11 minute read
Lotus The Blue 10 years anniversary 2011 - 2021
“It is an undeniable fact that painters abound in Malaysia while there are only a handful of critics on paintings, let alone specialists who can appraise with a good command of language. In this regard, the appearance of Martin is undoubtedly a great blessing for the Malaysian painting circle. The articles related to Malaysian paintings published in his Blue Lotus online magazine are sights to behold as they serve well to dissociate from the longstanding glitz and undesirable protectionism prevalent among Malaysian painting critics. Martin also once published an article on Nanyang style of painting, wherein he put forward his unorthodox opinions based on factual studies. It is indeed a magnificent article worthy of further study by those concerned. I had actually tried to have this article translated into Chinese, but to no avail. What a pity.
While the Covid-19 pandemic is still raging in 2021, it is my earnest hope that Blue Lotus will continue to uphold the spirit of Mr Martin: In forever pursuit of academic freedom and social justice!”

Yeo Eng Hin, Principal of Masean Art Academy, President of Nanyang Academy of Fine Art (NAFA) Malaysian Alumni Association, Malaysia.

Jeffrey Say Programme Leader, MA Asian Art Histories McNally School of Fine Arts Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore.
" I strongly believe that putting an online magazine is not that easy. But the passion to share positive thoughts, and to uplift the spirit of artistry are but the sword and shield that counter the many challenges in producing this amazing magazine. Happy 10th Anniversary ...Blue Lotus Magazine! May you will continue your advocacy to promote the importance of art in society. Congratulations... Martin Bradley!"
Celso Duazo Pepito, Visual Artist, Philippines
Colour· Fragrance ·Flavour
Happy 10th anniversary to The Blue Lotus Magazine
“The Blue Lotus is one of the few magazines – print or online – that is dedicated to the coverage of Asian contemporary arts and culture. Its accessibly written articles and visually rich content that shuffles between the visual and literary arts make this publication a delight to browse and read. It was founded by writer and critic Malaysian-based Martin Bradley, whose familiarity with the arts and artists of the region is evident in the diversity of articles that it offers. Congratulations to Martin Bradley and The Blue Lotus for achieving the milestone of 10 years!”

When I flip through the pages of “The Blue Lotus” magazine, I can’t but help glow at its sense of colour. This “sense of colour” is an expression of great liking and love. It is revealed instinctively; awe from the bottom of one’s heart. It’s a kind of liking, it is “the colour of one’s true joy that shows”. This “colour of one’s true joy” is an old Chinese saying. In China, “colour” does not necessarily mean “colour”, but describes an expression that shows on the face. The word “colour” covers very rich meanings in the syntax of Chinese culture. It is not just a noun.
life and my love. Expressing “colour of true joy” means that I cannot hide how I feel about “The Blue Lotus” magazine. This is because it is truly a gorgeous treat. The ‘colour’, is a meaning of passion, and also the colour is the whole scope of this magazine.
A magazine is a form of visual art. The arrangement of colour, image and caption is crucial. The design of pages, the layout of colours, shapes and collocations, the changes of text and fonts, the choice of pictures, the overall layout and space arrangement, the handling of every single detail, are so much in harmony with the content and theme of “The Blue Lotus” magazine.
When introducing the history of a region and its cultures, it maintains a new sense of trendiness with a lively atmosphere. I have been involved in the design and publication of books and magazines for more than 30 years. Therefore, for every book and magazine, I pay close attention to the design and ambience, to the hue and colour, too. I am very sensitive towards each page, each colour block, each space, as it’s like music to one’s ears. I think “The Blue Lotus” magazine is a particularly heart-moving visual reading. First of all, it impresses the readers with “tones”. Just like the tropical scenery in Asia, it accurately reflects the history and life of Asians. The life of Asian countries, especially the South East Asian countries, is mostly centred around the idea of Buddha. This “colour” affects all aspects of our lives, such as the colour of moonlight, mountains, nations, sound, sky… The colour of all and everything, “the Blue Lotus” is this.
Cuisine is a core content of “the Blue Lotus” magazine. There’s an old saying in China, “ Food is most important to the people” they even halt war for it. Cuisine is always considered as a priority in life. And the first key element of good food is “colour” (presentation), this is followed by “fragrance”. Colour is visual, fragrance is a sense of smell, and only good scents stimulate one’s appetite. With the charm of “colour”, there must be also “fragrance” and even more, the “flavour”. “Colour, fragrance and flavour” is the heavenly state of a delicacy. Although I cannot smell the appetizing fragrance of food on the pages of “the Blue Lotus”, I can feel the “scent of book”. Throughout the history of Asia, what is the most respectable fragrance, with high-class taste? Certainly it is the “scent of book”! Any region, family, person, object, as long as there is literary spirit, then its wisdom and nobleness can be the legacy and heritage for future generations. In the living hall of my Lisbon residence, hangs my own handwritten work “Fo Shang Xiang (Buddha’s Incense)” which describes the fragrance of Buddha in the “Shurangama Sutra” Essays and beautiful pictures in “The Blue Lotus” magazine compliment one another, and also introduce the life and culture of Asians to others. Artists from all around (and their work) are featured in the magazine, not because of their reputation but for their region, their humanistic background and their multiculturalism, focusing on the visual power of their work of arts. These core ideas frame the breath and taste of this magazine. In my view, it is a “book” that is worth slow “tasting”. There are scholarly tastes, cultural sentiment and very unique visions. When normal life and pictures are portrayed in “The Blue Lotus”, it brings out another flavour. Since magazines are a “miscellany”, a“miscellany” covers various countries, however there’s only one goal: the taste of humanity. I like it, many like it; the Asians like it, and more readers outside of Asia love it.
“The Blue Lotus” magazine is a “book” of comprehensive “colour, fragrance and flavour”. It is colourfully elegant, scholarly immersed, rich in goodness, and unique in Asia and the world.
Shakespeare said, “tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers.” Thomas Doloney said, “God sends meat and the Devil sends Cooks.” The great chef who whipped up this “The Blue Lotus” is Martin Bradley from the UK. He is an author with multiple advanced degrees in the Arts, history, theory, gallery studies as well as a great liking for Asian art history studies. This is exactly one of the soul backgrounds of this magazine. Not only that, it also reflects Martin’s attitude towards life. He is a scholar who truly understands the meaning of life in all its wonder. Martin left Europe and embarked upon his life in Asia in 2004. He has been living and working in South East Asia for 17 years. “The Blue Lotus” magazine was founded and has been published by him (under various names) since 2011, and it is now celebrating its 10th anniversary.
As a British writer, art historian, art critic, gourmet and curator, Martin’s tireless dedication and contribution to Asian art history, art research and communication are undeniably obvious to all. Alongside the birth and spread of “The Blue Lotus” magazine in Asia, he too, has had many books published in relation to Asian culture and arts.
According to Buddhist philosophers, I think “colour” is wisdom, “fragrance” is a form and “flavour” is cause and condition. Martin brought “The Blue Lotus” to the world, and brought it back to Asia. He is a friend and a scholar full
of wisdom and humour. If there is any opportunity to learn from him, work and get along with him, the taste of “colour and fragrance” can definitely be sensed. Due to the pandemic, we shall miss the opportunity to celebrate the joyful occasion of “The Blue Lotus” 10th anniversary in person with a great feast. But that’s okay, I believe the day will come soon.
Luo Qi Professor China Academy of Art

“A loving tribute to dear Martin Bradley’s ‘Blue Lotus Magazine Special Issues’. Such efforts are the outcome of man’s sincere longing to earn and invest the delight that is universal and divine. Only unprejudiced appreciation can impart such bliss that has been the source of all sublime sentiments since time immemorial. I find the following words of Mundaka Upanishad defining the joy that dear Bradley’s magazine holds for us all.

From joy springs all creation By joy it is sustained Towards joy it proceeds And to joy it returns.
Heartiest thanks dear Martin Bradley for associating my humble creations in this special issue of the blue lotus magazine. My heartiest best wishes and prayers for your onward journey to the unknown domains of human bliss.”
Ravinder Sharma, Founder and Director at Ravinder Sharma Art Academy, Chandigarh,
Congratulations to Martin and his on-line literary journal Blue Lotus for ten years of artistic entertainment! You are providing a great service to writers and artists throughout the region. Has been a pleasure working with you on several occasions and looking forward to the next ten years! Well done! Robert Raymer, Lovers and Strangers Revisited, Tropical Affairs.
Robert Raymer, author.
First of all, I want to take this opportunity to wish The Blue Lotus Magazine a very, very happy 10th Anniversary! You have been doing such delightful work in bringing Asian literature, culture, and the arts to the world for ten years now.
Dr. Debotri Dhar, author, editor, educator.
The Blue Lotus Magazine, an online art magazine dedicated to Asian arts and cultures, is now ten years old. I am grateful to have been invited by its director, historian and art critic Martin Bradley, to write on the occasion of the tenth anniversary.
Dr. Maria Pilar Viviente Sole , Professor Doctor at Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.
Baby Blue

Se io fossi un poeta, caro Martin, raccoglierei nel bosco, presto, di mattino, le parole più fresche, quelle appena spuntate. Le disporrei in bell’ordine o forse mescolate per raccontare di come le danze della tua bimba incantano la mia anima. Ha quasi dieci anni, ormai. Lei si muove, increspa il mio schermo, il suo incedere emana colori e profumi. E suoni anche e sapori. Alcuni li percepisco distintamente, altri li immagino, altri ancora li sogno, forse. E mi ci immergo, come nel mare dopo un lungo cammino. Grazie, caro Martin, e ancora grazie, per il tuo lavoro paziente di tutti questi anni. Continua a crescere questa tua bimba, che è un po’ anche nostra, ormai.
Baby Blue

If I were a poet, Dear Martin, I would gather in the forest Early in the morning The freshest words, The ones just ticked. I would arrange them in good order Or maybe mixed To tell how
Your little girl's dance enchant my soul. She is almost ten, by now. She moves, She ripples my screen She walks and emanate Colors and scents. And sounds, too And flavors. Some I perceive them distinctly, Others I can imagine, Still others I dream of, perhaps. And I immerse myself in it, Like in the sea after a journey. Thank you, dear Martin, And thanks again, For your patient work Of all these years. Keep growing this baby of yours, Which is a bit ours too, by now.
Alessio Schiavo, architect, artist, poet
Hardly any international e-magazine has ever been as concerned with Asian artists as the "The Blue Lotus” Asian arts and culture magazine. Thanks to Martin Bradley, the Founding Editor, one can find here special art, special projects and special artist personalities from the fields of literature, fine arts and culture in general and in particular from the Asian cultural sphere. “The Blue Lotus" captivates by its wonderful ‘Gesamtkompsition’, each side has its completely own artistic organization, affectionately ‘durchspielt’ from texts, lyrics, culinary characteristics and evenly ART purely. I love this magazine - it takes me into worlds that I often miss and where discoveries await, completely in the spirit of modern Asia but just as often interwoven with deep philosophical and cultural, historical references. Thank you Martin - for your heartfelt, profound and valuable work!
Prof. Hildrun Rolff Professorin für Kunsttherapie at Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft
a lotus blooms