Interaction Magazine - November

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Interaction Magazine Interaction Design - Autumn 2011 - November 15th

Introducing GoodFood

The outlines of the concept

This issue is edited and published by Meiken Hansen s050031 Martin Løkkegaard s072049 Maja Hyveled Jakobsen s071768 Michael Mansdal Larsen s082510 Kamilla Grove Sørensen s072013 Christopher Holm-Hansen s072023

Contents DxI for Elderly What is the problem? The GoodFood concept


The users Use context Interacting with GoodFood Similar concepts GoodFood Mock-Up What is the plan? - References

Interaction Magazine


November Issue

DxI for Elderly Products specially designed for elderly is considered a growing market and an area in which countless challenges and possibilities exists for creating good interaction design. The scope of this project includes conceptualization, mock-ups and testing a design aimed to help elderly in their daily life. This phase of the project gives an outline of the concept GoodFood, supported by research and interaction tools gathered through DTU course 42072: Design for Interaction. The concept has, so far, been developed through a creative process including brainstorming and selection. The first idea generation based on a brainstorm over the four themes; Independent Living, Health and Care, Occupation and Recreation, gave a number of ideas showing concentrations in Independent Living and Health and Care. Developing the ideas further, choosing the most interesting, based on assumed relevancy and evaluation of feasibility, focused the project on providing elderly a help to ensure correct and varied nutrition.


What is the problem?

Interaction Magazine

What is the problem? Elderly tends to have a monotonous diet driven by habits. This can result in wrong nutrition, ultimately leading to life-style-diseases or malnutrition[DR]. As many as 55% of elderly finds it difficult simply to distinguish healthy form unhealthy food [Ældresagen]. Malnutrition can also be a result of not having the energy to shop, reduced digestion or ability to chew. When people age, their appetite regulation gets less sensitive. Thereby the food consumption does not automatically adjust to the energy demand. Often this will result in weight loss. Apart from the less functioning appetite regulation, there are several other causes to a reduced appetite e.g. psychological or social reasons such as depression, social isolation, bad teeth, and affected taste and smell senses. [meraadet] The problem of not getting the correct nutrition can be of special importance if a sudden demand arises e.g. in case of high blood pressure, obesity or diabetes. Further, reduced physical ability can limit the possibilities of a varied diet.


November Issue


The GoodFood concept

Interaction Magazine

The GoodFood concept The GoodFood concept is a cooking helper for elderly people to help them maintain a varied diet together with providing instructions and tips for cooking. GoodFood is realised as an application for tablets and will be accessible by download through different app stores. The application will assist the users in creating weekly menus as well as drawing up shopping lists with the needed ingredients. The shopping list can be printed, texted or directly synchronised to a smartphone. If the mood/ possibilities for shopping is not present, it is possible to order the ingredients through the application. Through user registration upon purchase, various possibilities for personalisation will be available e.g. bookmarking of recipes and long term dietary guidance. The weekly menus are based on general nutritional guidelines tailored for the elderly generation. If necessary, specific dietary needs (e.g. allergies and dislikes) can easily be input and considered when suggestions for the menu are presented. Nutritional information on the different meals will be visually presented and explained for the user, to make them understand why it is good for them and what the different proteins, vitamins, fibres etc. do. Other than putting together delicious and varied menus, the app will also provide cooking tips and instructions through videos, illustrations and audio. It is important to note that the application will not be designed to act as a wag of the finger 12

to the user as this often result in unwillingness of use. Instead it is created to assist the user in obtaining a varied, nutritious and delicious diet through user inputs and user-based suggestions. Due to hygienic reasons the medium for interaction is important. Currently add-on devices/docking and voice control has been considered.


The concept outline was discussed with possible users and the general feedback was positive. They liked the possibility to plan meals for a whole week and be able to order ingredients directly though the app. A user expressed that she really often found it hard to get inspiration for new menus etc. and would really like an assistant. Another positive point, was the feature about avoiding certain ingredients e.g. in relation to medicine use. One was taking anticoagulant medication, not allowing him to eat food with a high content of k-vitamin. His wife, who cooks the most, said it would be nice to get inspiration how to make new recipes. Especially when it comes to vegetables, because a lot of the vegetables they used to eat before has a high k-vitamin content, e.g. spinach. Some general comments, which will be considered for next phase of the project, were concerning; price for both the app and price level of week plan and hygiene.

November Issue


The users

Interaction Magazine

The users GoodFood is designed/intended for users aged 65 and above, but could easily be altered to fit with younger people as well. The targeted user group are able to cook for themselves but do not necessarily need to be in shape for shopping as the application allows for online ordering of goods. The application is not specially directed at singles or elderly with special dietary needs, but can be used by everybody that wants inspiration and tips for a varied and interesting diet. GoodFood, as explained in previous paragraph, is designed as a tablet application and intended for the upcoming retirees. Due to the general increase in use of tablets and smartphones it is assumed that the upcoming pensioners will know how to use touch screen products. Furthermore it is expected that many already own either a tablet or smartphone and that even more have plans on acquiring one. To get a better understanding of the user group, personas have been made on the basis of the research (see page 17).


Persona 1 • Elderly couple: Age 67 and 65 • Curios on different food sources • Physically able to cook and buy ingredients • Are currently eating healthy • Like cooking and trying different tastes Persona 2 • Age: 72 • People with special demands for their food (nutrition values) • Physically able to cook and buy ingredients Persona 3 • Age: 75 • Special physical need. Is not able to bent to use the oven • Orders food ingredients through an e-shop Persona 4 • Age: 84 • Normally uses cooking books to find recipes • Physically able to cook and buy ingredients

November Issue


Use context

Interaction Magazine


November Issue

Use context The GoodFood application is installed on a tablet, which means it can actually be used everywhere. However it is assumed that elderly will use it primarily at home. The application has different characteristics that affords different use contexts. When planning the weekly menu together with creating shopping lists for what to buy or simply browsing recipes and information on nutritional contents of meals, it is expected that user will be sitting in their living room in a comfortable chair. In this case the regular touch screen is the tangible interface. Another dimension is when the application is used in the kitchen during the cooking session. In this case the physical interaction becomes interesting, as kitchen hygiene is an unavoidable and important issue. In the kitchen environment, the tablet is exposed to hazardous elements as e.g. water and bacteria when the user has to interact with the tablet. But also when turning the scenario around other issues appear. Bearing in mind that the tablet can be used for many things e.g. gaming while on the go or in the bathroom, the problem of the tablet bringing outside bacterias into the kitchen is also necessary to keep in mind when designing the physical interaction. A solution for this has not currently been developed, however suggestions for add-on products as e.g. docks, remote controllers or covers have been considered. The final solution will be presented in the next report.


Interacting with GoodFood

Interaction Magazine


November Issue

Interacting with GoodFood The first time the user uses GoodFood, he/ she will have to register. During the registration the user has the possibility to personalize the application specifically to their wishes and potential dietary needs. The type of information which could be asked to supply by the user could be:

• General personal information e.g. sex, age, height and weight • Allergies or intolerance towards certain foods or ingredients • Likes and dislikes of e.g. food and spices • Known favourite recipes • Medical history or current illnesses • Use of medication • Experience in the kitchen • Etc. The supplied information is evaluated and used by GoodFood to support the user with inspiring suggestions and tips to create and cook a nutritious and varied menu every week.

seven days will be put together and suggested for the users approval. The user can then make changes to some of the meals if this is of interest or simply accept the menu. When the menu is accepted, a list of ingredients and goods to purchase is created. The user now has the choice to order the goods online, synchronize the shopping list with their smartphone or simply print it. If some of the goods are already in the users stock, these can easily be deleted from the list. It will also be able for GoodFood to suggest meals based on ingredients already available in the house. The second activity is cooking. GoodFood can help the user with the cooking by guiding them through a recipe using videos, audio and graphic illustrations. If the user does not need guidance simple tips on how to prepare different ingredients as e.g. fish or chicken. During the cooking session the user will be able to get information about the ingredients in the meal and how these benefit him/her.

There are two primary activities connected with the everyday use of GoodFood. The first is the activity of planning the menu together with putting together the shopping list and the second is active help in the cooking of the daily meals. First the user has to plan the menu. Through the information given to GoodFood by the user and past menus, a new menu for the next 25

Similar concepts

Interaction Magazine


November Issue

Similar concepts There already exists some concepts similar to GoodFood, however not the same. A good example of one of these concepts is called Epicurious which is a website for food lovers where recipes can be found, you can make shopping lists and get advice on how to cook. Furthermore the recipes are divided into categories as such “Quick and easy”. [Epi]

based on age, physical limitations, allergies, restrictions due to medication etc.

Another concept is the danish alternative to Epicurious a webpage which contains a collection of recipes with some additional functions such as “empty the refrigerator” which allows the user to type in the ingredients of the refrigerator whereupon the system suggests relevant recipes. [] On back page of the door-to-door distributed free weekly newspaper Søndagsavisen there is recipes for 7 days - the upcoming week. This gives inspiration to the readers of the newspaper for meal planning. The recipes often use some of the same ingredients as the recipes for the other days, which give the reader the opportunity to ‘share’ the ingredients among several days. In this way the less food and ingredients are thrown away, and the user have saved money [Søndag]. There exist many more alternatives, all having more or less similar functionality. However, GoodFood is the first concept to accommodate the special needs and demands from elderly, taking into account; Nutrition values 29

GoodFood Mock-Up

Interaction Magazine




November Issue

GoodFood Mock-Up The following gives an outline and sneak peek for what GoodFood could look like. Not all of the application is covered, only some of the most essential features. Each picture shall be seen as an example of an interface presented to the user.

Initially a profile is created in GoodFood, enabling the program to adapt a menu to the users specific needs.

Prepare Profile Age - Weight - Hight Allergy Dislikes Physical Limitations Medication

Pushing the bottons should allow the user to enter his/ hers personal information


Interaction Magazine

Home When the personal information is entered the user will be guided to the Home menu. The Home menu will from now on, be the first thing the user will be presented when GoodFood is turned on.


3 options #1 By selecting the Cook option, the user will be presented with recipes and cooking guidance.


#2 Pushing the shopping botton directs the user to a shopping list generated from the specially planned menu.



#3 If the user goes to the Week Menu, it will be possible to see and adjust the suggested menu.

November Issue

Week Menu If option #3 is selected the user will be directed to the Week Menu. The menu overview provides information and several possibilities for adjustments.

Week Menu

It will be possible to adjust the menu to the content of e.g. the users fridge.


Chicken meatballs Brocculi Soup Change order

Plaice Chicken Pot Roasted Pork Cod

Pressing the “Go to list� will guide to user to the shopping list based on the menu.

Beef HOME!

The menu is presented according to the week days and optimized to fit the users profile.


By pressing the arrows, the user will be able to find and replace the dish with an alternatives


Interaction Magazine

Adjustments If the presented menu is not fitting the users wishes or the user simply wants to see if something more interesting exists, GoodFood makes sure he/she can get alternatives by pushing the arrows.

Week Menu Chicken meatballs


Brocculi Soup Change order

Plaice Chicken Pot Roasted Pork Cod Beef

Go to list


When clicking the arrows, alternatives appear. The selection of dishes are still aimed specific at the users needs.


November Issue

Shopping List When the menu is adjusted the user is able to get a complete shopping list. The list can eaily be corrected if e.g. the user already has some of the ingredients.

The list will be presented in a simple and easy understandable way

Shopping List

Week Menu

Chicken meatballs Brocculi Soup Change order



When the list is finished it can be turned into a simple form allowing it to be printed, emailed or sent to a phone. If the user uses a smart phone GoodFood should syncronize the list automatically.

Chicken Pot Roasted Pork Cod Beef HOME!

This was a outline of some of the functions GoodFood is expected to have and how it potentially will help elderly in planning meals based on nutrition level and special demands. 37

What is the plan?

Interaction Magazine


November Issue

What is the plan? This issue concludes the outline of the GoodFood project with research, user investigations as well as product, activity, context and technology (PACT) considerations. In the next issue of Interaction Magazine, a thorough walkthrough of how the interaction with the new GoodFood application is designed, as well as thoughts behind the decisions will be clarified. The seven steps of action will also be used to give a description of what exactly the user has to do. There will be an in-depth description and explanation of the graphical user interface as well as presentation of the add-on device/ remote if this is decided to include in the application. The prototype shown in this issue displays the initial thoughts on what the actual application is going to look like. For next time, a comprehensive functional prototype will be tested on users and presented to give a better understanding of the thoughts on the interaction and usability of the application. It is likely that the layout, GUI and user options wil undergo a major overhaul, to better match the exact wishes for the application.

References [Ældresagen] - Ældresagen raadgivning/sundhed/kost_og_ ern%C3%A6ring/Sider/D) [DR] -ægen [] - [Epi] - Epicurious [Søndag] - Søndagsavisen [Meraadet] - [] -

Stay tuned for next issue, it will be super exciting!


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