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Screen Time By Nic Jeune
Screen Time with Nic Jeune
Top Six at the Flix
Bridport Arts Centre
Bait (2019) “It’s a genuine modern masterpiece, which establishes Jenkin as one of the most arresting and intriguing British filmmakers of his generation.” The Observer. Mark Kermode.
Bait is the main feature of an exciting line up of work by local and regional filmmakers. This is a fundraising event on the evening of November 1st, for a youth filmmaking initiative at BAC.
Electric Palace Bridport.
Mrs Harris goes to Paris (2022) “Not to gush or go too far overboard, but the warmth of a movie like “Mrs. Harris” is downright restorative in the viewing, two escapist hours that remind us that everyone is entitled to courtesy, a fair shake and a little beauty and luxury, and most of all, the hope that life can get better.” Movie Nation. Roger Moore.
Odeon Dorchester
Halloween Ends (2022) 42 years ago, film director John Carpenter launched this franchise starring Jamie Lee Curtis. Jamie Lee Curtis stars once again in this seasonal horror movie.
BBC iPlayer
The Girl With a Bracelet. “The Girl with a Bracelet is a clever, relevant film which makes you question the way society expects young women to behave.” NME. Nick Levine.
Amazon Prime
Brian and Charles (2022) “It’s all of a piece, and just as charming and engrossing as a silly mockumentary about a robot maturing from boot-up to rebellious teens can be.” Movie Nation. Roger Moore.
Blonde (2022) “A towering work full of contradictions, designed to elicit the kind of extreme reactions that it’s been gathering, and will continue to do so for years to come.” Proximo Tande. Mario Alegre.

Prepare to be chilled to the bone … gothic horror from Gonzo Moose
The tour ends at the Drum studio at Plymouth Theatre Royal with a three-week Christmas run from 6th to 24th December.
This dark and hilarious tale is set in a castle looming dark and foreboding over a small mountain village. Inside, Dr Chekhov, the brilliant and reclusive scientist, works in secret. As the villagers prepare for Christmas, they become increasingly alarmed. Strange shadows can be seen at the castle windows, and every night blood curdling cries of pain can be heard. What is Dr Chekhov doing? What hideous experiments is he perpetrating? What unimaginable horror might emerge from his laboratory? And will it spoil Christmas?
Artsreach dates for Serbian Star
BLANDFORD AND CHETNOLE BRANKO Ristic, Serbia’s leading Roma violinist, returns to Dorset for two Artsreach dates on 18th November at Blandford Corn Exchange and Saturday 19th at Chetnole village hall, with his accordionist partner Faith Ristic and their trio.
Faith i Branko perform boisterous, fiery, high-energy, original Roma-jazz influenced music. They have played multiple tours of Australia, New Zealand and Europe; their award-winning documentary, Faith and Branko, opened the 2021 Aljazeera Film Festival, and they have statues erected in Serbia in honour of their outstanding cultural contribution.
Combining tabor pipe, double bass and guitar with the accordion and violin, Faith i Branko take audiences on a journey from melancholy Roma violin laments to storming Kolos and explorations into jazz improvisation, swing, gypsy rumba and Turkish and Indian influenced songs.
Faith Ristic will lead a Balkan circle dance workshop at Blandford, an opportunity to learn the basic steps of the Kolo, the 7/8 dance, the Sasa and Rumba, all of which would be danced at traditional Balkan and Roma parties and celebrations.
A Musical Feast
YETMINSTER OPERA Holloway returns to Dorset for a one-off gala night with Artsreach at Yetminster’s St Andrew’s Church on Friday 18th November at 7.30pm. It is the first time the company has performed in Dorset since the pandemic forced the cancellation of a planned visit with Carmen in 2020.
Opera Holloway originally formed in 2009 with the aim of giving young artists the opportunity to perform at the early stages of their careers. The company has developed a strong reputation for introducing new audiences to opera by making productions widely accessible. Touring across England for more than 10 years, Opera Holloway is proud to take high quality opera outside the big cities, performing in venues as diverse as village halls, farmyard barns, pubs and churches.