Portfolio, Index. p. 04-11
Raumplan, 2020 3rd semester. Working from home. Making room for both work and family. Interconnected continual spaces dividing the public and private.
p. 12-17
Matrjoska, 2019 2nd semester. House for a sculptor. Creating a space for continual transformation and immersion. A sculpture, in a sculpture, in a sculpture.
p. 18-23
Point and Network, 2020 5th smester (BA-project). Working with cloudburst protection on Sundholm, Amager. Creating contemplative landscape that interacts with the community. Collaboration with BA-partner: Cæcilie Holbech
Manifest. I am Martin, a creator from Copenhagen. My approach to architecture comes from my appreciation for classical and modernist architecture and the world of art. I strive to work in the cross field between architecture and art. Seeing buildings and spaces as sculptures. A lot of my work starts with a shape, form or material and comes to life through models with or without scale. For me, the modification or transformation of material is what drives my passion for architecture. At my time at the academy I have learned that aesthetics does not necessarily comply with beauty and that to expand our perception of beauty we must blur the lines. I hope to do so in my future work in the field of architecture. This portfolio consists of selected works produced between 2018-2020. Looking back at my work to create this portfolio I start to se my work as individual entities that can be looked at individually or collectively, and therefore I have chosen to create this portfolio as a picture book.
PERSONAL Martin Friis 10/09/1995 Refshalevej 169F 1432 København K Denmark martinfriis@live.dk mafr1850@edu.kadk.dk 0045 60 10 74 27 issuu.com/martinfriis instagram.com/martinfriis facebook.com/martinfriis6010 LANGUAGES Danish - Native English - Fluent Norwegian - Fluent Swedish - Fluent
BA The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Copenhagen, Denmark / 2018 -
Adobe / Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop 3D-modellingen / Rhino, Sketchup Rendering and Drawing / V-Ray, AutoCad Tools / Lasercut, 3D-print, model building
Aarhus Design School Architecture and Fashion design Graphic Design and Visual Communications Aarhus, Denmark / 2017-2018 Aabenraa Gymnasium Aabenraa, Denmark / 2012-2015
EXHIBITIONS AND PUBLICATIONS Vikingeskibshallen Exhibition at the Institute of Architecture and Culture, 2020 The Seaplane Hangar, Copenhagen, Denmark Ethiopia Exhibition at the Institute of Architecture and Culture, 2020 The Seaplane Hangar, Copenhagen, Denmark Taking Place, 2019 Exhibition at the Institute of Architecture and Culture, 2019 The Seaplane Hangar, Copenhagen, Denmark Punkt og Netværk, Published 2020 p. 1-64. PROGRAM Archival Studies Kårk Magasize, 2021 Issue #39 Article / Bodies of Water
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Archival Studies Sydhavn, Copenhagen /2021 Architectual intern Enter Art Fair Tunnelfabrikken, Copenhagen / 2020 Communication and coordination with galleries, artists, suppliers and other partners
SHOOTS Louis Poulsen, Campaign Plaster relief To be published primo august 2021 Fredericia Furniture, Interior Shoot Areated concrete relief To be published ultimo may 2021 GUBI, Pierre Paulin Pacha Campaign Wood sculptures and plaster relief Published april 29, 2021
2018-2020 • S ele c te d works
A play on Adolf Loos’ idea of raumplan. A house for work and family. Interconnected continual spaces. Looking at what functions a combined studio and home needs and connecting each function to different levels. All levels connected through the fireplace that functions as the core element of the house that goes all the way from the basement to the rooftop terrace. 04
Model (scale 1:50): Cardboard, linden wood, pigment, beer
Inst itute of Archite c tu re and Cu ltu re
Model (scale 1:50): Cardboard, linden wood, pigment, beer
2018-2020 • S ele c te d works 06
Material model (scale 1:50): Plaster, marble, wood
I n s t it ut e of A rc h it e c t u re a nd Cu lt u re
Experimental drawing exploring elevations from Adolf Loos and plans from Le Corbusier. Combining the two to find new form and create new spaces. Working with different ways of creating space and connecting space.
Drawing A2 (scale 1:20) - Paper, pen
2018-2020 • S ele c te d works
Early model experimenting with different levels for Interconnected continual spaces. Spaces connected between different levels creating a pathway spiraling up through the house.
Early model scale 1.50: Lasercut cardboard, oak wood, linden wood
Inst itute of Archite c tu re and Cu ltu re
Drawing A2 (Scale 1:20)
2018-2020 • S ele c te d works 10
Digital drawing A1 (scale 1:50): Plan
Inst itute of Archite c tu re and Cu ltu re
Working with smooth transitions from the public ground floor spaces to the more private upper floors. Hidden stairs that connects the living area of the residents to the shared public kitchen. Using the ascent and decent from rooms as functional integrated furniture or storage.
Digital drawing A2 (scale 1:50): Section
2018-2020 • S ele c te d works
A house for a sculptor. Looking at the building as a sculpture of its own, but also as a shrine for the creations of sculptures. A shrine for creativity and play. Open plan that allows movement for work, and space for showcasing. A space that invites to immersion and for social gatherings.
Model (Scale 1:20): Lasercut HDF, pigment, beer
I n s t it ut e of A rc h it e c t u re a nd Cu lt u re
Hand Drawing A3 (Original scale 1:50): Facade facing North
2018-2020 • S ele c te d works
Reptation of form giving the house rhythm and movement and at the same time using the position of the project to give light for creating throughout the day. Light moving around casting a new shadow every hour. Giving the artist sculptures movement.
Model detail (Scale 1:20): Lasercut HDF, pigment, beer
I n s t it ut e of A rc h it e c t u re a nd Cu lt u re
Hand Drawing A3 (Original scale 1:50): Facade facing east
Rhino model visualization
S ele c te d works
I n s t it ut e of A rc h it e c t u re a nd Cu lt u re
Digital Drawing A3 (Original scale 1:50): Plan and section
2018-2020 • S ele c te d works
Family of modelwork exploring the scaleless. Motifs and form found on site removed from original scale to build a vocabulary that can serve as a language in the design project working with Sundholm on Amager, Copenhagen.
Form study: HDF, black pigment, beer
I n s t it ut e of A rc h it e c t u re a nd Cu lt u re
Composition of form study models. Working with Deleuze idea of smooth and striated space. The hard form dissolved in liquid. The nomadic space and the space of the settlers.
Form study: HDF, black pigment, beer
2018-2020 • S ele c te d works
By using water there is potentially an opportunity to increase the collective awareness that we are part of a larger network that at this time undergoes colossal changes and therefore more than ever there is a need for us to recognize our internal connection with each other and nature.
Form study: HDF, black pigment, beer
I n s t it ut e of A rc h it e c t u re a nd Cu lt u re
In the process of creating landscape for a flat surface I wanted to let the material give me the answer. Using knives, spoons and sandpaper the material started to come to life, giving form to what is to come further on in the project.
Conceptual landscape model: Aerated concrete handcarved 60x40cm
2018-2020 • S ele c te d works
Outdoor spaces for contemplation, play and connection between actors and bodies, human and non-human. Creating community within Sundholm and with the area around Sundholm.
V-Ray render: Watergarden
V-Ray render: Watergarden
I n s t it ut e of A rc h it e c t u re a nd Cu lt u re
V-Ray render: Watergarden
2018-2020 • S ele c te d works
distant memory of connectedness, of cohesion with our surroundings our environment something we did not even know we were longing for, laying in darkness waiting to be (re)discovered
Drawing: Pen on paper
I n s t it ut e of A rc h it e c t u re a nd Cu lt u re
Using diverted rainwater to give back to a community with sociological issues. A bathhouse for the homeless people on Sundholm, Amager. The incentive of this project is to give back to the community on Sundholm. Reusing the diverted rainwater to create a bathhouse and safespace. V-Ray render: View of bathhouse at Sundholm, Amager
Martin Friis Copenhagen, Denmark martinfriis@live.dk mafr1850@edu.kadk.dk 0045 60 10 74 27