Perform inspectionGreenlighta all parts and labor on theperformedrepairsfrominspection.and receive 20Off % COMPACT $299 Only CLICK TO BOOK NOW Do Not Pay until January 2023 with an approved John Deere Financial account. 4 hour Greenlight Inspcetion. 20% off Parts & Labour on repairs performed. Discount valid to a max of $400, discount excludes fluids.

$41 399 50HP, TransmissionSyncShuttle™MFWD,Diesel,9F/3R from 5045E JOHN TRACTORDEERE 73 HP, Diesel,5075E JOHN DEERE $45,499 59 HP, Diesel, MFWD, Available in SyncShuttleTransmissionPowrReverser™12F/12Ror9F/3RTransmission from 5055E JOHN TRACTORDEERE 73 HP, Diesel, MFWD, Available in PowrReverser™12F/12RTransmission 5075E JOHN DEERE $55999 59 HP, Diesel, MFWD, Available in Transmission,orPowrReverser™12F/12RTransmission9F/3RSyncShuttleCab from 5055E JOHN DEERE TRACTORCAB$82,699 90 HP, Transmission,PowrReverser™MFWD,Diesel,12F/12RCab from 5090E JOHN DEERE TRACTORCAB Add a Loader CLICK TO VIEW 5-SERIES LINE-UP 5 SERIES UTILITY TRACTORS fromStarting

n 24 HP n Hydrostatic Transmission n 4WD n Power Steering n Premium Operator Station n Armrest & Fender Lights n Quick Park Loader &TRACTORLOADER1025R $30,595$26,595JOHNDEEREJOHNDEEREJOHNDEEREJOHNDEERE n 23 HP n Hydrostatic Transmission n 4WD n Power Steering $25,495$23,295TRACTOR&LOADER 1023E n 24 HP n Hydrostatic Transmission n Power Steering n 4WD n Heated Cab n Premium Operators Station n Lights n Quick Park Loader CAB TRACTOR & LOADER2025R1025R $39,995$43,695$38,39535,195 Stk# 111490, 137417, 147344, 147345 n 24 HP Hydrostatic Transmission n 4WD n Power Steering Cruise Control n Premium Operators Station Quick Park Loader n 260B Backhoe TRACTOR, LOADER & BACKHOE 2203 2202 $4800 SAVEONLY 5 LEFT! ONLY 4 LEFT! 2202 SAVE $5300

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BOOK YOUR POST-HARVEST Feederhouse removed during inspection. n Pick-Up Platform Inspection. n Basic combine wash. n Parts and labour warranty on all repairs performed until July 31, 2024. n Free replacement machine if yours is down and cannot be fixed within 24 hours. n 1 Free in-field service call if needed. n Do not pay until November 1, 2023. n Over 315 Inspection Points. $ 2199 $ 4999 BETTER BEST Promotion runs August 15, 2022 - April 30, 2023. Do not pay finance options only available on approved John Deere Financial Accounts. Free replacement machine is conditional if the failure is related to the inspection performed on a Greenlight Certified machine. Replacement combine on the enhanced inspection will be on of equivalent value and subject to availability. Customer must provide insurance for replacement unit. Prices of the inspections do not include shop supplies. Only combines with less than 2000 engine hours and model year 2018 or newer qualify for Martin Deerline Extended Warranty. CombineBasic Wash 6 ExteriorHour wash & cab cleaning. $ 570 $ 855 10 Hour Exterior wash, including grain tank, under panels & engine compartment. Interior cab cleaning. CombineDetailed Wash Draper or Flex Draper Platform Inspection Add On 4 Hour Inspection Covers Over 80 Inspection Points. $ 599 FULL WARRANTYMACHINEFOR 1 YEAR FOR AN EXTRA$4900 UPGRADE from powertrain warranty to n Over 315 Inspection Points. n 20 Hour Inspection. n Feederhouse removed during inspection. n Pick-Up Platform Inspection. n Detailed combine wash. n Parts and labour warranty on all repairs performed until July 31, 2024. n Greenlight Certified combines will have 1 Year full Powertrain warranty with $0 deductible. n Free replacement machine if yours is down and cannot be fixed within 24 hours. n 1 Free in-field service call if needed. n Do not pay until November 1, 2023. CLICK TO BOOK NOW

12 Months Warranty 6 Months Warranty on John Deere OEM Parts when installed by a Martin Deerline Service Technician. WHEN WE INSTALL YOUR PARTS! DOUBLEWARRANTYYOUR Coverage includes both parts and labor when we do it for you. on over the counter parts.

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VIEW OUR ENTIRE LINE-UP OF PRE-OWNED COMBINE EQUIPMENT Swath Up 450 Pick-Up Header780TT Claas2013 CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS $199,999S680 John2013 Deere CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS $$349249,999 STK 118982AA • 1160 Separator Hours, Tracks, Swath Up 450 Pick-Up Header780TT Claas2016 CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS $599 STK 029399A • 510 Engine Hours, 378 Separator Hours, 615P Pick-Up Header, Platinum Certified S780 John2020 Deere CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS YOUR FLEETUPGRADE 4WD 4WD4WD 4WD STK 898419C • 1816 Engine Hours, 1287 Separator Hours, 520/85R42 Front Dual Tires, 28L26 Rear Tires, 615P Pick-Up Header 760TT $179,999 STK 957890C • 3040 Engine Hours, 2000 Separator Hours, 4WD, Tracks, Swath Up 450 Pick-Up HeaderClaas2012 4WD

VIEW OUR ENTIRE LINE-UP OF PRE-OWNED COMBINE EQUIPMENT CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS STK 822587ca • 2982 Engine Hours, 2171 Separator Hours, Single Tires, Grain Tank Extension, 2016 Pick-up Header8120 Case2011IH $129,9999770STS John2010 Deere STK 100139AB • 2357 Engine Hours, 1743 Separator Hours, 520/85R38 Front Dual Tires, 18.4R26 Rear Tires, 615P Pick-Up Header 9760STS 9660WTS 9760STS John Deere John2005 Deere John Deere $64,999 $84,999 $69,999 2657 Separator Hours, 800/70R38 Front Tires, 18.4R-26 Rear Tires, 615P Pick-Up Header Hours, 1785 Separator Hours, 800/65R32 Front Tires, 480/80R26 Rear Tires, 914 Pick-Up Header Front Dual Tires, 28L-26 Rear Tires, Swathmaster Precision Header n toll free 1.877.627.8468 West Edmonton 17104 -118 Avenue South Edmonton 4630-51 Avenue Barrhead I Falher I High Prairie Mayerthorpe I Warburg Westlock I Wetaskiwin Offers valid until September 30, 2022. Offers subject to availability and may be discontinued or modified at any time. Taxes, set-up, delivery, freight and preparation charges will apply. Down payment may be required. Monthly payments/cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed/down payment. Minimum finance amount may be required; representative amount does not guarantee offer applies. Financing on approved John Deere Financial credit only. Discounts or other incentives may be available for cash purchases. See dealer for complete details. Some restrictions apply. Additional finance charge may apply. Prices are subject to change.. John CenterOperationsDeereMobile lets you monitor your equipment, track yields and check in on work in progress from the palm of your hand, anytime, anywhere. Download OperationstheCenter App today. MD Grain Growers MD Grain Growers S790 MD Grain Growers