Signs, Symbols, and Planet Earth

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Signs, Symbols, and Planet Earth

Martha Keltz

Studio Editions Art ~ Martha Keltz 1

Signs, Symbols, and Planet Earth

A Studio Editions Art Publication Martha Keltz © 2021 The cover image, and the illustration on page 5, is the Babylonian Marduk after the original in the British Museum.


Contents Marduk/Michael


Vidar with the Sigil of Michael


The Sigil of the Lamb


The Holy City, John Michell

10 ~ 11

The Tessaract, Rudolf Steiner

12 ~ 13

The Lamb at the Throne

14 ~ 15

The Seventh Seal

16 ~ 17

The Return of Vulcan

18 ~ 19

Planet Earth

20 ~ 25

Anak Krakatoa

26 ~ 27

The Seal of Saturn

28 ~ 29




“Marduk, Babylonian king of the gods, defeated Tiamat and the forces of chaos and brought order to the universe which the gods and humans work together to maintain. He is the god of healing, justice, compassion, regeneration, magic and fairness. He was known as the peacekeeper among the gods and was referred to, in this regard, as Shepherd of the Gods.” – from The Mesopotamian Pantheon, article by Joshua J. Mark, 2011. In the British Museum, Marduk is shown across from Tiamat, who is on the viewer’s left. Tiamat appears in the shape of a dragon, and Marduk is at war with her. In the ancient depiction he holds a weapon in each hand that has three prongs, top and bottom, for a total of twelve. Today, Archangel Michael (Marduk) continues to battle evil through the planetary forces. Michael’s constellation is Perseus and he sends down meteoric iron in the Perseid showers every August, giving strength to humanity in the work against error and evil. 4


Vidar with the Sigil of Michael

Vidar, Archangel of the Scandinavian North, has kept silent for a long time, but he will overcome the Fenris Wolf, false clairvoyance. “Those who are destined to point out from the signs of the times that which is to come, know that the new spiritual investigation will re-establish the power of Vidar, who will drive out all the remnants of the old chaotic clairvoyant power which might act in a confusing way, and who will arouse the new gradually evolving clairvoyance in the human breast.” ~ Rudolf Steiner Vidar (German Widar), active in ancient India, is now working closely with Michael. The forms that appear from his ears to the top of his head likely indicate his capacity for clairvoyant hearing.



The Sigil of the Lamb

The Sigil of the Lamb reveals the Sun at the top with three planetary spheres on each side, thus appearing as a star with seven points. The Eyes indicate the consciousness of the Sun and the planetary Gods. The colors and metals of each of the planetary domains were given by Rudolf Steiner in the Esoteric School.

Saturn ~ Green ~ Lead Sun ~ Orange ~ Gold Moon ~ Violet ~ Silver Mars ~ Red ~ Iron Mercury ~ Yellow ~ Quicksilver Jupiter ~ Blue ~ Tin



The Holy City

“This figure has recently been published in T.C. Stewart’s The City as an Image of Man as the Founding of an Indian Temple, from Manasava Shilpa Shastra. It provides the simplest approximate method of squaring the circle, for the points where the sides of the two vesicas intersect give the corners of a square whose perimeter is about equal to the circumference of the circle contained with the vesica’s width. “No doubt this beautiful construction of the Indian temple geometers was also used at Stonehenge and at every other centre where the myth of the Same and the Other was reproduced in the symbol of the circle squared.” ~ John Michell Below is the Glastonbury Tor.



The Fourth Dimension, The Tessaract Rudolf Steiner refers to the tesseract as a figure that reveals the fourth dimension. It was created in the form of a double cross by Charles Howard Hinton in 1883. “This eight-cube method is very ingenious.” In Figure 33 on page 45 of the book cited above, two cube groups have passed through the fourth dimension in three-dimensional space. “Unfolding a four-dimensional tesseract in three-dimensional space results in two groups of four cubes.” In the illustration, the two groups - in red and blue colors have been placed back together, and thus eight cubes are evident. “In the tesseract, the seventh and eighth cubes coincide.” This indicates the fourth dimension, the astral sphere. “Human beings are in the fourth dimension, otherwise they could not experience the third dimension.” ~ Rudolf Steiner 12


The Lamb at the Throne The Sigil of the Lamb also appears in this Studio Editions 2013 painting, titled The Lamb at the Throne. Such efforts in painting are like extended meditations that have the potential of remaining within the soul and spirit, of enabling strength for life’s further challenges, and beyond. They require hours of patient work and are not forgotten.



The Seventh Seal

This work reveals the influence of Rudolf Steiner’s seal of The Holy Grail, 1907, otherwise it could not possibly have been painted. The seal is reproduced in color in the book The Vidar Flame-Column, by Adrian Anderson, who offers this description: “The dove is rising up into the etheric chalice at the throat area: this is the Holy Grail, in its deepest sense.” The male larynx is the physical vessel of the Holy Grail. To this Alpha Omega effort of 2013 have been added renditions of the purity of water. Rudolf Steiner, in The Fourth Dimension, advises meditation on water to precede the work in sacred geometry.



The Return of Vulcan

Vulcan’s return, painted in 2014, may now be on the fiery horizon of our times. His reappearance can at least be hoped for, although in truth it is entirely the responsibility of humanity to clean up a polluted, mechanistic and gravely endangered earth and natural world – all for the sake of material gain, comfort and indulgence. In the painting, his helmet is shown - or imagined - to be a new kind of beneficial metal.



Planet Earth in Crises Art by Light, Color, Air & Water


Boat Wreck


Western Fires






Melting Snow and Ice


Anak Krakatoa

Krakatoa, on an island of three cones in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra, Indonesia, exploded unexpectedly and gigantically on August 27, 1883. 36,417 were killed, largely through tidal waves called tsunamis. Anak Krakatoa, Child of Krakatoa, first appeared in 1928, but at that time and in later eruptions it fell back into the water. When fully born in 1930, it rapidly gained ground and permanence, and by 1950 it measured 1,500 feet. Further eruptions followed. In December 2018, an eruption caused a large underwater collapse and a deadly tsunami, with subsequent activity in 2019. There was another eruption in April 2020. The artwork shown depicts the 2018 eruption, but it gradually emerged “out of color” and is not realistic.



The Seal of Saturn “Once upon a time in the course of creation the periphery was gathered together in order to build the human heart – originally the archetypal functions of rhythm were right out in the periphery of the cosmos. … These functions eventually became enclosed in the chest, the ‘house’ of the human being. From the Christ events on, they can again expand toward the periphery. The human being can grow again toward the cosmos, but now in such a fashion that the integrity of the self is maintained. All this was spoken into the movement of Saturn during the Three Years by the deeds of Christ.” ~ Willi Sucher




References 1.

Marduk, The Mesopotamian Pantheon, Joshua J. Mark,


Vidar, The Mission of Folk Souls, Rudolf Steiner Archive, Lecture 11, GA 121


The Vidar Flame-Column, Adrian Anderson, Threshold Publishing, 2017


In the Sign of Five, T.H. Meyer, Temple Lodge Publishing, 2014


Sigil of the Lamb, Colors & Metals of the Planets, The History and Content of the First Esoteric School, Steiner Books, 2010


The Holy City, City of Revelation, John Michell, Ballantine Books, 1972


The Tessaract, Rudolf Steiner, The Fourth Dimension, Anthroposophic Press, 2000


The Lamb at the Throne, with Sigil, Studio Editions, 2013


The Seventh Seal, Studio Editions, 2013

10. The Return of Vulcan, Studio Editions, 2014 11. The Serpent Bound, Studio Editions, 2013; The Earth in Crises Series, 2020 12. Anak Krakatoa, Krakatoa, The Day the World Exploded, Simon Winchester, Harper Perennial, 2003. Additional references: Wikipedia and YouTube 13. The Seal of Saturn, The Seat of the Soul, Yvan Rioux, Temple Lodge Publishing, 2015 14. Cosmic Christianity and The Changing Countenance of Cosmology, Willi Sucher, Anthroposophic Press and Astrosophy Research Center, 1970 - 1993


Signs, Symbols, and Planet Earth

A Studio Editions Publication, 2021


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