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Social Capitalism - an economy to benefit the people
For more information contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com. ‘Bridport & District U3A present a talk by Kevin Patience entitled ‘Send a Gunboat’ Bridport United Reform Church Hall in East Street. 2pm free to members £2 charge for non-members. Please see the Bridport U3A website for further information bridportu3a.org.uk’ 29 June
Summer concert at 7-30p.m. by West Dorset Community Orchestra and Local Vocals Community Choir in St.John’s Church,West Bay. Free admission with retiring collection. Refreshments and raffle. More details 01308 456297. Upholstery class at Dalwood village Hall - 9.30am – 3.30pm, coffee & tea included, bring own lunch, not for profit class, Tutor Laura Anderson - booking 07789 514269 or 07748 9821345 Bridport Scottish Dancers will be meeting at 7.30 for an evening of social dancing led by Elizabeth Beckinsale of the Somerset RSCDS. Church House, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NN. All welcome, no partner required but please wear soft shoes. First evening free, thereafter £2.00 which includes tea/coffee & squash. Contact Malcolm on 07790 323343 or email johnstonealison@ hotmail.com for more information. 30 June
West Dorset Ramblers Moderate 7.5 mile Symondsbury Walk. Contact 07891 087195.