Self-serve merchandising
Higher Profitability Lower Environmental Impact
Food Systems
Dispensing innovation...
Already popular in the US and Europe, this innovative merchandising system allows retailers to stock & sell goods without any wasteful packaging - improving shelf density, boosting margins & dramatically reducing packaging waste.
Whole Foods, California
Food Systems
Dispensing innovation...
Self-serve dispensers are highly suitable and specifically designed for a vast range of products that would typically be sold in a supermarket; pasta, rice, lentils, beans, spices, nuts, dried fruit, cereals, tea, coffee, flour, grains, confectionery, pet food and organic food are among the diverse range of free-flowing products that are suitable for our self-serve dispensers.
Whole Foods, Colorado
Food Systems
Dispensing innovation...
Research has shown that self-dispensed products outsell conventional packaged goods by 2 to 1, profit margins are typically 35-40% higher and according to WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme), retailers can save as much as ÂŁ136,000 per one million units of pre-packed products as a result of savings in packaging materials and distribution.
Market of Choice, Oregon
Food Systems
Dispensing innovation...
Self-serve dispensing also provides benefits for consumers, allowing for greater portion control and reduced food waste, whilst also encouraging experimentation with new ingredients.
Pick n Pay, South Africa
Food Systems
Dispensing innovation...
The gravity & scoop dispensers provide automatic ‘first in, first out’ stock rotation, reducing in-store handling, promoting product freshness and maintaining an attractive shelf appearance.
Wegmans, USA
Food Systems
Dispensing innovation...
All dispensers are made of clear Eastman Tritan™ copolyester which is BPA free, it has an impact strength 35 times greater than acrylic & provides UV protection against store lighting. Dishwasher safe and easy to clean, the dispensers also feature tight closing lids to maintain product freshness and have glare & adhesivefree product label holders.
Whole Foods, Chattanooga
Food Systems
Dispensing innovation...
For more information on the full range of bulk merchandising solutions available for Martek Food Systems, please visit
Kroger, Croatia
Food Systems
Contact us today... Martek Food Systems High Point Mill King Henry’s Drive New Addington Surrey CR0 0AE +44 (0)1689 808 600
Food Systems