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DIY: Easy macrame plant hanger
Photo by Thomas Pilling.
The 70s is back with the rise in popularity of macrame plant hangers. Here is how you can jump on the trend with these five simple steps.

This plant hanger is the perfect addition to any plant-lover’s home as it is cost effective, versatile and, most importantly, another excuse for you to fill your home with even more plants. If you are not familiar with the art of macrame, to put it simply, it is a textile craft based on knotting strings in patterns. So, as intimidating as it may initially seem, macrame is a craft for everyone of all abilities. The instructions below will teach you how to make a simple plant hanger and is a great introduction to start you off on your macrame journey! Once you get the hang of it, there are a number of ways in which you can add a personal touch: experimenting with types of knot, beads and even colour. But for now, let us get working on a classic!
EQUIPMENT: • The pot you intend to hang • 28 metres 3mm cotton rope • 50cm of 3mm cotton rope • 1inch metal ring
Half-square knot

Cut your rope into eight lots of 3.5 metres. Next, thread through the metal ring and match up both ends. Do not worry if the ends are not identical as you will be trimming them later. Flatten out the rope and secure with a gathering knot: Cut a piece of rope around 50cm in length. Fold the string with the ends facing upwards to create a ‘U’ shape. Take the long end and wrap it around the strings. Keep wrapping the string around, arranging it below the previous wrap and continue until you are close to the folded area. Take the end of the string and pass it through the loop. Pull the top string until it traps the bottom string underneath the knot. Cut the top and bottom string’s end.

3. Now you will create the net for your pot Divide your rope into to sit in. Leave a 6 four sections of four. inch gap and create a These are going to be crossover square knot the arms of the plant using the two right hanger. With each se- cords from your first ction, use a half-squ- group and the two left are knot to create the cords from the adjaspiralling effect to cent group. (Note that the length you desi- a square knot follows re. Make sure that the same pattern as a all arms are of equal half-square but instelength. Move working ad alternates sides.) string 1 over strings 2 Repeat for the reand 3, heading right. maining knot groups. Pass it under the wor- Leave a 6 inch gap king string 4. Move and create another working string 4 to crossover square knot the left, passing it un- by alternating the coder the two middle rds from the previous strings and overwor- step. Leave a 3 inch king string 1. Pull-on gap and secure with both working strings a gathering knot (see to tighten the knot step two). while holding the middle strings steady. 4.
Trim off excess cord to the tassel length you desire and fray the ends of the rope. Finally, bask in the glory of your beautiful macrame plant hanger.
Crossover square knot