Warrior Of Art The Magazine Of All Martial Arts Special Edition # 1 Chan Shaolin Si -Dju Su Kung-fu - Master Krzysztof Jaworski Fujunakaniwa-Karate - Grandmaster Klaus Winterhoff Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu - Miroslaw Niedbalski Fu-Shih Kenpo - Soke Raul Gutierrez Lopez Panantukan Combat Argentina - Master Roberto Alvarez Sun Kempo System - Grandmaster Anders Falck Hapkido - Master Jose Coello ISDA - Grandmaster Stanislaw Majchrzak Fu-Shih Kenpo The way of the warrior- Master Krzysztof Adamczyk Combat silat - Grandmaster Antonio Di Salvo IPSD Krav Maga - Instructor Gil Drucker Wing Flow System - Sifu Mark Stas Shaolin Kempo - Master Frank Lader
Master Krzysztof Jaworski
Chan Shaolin Si-Dju Su Kung-fu ("Chinese art of self-defense") style is a form of direct self-defense against an armed and unarmed opponent. This self defense is based on the characteristic techniques of Wu Shu, Ju-Jitsu, Aikido. But the closest thing to this style is Ju-Jitsu. It is said that this is a Chinese version of the Japanese Ju-Jitsu. Dju Su style is characterized by "the method of perfect pads and upheavals," techniques to go down the line of attack, evasion, blocks, levers, throws, dodge throws, undercuts, hand techniques and foots - executed in a quick and decisive manner. This is a very complex system of self-defense against armed and unarmed opponents. He skips the precise basic posture found in Chan Shaolin Si. Prefer a quick defensive response against the most sophisticated attacks.
Technically based on kung fu style and Chinese boxing style, Mongolian stocks, enriched with Shaolin techniques. Movement is the inspiration to everything in Dju-Su, the apparent concession in this movement is the way to victory. Dju-Su teaches reaction to the attacker's moves, bases its effectiveness on the ability to use attacking force to repel the attack.
Grandmaster Klaus Winterhoff
Fujunakaniwa-Karate I founded this martial art, Grandmaster Klaus Winterhoff, (9th Dan Karate, 4th Dan Tang-Soo-Do, 2nd Dan Hap-Ki-Do and 1st Dan Tae-Kwon-Do) With the help of Grandmaster Bernd Hรถhle at the Martial Arts Association-International. The basic idea for my martial art was that I wanted to found a type of combat sport that could be very extensive, but also run by people who are not quite as athletic as, for example, overweight, or people with a slight handicap. In addition, it should be a sport that is constantly renewed. This is when she is applied and someone is attacking us, be it on the street, or at a tournament that this attacker can not easily adapt to us. For if the attacker is familiar with the fighting skills, he will quickly notice what type of combat is being used. However, the Fujunakaniwa karate contains so many elements from various martial arts that he finds it difficult to adjust. When we learn new techniques on courses, this is added to my style.
I chose Tang-Soo-Do as a basic art. I've added elements from the kenpo-, shotokan karate, but also from the hap ki-do, the tae-kwon-do, as well as the judo, but also from the ninjutsu and even from the krav-maga. Likewise, we use technics from the Kobudo, the Kendo and the Iaido. So my students are on the road with and without weapons. I put as much value on the Kihon, the Kumite, as the Kata. Everything has the same value for me. I see it so, who kills the techniques from the Kihon and the Kata, can do them well in the fight and he self-defense. What also distinguishes my Fujunakaniwa Karate from the traditional Karate is that we do not have all the techniques Knallhart, as in the normal Karate, but also soft and flowing elements, just like in the Aikido and the Kenpo.
With us are actually all elements represented, such as the blows and kicks, but also throws and levers. The complete self-defense, also against gagging, hair hold, as well as the defense of attacks with weapons and also the ground fight. Even the case school is one of our audit regulations.
In the Kata area, we have 9 weaponless catas, for the student grades. Katana-Katas runs for the first three championship. But on the 4th Dan, one has to invent his own kata, which must then also be able to run in Bunkai. We are also represented several times a year, for example at MA-Day. But we also go to master craftsmen, where we are also quite successful.
Master Miroslaw Niedbalski Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu Jukoshin Ryu was founded in 2003 by Soke Bryan Cheek 10th Dan and other senior Jiu Jitsu masters from around the world.Jukoshin Ryu - Spirit of Gentle and Strong - Jiu Jitsu is now playing a major role in the family of martial arts, this is due to it's very practical, efficient and no nonsense techniques, devised over some 40 years by Soke Bryan Cheek. With it's emphasis on the 5 S's - Skill Speed - Stamina - Suppleness Strength, this system appeals to students that require a self defence strategy that really works.
A uniform standard of training around the world is required of all participants within Jukoshin Ryu, with particular emphasis on all Dan gradings.
These are monitored and controlled by the International Grading Committee consisting of members from ten different countries, ensuring a worldwide standard at Black Belt level
Sensei Miroslaw Niedbalski was born in Poland in 1964, since 1989 he lives in Germany in Bonn. His contact with martial arts began in 1980 with Karate Kyokushin. In 2011 he trained Jiu Jitsu. He currently has 2 Dan in Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu and Sensei Title given by Soke Bryan Cheek (10 Dan).
In Deutschland Bonn runs his own Dojo In which she teaches and popularizes the style of Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu in Germany.Seido Dojo Bonn belongs to Jukoshin Ryu Internacionale.Sensei Miroslaw Niedbalski as a loyal member of World Elite Black Belt Society - WEBBS participated in 4 World WEBBS Organizers.
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Grandmaster Raúl Gutiérrez López Fu-Shih Kenpo
The decisive step of RAUL GUTIERREZ towards the Martial Arts began in 1967, when this one joined the school of the "ED PARKER'S KENPO KARATE STUDIOS", in his soothes of Santiago of Chile, under the direction of the professor ARTURO PETIT ALMONTE, Representative of Parker for South America. Gutiérrez trained and taught there until August 1976, when he moved to Spain. His ever-growing research and enthusiasm led him to alternate, share and train with people of Judo, Karate, Kung-Fu, Tae-Kwon-Do, Fa-Rang-Do, Lima-Lama, Full-Contact, Kick- Boxing Ming -Ch'uan, Kobudo, and Chun Kuk Do. During his 37 years of dedication and dedication to the world of martial arts, Gutiérrez has been instructed by various instructors, teachers, specialists and masters of the various styles he has touched in his long walk on this and other continents (1967-2004) .
At the end of August 1976, RaĂşl GutiĂŠrrez arrives at the Barajas airport in Madrid full of illusions, and with the belief that he will meet other Masters or experts in kenpo here; But not only did not exist in Spain or the rest of Europe, but also this style is totally unknown, even believing that the Kenpo is a mixture of Karate and Full Contact, or similar.
That is why Gutierrez is required by some martial artists in the country to teach them a new martial version, the Kenpo-Karate. Thus, he begins his tour of activities teaching in gymnasiums and making exhibitions in Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, England, Ireland, Holland, etc. On the other hand, it desperately tries, that its style is recognized and authorized by the competent official organisms of the country. These, during the first years do not decide to provide the support required by Gutierrez, believing that perhaps his style is temporary and does not reach the interest, expectation and seriousness demanded by other styles already settled in the middle.
Raúl Gutiérrez, continues to open doors and spread his Kenpo wherever he goes. Thus he arrives in Buenos Aires Argentina in 1978 where he introduces the Full-Contact by authorization of DOMINIQUE VALERA, and as it supposes, he exhibits kenpo and full-contact exhibitions in Argentina as well as in his own native country, CHILE. This trip gives him a new opportunity. He is represented by the United States Karate Association, U.S.K.A., for Spain. Gutiérrez gladly accepts the direct appointment of the now-deceased Grand Master of Karate and Kenpo ROBERT A. TRIAS, founder and President of USKA. Then begins a new stage for him.
Who from here acts under this representation performing an enormous amount of activities of diffusion and development, until in 1982 invites for the first time to Spain to the Great Teacher Robert Trias, and to Yozan Dirk Mosig. The first three simultaneous events of SUSKA in Spain are celebrated; "1st International Course of Karate and Kobudo", "1st National and International Course of PERSONAL DEFENSE POLICIAL", and "1st Spanish Open Championship of Martial Arts SUSKA". This is by then the definitive start of RAUL GUTIERREZ in the Spanish and world martial world that will mark history.
Raúl Gutiérrez, made contact with various Masters and specialists believing that his teachings could be valuable, since it was supposed to be the fruit of his deep research and long experience. Gutiérrez still thinks that it is very important and necessary to review the program, techniques, principles and fundamentals from time to time. And that you must update and renew as everything in life. Which and as the earth itself, is in constant change and movement.
In 1982, and after some changes that RaĂşl GutiĂŠrrez made to consequences of some disagreements that had both with Ed Parker, as with the Spanish Federation of Karate, he decided to rethink and recast his KENPO TEACHING SYSTEM, creating for it a Program Which is focused in 3 directions, but retaining the tradition, philosophy, history, principles and foundations KENPO.
Esta decisión fue aplaudida y aprobada posteriormente por Robert Trias, Jon Fanning, y por los antiguos y más altos grados alumnos de Gutiérrez. Fue Trias precisamente quién introdujo a Gutiérrez con el Gran Maestro THOMAS BARRO MITOSE, el cual y después de observar la trayectoria y las actuaciones de Raúl Gutiérrez en los diferentes Campeonatos Mundiales de Karate celebrados en los Estados Unidos durante los años 1981/82 y 1983, este decide reconocer y otorgar las credenciales a Gutiérrez, como MAESTRO DE KOSHO-RYU KENPO, y por separado Maestro Fundador del FU-SHIH KENPO.
Roberto Alvarez Panantukan Combat Argentina Is a close-combat fighting system and is also known as "street boxing" or "dirty boxing" since there is no fixed set of rules. It is a fighting system which is aimed at maximum efficiency. In contrast to "normal" competitive boxing and kickboxing, street boxing uses the whole body as a weapon.Panantukan Concepts has a particular style of groundwork which consists of breaking the opponent's balance (body manipulation), takedowns, bars, and controlling techniques on the ground.
The constant changes in the angle and level of the attack are another technical aspect of Panantukan. It is especially attractive due to its comprehensive training concepts, efficiency, speed, dynamics, timing, precision, and its typical flow of action. The training curriculum contains techniques, drills, combinations, kicks, take downs, locks, and sparring.
Grandmaster Anders Falck Sun Kempo System Since i started my martial arts jurney in 1980 i have been testing and training difrent styles. After getting my first blackbelts in Kempo Karate Ninjutsu and Bujutsu and difrent other belts i desided to combine my knoledge. I learned that Schrionji Kempo from Chaolin was the most compleet system there is. And since i never had that chanse to learn that but had the opertunity to learn this. I desided to for Sun Kempo in 2014.
After this i also became an inducte in the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. As the first in Norwegian History to be a part of this was a great honor. Now today i am The State Director for the Alliance in Hall of Fame for Norway. And i have started filming the system of Sun Kempo. Asked for a school in a Gym here localy to start train and show good Martial Arts. And pr today i am waiting for the respond from the publick. These are some of my pictures from The Start Of USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame.
Master José Coello Hapkido My name is Jose Coello, I am the founder of the International School of Martial Arts José Coello located in trafalgar street nº 75 of San Juan de Aznalfarache, Seville, Spain. I am a Master hapkido. Hapkido is a martial art of Korean self-defense, it has its origin between Japan and Korea, its creator,
Choi Yong Sul was orphaned at the age of 6 and was taken to Japan, there was adopted by a Japanese family who was very cultured , And this one enrolled him in the school Yawara Daito ryu, with the teacher Takeda Sogaku.The little Choi had to change the name, the surnames and their customs and adopt others of that country. Choi remained with his teacher until his death on April 25, 1943. Choi instead of inheriting his master, returned to his country of origin Korea in 1953 at the age of 41, with the end of the Korean War.
Choi Yong Sul opens his academy with 41 years of age, in 1954 he was renamed Daito Ryu Aikijutsu which was the system he learned with his master Takeda Sogaku throughout his life in Japan by yusul, who in the Korean means (both hard and soft system). This was done because Japanese martial arts were not much appreciated in Korea back then. In the year 1959 he was renamed the one we all know today, that of Hapkido. Hapkido means, Hap-union. Ki- energy, and Do-way, or in other words, the path of union and energy.
So from the year 1959 it was called Hapkido and created its emblem that consisted of an eagle catching an arrow in the middle of flight. This emblem represented the ability to use the grips to neutralize the attacker's aggressions, which are characteristic of this Korean martial art of self-defense. The application of Hapkido techniques, are divided into three categories, 1st non-resistance; Not to oppose force and to take advantage of the force of the attacker. 2nd Principle of water;
Total penetration of the opponent's defense in a fluid, flexible and changing way. 3rd use of the circle; The force of an attacker is diverted, controlled and directed in the desired directions.
The Hapkido consists of about 270 basic techniques to which if we add its variants total a total of 3800 techniques. Keys, hand attacks, kicks, projections, strangulations, sweeps, weapons handling, and a long etcetera. I started my way in the martial arts with only 9 years of age with the Taekwondo teacher Tae Myung Kim had his school in the street Setefilla de los remedios, Sevilla. But little by little I became interested more and more by the personal defense and especially by the Hapkido. The reason was that I saw that with the Hapkido you have more options on how to defend against one or more attackers causing minimal damage if you wish, we can, immobilize and stop with a minimum damage to your physical integrity, but as a martial art That is, could also be killed or damaged if the situation so required, for this and many other reasons.Hapkido is a Korean self-defense martial art very advisable for state forces such as Police, Civil Guard, Municipal ,
Escorts and security guards.I run my school with the inestimable help of the Master Estefanía Segovia, which has become essential especially with the children she adores and they in turn to her. In addition, my school has the honor of having several very special people, such as Josué 22 years with Down syndrome, or as Santiago Fernández blind.
I am proud of all the members of my school whom I consider to be my own family. My purpose in Martial Arts is the unification of all masters and styles as if we were a universal brotherhood, and with the help and collaboration of all I believe it could be a reality. J.C.L.
Grandmaster Stanisaw Majchrzak
treścHe already knew that walking one way, practicing one martial art was too little. He wanted to meet new people ... just like Bruce Lee trained differently to become a good warrior. His dream was to get the black belt and the title of champion - the true master of martial arts.i
The martial arts adventure began in the late 70's. Living in the mountains - hot springs witnessed many highlander duels not only on hands and feet but also on all kinds of tools, chains, axes, sticks, bottles or even agricultural tools. These duels were not always honorable, eg one on one but often several on one. - This was the first reason that made him play martial arts. He often had to defend himself and fight. The second reason is the famous "entrance of the dragon" from the bruce leem, it was for the stickman and for many more modern masters that they started practicing martial arts.
These were different types of training, courses and groupings. Regular training began in the early 1980's. He started with karate kyokushin, because only such section was in the area. The trainings were held under the supervision of the master a. Clogged, but unfortunately stopped the trainings because the classes stopped the master wooden clogs only pupil with colorful stripe (...). After the karate training kyokushin, he started training taekwon to, because the section in his neighborhood. Unfortunately, the trainer was also not a champion, only a brown belt - student grade. It was an interesting school and adventure, but few defensive techniques. Most of the kicking techniques - chagi kicks were shown by students with higher degrees of initiation. Unfortunately, these techniques often differed from one another, depending on who demonstrated them. Taekwon's trainer was Jaremczuk. It was years, the beginning of the 80's. At that time, he also studied ju jitsu and judo techniques in a distance of more than 100 kilometers from Krakow. The coach was the master of the dowager. After finishing training in taekwondo, learning high school he went to Cracow. At the same time, he trained kung fu under the supervision of the master of the brigands. It was a true martial arts school, with traditions, culture and a very high standard.
Master Majchrzak is the founder and president of ISDA - Intermediate Self Defense Association (for 2017 - ISDA has representation in 27 countries). He is the founder and president of IMAA -BB - International Martial Arts Association - Budo Bushi. (For 2017 - the IMAA has 29 delegations). In addition, he is the founder and head of the company and specialist training center - for civilians, security, police, military and other services. Master Majchrzak is the founder and international director of International BUDO BUSHI Hall Of Fame. Every year the event is organized in Poland and it is the Great International Festival of Martial Arts. Training part - run by the Grand Masters and a showcase with TV Media. Great martial arts shows with beating World records in martial arts.
Every year BUDO BUSHI is bigger and gathers more and more great and great masters and warriors. At Budo Bushi come the heads of many World organizations and police officers, military and various government departments and agencies. In 2016 Master Majchrzak was in Nepal where he trained the civilians and the Nepali Army. As the only one and the first Pole, he trained an army of the world famous Gurkes. The Nepali Army commander received awards and a special certificate - thanks for the training of the army. Master Majchrzak is constantly traveling the world where he trains more and more masters and students. In 2017 098 December at the BUDO BUSHI 2017 in Poland in Ĺ ACKO At the International Budo Bushi Hall of Fame - BUDO BUSHI 2017 - will celebrate the jubilee of 35 years of martial arts. It will be a Special Jubilee and Great Event and FIGHT AWAY. We invite you today.
Master Krzysztof Adamczyk The way of the warrior Fu-Shih Kenpo
I started my martial arts career in 1996, training mixed martial arts, looking for and constantly improving techniques that will be effective on the street. In 1998, I am called up by a team of schools to perform an Eastern show, during which time I win the first show presenting a military combat system.
This achievement is driving me further into this direction and after a short time of 2000 I am entering a special unit and as a soldier of the Assault Reconnaissance units on the reconnaissance subdivision, participating in specialized training, fighting and actively participating in special unit demonstrations. There I get a gold medal of fitness and the title of 1st degree parachute jumper. After a short time I finish training and combat training of the combat system 56 at the Special Training Center and Anti-Terrorist Training Center in Warsaw and black base level tactics course led by former soldiers of special units in Warsaw.
Living in Trondheim, I decide to return to martial arts, and this is the first time I have met Grand Master Gutierrez and his Fu-Shih Kenpo style, fascinated by this martial art and long hard workouts, and as a motivator I am the first Pole to be named National Instructor for Poland and Norway. This engages me to make more effort and to learn the deeper of this fighting style. In 2015 I get 1 dan, I start promoting Fu-Shih Kenpo in Europe to drive and conduct seminars. He currently works with Fu-Shih Kenpo School in Italy and promotes soke Raul gutierrez Lopez, runs schools in Norway in Hovin and Gauldal and is the main representative of Norway in the IPSA as well as a regional instructor. The first is the IMA Group's international martial arts group, which combines masters and various martial arts organizations with our motto to go together not alone.
Grandmaster Antonio Di Salvo
GrandMaster Antonio Di Salvo teaches different martial arts: Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Kombat Silat, Self Defense and is recognized in Italy as one of the best masters of Chinese Kung Fu. He created martial arts school TIGRE NERA TEAM that is considered as one of the important and prestigious because of the numerous agonistic successes on national and international competitions both of the Master and of his students.
CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS: - World Champion of Kung Fu W.T.K.A Master Category, 2007 in Marina di Carrara (Italy) - Founder of the School of Kung Fu BLACK TIGER TEAM - President of the Amateur Sports I.M.A.K.A - Master Founder and Head of the School of Kung Fu - DONG WU XUE - Guru Besar of KOMBAT SILAT – Indonesian/Chinese defense system - European Coordinator AJJIF-ITALY-sector competitive Chinese Martial Arts Demonstration - Head of National Technical Kung Fu W.F.C. (World Council Fighter Italy) - National Coordinator Responsible W.F.C. Defense Staff - Member of National Council I.T.M.I. (Italian Institute for Martial Traditions)
www.tigrenera.it www.kombatsilat.com
The Kombat Silat is not a traditional, but a modern fighting system that was created by Grand Master Antonio Di Salvo after consecutive years of studying various personal defense methods and strategies that are based on the principles of Chinese Kung Fu, Indonesian Silat and Philippine Box. Practitioner of Kombat Silat learns effective ways to defend oneself in case of street attacks even in case of multiple opponents, as well as tackle different fighting styles from karate to boxing.
Kombat Silat is a system that keeps on evolving and is not confined by a strict scheme but rather relies on ones’ instincts and fluidity of movement making it easier to be used in any kind of situation that might occur in a street fight. Eventually one does not train just train their body, but their mind as well in order to control the stress and fear that emerge when facing possible danger.
Kombat Silat practitioner trains to face the reality and come out safely out of any threatening situation that could be encountered in the street by using available measures. One of the core techniques of Kombat Silat is the Philippines boxing style which allows one to utilize and avoid hits by head, fist and elbow punches as well as knee kicks that could land onto pivotal body areas.
Nevertheless, in street fights it is not uncommon to be faced by an armed opponent thus with Kombat Silat one learns defense techniques against such weapons as knifes, bangs, chains and bottles among many others. 75% of the Kombat Silat methods teach one how to deal with a situation in an upright fight. The rest, that are based on concepts of Silat Harimau, JKD Shooto Wrestling, allows one to learn how to tackle a fight on the ground. Its core is swift hits with elbows and knees with an ultimate goal to knock the opponent down and get oneself up immediately to evade wrestling on the ground.
Instructor Gil Drucker IPSD™ Krav Maga Israeli Self Defense The IPSD school approach and principles is based on the experience of the chief instructor Gil Drucker as Krav Maga Self Defense and Karate instructor and self defense expert and 3rd degree black belt in shotokan karate Krav Maga means contact combat and was founded in the early days of the state of Israel as a fighting self defense system against vicious attacks by its inner and outside enemies. It is based on natural movements and reflexes of the body which makes it very simple and easy to learn to anyone who wishes to learn to protect and defnse themselves and their loved ones regardless of gender ,size, strength or fitness level if you are committed you will learn it. Krav Maga self defense was originally based on boxing jiu jitsu and wrestling techniques Originated from the street fighting experience of its founder Imi Licthenfeld who used his experience as a boxer and wrestler and the jiu jitstu techniques passed to him by his father the police detective to defend the Jewish quarter against fascist group attacks together with other Jewish boxers and wrestlers in Bratislava Czechoslovakia in the late 1930's.
Following his migration to Israel in the late 1940's He began to provide combat fighting lessons in his area of expertise to elite groups of the haganah and palmach which in days together with others will become what known today as the IDF. With the years and its development elements and techniques of judo karate and aikido was added and that's for the development and improvement of the fight system . Our training is based on reality based scenarios, attacks analysis and simulations Starting from shirt and hand grabs on to strangulation various holds to empty hand to hand combat or defense against Armed attacker with knife stick or a gun . Krav Maga guiding principles as was written by its founder: avoid injury, act as your capable but act wisely ,use the knowledge properly when needed, the simplest way is the shortest and quickest. Nowadays you can find many schools of Krav Maga which added also Brazilian jiu jitsu Thai Boxing and Filipino knife fighting techniques principles to their training in addition to their core Krav Maga training .we as a school support learning from different systems aspects and approaches to self defense as a way to improve and challenge ourselves as students as well as teachers.
If the technique has been tested and proved that can be usefully applied in the street we will adopt it and add it to our tool box. Today krav maga and Israeli self defense is being taught in various sectors in Israel and worldwide and divided in categories Civilian, military ,law enforcement and security . Krav maga core was originally meant for military purposes consists on the never give up principle which basically means if you being attacked an aggressive fast powerful defense counter attack response to any attack and no matter what is the situation you keep pushing punching and kicking until your attacker is either stopped disarmed or neutralized and you are safe a principle that is also applied in law enforcement and security work. yet is important to mention that de-escalation and understanding attackers mentality are also major parts in the training for a case of scenario that confrontation can be prevented.The work of a law enforcement and security officer consists on a variety of rights and duties that are flexible and changing depending on the role the place and the specific part and job he was assigned to. When it comes to law enforcement and security the krav way is second to none
.It's simplicity and mixture of self defense Control restraint and arresting Techniques that are based on fast instinctive reaction drills and reality based training scenarios' of defensive tactics are a very strong part of the training who together with strong mental coaching and environmental awareness training makes it most suitable for the security and law enforcement line of work. In today's reality as civilian ...violence is very common. it's out there and we can't ignore it .It's in the streets and you can also find it out at public places ,shopping centers, malls and even at the children schools...medical doctors are being hit by patients or their families Shop owner being hit and mugged Teenagers injuring each other over Ego Games And pride not and the index of violence just keep on spreading. According to the World Health Organization" violence against woman particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence against woman-are major public health problem and violations of women's rights"unfortunately statistics not showing any improvement in fact it shows situation is only getting worse.We in GDKM IPSD choose to encourage support and empower women giving them practical efficient and fast solutions to violence situations.We offer a variety of self defense seminars and courses Our civilian and women's self defense course offers a unique comprehensive and exclusive way of learning civilian and woman self defense using RBIT training reality based intensive training .
In IPSD Krav Maga and self defense we teach guide and build life saving skills mentally and physically strengthening body and mind with specially designed civilian krav maga and self defense program understanding the levels of escalation and confrontation attackers way of thinking acting and reacting acknowledge your limitations and physical advantages and disadvantages knowing your surroundings and environmental awareness Guided by our instructors wearing a special protective gear our attacker will use real attacks and real scenarios to allow you practice your new krav maga and self defense skills at full power and speed which give you the option of testing and assessing your skills and performance anticipating how you react in real life scenarios simulation, training and actively preparing you to be more comfortable empowered and self confident to face the real world out there.
Gil Drucker 28 years of martial arts and self defense experience Certified karate instructor by wingate and school of coaches and instructors Certified krav maga and martial arts instructor by school of coaches and instructors institute approved by ministry of sport in Israel Certified krav maga and self defense instructor by the IDF Israeli Defense Forces Certified krav maga and self defnse instructor for security and law enforcement Self defense expert 3 dan shotkan karate black belt Former bouncer in night clubs and sport events Former security patrolman in the Haifa city security patrol department Former IDF and national karate kumite medalist Contact info:gildru12@gmail.com kravmagaipsd@gmail.com
Sifu  Mark Stas Wing Flow System I was born in Seoul, South-Korea and adopted in Belgium when I was very young. I fell in love with martial arts very early, when I was a little boy with the movies of Bruce Lee and anime like Fist of the North Star, Judo Boy or Saint Seiya as my biggest inspiration. I trained every day alone in my room with books because my parents found me too young to practise martial arts at that time. I always was interested in understanding the human body in martial arts and I studied therefor Physiotherapy. Martial arts have always been a part of my life and very soon I was fascinated by the subtlety in martial arts.
I was always motivated to have my daily training, never forgetting the words: “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. Because one day you will look back and be glad you didn’t” I started my martial arts path more than 32 years ago and I was blessed to study with, I could say the best instructors who formed me. Thanks to all of them I became the martial artist I am today. And without them I would never have reached my actual level. From Karate Shotokan to the Korean Taekwondo, where I did a dozen competitions with success in my youth, I discovered through books Bruce Lee’s Jun Fan and at that time in the nineties, I also taught a hybrid fighting style in an underground garage.
I discovered at that time the martial art which led me to my actual Wing Flow System, through an interesting article which described the perfect martial arts “theory”. They wrote that for this Wing Chun style, Europe’s best schools were at that time in Germany. So I had to witness it by myself and indeed thanks to a great S. Avci I immediately fell in love with this martial art. I barely finished school and a few months later I left everything behind in Belgium and lived there many years to follow the lessons under a terrific instructor F. Krüger and trained there every day. I could say I was confronted with the hard reality of life in a foreign country, without speaking the language well and without money at first. But they turned out to be one of my best periods of my martial arts life. I met another great martial artist, H.Pfaff in Germany, who was at one time the head instructor of the powerful EWTO before he created his own federation. I became one of the first instructors when he created his federation and studied with him many years.
Very early I saw the difference between combat sports and martial arts. When we speak about ART, we need to understand that no human masterpiece has ever been created without great labor. And there is always room for improvement: art is never ending.
In my opinion, the value of martial arts didn’t change but since the growth of combat sports they where pushed away to the background. What I want to show and to propose is a little help to all martial arts instructors in getting back the respect and interest in martial arts. I see that there is more and more interest again thanks to movies and videos on social medias. ( In this occasion I thank all the followers who share and like my posts on my Facebook page, Wing Flow System ) Everywhere where I am invited for seminars they are interested and amazed to see what I do as martial art and I feel so blessed to see dedicated students and instructors all over the world: to me the joy of teaching is created by these motivated practitioners and passion of practitioners, no matter which kind of martial art or combat sport.To me martial arts are very rich and fascinating, no matter what kind of martial art.
I don’t practise a martial art to become a powerful “martial arts butcher” but merely to become a highly skilled surgeon in martial arts. There exist training methods which are boring for many practitioners but which are the only way to master certain skills. I owe my Wing Flow System, created early 2017 to my passion for martial arts altogether with a focused hard work and will never forget the luck I had to be taught by all my excellent teachers. I was invited in the Hall of Fame 2016, which was a real highlight to me. I could say that Wing Flow System is mere a continuation of my own vision in martial arts instead of creating something brand new: what attracted people in my execution of martial arts, I make it available to learn it. I pay a lot attention in the flow of movements which can be graceful and soft but also explosive and aggressive.
Next to different training areas such as shadowboxing sequences, improvement of reaction, gradual combat training, sensibility training, under pressure exercises, pad training and so on, an important aspect is learning to hit with control. Combat must be done with high speed and explosiveness but always with control. A true master is not the one who can put KO someone or hurt his opponent, but he can choose to control the opponent’s actions or to destroy the attacking weapons with an uncompromising efficiency. Don’t be misled by what your eyes see.Due to many requests, I also propose for interested instructors of other martial arts a possibility to teach Wing Flow System. There are already schools near Brussels-Belgium, Copenhagen-Denmark and Gavirate-Italy. And I would like to thank not only my students but also Sifu Thomas and Sifu Fabrizio for their trust, patience and share of passion in Wing Flow System. A short word for all martial arts practitioners, no matter what martial art is practised, progress takes time. Those who make it look easy have worked hard over time. And no master ever fell from the sky. Dedicated practise and patience are cornerstones of all martial arts, no matter which era we live in.
Master Frank Lader Shaolin Kempo Our martial arts style is called Shaolin Kempo. While it can be said that it’s a Chinese martial art, there are cultural influences from various countries. In 1954 Kempo was introduced in The Netherlands . Kempo came to our country in two ways, from China via Indonesia and from China via Japan. In the first case Kempo was brought to our country from Indonesia by soldiers of the ‘Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger’ (KNIL). In this Kempo style there’s an obvious influence of the Indonesian martial art called Pentjak Silat. Vice versa Kempo also had an important influence on Pentjak Silat. For this Kempo style originally the term Kun Tao was used. This name is used in Indonesia and Malaysia for the Chinese martial arts in those countries. It is said that a Chinese monk who was teaching Bhuddism on the Indonesian isle of Java, brought Kempo to Java in the fifth century. In the second case more links are possible, i.e. via Okinawa, Taiwan or Korea. Soldiers who fought in Korea took Kempo with them to their homelands.
Two names are connected to the Dutch history of Shaolin Kempo: KNIL soldiers Carl Faulhaber and Gerard K. Meijers. Sifu Faulhaber (1923-1974) specialised in Kun Tao. Sifu Meijers a.k.a. Dschero Khan (1928-) brought together his knowledge of martial arts Kyokoshin Kai Karate, Jiu Jitsu and Kun Tao, and developed the mixture of techniques further to Shaolin Kempo.
Influenced by his personal contacts with great Karate masters Gogen Yamaguchi (Goji Ryu Karate) and Matsutatsu Oyama (Kyokoshin Kai Karate), Dschero Khan provided Shaolin Kempo an organisational structure based on these martial arts. This structure was better fit for education to larger numbers of students than the traditional Indonesian-Chinese structure, that prefers small groups in family setting.
After Carl Faulhaber and Dschero Khan went their own way this martial art named Shaolin Kempo was organised in the ‘Eerste Nederlandse Shaolin Kempo Bond’ (ENSKB) which was founded in 1966 and influenced Kempo in The Netherlands for many years. With the organisational structure came a fixed exam program with statutory exercises such as defences, saifa’s and other techniques. The Kempo associations that came into existence later held on to these exercises.
Brief history of Imperator Shaolin Kempo One of the earlier students of Dschero Khan was 8th dan grandmaster Ad Jiskoot (1947-2013). He began teaching Shaolin Kempo at an early age. In 1965 sifu Jiskoot introduced Shaolin Kempo in the region of Rotterdam by starting Kempo lessons in a community centre in the town of Barendrecht. This school was named ‘Sportschool Jiskoot’.
In 1978 Frank Lader (5th dan black belt) started training at this school and in 1992 his cousin Dennis van der Burch (4th dan black belt) also joined in. During many years both Frank Lader and Dennis van der Burch have been teaching in sifu Jiskoots successive Shaolin Kempo schools. In 2008 sifu Jiskoot decided to interrupt his Kempo activities and to focus more on his communal services. During this sabbatical he withdrew himself from teaching Shaolin Kempo in Barendrecht. Due to insisting students sifu Jiskoot decided to resume his Kempo activities. For the time being sifu Jiskoot started teaching in a building in the centre of the town of Rotterdam, where in the old days there used to be a well known biljart and snooker club called Imperator. Because sifu Jiskoot found the name suitable, the new Shaolin Kempo school was named ‘Imperator Shaolin Kempo’. Several old students joined in. Among them were Frank Lader, Derby Haagsma, Marcel Elenbaas and Dennis van der Burch. The number of students rapidly grew. After sifu Jiskoot suddenly died on february 8th 2013, Frank Lader, Derby Haagsma and Marcel Elenbaas continued the school. In the summer of 2014 Marcel Elenbaas decided to step out and create his own martial arts school. In the summer of 2016 Derby Haagsma followed his footsteps and created his own martial arts school. Since then cousins Frank Lader (head teacher) and Dennis van der Burch (teacher) run the school.
Techniques Centuries ago on the Chinese mainland gradually a fragmentation of the Shaolin martial art came into existence. In general a distinction can be made between a northern and a southern style. The northern style is characterised by a lot and high leg techniques with closed defence and open (low) stances as Ma Pu and fast movements. The southern style, on the contrary, is particularly closed and in this style usually the arms are used and practitioners rely on strong stances like Ch’uan Pu. Therefore people often speak of the ‘southern fist and northern leg’ (in Chinese: nan ch'uan pei t'ui). In the light of the history of Shaolin Kempo it shouldn’t come as a surprise that our techniques cannot be categorised in either one of these styles. Rather, it’s a combination of both. Relating Shaolin styles to animals, Shaolin Kempo is characterised as a dragon style. We use both closed and open defences, open and closed stances. Furthermore, we use our fists, open hands, elbows, arms, feet, knees, legs and so on. Our techniques among other mix arm blocks, leg blocks, punches, kicks, swipes, takedowns and clamps. We also train with the Bo or Bang, Kali or Escrima sticks, knives, Klewang (Indonesian sword) and Jiang (Chinese straightsword).
We find it very important to keep alive sifu Jiskoots techniques, which are adapted to real street fighting. At sifu Finken-Schaffraths dojo we train techniques developed by Dschero Khan and sifu Finken-Schaffrath. To get a better impression we’d like to refer the reader to www.imperatorkempo.nl , our Facebook page ‘Imperator Shaolin Kempo’ and our YouTube channel. On the website you can also find more information about our trainings and upcoming events.
International activities Our school participates regularly in trainings in Germany - where Dschero Khan is connected to the ‘Kampfkunstschule Damo’ - organised by 10th dan grandmaster Toni Finken-Schaffrath. Furthermore, we regularly visit the ‘Bridlington Martial Arts & Fitness Centre’ in the United Kingdom. Our school is the Dutch representative of Shaolin Kempo for the ‘World Martial Arts Association-Republic of China’ (WMAA-ROC), with her European head office in Germany, and the ‘Martial Arts Federation of Great Britain’ (MAFGB), which has her head office in the United Kingdom. All welcome to visit us in The Netherlands!
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WEBBS World Congress 2017
Soke Bryan Cheek and Hanshi Per Lindmark invite you to participate in the 16th WEBBS World Congress in Stockholm Sweden! The facility for the congress: https://boson.nu/en/ ---------12 October: Welcome Drink at 20.00 13 October: Training between 10.00 and 16.00 14 October: Training between 10.00 and 16.00 -Childrens' classes 13.00-16.00 -Awards dinner at 20.00 ---------We’re running 8 tatamis during the congress ----------Full package € 145 includes welcome drink, training 2 days, awards dinner Only training 1 day € 60 Only training 2 days € 100 Only Awards dinner € 45 Rooms There are hotel standard rooms for 1-3 people and more simple rooms with bunk beds for 1-4 people. Prices range from 220 to €435 (ThursdaySunday) depending on room type and number of people. All meals are included in the price! = breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks during the day (awards dinner not included Airports close to the congress Arlanda Skavsta (Ryan air),Västerås (Ryan air),Boat terminal Silja Line ---------Very important. Muy importante! Registration & hotel reservation: webbsSweden2017@gmail.com, +46 765 93 61 47 Deadline for full payment: July 31st. After this date we lose the pre-reserved rooms. Payment details will be published the upcoming week! Looking forward to see you all in october
''Go together not separately''
Masters & Grandmaster with Respect
Contact us for info Chief Editor & Publisher Master Krzysztoof Adamczyk