomas. Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 8 mile walk from Buckham Down. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. 16 January
East Devon Ramblers 8 mile leisurely walk Uplyme. Phone 01297443836. Crewkerne: All Saints Church, Merriott. Sunday 16th January at 3pm, Allington Strings and Jonathan Delbridge play Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Rachmaninov and others. Tickets £10/under 18s free. info: allingtonstrings.yolasite.com.
Live or Online send your event details to info@marshwoodvale.com BY JANUARY 17TH .
17 January
Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Evening of Scottish Dancing at Chardstock Village Hall. 7.30-10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided and no partner required. Contact David on 01460 65981. Cost £1.50 www.chardscottishdancing.org. Talk: ‘Bridgerton & the Regency Period in Art, Dress, Taste, Architecture & Interiors. Fee £11. Face to face with masks and ventilation. Venue: Bridport, United Church Hall, 2pm: Fee £11. Pam Simpson, MA, Associate Lecturer, London College of Fashion. To book please email: chris.pamsimpson@btinternet.com (This lecture would move on line, if covid prevents face to face lectures). 17 - 22 January
The Swan Theatre Yeovil will present ‘Di and Viv and Rose By Amelia Bullmore. 7.45. Tickets are £12 from www.swan-theatre.co.uk. 18 January
The Lyme Regis Society present A Talk: Combe Lane (Part 2). by Audrey Standhaft. To be held on Tuesday 18th January 2021 at 2pm Woodmead Halls, Hill Road, Lyme Regis. DT7 3PG All Welcome. Members Free. Visitors £3.00. Check website for further information: https://www.lymeregissociety.org.uk. Scottish Country Dancing every Tuesday at Ashill Village hall TA19 9LX from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Learn the steps, formations and dances, have fun and keep fit. Hot drinks at the interval. For more information please contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail. com or just come along and bring a friend. See you soon. Beaminster Museum hosts a talk about “A History of Corscombe” by Freda Henessy at 2.30pm. A series of snapshots of a large rural parish in West Dorset. Corscombe has been part of no political or military upheavals. It’s history gives a benign and illuminating picture of a self-contained rural parish from Saxon times to the 21st century. Entry £3. 19 January
East Devon Ramblers 8 mile moderate walk Bickleigh Mill. Phone 01884-32039. Colyton & District Garden Society Talk ‘Tall Tales – trees for your garden’ by Jenny Short, garden designer. Colyford Memorial Hall, 7.30pm start – please come in good time to pay your 2022 subscription - £10 for the year. £3 for guests. Information: Sue Price – 01297 552362. Community Coffee Morning, including croissants & bacon rolls,
‘The Development of a Dorset Garden’ Paul Atterbury returns to the club to give this talk 7.30 W I Hall North Street Bridport Please bring proof of vaccination. www.bridportgardeningclub.co.uk Lyme Voices Community Choir. 19.30 to 21.15. Sing for fun. Learn tunes by ear. Everyone welcome. Baptist Church (pine hall round the back), Silver St., Lyme Regis, DT7 3NY. Phone 01297 445078 or email petelinnett2@hotmail.com. Please let us know if you are coming. Arts Society West Dorset: Ambitious Architecture: Rethinking the Meanings of Blenheim Palace. Speaker: Dr James Legard 2.30pm Bridport Town Hall. Visitors welcome-£7.50. 21 January
East Devon Ramblers 5 mile leisurely walk Exeter. Phone 01392439122. Ensemble Burletta Quintet Baroque and other superb music from a wonderful clarinet and string quintet Ilminster Arts Centre TA19 0AN £20. Starts 8pm. Doors open 7pm, with bar. 01460 54973 - musicbookingsIAC@gmail.com www.ilminsterartscentre.com. Talk on line via Zoom: ‘Bridgerton & the Regency Period in Art, Dress, Taste, Architecture & Interiors. Fee £11. Face to face with masks and ventilation. Venue: Bridport, United Church Hall, 2pm, Fee £11. Pam Simpson, MA, Associate Lecturer, London College of Fashion. To book please email: chris.pamsimpson@btinternet.com. 22 January
Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 6.5 mile walk from Abbotsbury Swannery. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. 23 January
East Devon Ramblers 6 mile leisurely walk Sidmouth. Phone 01395513974. 24 January
Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Evening of Scottish Dancing at Chardstock Village Hall 7.30-10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided and no partner required. Contact David on 01460 65981. Cost £1.50 www.chardscottishdancing.org. Talk: ‘Grayson Perry, Potter & Artist and so much more!’. Fee £11 Face to face with masks and ventilation. Venue: Bridport, United Church Hall, 2pm, Fee £11. Pam Simpson, MA, Associate Lecturer, London College of Fashion. To book please email: chris. pamsimpson@btinternet.com (This lecture would move on line, if covid prevents face to face lectures). 25 January
Scottish Country Dancing every Tuesday at Ashill Village hall TA19 9LX from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Learn the steps , formations and dances, have fun and keep fit. Hot drinks at the interval. For more information please contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail. com or just come along and bring a friend. See you soon. Bridport & District u3a presents a talk by David Ramsden MBE entitled ‘Climate and Ecological Crisis? What’s all the fuss about?’ in the Bridport United Church Hall at 2pm, followed by refreshments. Covid safety measures will be in place. Visit www.bridportu3a.org.uk or email info@bridportu3a.org.ok for further details. 26 January
East Devon Ramblers 10 miles moderate walk Colyton. Phone 01395-516897. 27 January
Lyme Voices Community Choir 19.30 to 21.15. Sing for fun. Learn tunes by ear. Everyone welcome. Baptist Church (pine hall round the back), Silver St., Lyme Regis, DT7 3NY. Phone 01297 445078 or email petelinnett2@hotmail.com. Please let us know if you are coming. Lawrence: After Arabia at 7.30pm. Village Hall, The Causeway, Milborne St Andrew DT11 0JX. Doors and bar open 7.00 Tickets £10, which includes a drink or an ice-cream. The screening will be introduced by the Director and will be followed by a Q&A. East Devon Ramblers 4 mile leisurely walk Uplyme. Phone 07740427812 Roger Beaujolais, Robert Fowler, Jamie Brownsfield, with the Craig Milverton Trio - modern and mainstream jazz Ilminster Arts Centre TA19 0AN £20. Starts 8pm. Doors open 7pm, with bar. 01460 54973 - musicbookingsIAC@gmail.com www.ilminsterartscentre.com Talk on line: Grayson Perry, Potter & Artist and so much more!’. Fee £11, On line via Zoom. 2pm, Pam Simpson, MA, Associate Lecturer, London College of Fashion. To book please email: chris. pamsimpson@btinternet.com (This lecture would move on line, if covid prevents face to face lectures). 29 January
Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 7 mile walk from Bothenhampton. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. 30 January
Singing Bowl Soundbath 2pm-4pm. Oborne Village Hall, Oborne, nr. Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4L £15 Please book in advance 01935 389655 or email ahiahel@live.com ffi centreforpuresound.org East Devon Ramblers 7.5 mile leisurely walk Colaton Raleigh. Phone 07772-069940 Bridport: John Colfox Academy. Sunday 30th January at 3pm, Allington Strings and Jonathan Delbridge play Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Rachmaninov and others. Tickets £10/under 18s free. info: allingtonstrings.yolasite.com 31 January
Talk by Paul Atterbury local writer, broadcaster and historian and of BBC Antiques Road Show fame – “The Perfect Partnership – Edwin Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll”. United Church Hall, East Street, Bridport at 2.30 pm. Golden Cap Association. Entry members- £2, non-members - £5. More information 01308 459855. Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Evening of Scottish Dancing at Chardstock Village Hall 7.30-10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided and no partner required. Contact David on 01460 65981 Cost £1.50 www.chardscottishdancing.org