If you have a swimming pool in your backyard, you must be aware of the importance of pool filters. A filter does the same function in pool as lungs in our body. Filter is a device through which water is passed and any kind of dirt, grim, impurities are trapped. Thus, the major function of pool filter is to pump clean water. The water is passed in the pool back. It keeps running in circular function.
However, there are different types of pool pump and filter combo available in the market and choosing one can be a daunting task for you. Here is a complete guide to different types of pool filters.
A sand filter is typically a large container of sand which functions to trap dirt and debris when water is forced to it. They are the classic type and use the oldest technologies. In addition, they are also the most affordable option amount all. Only specific type of sand is used in the tank. The tank contains around 75% sand and 25% free space. As the tank fills up pool water, it is passed through the sand and microns larger than sand are trapped. This dirt and debris remain in the tank until it is backwashed. The sand is usually needed to be replaced in 3-5 years depending on the swim season.
It works in a similar fashion to sand filter. The difference is the filter media used in this type of filter. Inside DE filter, there are set of grids and fingers. These fingers are coated with DE powder which is usually made of crushed sea shells and diatoms. As water passes through these fingers, they trap the most of the dirt and debris at much lower micron level than sand filter. Unlike sand filter, large amount of DE is lost while backwashing. So, one need to be careful about DE.
They are one of the most popular types and come in multiple varieties. Cartridge filters contain replaceable paper and fabric like pleated cartridges as filter medium. They have large surface volume to trap water when water is pushed through them. Depending on the style and design you choose, a cartridge filter one in more than one cartridge inside the tank. Hope this guide helped you to choose the right type of pool filters for your pool.