2 minute read
Directors Circle
ArtsFest 2017 Featured Artist, Chris Kling
Director’s Circle & Encore Society
Support the Arts Foundaaon for Maran County. Nurture a vibrant arts sector that allows our community to thrive economically, socially, and creaavely. The Arts Foundaaon for Maran County walks hand in hand with the Arts Council of Maran County to lead the way to make Stuart a vibrant arts town. Our future is brightly lit with a vision for a cultural center embracing a wide diversity of art forms and people in our community. Now more than ever we need your support to enhance our programs, recognize arasts for their achievements, and conanue to be the innovaave resource for arts in Maran County!
PleasePlease contact Laura at laura.daniel@marrnartsfoundaron.org or 772-288-5397 ext. 6 for membership benefits and payment opaons!
Marie Jureit-Beamish & William Beamish Thomas & Polly Campenni Vicki & Joe Davis Maureen & Dan Deighan** Sharon & Michael Holt Ken Hooper-Capozzi Jane Kiehart Knight & Ann Kiplinger** Taryn & Kevin Kryzda Jeaneee & Larry Mueller** Vianne H. Nichols** Faith Paul Jennifer & David Powers Roni & Les Roener Ben Sharfi Dianne Spina G Georeorgege & & Kathrine Turrell Nancy K. Turrell & Ted Astolfi Nancy & Jung Wong
The donors above have contributed to the Arts Council at the **Encore Society ($2,500) or Director’s Circle ($1,000) level, during the previous 12 months.
The Arts Council and Arts Foundaaon are dedicated to supporang arts and culture in Maran County. The generosity and support of our Community Partners and Corporate Sponsors during these unprecedented ames has been overwhelming and heart-warming.
ThankThank you for valuing the arts. Because of supporters like you who sustain arts and culture, we can look forward to building a stronger and even more vibrant arts community together for our future and generaaons to come.
The Rickie Report TM