Boulder County Kids Spring 2011

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Boulder Count y Kids Spring 2011

Volume XVII No. 1




Samuel Schmidt, age 11

Shepherd Valley Waldorf School, Boulder

BOULDER County Kids An Individualized Education

Helping Children to Be Exceptional, Accelerated and Creative

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Register Online Today!


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BOULDER County Kids

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Curious? Get your kids and come on in. Our exciting family-style classes are filled with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and the grownups who love them. All free to move, sing, play instruments and have fun. Best of all there’s no musical experience or aptitude required. (But we might ask you to get down and hop like a bunny.)

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Spring 2011 • Page 3


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BOULDER County Kids Serving Boulder County, Broomfield, Estes Park, & Surrounding Areas

Spring 2011

Contents Volume 17 No.1

Boulder Valley Credit Union

Better Banking. Naturally.


Over 28,000 sur-charge FREE ATMs Nationwide, including ATMs in most every 7-11 store.

Note: Many of our covers come from monthly student K—12 art displays at the Boulder Valley Credit Union at 5505 Arapahoe Avenue next to the Boulder Dinner Theatre. Check it out!

Boulder County Kids is a Division of Martin

House Publications, Inc. Published quarterly in February, May, August, and November. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 17114, Boulder, CO, 80308. Phone number: (303) 939-8767. Copyright 1995 to 2011 by Boulder County Kids. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission prohibited. Boulder County Kids encourages your submission of articles, photographs, and ideas. We reserve the right to edit all submitted material. All submissions will be considered for publication. Viewpoints of the articles are not necessarily the viewpoints of Boulder County Kids. Materials will not be returned. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publisher. Printed with soy-based ink. See submission guidelines at

Enroll Now for Fall 2011!

The Tiny Tim Center

Ages 2 1/2 - 5 Bring your child for a classroom visit

• Low adult/child ratios in every classroom • Special needs and typical children together in each classroom • Nationally accredited for excellence in preschool standards • Highly qualified teachers and therapeutic staff • Enrichment programs available (Yoga, Write Now handwriting program and more...) • Lunch Bunch Relief, hope and sheer • Scholarships available joy are the emotions my husband and I felt once we finally stumbled upon The Tiny Tim Center ... There has been such a positive change in our son in 3 shorts weeks ... -Wendy and Justin Everett

Please visit or call for more information 611 Korte Way • Longmont • 303-776-7417

Page 4 •

Articles titled in blue are great reading for kids, green for directories.

From the Publisher...................................................................... 5

Cover Story-Sam Schmidt.................................... 5 Boulder Art Talk ..................................................... 6

Kids’ Planet.................................................... 8 A Little Light Trouble Shooting.................... 10

Izzy’s Garden.......................................................... 14

Money Skills........................................ 16 News about Town. ............................................. 18

NO and STOP are Complete Sentences............................ 19

5 Tips to Protect Your Kids’ Ears. .................... 20 2011 Tax Changes............................................ 22 What Do I Do Now, Romona?......................... 24

CAMP DIRECTORY........................... 26­–34

Health care Directory.......................................... 35

Environmental Health Tips...................... 35 How Graphic Text Help Readers.................. 36

Avery’s Avid Reader Corner.............. 37

Child Care/Preschool DIRECTORY....... 38–42 Private school DIRECTORY............................ 42–43

Birthday Party Directory...................................................44-45 AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMS................................. 46–49

Spring Calendar of Events......................................... 50–53 Editor in Chief - Jennifer Martin Cool Cover Art - Sam Schmidt Food & Travel Editor - Walter Katz Official Mascot - Luna Best in the World Printers - Longmont Daily Times-Call Distribution Gurus - CircServ To Perfection Editing & Proofing (really the gal is so good!) - Linda Carlson The Most Awesome Web Designer - Bolderwomen: • (303) 939-8767

BOULDER County Kids Photo courtesy of Raye Harris Photography Studio in Erie.


appy spring to you. So nice to see the days getting longer. We have more time to play in the snow! Flowers will be coming up soon, and Easter is just around the corner. Have fun this spring and do check out our CAMP DIRECTORY and CALENDAR for lots of fun programs this summer. Take good care and please be in touch! Jennifer Martin and Luna Jennifer Martin, Publisher

(303) 939-8767

Don’t miss out on the next issue.

Get the Word Out!

Reach 20,000 families in Boulder County, Broomfield County, and surrounding areas! Summer issue deadline is April 5th. That issue covers May, June and July. Please call early to reserve your space! This issue and next has our CAMP ISSUE, and we tend to sell out of space early so call us early! Calendar of Events listings are published at no charge and on a space-available basis. All advertising information and forms are available online, please check out our Advertising Page at Calendar events must be submitted online at on our Calendar Submission Form. Receipts will be sent back to you.

Boulder County Kids • PO Box 17114 • Boulder, CO 80308

(303) 939-8767


ur cover artist is Sam Schmidt who is 11 years old and attends Shepherd Valley Waldorf School in Boulder. He has one older brother, Levi, who lives in Portland, Oregon, now. He likes to visit Portland and might go this spring. Sam enjoys playing soccer, basketball, playing the violin, painting and woodworking. He also likes to go hiking with his dog, Ruby, who was adopted from the Boulder Humane Society. They also have goats and chickens at his house! His favorite foods are Indian and Thai dishes and he loves to go to Himalayas Restaurant in Boulder. Sam doesn’t watch TV but does like to listen to many types of music and really enjoys folk music. Sam also likes wilderness survival skills. He says they are great because they hone his senses. His favorite thing about spring is the smell of rain, and spring break and getting outdoors.


Sam Schmidt


he cover sponsor is Boulder Valley Credit Union, which provides kids with an excellent environment in which to save money and provides incentives, activities, events, and mascot visits. To join, or for more information, call (303) 442-8850 in Boulder and (970) 577-0750 in Estes Park, or you can also visit •

Suzuki Violin, Viola and Cello School Openings available for private lessons: Ages 4 through high school Beginner through advanced The Program Offers: Weekly private lessons and twice-monthly group lessons. Note reading, theory & string orchestra. Studio & community concerts & recitals.

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Members of the Boulder Valley Suzuki Teachers

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Spring 2011 • Page 5

BOULDER County Kids

Boulder Art Talk Opportunities to know about


unding for arts programming live on the proverbial chopping block. The Boulder Valley School District places the arts (or “specials” as referred to internally) in constant jeopardy whenever funding crisises emerge. The recession of the past two to three years has drastically impaired fund-raising within the nonprofit world and has hit the arts with particular abandon. Everyone is competing for the same money. Art teachers and private art education programs have had to trim budgets to the barest threads. Dreary news indeed, but all is not lost, there are a few organizations in the Boulder area that have weathered the storm and want to show off the arts in Boulder.



In 1995, founder and former executive director (now retired) Gary Zeff had an idea to start a local nonprofit visual arts organization that would allow the public to meet and see artists in their own studios. His passion, which remains with OpenArts today, is to educate the public about the importance of arts and arts education in our increasingly technical, impersonal world. Generously housed in Rembrandt Yard at 13th and Spruce, OpenArts produces the venerable Open Studios and the new Open Arts Fest in July as well as

Looking for a unique education? Shepherd Valley Waldorf School is home to experienced teachers, a rich curriculum, and unique teaching methods.

Shepherd Valley Waldorf School 303-652-0130 Founded in 1993

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art education programming throughout the county. Major funders, such as SCFD and The Denver Foundation, have supported the work of OpenArts for years, understanding the value of community arts programs to enrich the lives of all residents. OpenArts hosts free art openings four times a year, featuring the work of Open Studios artists and Clementine artists. For more information, check out www. or call (303) 444-1862.


Education Links is an OpenArts program that matches BVSD K-12 art teachers with professional, local artists for classroom instruction, projects, presentations, and demonstrations at no cost to the school. EdLinks funds up to five classroom hours plus a stipend for student supplies. This school year, EdLinks has thrived due to funding from the Youth Opportunity Advisory Board (YOAB). Open Studios artists have taught encaustic painting to high school students, introduced others to a new area of the sciences called neuroas-

thetics, created and installed bus shelter art, learned how art plays a vital role in mental and physical health recovery, and more. You may not know it, but EdLinks has probably taught your child something very special about art. Contact Open Arts to learn more about their role as the community art partner of BVSD.


Clementine Studio is a hands-on, multimedia program that encourages the independent exploration of age-appropriate art materials in a nurturing and inspiring environment. Paint with traditional and unique tools; explore gluing, cutting, and collage materials; create 3-D sculptures from clay, dough, and wood; incorporate movement into art by flinging, drizzling, and dripping paint! They are located at 2775 Valmont Road. This past fall, Clementine added teen and adult art education to their roster of classes. Join Clementine and OpenArts as they rebuild the scholarship fund for arts education on February 4th at Rembrandt Yard. Check out or

BOULDER County Kids or call Lisa (303) 443-2520 for more information.


The Open Studios Fall Artist Tour is in its 16th year. Open Studios is Boulder’s iconic fall event, giving attendees an opportunity to visit 125 artists in their studio space and experience firsthand how they actually create the art. Many artists host children’s activities, demonstrations and opportunities to try your hand in their medium. Open Studios is free and open to the public, it is a family event of the highest order and fun to boot. For more information, visit our website at and get to know one of Boulder’s most popular events.


OpenArts has partnered with Downtown Boulder, Inc to host a new art festival that combines the best of our Spring Art Fair and DBIs Downtown Boulder Art Fair. In its inaugural year, OpenArts Fest, is a celebration of Boulder’s visual arts unlike any other. Local artists will be joined by artists from around the country, providing demonstrations and workshops and showcasing their work. There will be exciting children’s art activities hosted by Clementine Studio, a silent auction, benefiting OpenArts art education scholarship program, plus live music, dance, food, drinks, and much, much more! The new OpenArts Fest will be held on July 16 and 17 on the Pearl Street Mall.

Mark your calendars! Contact OpenArts or check out www. for more information.




BMOCA also has workshops and camp programs working with visiting artists children. They continue to have exhibitions and events throughout the year for all ages.



If you check out our BOULDER COUNTY KIDS After School Directory, pages 46–49 and our Camp Directory on pages 26–34, you will find many wonderful programs covering all the arts throughout Boulder County and surrounding areas. We have only mentioned the visual arts in Boulder for this article, but there are many fabulous programs in many creative areas not to miss!

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How can YOU help? Donate funds, donate materials—volunteer for these organizations, attend your children’s art shows, communicate to your principal of your school along with city organizers. Let them know the importance of arts for your children. Use social networking to share your art experiences with others. Expose your children to art shows, take them to galleries, art fairs, coffeehouse shows, restaurants doing shows, and let them explore with art materials at home!

Our award-winning community music school is for all ages, abilities, and means. Tuition assistance available. • Early childhood: Music Together, Orff and Dalcroze Eurhythmics • Lessons on all instruments and voice • Jazz and rock for tweens and teens • Adult Ensembles: Concert Band, Jazz, and Women’s Vocal • Wellness, Musicianship, and Music Therapy • Kaleidoscope Concerts Series - featuring a colorful array of music presented by a variety of talented and entertaining guest artists Located at 200 E Baseline Rd, Lafayette, CO.

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Spring 2011 • Page 7

BOULDER County Kids Kids’ Planet... with Thorne Ecological Institute SAGA OF THE PASSENGER PIGEON Drawing by Kara Priest

by Dr. Oakleigh Thorne, II


Photo by Oak Thorne

ne of the saddest and most amazing stories of how humans killed off one species is the story of the Passenger Pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius. This beautiful dove nested together in huge colonies. A flock flying over could stretch more than a mile wide and 300 miles long, containing one or two billion birds that darkened the sky for several days. It was estimated that when Europeans arrived in the 1600s, there were three to five billion passenger pigeons in North America! In the spring they would migrate from the south to their nesting grounds in New England, New York, Ohio, and areas around the southern Great Lakes. Each female laid only one egg a year in a flimsy nest made of sticks. The birds fed on

A male passenger pigeon that Oak found in a taxidermy shop in NYC when he was ten years old.

acorns, chestnuts and beech nuts from the great tracts of woodlands that made up eastern and central North America, long before human settlers cut down most of the forests. Like the nesting colonies, their roosting sites were huge. They could cover areas five miles wide

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Page 8 •

by twelve miles long. In the nesting colonies, a single tree could hold up to a hundred nests! Why were there so many passenger pigeons? It was probably because of the lack of natural predators, other than a few hawks and eagles. The Native American Indians caught some pigeons in large nets, and the early settlers in New England learned to do the same, but few birds were taken in relation to the billions that were here. The young birds, called squabs, were a great delicacy to eat, and were easily shaken out of their nests. Later in time, pigeon meat became more and more popular. So by the 1800s, the commercial slaughter of passenger pigeons had developed

on a huge scale. The birds were shot and netted in their colonies, and the squabs were shaken from the trees. They were packed in barrels and shipped down the rivers to the eastern cities, and later sent by the boxcar load as railroads were developed. In New York City in 1805, a pair of passenger pigeons sold for two cents. Slaves and servants in 18th- and 19thcentury America often saw no other kind of meat. The famous bird artist, John James Audubon, described the tremendous flocks of passenger pigeons, but he also commented on the preparations for slaughter at a roosting site, where pigeons were even fed to fatten 300 hogs that had been driven 100 miles to the site by two farmers. Audubon saw large piles of birds that had already been killed. By 1850, many noticed that passenger pigeons were decreasing in numbers, but the commercial slaughter continued unchecked. It even increased to a greater level after the American Civil War as more railroads were built. In 1874, one million pigeons were sent from Oceana County in Michigan to the eastern markets. By the late 1880s the numbers of passenger pigeons fell rapidly, so by the 1890s the last birds

were seen in the wild. By 1900 they were gone, extinct by the hand of humans. The last-known passenger pigeon, a female named “Martha,” died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914. Go online and type in “passenger pigeon,” and you’ll be blown away by all the stories. As a naturalist, I’ve always been sad that I never had a chance to see these birds alive in the wild. Think about this, and please

BOULDER County Kids

learn to cherish and respect all of nature’s creatures. Dr. Thorne is founder and honorary president of Thorne Ecological Institute in Boulder. They have helped “connect kids to nature” for more than 55 years. For more information about Thorne Natural Science School classes for children, check or e-mail or call (303) 499-3647.

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Kindergarten / Preschool Prospective Parent Presentation Thursday, February 17th • 4-6 pm RSVP Now enrolling for Fall 2011-12 Friday Morning Parent/Tot Group 6 months to 3 years 2, 3, 4, & 5-Day Program Options

Thorne Natural Science School

Summer Camp 2011

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Ages 2-1/2 to 6 years

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(303) 499-3647 Spring 2011 • Page 9

BOULDER County Kids

A little light troubleshooting by Karelle Scharff


know how frustrating and scary it can be to deal with computers that aren’t working, so I’d like to suggest some things to do when things go awry. Many software problems can be solved by restarting. First try restarting the program that’s causing the problem. You might have to force quit the program if it’s hung. On a PC to force quit something press ctrl+alt+delete. This will bring up the task manager. Once the task manager is open, right click the program you wish to close and select go-to process. Then press the end process button. On a Mac, press

cmd+option+esc and in the resulting window, select the offending program, press return and then return again. If that doesn’t improve mat-

ters, or you can’t restart the application, try restarting the computer. Again, if the computer is nonresponsive, you might have to force a shut-

down, but often on reboot the problem will be cleared up. Both Macs and PCs provide a means of turning off the computer without pulling the plug, so use those first and only pull the plug as a last resort. This also applies to cable /DSL/ satellite modems. If you lose your Internet connection, unplug the power cable of the modem (the wall end goes to an electrical socket), leave it unplugged for a minute or two, replug and try again. If there’s a router, wireless or wired, unplug that, too. Remember, always unplug and replug both ends.

E l d o r a d o Yo g a D a y C a m p for Kids - Summer 2011 DATES FOR 2011

Session 1: June 6 – 10 Session 2: June 13 – 17 Session 3: June 20 – 24 Session 4: June 27 – July 1 Session 5: July 11 – 15 Session 6: July 18 – 22 Session 7: July 25 - 29

Offering 7 Week-Long Day Camps Monday through Friday - 9 am to 3 pm

Eldorado Yoga Day Camp

Ages 5 - 15 $250 per week with 50% discount for siblings Kids and teens will have a blast at our fun-filled camps. In a beautiful natural setting they will enjoy a free-spirited yoga arts and nature camp that integrates the wonderful body/mind/heart benefits of yoga. Memorable quotes from Eldorado Yoga Day Camp Jai said to his Mom, “I love yoga camp so much I want to go for the next 85,000 years.” And another said, “When I wake up after I sleep, I can’t wait to come back to camp!”

Eldorado Mountain Yoga Camp (303) 249-1671 2875 County Road 67 • Boulder, CO 80303

Page 10 •

“We love Yoga Kids Camp! The beautiful location and programs staffed by kind and experienced Counselors. This is a camp unlike most you’ll find. Arts, crafts, games, hiking, music, and yoga... all offered in an environment that nurtures kids and brings out the best in them. It’s great Summer fun! --Debbie mother of a camper returning for the 3rd summer.

save yourself time, aggravation, and money by being observant. Did you do anything differently? Did you load a new program? Is your virus detection software up to date? Was there a power outage? What did you do right before the computer hiccupped? What’s different on the screen? Did you do a system upgrade? Write down your observations, and when you speak to your computer tech, whether it be your 14-year-old daughter, your next door neighbor or a real professional, you may actually have answers to some of the questions they might ask. I don’t want to appear self-serving, but unless your computer is not particularly important in your life, or your data doesn’t mean much to you, sometimes it’s not the best plan to turn it over to your kid or your neighbor. If they don’t actually know what they’re doing, they can easily make things much worse and end up costing you a lot more money when you finally have to hire someone to take care of the mess. But before you do anything, be sure to take a deep breath, hold it for a second, then exhale deeply. If you still feel the need, now you can scream.

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Karelle Scharff is an information technologist and the owner of Best MacSolutions, is an Apple-certified help-desk specialist, and a member of the Apple Consultants Network (, based in Ward. She provides training, service, and support to small businesses, home-based business, and individuals. Call her at (303) 459-3363.

We’re also committed to helping young people embrace their own y— role in the joys of staying healthy—like eating right and getting plenty of exercise and sleep.

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If your computer, or a peripheral won’t turn on, the very first and easiest thing to check is if it’s plugged in. When I say check, I mean unplug both ends and replug them. I have a number of embarrassed clients who insisted their computer/hard drive/printer was plugged in but when I came to their home or office and unplugged and then replugged, turns out that it had wiggled out just enough to break the connection. This routine goes for USB or firewire cables, too. If, for instance, your computer tells you there’s no printer attached, but it looks attached and is on, turn it off, unplug the USB cable from both the computer and the printer, replug and try again (you might want to clear the printer queue first, otherwise you could be printing a lot of documents, if you tried to print multiple times). There are a limited number of moving parts on a computer—mostly the hard drive and the optical drive (cd/dvd), and those are the parts that tend to fail first. Of course all your data resides on the hard drive, so a hard drive failure can be catastrophic if you don’t have a backup. There is NO way around the need for a backup. When I say backup, I mean automatic, complete, incremental, and regular, in other words dragging files onto a thumb drive is not a backup system and will only lead to tears and gnashing of teeth when your hard drive fails (please note I did not say if). A backup system can cost as little as $100. In comparison, data recovery starts at $250, can easily cost as much as $3,000, and still only recover part of your data. Obviously this doesn’t even begin to cover the myriad ways computers can be contrary, and for the other 99.9% of problems, you can

BOULDER County Kids

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(303) 425-9581 Spring 2011 • Page 11

BOULDER County Kids





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BOULDER County Kids

Accepting applications for 2011-2012 Register for our 2011 Summer Programs!

Preschool through Fifth Grade

303.499.1999 Preschool self portrait

5465 Pennsylvania Ave. Boulder, CO 80303

Preschool self portrait

Do Is youyour have achild bright child thriving in school who is struggling with or surviving in learning or focus? school?


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Is your Is your child childexperiencing experiencing any or any or all of the following? all of the following: • •Behind in reading or math Behind in reading or math • Weak organizational skills • Weak organizational skills • Difficulty paying attention in school Difficulty paying attention in school • •Illegible handwriting Illegible writing or writing not at ability • •Difficulty getting thoughts on paper • ADD/ADHD Open the door to a permanent path of learning

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Spring 2011 • Page 13

BOULDER County Kids



by Isabelle Martinez


ello. My name is Izzy Martinez. I have a strong interest in gardening and the magic that comes with it. I am also enjoying being a 6th grader at Casey Middle School. At my school I have met many nice students and teachers. Each person is unique like a plant. They each hold a special personality. Some bloom like red roses, while some sit shy and quite like a small carrot underground. Sometimes I think the teachers are like morning glories. They are beautiful and entwine us with there vines of knowledge. They all remind me of the green gardens I love. Since I was four, I have met many that I still now know from being in Growing Gardens. Growing Gardens/Cultiva

ÂĄCultiva! 2-acre garden site next to the Hawthorn Community Gardens and the Growing Gardens greenhouse at 1630 Hawthorne off Broadway.

is a nonprofit organization that promotes youth gardening. We learn to work together and how to grow and harvest herbs and veggies. We also gain knowledge of beekeeping from a nice individual named Julie. In the gardens I am in community where there are carrots, beets, and radishes in the ground. I see the green kale creeping in the beds and the long string beans drooping from their heavy vines. I can detect aromas of sweet mint. This is a community of senses; this also is a gathering of gardeners and farmers.


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I have become friends with the instructors as well as the younger and older students in the gardens. The farmers market is a vibrant community. There you will see dogs being walked, fancy flora, women and men with recycled bags filled with organic produce, and delicious treats. You will notice that almost everyone has a smile on their face, especially the farmers. Being the gardener I am, I have grown new friendships. At a Cultiva dinner, I met Jennifer Martin, the publisher of this paper and her nice spouse, Walter. They have a dog named Luna who is goodnatured. I have met many wonderful smart woman herbalists. My teacher is the herbalist Brigitte Mars. Together we talk about fairies, herbs, and natural foods. She has a bright mind and a superior heart. Recently I met Laura Ruby of Growe. She has a sweet smile. Growe is a nonprofit organization that installs gardens at elementary schools

in Boulder. Their goal is to have a garden and nutrition program at every Boulder Valley elementary school. So far there are 14 schools participating. It was founded by a man named Bryce. I learned that he has a generous heart. When he first started this program he helped kids of all ages, who never gardened or possibly hadn’t tasted fresh lettuce. He brought people to The Kitchen restaurant, and there they learned from a chef named Hugo. He now goes to schools and delights both teachers and students by spreading the joy of preparing and eating fresh food straight from the earth. Laura said that Growe’s goals are to promote healthy eating and sustainable living skills through gardening and nutrition. One school even has a butterfly garden. In the fall they release fluttering butterflies and write poems about their journey to the warm South. I am happy to say that a beautiful woman named Debra Foy, who has two daughters, recently came to my school and contributed ideas for a new garden at Casey. Growing Gardens/ Cultiva may begin teaching about gardening and healthy eating at my school. It is so amazing how so many people in Boulder come together with big hearts, smart minds, and determined spirits to promote a healthy lifestyle. Together we can create a magical community that contains sparkling plants with vital energy that feeds us with nutrition and joy. For more information, check out:

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Summer creative enrichment for ages 3-5 including gymnastics, storytime, art, dance and sports readiness. Tues. & Thurs. 1:15-3:45 pm





A great place to grow!



Spring 2011 • Page 15

BOULDER County Kids

Money Skills: Teaching Kids Money Management Skil s is Crucial! by Steve Carr


ost kids weren’t born with natural money skills! And most kids would rather spend money than save. Helping kids learn positive spending habits and good money management skills is crucial for success in life and can help them achieve their financial goals. Parents’ biggest concern typically centers around their kids’ inabilities to handle money. Research shows parents are not doing a good job in teaching their kids basic money-management skills. In fact, a recent survey found that less than half of parents surveyed said they teach their 11 to 14-year-olds how to keep track of their expenses or set up a budget. Learning how to be responsible with money can be similar to learning to ride a bike. Success with BOTH requires that kids be ACTIVE participants and receive nurturing from parents. Parents are always coaching their children at sports and other activities, but typically spend very

little time discussing financial matters. Teaching good money skills involves helping kids handle, spend, and save their money. It is NEVER too early and, of course, never too late to learn responsible use of money! 1. Be a good role model. If you’re always impulsively buying things, your children see this and believe it is ok and that they can do it, too. They are watching. If you act in a responsible way and discuss with them how you manage money and make sure you stay within budget, they will see the impor-

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tance and follow suit. Ask them questions and discuss their answers. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

2. Use real-life examples. Show your child how you balance your checkbook EACH month, and how you match all your credit card receipts to your statement and the reality of paying your credit card bill on time. When you show them the household bills, they will begin to learn how much things cost and how you manage the expenses. 3. Give them an allowance. One of the best ways for kids to learn to manage money and keep a budget is by giving them an allowance and having them manage it.

Is Your Birthday Party Planned? Check out pages 44 to 45!

“need” that could help them save more money. They can also track their earnings (including allowance, holiday money, gifts) to ensure they are depositing regularly. Remind them that this can provide the necessary skills for balancing a checkbook and maintaining a budget. 6. Encourage an entrepreneurial spirit. Help your child earn money by mowing lawns, baby- or dog-sitting, set up a lemonade stand, etc. Your child can learn that how you earn money is through hard work, and they will begin to appreciate the value of money. 7. Reward them. Catch them doing things right. When they follow your advice, offer them a reward or at least acknowledge it and praise them. Pretty soon, good money management will become a habit and your child will be well on their way to begin achieving their financial goals. Steve Carr is a vice president at the Boulder Valley Credit Union at 55th and Arapahoe in Boulder. (303) 442-8850 or visit www.bvcu. org for more information.

Unorganized? Out of Space? Too Much Clutter? • Getting ready for baby • Kids outgrowing their closets • Cabinets overflowing • Relocating • Photos out of control • Establish streamlined filing systems

Clutter Be Gone


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The amount depends on your child’s spending habits, age, maturity, and your comfort level. But the keys to success include: Set a certain amount. Explain to your child that the allowance will cover certain things (for example a deposit to savings, school lunches, entertainment, snacks they buy, etc.) Pay it regularly at the same time and amount each week, and explain to them when it is gone, it is GONE. And don’t bail them out! 4. Encourage savings. Most kids are impulsive and want to spend, spend, spend. Your job is to teach them to save, save, save. Sit down with them and discuss their spending urges and develop a plan to change this. For instance: Encourage them to Pay Themselves First (a portion of their allowance goes to their savings), and the importance of regular deposits. Review their account with them each month and note the balance direction. 5. Keep a spending log. Encourage your child to keep track and record everything they spend money on, including candy, iTunes, video games, etc. Set up an Excel worksheet on the computer, and it will tally the entries. Review it weekly, and you’ll both see how expenses can really add up. Discuss purchases they could cut or lessen that they really don’t

BOULDER County Kids Spring 2011 • Page 17

BOULDER County Kids

News about Town...



ira Hatland is one of our advertisers and recently lost her studio up in Sunshine Canyon. In the midst of all the destruction of her studio and part of her home, Mira discovered cancer during a routine visit at the doctor’s to check her lungs. They believe they have found it early enough to treat it. Please check out her letter of “Gratitude for the Fire and Now Cancer” ... posted at www.bouldercountykids. com/miraletter.html or look for a link on our current contents page as well.

women on “Igniting Your Inner Life as a Mother.” Both events will be held in north Boulder. For more information, check out www. or call (303) 440-1459.


rts education scholarships need your help. Join OpenArts and Clementine Studio in re-building their scholarship fund for arts education at Clementine Studio. The pARTy is February 4th at Rembrandt Yard, 6-9pm, and will feature artwork from Open Studios and Clementine artists, gourmet food, wine and beer, live and silent auction and more. Babysitting is available at Clementine Studio, reservations required. Tickets are $45 per person and available online at www. and or by calling (303) 444-1862.


e g i n a S a r a Ry a n (above), author of The Woman Awake, and local parenting educator Rahima Baldwin Dancy will explore ways to ignite the inner life through parenting in a talk and workshop February 11–12. The Friday night talk is for all parents, while Saturday will be an experiential workshop for


entral City Opera (CCO) partners for the second time with the Junior Symphony Guild (JSG) on their 2011 Tiny Tots

Page 18 •

Inside the Orchestra program. CCO will bring opera to the 25th annual program, throughout the Denver metro area ranging from Boettcher Concert Hall to the Wildlife Experience and Temple Emanuel (a complete list of performances is available at All performances take place at both 9:30 and 10:30 am through February 9th and run for 45 minutes. Designed for preschool children six and under (but all ages are welcome). Designed to bring symphonic music to underserved communities, tickets are priced at just $5 (complimentary tickets will be offered to those in need, and children under one are free). Performances do sell out, so you are encouraged to purchase tickets promptly. Call Sheila Gossen at (303) 355-7855 or please do e-mail Sheila@insidetheorchestra. com for more information.


ree days for Colorado residents are held throughout the year at both Denver Botanic Gardens and Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield, thanks to funding from the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD). Free Days occur during regular Gardens hours only and do not include ticketed events. Check out www. for more events and special lectures, house and special concerts. Free Days at Denver Botanic Gardens (York Street location): Mondays Jan. 17 and Feb. 21, Sunday, March 20, Friday, April 22, Tuesday,

July 19, Mondays, Aug. 29 Sept. 26 and Oct. 10. Free Days at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield: Fridays on Feb. 4, March 4, April 22, June 3, July 1, Aug. 5, and Nov. 4.


pera Colorado Brings Hansel & G re t e l t o t h e C h i l d r e n ’s M u s e u m o f Denver on February 2. Families can take part in Czech Point Denver and help kick off Fairy Tales & Fables Month at the Children’s Museum of Denver with Opera Colorado’s production of Hansel & Gretel. Sung in English, staged traditionally and condensed for young attention spans, this enchanting performance of classical literature will educate young children about the fundamentals of the opera. From 5 to 6 pm at the Children’s Museum of Denver, at 2121 Children’s Museum Drive. All activities included with Museum admission. Space is limited. First-come, first-served. Check out www.cmdenver. org for more information.

BOULDER County Kids

“No” and “Stop” are complete sentences by Jessica Dancingheart


ears ago while on vacation, I noticed a family with five children. When I see a family of that size, more times than not, I experience an exhausted couple trying to bring order to much mayhem, parents that are checked out as the kids do their own thing, or drill sergeant parents with an army of obedient children. Over the five days that this family’s vacation overlapped with mine, I was continually amazed as I watched this family. The children seemed very happy and easygoing—playing with one another and with other children gently and playfully. To boot, the parents had much energy and big smiles as they happily interacted with their children, each other, and the other hotel guests. My curiosity was piqued. I wanted to know how the family “did it?” Surely, there must have been some sort of secret. What I noticed was that the clichéd parenting advice around boundary setting was in place. The parents set clear expectations of conduct and allowed the children to learn from natural consequences, without the drama of punishment, anger, or any other bent feelings. Yet, there was something else. The children were empowered to set their own boundaries as well. There was a house rule, so to speak, that the children

adopted with each other and clearly stated when playing with friends. Whenever somebody said “Stop” or “No,” all play paused around that kid. “Stop” and “No” were complete sentences. Explanation and justification were not required. There were no taunts to continue that I commonly hear in some variation of, “Come on let’s continue...,” or “What’s the big deal?” There was a deep level of respect for the inner wisdom that resided in each member of the family to know his or her own limit and interest. In that way, no outside authority had to figure out the moment when fun and play turned into tears and anger. Each child had the responsibility and power to figure that line out for him, and herself, and they could trust that they would be heard, as they extended respect and consideration for one another. There are so many situations in our lives where people try to negotiate our boundaries. We are bombarded with advertisements for things we don’t want. Sometimes friends will encourage us to go somewhere or do something when we are not quite up to it. We

receive unsolicited advice. In moments of weakness, we might cave and do something that just does not seem right in our guts, then feel resentful or depressed. I believe it would be a great gift to offer ourselves and our children a practice ground in our homes where the norm is that boundaries are respected for everybody and the inner personal knowing and limits that each family member holds is held in high regard. It may prove to be great inoculation for peer pressure. If you choose to try it out, maybe at first as a game, and then eventually as a house rule, would you be willing to e-mail me to tell me how it goes?

Jessica Dancingheart is a mother, communication coach and the founder of Opening to Possibilities. She gets a thrill out of watching her clients become empowered. She enjoys facilitating the “aha” moment, as her clients realize that they have many choices, as they employ her tools to tap into their own strength and values. To learn more about her and her services, call (303) 589-8420 or visit www.

Baby / toddler Music Classes music lessons All ages welcome

kid’s summer music camps let our fun and creative staff bring music into your child’s life located just a few blocks North of Pearl st.

303-444-7444 2525 1/2 broadway

Spring 2011 • Page 19

BOULDER County Kids

1 in 5 U.S. Teens Suffers Hearing Loss: by Leif Redal, M.D.

“Although speech will be detectable, it might not be fully intelligible,” he said. And while some teens may not exhibit hearing loss now, extended exposure to sound at high volumes may result in a plunge in hearing that shows up in their 30s or 40s.


our house, it’s not uncommon for my teenage son to “not hear me” when I tell him it’s time to do the dishes or mow the lawn… Yet his hearing seems just fine in other circumstances. However, a surprising number of American teenagers – 1 in 5 – have mild hearing loss that’s real, and the problem has increased significantly in recent years, according to a recent national study published in the Journal

of the American Medical Association.1 While there is no conclusive proof yet, researchers wonder if the iPod generation might need to turn down the volume on their digital music players, concerned that loud music piped through tiny buds that fit snugly into the ear canal may be to blame.

LifeWays care for your 1- to 5-year-old with Rahima Baldwin Dancy (You Are Your Child's First Teacher) Half- and full-days, in north Boulder.

Rainbow Bridge LifeWays

Igniting Your Inner Life through Mothering WORKSHOP with Regina Sara Ryan and Rahima Baldwin Dancy Saturday, Feb. 12, 2011 in Boulder Plus: a Friday night talk for dads, too:

Parenting and the Inner Life See or call 303.440.1459 for a full brochure

Page 20 •

Hearing Loss Has Increased by More Than 30% i n Te e n s

The study, conducted by a team led by Dr. Gary Curhan of Harvard-affiliated B r i g h a m a n d Wo m e n ’s Hospital in Boston, analyzed data on 12- to 19-year-olds from a nationwide health survey. They compared hearing loss in nearly 3,000 kids, tested from 1988 to 1994 nearly 1,800 kids tested from 2005 to 2006. The prevalence of hearing loss increased from about 15 percent to 19.5 percent—a 31 percent change— with approximately 6.5 million U.S. teens affected. Most of the hearing loss identified was “slight,” defined as the inability to hear at 16 to 25 decibels. This range would include sounds such as water dripping, rustling leaves, or a whisper. But even slight hearing loss, experts say, can interfere with a student’s performance in school or set the stage for early hearing aid use later in life, since hearing loss is cumulative and irreparable. Those with slight hearing loss “will hear all of the vowel sounds clearly, but might miss some of the consonant sounds,” such as t, k, and s, Curhan said.

Could iPods Be to Blame?

While researchers aren’t sure about the extent to which the use of personal music players may be to blame, there is strong speculation. Today’s young people are listening longer, more than twice as long as previous generations, according to Brian Fligor, an audiologist at Children’s Hospital Boston. Older technologies, like the Sony Walkman, popular in the 80s, had limited battery life and limited music storage, Fligor says, perhaps explaining why kids today are listening more. Fligor cites one of his own studies of New York college students in which he discovered that more than half listened to music at 85 decibels or above, as loud as a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner. Habitual listening at those levels can turn microscopic hair cells in the inner ear into scar tissue, Fligor said. Some devices sold in the U.S. are able to play as high as 120 decibels—a noise level equivalent to a jet aircraft taking off. While some countries, like France2, have enacted legislation to cap maximum decibel play levels on personal music players— in this case at 100 —that’s still nowhere near a safe lis-

tening level. Most experts agree that 80 decibels— roughly equal to ambient street noise—should be the ceiling (though susceptibility to hearing loss varies by individual, and even that level may be too high, for extended periods, for some).

BOULDER County Kids

age when it’s too late to do anything about it.


Consider wearing ear protection when attending loud performances, or when you are using noisy equipment such as snowblowers and power tools. Every little bit of exposure you can eliminate will sustain your hearing into later life.

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How to Listen Safely

The answer isn’t seizing your kid’s MP3 player —good luck with that!—but explaining to them why long periods of listening at high volumes is dangerous. Then, share with them these 5 tips for safer listening, from Brian Fligor, director of Diagnostic Audiology at Children’s Hospital Boston:


Keep iPod use under 90 minutes a day at 80 percent of volume-level capacity. If you set the volume at 60 percent capacity, you can probably listen safely all day.


Be conscious of background noise and use earbuds that fit snugly to reduce it. If you’re listening in a noisy setting—at a busy coffee shop or on a public bus—you may not realize how loud you’ve set your player to drown out the other sounds.

3 4

Take time to rest your inner ear between listening sessions.

Don’t think that just because that post-concert “ringing in the ears� has stopped, it means you’ve escaped damage. Hearing loss is gradual, and it may not show up until middle

Leif Redal, M.D., is a board-certified family physician and owns Northwest Family Medicine, a small private practice in Superior dedicated to personalized, preventive health care for the entire family. For more discussion of current issues in family health, visit Dr. Redal’s blog on the practice website at



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Active Boulder Kids Early Childhood Education Center

Licensed full and part day and drop-in preschool programs offered for ages 2 ½-6. Play-based, creative curriculum, learning centers, and outdoor play. Creative fun programs, small classroom sizes, caring teachers. Active play, exploration, and learning.

303-324-8228 5001 Pennsylvania Avenue Spring 2011 • Page 21

BOULDER County Kids


Betty Ann Castleberry

2011 Tax Change $ 2010

ndividual Tax Rate Provisions of the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 (the Act). The Act is an extension of the 2001/2003 Bush-era tax cuts for two years. The following is a list of individual provisions that could affect your tax liability. Income tax rates. The Act extends the 10% individual income tax bracket as well as the 25%, 28%, 33% and 35% individual income tax brackets for an additional two years, through 2012. C a p i ta l g a i n s rates. The Act allows the capital gains rates to remain at 0% for taxpayers below the 25% bracket and 15% for taxpayers in the 25% rate and above, through 2012. Without the legislation, the capital gains rates were scheduled to expire at the end of 2010 and revert to 10% and 20%, respectively. Dividends taxed at capital gains rates. The current dividend rates of 0% for taxpayers below 25%

brackets and 15% for taxpayers in the 25% bracket and above are extended through 2012. Without the legislation, these rates were set to expire at the end of 2010, taxing dividends at the ordinary rates. Phase-out of marriage penalty in the 25% bracket. The 15% regular income tax bracket for married couples filing joint returns is set at twice the corresponding bracket for an unmarried individual filing a single return (marriage penalty relief for the 15% bracket) is extended through 2012. Employee payroll tax cut. For 2011 only, the Act reduces the Social Security (OASDI) tax rate on employees to 4.2% (from 6.2%) and reduces the selfemployment tax (SECA)

ADL is proud to work with you and your school to make Boulder County safe and inclusive for all people.


rate to 10.4% (from 12.4%). However, the Act does not reduce the OASDI contribution base, which is $106,800 for 2011. Thus, the maximum OASDI tax in 2011 for employees is $4,485.60.

Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Alternative minimum tax exemption amount. The Act puts in place a 2-year patch for the AMT. The Act increases the AMT exemption amount to $72,450 for tax years beginning 2010, and $74,450 for tax years beginning in 2011. For an individual who is not married, the exemption amount is $47,450 for tax year beginning 2010 and $48,450 for tax year beginning in 2011.

Individual Deductions and Credits

For more information please contact the Anti-Defamation League:

303.449.2607 •

Page 22 •

E l i m i n at i o n o f marriage penalty in standard deduction. The Act extends,

from 2010, the basic standard deduction for married couples filing joint returns that is twice the basic standard deduction for an unmarried individual filing single return, through 2012. Repeal of phaseout for personal exemptions. You may recall that the phase-out of the personal exemption (referred to as PEP) for higher income individuals had been gradually decreasing, so that by 2010, the phase out was entirely repealed. The Act extends the repeal of PEP for an additional two years, through 2012. Thus, personal exemption amounts will continue to be allowed regardless of the taxpayer’s income. Phase-out of overall limitation on i t e m i z ed dedu c tions. Similar to the PEP, the phase-out of the overall limitation on deductions for higher income taxpayers had gradually decreased until 2010 complete repeal. The Act extends this repeal for an additional two years, through 2012. Modifications to child tax credit. Generally, taxpayers with income below certain threshold amounts may claim the tax credit to reduce federal income tax for each qualifying child under the age of 17. Prior legislation increased the credit from $500 to $1,000 (per child), allowed the credit to offset AMT as well as regular tax, and converted it from nonrefundable for certain taxpayers. The Act pre-

serves the child tax credit amount at $1,000 per child, extends the allowance against the regular tax as well as AMT. D e p e n de n t c a re credit. This is a credit based on an applicable percentage of child and dependent care expenses for children under 13 and disabled dependents. Eligible expenses of $3,000 for one eligible child/disabled dependent and $6,000 for two or more eligible children/disabled dependents, along with the increase applicable percentage of 35% are extended for an additional two years, through 2012. E a r n ed i n c o m e credit. Legislation in 2009 increased the earned income credit to 45% of a working family’s first $12,570 (inflation-adjusted $12,590 for 2010) of earned income for families with three or more children and also increased the begin-

BOULDER County Kids

ning point of the phase-out for married couples filing a joint return. The Act extends through 2012, the increase to the credit percentage and the married filing jointly phaseout threshold. D edu c t i o n f o r c erta i n e x p e n s e s of elementary and secondary school t e a c h er s . T h e A c t extends from 2009, the $250 above the line deduction for professional expenses incurred by elementary and secondary schoolteachers through 2011. This is just a partial list of the key tax provisions of the tax Act. Betty Ann Castleberry has a master’s degree with an emphasis in finance and has been a CPA going on 28 years. She can be reached at (303) 444-6690 or e-mailed at if you have any questions.

Cornerstone Farm


Summer Horsemanship

Camp Dates: June 6-10 Intro level June 13-18 Advanced level, (show on the 18th)

June 20-24 Beginner 2 level June 27- July 1 Beginner 2 level July 11-15 Intro level

All Levels, camps run Monday through Friday from 9am to 2pm, for children ages 8 and up. Each day includes a riding lesson, stable management session, recreation time and responsibility time. Cost is $400 for the week ($400 + show fees for Advanced).

July 25-29 Beginner 2 level August 1-5 All levels Year-round riding lessons as well.


Jen Shannon


Advanced camps run Monday through Friday, with a horse show on Saturday. Advanced campers must be able to walk, trot and canter comfortably.

Triple Creek Ranch • 4255 Nelson Road • Longmont

Spring 2011 • Page 23

BOULDER County Kids

Drawing by Fritz Scholder

WHAT DO I DO NOW, ROMONA? Romona Scholder, M.A., RNCS Psychotherapist


My friend’s daughter was devastated by some terrible things posted about her on Facebook. It took her months to get over it. It seems that cyber-bullying is becoming more and more common with our children. I am not sure what to do other than banning social networking from my children, but I am not even sure that they won’t do it anyway. Do you have any advice on keeping our children safe from online bullies? Signed concerned parents.


This issue of cyberbullying is yet another new wrinkle in ways children can hurt each other. We all know that children are especially vulnerable and sensitive to their peer group, even more than

to their immediate family. In fact, it seems that only 5% of kids would even tell their parents about an incident of C.B. For fear that they would over react and take the computer away from them. Knowing the correct way to react and not react is very important. I found a website called that is extremely helpful. It encourages parents to teach their children to STOP when they’re being bullied. Don’t answer back or respond in any way. BLOCK the person who is sending bullying messages and TELL your parents right away. Please go to this website and bone up on what to do, when to do it, and what you can do to be prepared. I had a friend who said to me recently that while we older adults have real choices about how much we want to participate in the cyber world, children don’t have the same choices. If they want to be part of their world, and they do, they will have to develop the skills with which to deal with all the vagaries that cyber life can throw at them.

Dying Eggs this Easter? Use natural dyes:

red cabbage — pink beet juice — pinkish purple or light red wheat grass— light yellowish green yarrow — yellow blueberries — blue and purple red onion skin — pink

Page 24 •


I am getting ready to go in for some surgery for a few days in the hospital with a two-week recovery at home. I don’t want my 8-year-old daughter to be scared of hospitals and this whole procedure. Do you have any suggestions on how we can help our daughter cope with that week?

everything, including the fact that you have to have surgery. She needs to know that she is loved and safe and that you will return as soon as possible. We live in this incredible age of electronic communication, and surely you will be able to call or text her frequently. Good luck with your surgery and get well soon.

Signed 48-year-old mother.


It is very wise of you to understand that your upcoming hospitalization can and will have long-term effects on your daughter. Whether these effects are positive or negative will depend on how the experience unfolds. Knowing this, you will be able to help her understand where you are going—maybe a visit to the hospital lobby would be helpful—how long you’ll be gone, and who will be taking care of her in your absence. Children are aware on a very deep level that their survival is dependent on your health and ability to care for them. Their terror is based on unconscious fears that are hardwired into their little psyches. This is completely normal and needs to be addressed as such. Feel free to enlist the help of family and friends as well as any services the hospital may be able to provide. I believe that to err on the side of too much information is better than too little. If you try to keep too much from her, she will simply provide her own explanation for what’s going on, and you can be sure it will involve guilt in some way. Kids feel like they are the center of the universe and, therefore, they’re to blame for


Does sunlight and vitamin D really help with depression?

Signed curious.


Vi t a m i n D i s known as the sunshine vitamin. Folks absorb twice as much vitamin D from the summer sun as from the sun in winter. Vitamin D is essential in the production of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter in your brain. A deficiency of serotonin is thought to contribute to depression. That may be a simplistic explanation for why sunshine seems to lift one’s spirits. The use of sunblock is good for the prevention of skin cancer, but it interferes with the absorption of vitamin D. Using a vitamin D supplement may be helpful, especially if you are suffering from a mild depression. So my suggestion is to exercise out of doors thereby delivering a double blow to your flagging spirits.

NOTE: Please check our website at for a list of website links related to cyberbulying.

BOULDER County Kids






For more information please contact:

Kerri Honaker, LPC, Clinic Director 303-417-1797 |


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Spring 2011 • Page 25

BOULDER County Kids

C a m p Di rec tory Active Kids

Boulder. Ages 2½-9. Day camp. M-F, 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. Full- and part-day and dropin preschool programs offered for ages 2 ½-6. Early Childhood Education State License # 1552814 Licensed Play-based, creative curriculum, learning centers, and outdoor play. Creative fun programs, small classroom sizes, caring teachers. Active Play, Exploration, and Learning. Call Kristen Argow at (303) 499-9854 or e-mail or check out for more information.

Adventure Quest Day Programs

Boulder. Ages 6-16. June to August. Be the Hero of a Mythic Quest! Active outdoor Renaissance-themed questing games. Solve mysteries and riddles, brainstorm creative solutions to puzzling dilemmas, swashbuckle with foam swords, and negotiate peace treaties. Offering summer quests and birthday parties since 1995. Summer location: 302 Pearl Street, 80302 (and outdoors in parks). For more information, visit or call (303) 786-9216.

Alaya Preschool Summer Camp

Boulder. For ages 3 to kindergarten. Day camp. M - F, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Creative arts, social play, exploration, and discovery on an acre of yards and gardens. Equipment needed: bring lunch, swimsuit, and towel. Location: 3340 19th Street, 80304. Call (303) 449-5248 or e-mail for availability, or see our website at for general information.

Alexander Dawson School Summer Camps and Programs

Lafayette. Ages 5-18. Weeklong day camps. 8:30 am to 4 pm, M-F. June 6 - August 12th. Come join us for 8 weeks of Dawson’s exciting new summer camps with 40 various camps in academics, arts, music & drama, language & culture, sports, as well as specialty day camps with extended after-camp care. Kids receive a full hot/cold lunch in our dining hall every day, and take a break to cool off in the pool. Location: 10455 Dawson Drive, 80026. Cost range: $199 to $368 per week. Call us at (303) 665-6679, ext. 515 or e-mail or check for more information. See ad.

Adventure Quest Overnight at Cal-Wood

At Cal-Wood in Jamestown. Ages 9-16. July 12 to 15. Be the hero of a mythic quest! Active outdoor Renaissancethemed questing games. Solve mysteries and riddles, brainstorm creative solutions to puzzling dilemmas, swashbuckle with foam swords, and negotiate peace treaties. Offering summer camps and birthday parties since 1995. For more information, visit, or call (303) 786-9216.

Airborne Gymnastics & Dance

Longmont. For ages 21⁄2 and up (varies by program). Call for days and hours. We offer a variety of full- and half-day programs for dance, gymnastics, fitness, and rock climbing. Ask about our Olympic guest this summer. See our website for details. Fees: vary by program. Address: 1816 Boston Avenue. Contact: Staff at (303) 651-1456 or e-mail or check out our website at for more information. See ad.

Altogether Outdoors Summer Camps AO Eldorado Canyon

(Formerly Mountain Day Camp)

Boulder. Ages 6-11. Day camp. 2-week & 1-week sessions, M-F. 8:15 am to 4:15 pm w/extended care options. $340/week. Camperships & discounts available. American Camp Association Accredited Camp, licensed child care by State of Colorado. Eldorado Canyon helps kids take summer outside, all day long. We create genuine connections between campers & staff & nature. Great staff & ratios; hiking, climbing, kites, crafts, music, environmental education programs and more. Transportation provided. Equipment needed: Campers must bring their own lunch and closed-toe shoes. We provide everything else— even a water bottle! Call Tommy Feldman at (720) 249-2997 or e-mail or please check out for more information.

Page 26 •

Altogether Outdoors Summer Camps AO Jr. Leaders & AO Intro to Backpacking

(Formerly Mountain Day Camp)

Boulder. Ages 11-16. Day camp. 2-week & 1-week sessions, M-F. 8:15 am to 4:15 pm w/extended care options. $100-$450/week. Camperships & discounts available. American Camp Association Accredited Camp, licensed child care by State of Colorado. Junior Leaders gives training & experience working with younger children and alongside our staff in AO’s Junior Program. Intro to Backpacking is 2 days of day camp and a 3-day trip to Rocky Mountain National Park. For beginners & up! Transportation provided. Equipment needed: Campers bring lunches to day camp. All food & equipment—except clothes & shoes is supplied for backpacking trips. Call Tommy Feldman at (720) 249-2997 or e-mail info@ or check out for more information.

Altogether Outdoors Summer Camps AO Junior Program

(Formerly Mountain Day Camp)

Boulder. Ages 4 ½-6. Day camp. 1-week sessions, M-F or MWF. 8:30 am to 2:30 pm w/extended care options. $325/week. Camperships & discounts available. American Camp Association Accredited Camp, Licensed child care by State of Colorado. Connect with nature, other campers & staff in this premium day camp program. AO Junior features include: great staff & ratios; outdoor experiences in Boulder’s natural spaces; hiking, climbing, crafts, music, and environmental themes. Transportation provided. Equipment needed: We supply everything but lunch, rain gear, and closed-toe shoes—we even give campers a water bottle! Call Tommy Feldman at (720) 249-2997 or e-mail or please check out for more information.

Altogether Outdoors Summer Camps AO Sleep Away Camp

(Formerly Mountain Day Camp)

Boulder. Ages 9-15. Residential Camp. 6- & 12-day sessions. $800/week. Discounts & camperships available. American Camp Association Accredited Camp, Licensed child care by State of Colorado. AO is taking its day camp to the next level with a sleep-away camp! For 2 weeks campers head to a beautiful mountain setting to hike, climb, kayak, horseback ride, backpack & more! Transportation pro-

vided. Call Tommy Feldman at (720) 249-2997 or e-mail or please check out for more information.

Ann Turbin’s Cultural Crafts Camp

Boulder County. Day camp for girls who love to do handwork (sew, knit, bead), dress up, and learn about life long ago. These popular classes will be offered in June, July, and August. First program each week is 9 am to noon, and the second program 1 to 4 pm. Classes offered will be 1) American Indian Girl’s Life in the 1700s, 2) Girl’s Life in Colonial Times, 3) Pioneer Girl’s Life in Colorado, 4) Fairies, Flowers, and Photography. The classes have a variety of crafts, games, music, dress up, and artifacts. Some field trips. Small class size. Fees $125-$145 for 5 days am or pm in Boulder and Longmont. For exact dates, locations, and classes, please request a brochure by calling Ann Turbin at (303) 501-6352 or please e-mail at

Arvada Center Summer Camps

Arvada. Ages 1½-18. M-F. These inspiring and creative camps offer experiences in ceramics, dance, drama, humanities, music, photography, & visual arts. Programs are designed for kids to learn new skills, discover new interests, and most importantly, have fun! Camps start June 6 and fill fast. Registration begins March 2, 2011. Location: 6901 Wadsworth Blvd., 80003. Call (720) 898-7200 or please do check out www. for more information.


Boulder, Golden, Denver & Highlands Ranch. Ages 5-16. Avid4Adventure Day Camp offers fun, diverse, age-appropriate, & safety-focused outdoor pursuits for kids aged 5+. Each week kids rock climb, mountain bike, hike, kayak, & canoe! Day camp 1-week sessions run M-F, 8:45 am-2:30 pm, for ages 5-12, $365, 6/6-8/19. (see website for other location dates). Lunches & extended care available. Also check out our sleep-away camp for kids 7-14, or leadership program for kids 13-17. Call (720) 249-2412, e-mail or please visit for information. Save $20! Enter coupon code “bck” when registering online. See ad.

BOULDER County Kids

C a m p Di rec tory Ballet Nouveau Colorado

Broomfield. Day Camps. Ages 3 and up. The School of BNC offers a variety of summer programs for dancers of all ages, abilities and aspirations. Level: Beginning, Intermediate & Advanced. Certified Community School of the Arts for Dance. Call us at (303) 466-5685 or please check for details of our summer programs. See ad.

Bits, Bytes & Bots

Boulder. Ages 6-14. June-August. M-F, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Colorado’s best computer camps since 2002. Build and program robots, create computer games, & make movies. All skill levels. Fee: $285/half-day, week long session. Register soon; classes sell out. Call (303) 494-2687 x 703 or please visit for more information.

Bixby Summer Camp

Boulder. Ages 5-10. Day Camp. M-F. 7:30 am-5:30 pm. M-F. State of Colorado Dept. of Human Services, #46939. The typical day offers art/crafts, indoor and outdoor activities, games, gardening, drama, free swim, water play, cooking, story/reading time. Special activities can include visits to areas outside of Bixby, Avid4 Adventure, swimming lessons, and Adventure Quest. Bixby boasts 3 shady acres with a huge sandbox, unusual play structures, a large swimming pool, and a ropes course. A wonderful environment. Call Cindy at (303) 494-7508 or e-mail or check out for more info. See ad.

Blue Sky Kindergarten

Boulder. For ages 2 1 /2-6. A Waldorfinspired preschool/kindergarten focusing on the spirit of the season with story, song, movement, artistic, and outdoor activities. Various programs available, including summer camp, which is filled with water fun, carpentry, storytelling, puppetry, singing, and making long-lasting friends! Call for our parent presentation schedule or for more information: (303) 443-4965. See ad.

Boulder Country Day School Summer Camps and Enrichment Classes

Boulder. Ages 3-13. Offering summer camps for preschool and school-age children from June 6 to August 12 . M-F, 8 am to 4 pm. State of Colorado Licensed and Accredited by ACIS and NAIS. Also offering a wide range of specialty camps and classes for every child’s interest throughout the summer. Science, music, theater, and more. For more information, visit Boulder Country Day’s website or call Kath Courter at (303) 527-4931 x230 or See ad.

Boulder Dinner Theater Academy

Boulder. Ages 5-17. Day Camps. BDT Academy Summer Drama Camps. Middle/ high school camps include instruction, auditioning, rehearsing, and performing on the BDT stage. For elementary ages, we collaborate with the City of Boulder and offer ten 1-week playmaking camps. Contact Carrie Hausfather at (303) 449-6000 x193 or or check out for more information. See ad.

sions, including environmental science, athletics, robotics/tech, leadership, archeology, astronomy, journalism, & film. Swimming, age-appropriate arts & crafts, music, outdoor play and sports, and other fun activities, including educational field trips. Electives include the basics of volleyball, Broadway musicals, cheerleading, jewelry making, creative writing, drawing, mastering the art of (kid) cooking, tumbling, dance and tap, the science of Star Wars, soccer, snorkeling, chess, photography, challenge the mind, and magic. NIPSA accredited. Location: 7203 W. 120th Avenue. To request registration materials or for more information call (303) 469-6449 or principal@broomfieldacademy. com or check out www.broomfieldacademy. com. See ad.

BVSD Lifelong Learning Program

Boulder. Ages 6-12. June-August. Morning or afternoon, M-Th. Lifelong Learning offers half-day camps, running all summer long. Visual arts, science, literacy, math, horseplay, rock climbing, theater, and more.

Visit for more information or call (720) 561-3768 to request a catalog.

Camp Muddy Paws

Boulder. Ages 6-9 and 6-12. Day camp for ages 6-9. Scheduled on school holidays and in-service days. $65 per day. Scholarships available. Weeklong summer camps for ages 6-12. M-F, June 6 -August 12. $235 per week. Scholarships available. Camp Muddy Paws at the Humane Society of Boulder Valley is a unique camp experience for animal-loving kids! Campers will interact with shelter cats, meet Humane Education mascot dogs and learn all about our companion animal friends. Your child will learn what it means to be a responsible and loving pet caregiver, how to stay safe around animals, how animals learn and much, much more! Location: 2323 55th Street in Boulder. Please register online at or call (303) 442-4030 ext. 613.

Boulder Valley Community Open School

Boulder. Ages 8 - 13. Day Camp. M-F, 9 am to 3 pm with extended care optional. Visual Art Explorations. Experience a variety of art mediums with a certified art teacher. Explore clay, papermaking, printmaking, puppetry, painting, weaving, stitchery, paper mache, garden art, birdhouse building, scrap wood construction, and more. Low staff/ child ratio. Call Dawn Maggio at (303) 5884971 or e-mail or check out for more information.

Summer Camps for Kids 5-12 Our world-class Instructors love teaching your kids how to explore the outdoors, while also learning what to watch out for. In Boulder, Day Camp 1-week sessions run M-F, 6/6-8/19 :: 8:45 am-2:30 pm :: Age 5-12 :: $365

Broomfield Academy

Broomfield. Ages 5-12. Summer enrichment day camp. M-F, 7 am to 6 pm, June 2 to August 5. Open to all area children! Sibling discounts. One- and two-week ses-

Sleep-away Camp 1 or 2 week sessions run 7/17-30 :: Age 7-14 :: $975 -$1950 Leader in Training outdoor adventure & leadership development program runs 7/11-30 :: Age 13-17 :: $2400

Save $20!

Enter coupon code “bck” when register ing online.

Visit :: Call 720.249.2412 :: Email

Spring 2011 • Page 27

BOULDER County Kids

C a m p Di rec tory Camp Oonie Koonie Cha Early Childhood Music Camp

Ages 4-8. Day Camp. 9 am to 12:30 pm. June 6-10. M-F. Registration fee: $40 Camp fee $195. Pull on your boots and polish your spurs for an action-packed wild west music camp. Ride the range, with barrel racing on handmade painted horses, telling coyote tales, exploring the wisdom of Native Americans, and making handmade instruments to sing with the old cowboy songs and more. Every child will make his or her own instruments, learn songs and stories, collecting magical memories of an unforgettable week, with a T-shirt and a CD of our camp songs. Low 8:1 student/teacher ratio. Teachers and guides are experienced educators in early childhood. This year’s camp runs for one week only. Register soon before the ride is full! Call Amy Haywood at (303) 413-1711 or or check out for more information.

Center Stage Theater

Louisville. Grades 4th-9th. Day camp. M-F. (June 13-25) and Boulder (July 11-22). Have a musical summer and join CenterStage’s production of Annie Jr., the youth version of the Tony Award winning Broadway show. This two-week, full-day camp is for kids entering 4th to 9th grades in the fall and will end with a complete musical production. Don’t wait until tomorrow, register today. Call Ileane Olson at (303) 673-0744 or for more information.

Circus Arts Camp

Boulder. Ages 8-16. Day camp 9 am to 3 pm. Two sessions: July 18-22 & July 25-29. Get your feet off the ground with all kinds of aerial equipment like trapeze, aerial net, fabric, and web, as well as ground skills like Chinese pole, circus bike, acro-stunting, and much more! Focus on performance and an acro finale! Bring lunch, a water bottle, and clothes you can move in. Fees: $285 per session. Presented by Imagination! Circus Arts. Held at Boulder Circus Center 4747 N 26th St., 80301. Please visit us online at www. or call (303) 5489340. For more detailed information, e-mail us at

Classically Kids Workshop Series

Boulder. Day camp. Ages 7-11. A series of fun, interactive workshops designed to engage kids in the excitement of classical music. Participants meet international guest artists, engage in hands-on activities and attend a Colorado Music Festival concert. $12/participant. Held at the Chautauqua Community House, 900 Baseline Rd., in Chautauqua Park. For information visit or call (303) 449-1397 for dates and times. See ad.

Clementine Art Studios Summer Camp

City of Lafayette

Lafayette. Ages 1st to 6th grades. May 31-August 5. Daily, 7 am to 6 pm. State of Colorado licensed program. We keep kids moving in a learning atmosphere. Affordable, thematic program includes swimming, games, arts, sports, cooking, and field trips. Register for 1 week or 10 weeks. Pay in full (for 6 or more weeks) by April 30th and receive a 10% discount. Call Kathy Apjoke at (303) 665-0469 or e-mail or you can also visit for more information.

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Boulder. Day camp. Ages 4-9. M-F, 1 to 4 pm. Clementine Studio offers weekly summer camps focused on creative explorations using a wide range of materials, techniques and mediums in an inspiring and nurturing environment! Location: 2775 Valmont. Please call Lisa Holub at (303) 443-2520 or e-mail or check out for more information. See ad.

Colorado Mountain Ranch

Boulder. Ages 7-16. M-F, 7:45 am to 5:15 pm. As campers have sung since 1947, CMR is the best in all the world! Remember your camp? We’ve got the same spirit and the winning place, people, and programs! Build confidence & connections—community, friendships, nature, animals & FUN! Gentle Western horses, animal care, & relationship w/horses, mountainboarding, Native American Indian lore, teambuilding ropes course challenges, arts & crafts, archery, gymnastics & trampoline, disc golf, outdoor living skills, options for hiking, camping and outings for swimming and boating. Since the 4-mile fire took our old barn, we’re putting up a new one! Our spirit is fireproof! Location: 10063 Gold Hill Rd., 80302. Transportation provided to/from North Boulder Park. Equipment needed: Backpack, long pants for horseback riding & mountainboarding, sweatshirt or jacket, water bottle, & lunch. Licensed by the CO State Dept. of Human Services & Child Care. Call Lynn or Gail at (303) 442-4557 or e-mail office@ and check out

Colorado Shakespeare Festival’s Camp 2011

Boulder. Ages 6-18. Unlock the magic of Shakespeare’s language with the Colorado Shakespeare Festival’s summer acting program, Camp Shakespeare. Now a 4-week intensive for ages 10-18, campers rehearse and perform Comedy of Errors and Romeo and Juliet. NEW THIS SUMMER: a weeklong “mini camp” for 6-9 year-olds! Call (303) 492-1973 or e-mail us at csfedout@ for details, dates and times or for more information.

Colvig Silver Camps

Durango. Residential Camp. Four-week terms (June 9-July 7, July 11-August 8) for ages, 11-17, and two-week terms (June 9-June 22, June 24-July 7, July 11-July 24, July 26-August 8) for ages 7-10. Residential wilderness program combines individualized in-camp programming with a variety of exciting wilderness expeditions. 40 years of fun! Fee: Four-week: $4,120, two-week: $2,060. Mailing: 9665 Florida Rd, Durango, CO 81301. Call Clay Colvig at (800) 8582850 for registration and more information or e-mail or visit

Common Threads Summer Sewing Camps

Boulder. Ages 7-10 and 11-16. Day Camp. M-F. Half-day programs: 10 am to 1 pm or 2:00 to 5:30 pm. June 6 to August 8. Each week project-centered, multiple registrations welcome. Age-appropriate camps. Projects include machine and hand sewing, drawing, design, and mixed media. Make new friends while crafting inspired designs and gaining skills to last for years! Equipment needed: Daily snack. All other materials included, but kids are welcome to bring their own fabric and participants in the 11-16 age group are encouraged to do so. Location: 2707 Spruce Street, 80303. Call Libby Alexander or Sarah Tracy at (303) 449-5431 or please check out

BOULDER County Kids

C a m p Di rec tory ment, including digital cameras and computer access. Location: 2222 14th Street. Call Jennifer Klimowicz at (303) 443-0419 or e-mail or visit for more information.

Cornerstone Farm Summer Horsemanship Camp

Longmont. For ages 8 and up. Day Camp. M-F, 9 am to 2 pm. Three types of camps are offered: Introductory for those with little to no experience, Beginner 2 for those who can already trot, and Advanced. For advanced camp sessions, riders will participate in a formal horse show on the Saturday following camp. Advanced campers must be able to walk, trot, and canter. June 6-10: Intro level; June 13-18:Advanced level, show on the 18th; June 20-24: Beginner 2 level; June 27- July 1: Beginner 2 level; July 11-15: Intro level; July 25-29: Beginner 2 level; August 1-5. All levels Long pants, sunscreen, and sack lunch needed. Year-round riding lessons as well. Cost is $400/week. Cost for advanced camp is $400 plus horse show fees. Located at Triple Creek Ranch, 4255 Nelson Rd, 80501. Contact Jen Shannon at (303) 828-9040 or please e-mail or for more information please visit our website at

CU Science Discovery Classes & Overnight Wilderness Camps

Boulder/Front Range and out-of-state. Advanced astronomy, Kids Chemistry, Digital Photography, Life in Ponds/ Streams, Solar Racers, Science Adventures, Physics for Fun, Fossils/Crystals/Rocks, Advanced Lego Mechanics and much more! Overnight wilderness camps for grades 4-10. Yellowstone, Olympic, Mount Rainier, Rocky Mountain, Bandelier, Great Sand Dunes, Mission: Wolf. Wolf ecology, wildlife biology, geology, archaeology, paleontology, marine science, and environmental education are complemented by a variety of outdoor adventures, such as rafting, lake kayaking, climbing, camping, and wilderness skills! Science enrichment from CU Boulder since 1983. Please e-mail scidisc@ or check out our website at

that your child is enjoying every moment of summer camp in our invigorating, safe setting is a wonderful feeling for all! Dropins are welcome on a space-available basis. Location: 1345 28th St., 80302. Contact Deb Gedenberg at (720) 274-0101 or gedenbed@ for more information.

67, 80303. Call Mukti Miller at (303) 2491671 regarding registration. Check out www. for more information. See ad.

Summer Dance Camps & Classes


Eldorado Mountain Yoga Camp

Eldorado Springs. For ages 5-15. Day camp. 9 am-3 pm, M-F. $250 per week with 50% discount for siblings. Kids and teens will have a blast at our fun-filled camps, which run 7 weeks through June and July. In a beautiful natural setting they will enjoy a free-spirited yoga arts and nature camp that integrates the wonderful body/mind/heart benefits of yoga with traditional summer camp activities such as swimming and hiking. Kids come home feeling nourished & balanced. Location: 2875 County Road

Boulder/Broomfield. Summer is time for great memories, new friends and fun fitness! No dance experience required. Oneday camps, and four-week dance sampler classes are available for ages 3 and up. Oneday camp themes include: Hannah Montana, Dora—The Explorer, Fairy Princess, Yo Gabba Gabba, a Teen Dance Day or create your own Personalized Camp! Dance sampler classes will include instruction for a different style of dance each week. Call today to reserve your spot! Call Boulder: (303) 442-3745, Broomfield: (303) 466-8626, e-mail us at or visit


Cottage Excursion Day Camp

Boulder/Longmont. Ages 5-12. Children are grouped by age and can attend all summer or by the week, full- or part-time and 2 to 5 days per week. What is more exciting and encourages social development, more than “field trips.” School-age children have a lot of structure and few opportunities for social development during the school year. Our program is designed to provide a welcomed balance. We provide safe summer fun through our activity and outing packed camp program. Excursions include amusement and water parks, museums, horseback riding, swimming, fishing, mini-golf, and bowling. Between outings, children can enjoy cooking, crafts, science, sports, and more. Call for more information. Boulder: (303) 449-4380, Longmont: (303) 651-3780.

Creative Adventure Camp YWCA

Boulder County. For ages 8-12. Day camp. YWCA’s EDGE summer day camps from 9 am to 12 pm, M-Th. $95-$150. Stretch your imagination through the YWCA’s day camps (visit our website for specific weeks). Write stories, enjoy digital photography, create movies, and more. We provide all equip-

Mountain Day Camp Dana V. Music Musical Theatre Camp

Louisville. For ages 10 to adult. Daily Workshops. Bring It to Broadway-Summer Intensive: Workshops with Masters begins July 23-29th, call for times. Broadway artists, Lawrence Street (Urinetown) and others will lead special classes in dancing, acting and singing, ending in presentations. Take one class or all! Call Dana Vachharajani at (720) 240-1658 or e-mail or please check for more information.

Dream Makers Super Summer Fun

Boulder. For ages 2 1/2 to 8. Day Camp. June 13 - August 19. M-F, 9 am to 1 pm ($40 per day) or 9 am to 3:15 pm ($65 per day). Enroll for the whole week 9-1 and save $50. Only $150 per week, or choose any two, three, or four days throughout the summer. It is not necessary to sign up for a full week, or for the entire summer. Work us in around YOUR vacations! Enriching curriculum of summertime fun, including art, water play, sports sampler, fossils study at CU Museum, Butterfly Pavilion’s Bugmobile, organic cooking creations, kid’s chemistry, unusual pets, & other enjoyable educational activities. Weekly themes. Call for a brochure. Knowing

AO Camps... make the most of summer! Give your kids the experience of Boulder’s

premier summer camp!

AO Camps in Boulder: Q Junior Camp, ages 4.5-6 Q Eldorado Canyon, ages 6-11 Q Backpacking, ages 11-15 Q Junior Leaders, ages 12 -16 Q Sleep-Away Camp, ages 9-16


learn more at Early Bird Sign Up Ends March 15th Save $50 with coupon code: BCC1

Activities Include: Q hiking Q climbing Q environmental education Q music, crafts, play Q teambuilding games & MORE

Spring 2011 • Page 29

BOULDER County Kids

C a m p Di rec tory Exploring Minds Academy

Erie. Ages 5-11 yrs (& completed kindergarten). Hours and days: 6 am to 6 pm, M-F. Super Funtastic Camp. $175/wk includes field trip fees. Qualistar rated program. Summer fun includes field trips galore, sports camp with physical fitness and coordination activities, weekly gymnastic lessons, and much more. Participate in a camp that combines science, math, reading, music, and art with the great outdoors. Call (303) 828-3452 for more information or check out

Friends’ School Summer Programs 2011

Boulder. Ages 3-15. Day camp. Weeklong, morning & afternoon sessions. June 6 to July 29. Preschool, elementary, and middle school ages. Backyard camp, cooking, Spanish and art, circus, creative writing, computer & robotics, biking & hiking, beach volleyball and more. Licensed and accredited. Registration begins February 1st. Discounts available for early registration. Visit www. for details and registration materials or call (303) 499-1999 ext. 223, or please e-mail us at ksherwood@ for more information. See ad.

French Immersion Summer Camp The Language of Food

Boulder. Ages 5-12. Day camp. 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. M-F. Weekly sessions. June 6th to July 29th. Cooking and Art program, where children are immersed in a French environment in which all activities are taught in French, including cooking and gardening, sewing, arts and crafts, theater, mask making, jewelry design, music, singing, and storytelling. $310 per session. Call MariePierre Nicoletti at (303) 819-4084 or e-mail or check out

Boulder. Day camp. Ages 3-5. Fun and exciting weekly camp themes geared specifically to ages 3 to 5, or potty trained children. $20 deposit holds your camp space (Drop-off)! 9 am to noon, Tue/Thu (3 hrs) OR 12:30 to 3 pm Mon/Wed (2.5 hrs) .Mon/ Wed camp: $50 a week, T/Th camp: $60 a week. Call for details! Location: 2525 Arapahoe Ave, H-7. Call Kristin Hawley at (303) 546-0081 or please e-mail us at for more information.

Happy Trails Riding Center Summer Horse Camp

Flatirons Strings Academy

Boulder. Ages 8 to 108. Day Camp. Please check our website for July 2011 camp dates. A Midsummer Day’s Dream String Camp. M-F with 2 pm Saturday student concert and 7 pm Friday faculty concert. Violin, viola, cello, & string quartet. Featuring renowned, award-winning teachers, we offer composition, music appreciation, theory, sight-reading, master classes, chamber and orchestral training, jazz, fiddle, and more. String quartet seminar for advanced quartet training. Please refer to our website at www. for details & on-line registration. Contact us by e-mail at FSAmusic. or call us at (303) 9082493.

Gymboree Play & Music of Boulder

Girls’ Wilderness Program The Women’s Wilderness Institute

Colorado and Wyoming. Fun, creative, girlpositive wilderness courses specifically created for girls, ages 8-18. Have a blast backpacking, rock climbing, learning outdoor skills, and expressive arts while building the confidence to rock your world. Four- to 12-day overnight and day-camp sessions. Tuition $495-$1,595; includes food, gear, clothing. Generous scholarships available. June-August. AEE accredited. Please call us at (303) 938-9191 or please e-mail us at or check out for dates and details.

Guitar Summer Camp

Boulder. Day camp for ages 7 and up. Four 1-week sessions: June 6th-July 1st. M-F, 9 am-12 pm. GUITAR KIDS WANTED. Make your own CD! Rock out, play the blues, or hit a reggae groove. Guitar is a fun way for kids to learn self-confidence, creativity, and focus. Students earn a certificate of achievement upon completion. Includes opportunity to perform. $199/week. Beginners welcome! For more information please go to or contact Paul Roberts at (720) 479-9697 or

Page 30 •

Lafayette. All levels. Weekly Camps. 8 am to 4 pm. M-F. We offer a fully comprehensive horse riding, beginner jumping, horse care, and farm curriculum for all levels and styles of riders of all interests and resources, in a fun and well-structured learning environment at our premier facility. Indoor arena, 3 outdoor arenas, inside break and lunchroom area with ALL the amenities. See website or call for pricing on specific camp programs, required equipment, and availability. Early registration with 20% discount begins February 1st. Location: 11051 Jasper Road, 80026. Call Rhonda Stevenson at (720) 327-9051 or please e-mail admin@ or check out

Harmony Music House Summer Music Camp

Boulder. Ages 6 - 16. Day Camp. M-F with 4 hour sessions. Our camp is split into two age groups: 6-9 and 10-16. This half-day program will include: individual instruction, group playing, music history, basic music theory, and more. Our intent is to make sure that our students are having a good time learning about and playing music. Some of our camps will focus on the music of the Beatles, and other camps will be a mix of popular music. Your child can choose to play: Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano/Keys. Location: 2525 1/2 Broadway St., 80304. Call Robby Loeb at (303) 444-7444 or e-mail or check out for more information.

Camp Erin HospiceCare of Boulder and Broomfield Counties

Camp Wondervu, (40 miles west of Denver.) Ages 6-17. FREE Residential Camp. Supportive and fun weekend grief camp for children and teens who are grieving the death of a loved one. Offered by HospiceCare, in partnership with The Moyer Foundation. Equipment needed: List will be provided. Call Annie Bomberg at (303) 6045330 or anniebomberg@hospicecareonline. org for details. Please do visit us at www. for more information.

Kamp Kutandara

Boulder. Ages 4-12. Day Camp. M-F. 9 to 11:30 am for 4-5 yrs; and 9 am-1 pm for 6-12 yrs. Session 1: June 6-June 17, Session 2: June 20-July 1. Summer camp with a cross-cultural twist! Explore a wide range of music and dance. Two-week program. Give your child an experience to remember this summer! Two weeks of African drumming and percussion, Zimbabwean marimba (ages 6-12), African crafts & dance, new friends, & great fun! Nonperishable snack, lunch (if staying until 1 pm), & water bottle needed. No prior musical experience necessary. Family discounts available. Call Kutandara Center at (303) 443-2969, e-mail info@ or visit for more information or to register.

Kids and Critters

Longmont. WANTED: Children in grades 2- 6 who enjoy learning about animals. M-F, 9 am to 5 pm. Enjoy a PAWS-itive summer at Longmont Humane Society performing a pet-related job every day, learning proper dog walking, animal body language, cat handling, interactive animal-themed games & activities, 4th-6th graders view a feline neuter surgery in our clinic, talk with our veterinarian & vet-tech and perform CSI techniques to solve a fictional pet theft. $250.00 per child/per week. Check our website for application forms and schedules at www. under Education, or call (303) 772-1232 Ext. 264.

BOULDER County Kids

C a m p Di rec tory î Ś

KindermusikÂŽ Adventures

Boulder. For ages 4 - 7. Take a trip around the world as we explore other countries through music, art, movement, folktales, friendship, and fun. Early-Bird Summer Session begins in May. One-week summer sessions throughout the summer. Small groups of eight children or fewer. Please contact Jane Smolens (303) 4131120, or check out www.mountainsongmusic. com for more details.

dren taught by Boulder County school art teachers & artists in a working art gallery. Enrollment is online on a first-come, firstserved basis and is limited to 8 to 10 campers. Location: 108 2nd Ave., 80544-0881. Please bring a sack lunch. Call Karen Adler at (303) 652-0952 or please e-mail her at or please do check out for more information.


Lemon Sponge Cake Ballet

Boulder. For ages 3-18. Day camp. Lemon Sponge Cake Ballet School summer session identifies and nurtures individual strengths to further the freedom of expression. It offers a sound ballet training in conjunction with contemporary movement classes to develop the student’s knowledge, understanding, and passion for dance. We educate, encourage, and support the needs of each and every individual student. Location: 2590 Walnut Street, (Dairy Center for The Arts), 80302. Call Jenifer Sher at (303) 545-2298 or or check out for more information.

Longmont Museum & Cultural Center

Longmont. Ages 4-14. Day camps. JuneAugust, M-F. Discover history, art, and science in these hands-on camps. Learn from professional artists, a real blacksmith, a mountain man, and dedicated science instructors. Camps held outdoors in historic buildings or at the Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Road, 80501. Call for equipment requirements and fees. Call Jill Overlie, curator of education at (303) 651-8374 or visit museum for more information.

Manifest Art Gallery Summer Art Camp

Niwot. Ages 6 - 11. Day Camp. M-F, 9 to 1 pm. $40/day includes materials & snacks. Daily art play-shops for elementary chil-

Lafayette. Summer Math Fun! Four Affordable Programs: 1) Grades 1-12: Summer only & year-round programs. Summer hours begin June 1st M-Th: 2 to 6 pm. Mathnasium’s proven, customized program continues all summer, helping kids build a solid math foundation and confidence while having fun building their math skills! 2) Grades 4-12: Weeklong intensives help kids solidify their math foundations and get ahead in a variety of areas. 3) Grades 1-3: Summer Math Maniac Fun 3-week sessions (90 min/2x-week on Tu/Th. 12:302 pm). Offers younger children a fun and effective way to learn problem-solving skills through math puzzles, crafts, and activities. 4) BRAND-NEW: Grades 2-5: Money Counts & Time Flies 3-week sessions (90 min/2x-week on M/W, 12:30-2 pm). A fun and effective way for kids to master their time and money skills through math puzzles, crafts, and activities. Limited program enrollments, so sign up early! Contact Alan Iguchi at (720) 890-9000 or for further information e-mail boulder@mathnasium. com. Please visit boulder for details.

Mountain Kids Summer Day Camp

Louisville. For ages 5-13. M-F, 7:30 am to 5:45 pm. Mountains of fun! May 31st thru August 12th. Mature, experienced staff, low camper to counselor ratio. Activities include gymnastics twice a week, swimming lessons, open swim, rock climbing, local field trips, ice skating, hiking, open gym, picnics, special guests, and much, much more! Lunch, swimsuit, sunscreen, H2O bottle, and lots of energy required. 474 S. Taylor Ave., 80027. Call (303) 665-8287 or e-mail or visit www. for more information. See ads.

Mountain Peak Summer Camp

Longmont. For ages 5-12. Day camp. 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, M-F. (June 6-August 12). Camp is for children entering kindergarten through age 12. Tired of summer camp programs with too many kids? We offer a small setting with low staff/child ratio. Field trips (including swimming), academics, craft projects, games, etc. Full or part time. Location: 1833 Sunset Place, Longmont, 80501. Contact Tom Buckett at (720) 494-1622 or or please check out for more information.

Mudslingers Pottery School

Louisville. Ages 8 and up. Day camp. Summer Clay Camps 10 to noon, or 1 pm to 3 pm M-F. One-week sessions. $120 per week, per child. Fun, professionally taught clay camp in full-service studio. Children receive hands-on instruction on potters’ wheel, slab, and sculpture methods, creating pieces to be proud of. Small groups of 5-10 children per session. Call John Hansen or Emilie Parker at (303) 926-0996 or mudslingerspottery@ or please check out us out at







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Spring 2011 • Page 31

BOULDER County Kids

C a m p Di rec tory Niwot Grassroots Teen Theatre on the Green

Niwot. For ages 8-18. Creating theatrical magic since 1999. Indoor/outdoor day camp. One-, two-, and three-week programs, June 6-July 28. Weekdays with varying hours. Elite, mixed, and junior production camps. Original productions created together. Cooperative theatrical creation in a fun, supportive, hometown environment. Fees: $275-$695. Discounts available. Mailing address: P.O. Box 381, 80544. Call Kathy Raczkowski at (303) 652-6523 for registration and more information.

Northern Colorado Fencers Summer Camp

Boulder. For ages 8-13. Day Camp. 9 am to noon, (1 to 4 pm on selected weeks). M-F. USFA Coaches Beginning Fencing. All the instruction/equipment needed for a safe and exciting experience. Runs most weeks throughout the summer. Check out our website for camp/registration details and other great club activities! $170/week (multiple weeks/sibling discounts). Mailing address: 1949 33rd Street, 80301. Call Gary Copeland at (303) 443-6557 for registration or check out for more information.

Peanut Butter Players

Parlando School for the Arts

Boulder. All ages. Day camp. Days and hours: M-F, 9 am to 6 pm. Parlando School for the Arts offers a variety of music camps and summer programs for all ages and abilities from early childhood to adulthood, on all instruments and across all musical interests, including voice and musical theater. Location: 2590 Walnut Street (Dairy Center for the Arts). Contact Travis LaBerge at (303) 442-0006 or please e-mail info@parlando. org or check out for more information.

Peanut Butter Players Sum-Fun Musical

Lafayette. Theater experience for ages 5 and up, M-F, afternoon rehearsals in July. Own costume required. A large cast of both children and adults will perform Hans Christian Anderson in a family musical theatre presentation at the Harlequin Center for the Performing Arts, 990 Public Road. July 21-24. Everyone gets a part. Fees: $65. Call Jo Anne Lamun at (303) 786-8727 or check out for more information and registration.

Peanut Butter Players Sum-Fun Workshops

Lafayette. Weeklong workshop for ages 7-16, M-F, 9:30 am to 4 pm. Full-day workshops enable students to study Fiddler on the Roof, Sound of Music, Hello, Dolly while learning to sing, dance, and act. $210 a session. Two-week advanced workshop ($375) for middle/high schoolers culminates in public performances of Rent, Aug. 12, 13. Harlequin Center for the Performing Arts, 990 Public Road. Call Jo Anne Lamun at (303) 786-8727 or check us out online at for more information and registration.

Rock & Roll Camp for Teens and Kids

Lafayette. Ages 6-17. Day camp. 10 am to 4 pm or 9 am to noon. M-F. BEST OF BOULDER 2008, Colorado’s first and preferred teen music camp! Beginners and advanced players will enhance their skills on guitar, bass, drums, vocals, keyboards, and more. With the help of our professional staff of instructors, in our state-of-the-art rehearsal studios, students will play in a band, write original music, and perform a live, recorded gig at a local venue. Fees: $425 per week (teen) OR $250 per week (child). Location: 525 Courtney Way, 80026. Equipment needed: Guitars, basses, cords, and drumsticks. Visit or call (303) 664-1600 for more information.

Peanut Butter Players Celebrates 25 Years of Excellence in Children’s Theatre with The


beloved classic musical

Opening February 19 Feb. 26, March 5, 12, 19, with Presidents’ Day shows on Feb. 21. at the Harlequin Center for the Performing Arts at 990 Public Road, Lafayette continuing on

Admission is $12 including lunch 11am Show and Noon Lunch or 1pm Lunch and 1:45pm Show

Reservations Requested: (303) 786-8727

Page 32 •

Rocky Mountain Anglers Fly Fishing Camp

Boulder. Ages 7 - 14. Day Camp. T/W/Th, 8 am to 4 pm. Session 1: July 12-14; July 1921; July 26-28; Session 2: July 25-28; Aug 1-4 and Aug 8-11. A fly fishing camp with an emphasis on fun and fishing. Tons of activities. Only four campers per guide for better instruction. Fishing, fly tying, bug collection, awards ceremony. Fishing equipment provided. Location: 1904 Arapahoe Ave. Call Brian Harris or Randy Hicks at (303) 447-2400 or or do check our website at for more information.

Rocky Mountain Theatre for Kids Summer Performing Arts Camp Older Company

Boulder. For ages 8-16. Day camp. Join us for Willy Wonka, The Lightning Thief, and Alice In Wonderland, 1-, 2- and 4-week camps, starting May 31. M-F, 9 am to 4 pm. Pre-care and aftercare available. Program includes dance, voice, music, makeup, performance, character building, musical theatre, improvisation, mime, creative movement, and stage combat. A nurturing, noncompetitive program that merges the creative process with professional product. Location: 5311 Western Ave (near 55th/Arapahoe). Call (303) 245-8150, or register at www.theaterforkids. net. See ad.

Rocky Mountain Theatre for Kids Summer Performing Arts Camp Younger Company

Boulder. For ages 5-8. Join us for The Lion King, Mary Poppins, Pocahontas, Annie, and more. 8:1 student-teacher ratio. Three-week camps starting May 31. M-F AM session: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. PM session: 1 to 5 pm. Program includes music, dance, acting, performance, musical theatre, imaginative play, and creative movement. Each session culminates with a final performance in our theater. Location: 5311 Western Avenue, (near 55th/ Arapahoe). Call (303) 245-8150 or register online at See ad.

Rocky Ridge Music Camp

Estes Park. Ages 10 and up. Residential Camp. Junior Student Seminars. $1650 includes room and board. Junior Student Seminars are for young musicians who want to advance their musical skills in an intense, creative, and nurturing environment. Young Artist Seminar (ages 15-24) and Adult Piano and Chamber Music Seminars also available. Applications received by Feb. 15 receive priority placement and a $50 early bird discount. Call Karen Dusek at (970) 443-3333 or or check out for more information.

BOULDER County Kids

C a m p Di rec tory Strawberry 6KHSKHUG 9DOOH\ Farm :DOGRUI 6FKRRO

Shepherd Valley Waldorf School

Strawberry Farm Summer Camp


Niwot. For ages 3-13 yrs. June through August. A 38-acre school site offering part-day/full-day activities M-F, 8:30 am-3:30 pm. Daily rhythm of outside/ inside play, games, crafts, water play, baking, storytelling, nature walks, picnics, and song. Centrally located minutes from both Longmont and Boulder in Niwot, east of the Diagonal Hwy 119. (303) 652-0130 or check out for more information. See ad.

Singletrack Mountain Bike Adventures

Boulder. For ages 7-17. Weekly camps & weekends for Team SMBA. Singletrack Mountain Bike Adventures from 8 am to 3:30 pm. Offering fun for all skill levels and includes a variety of mountain bike riding styles. Camps include girls-only camps, juniors, downhill days and more. SMBA is celebrating its 18th year of riding excellence in Boulder County. Contact Kate Rau/Sage Porter at (303) 447-8014 or please e-mail us at or check out for more information.

Boulder. Ages 3-10. Day Camp. M-F, 9 am to 5 pm. $10/hr. All natural/organic snack & lunch included. State Licensed. “Kids on Tour” Summer Camp. Nature-based, experiential learning at its best...from the Denver Zoo, to local organic farms, to hiking the trails in our own backyard. Swimming, botanical gardens, Denver Aquarium, equestrian center, and more. Location: 1020 Portland Pl, 80304. Call Rita Batiste at (303) 709-0549 or please do e-mail us at rita@ or check out for more information.

Stir it up Cooking School

2 1/ 2-6

Boulder. For ages yrs. From 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. M-F. Sunflower, est. 1981, offers hands-on, child-directed activities. Summer is outdoor oriented with extensive gardens and a science emphasis. BYO play clothes, swimsuits, towels, and lunch. We offer M-F, MWF, and TTH schedules. We are closed for the first 2 weeks of July. 3340 Dartmouth, 80305. Call Debbie Ellman at (303) 494-2012, or you can also e-mail us at to register.

Sunflower Preschool Summer Camp

Boulder. Ages 2 1/2-6. Day camp. M-F, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. $15/week materials fee. The summer program emphasis at Sunflower is on outdoor activities. We enjoy taking walks, gardening, water play, and learning about native plants and animals, as well as many arts/crafts projects. Bring your own lunch, bathing suits, and towels. 3340 Dartmouth, 80305. Call Debbie Ellman at (303) 494-2012, or you can also e-mail us at to register.

Success Strategies 4 Kids: Friendship Skills & Alternatives to Anger

Boulder. Ages 5-15: Secrets of Friendship: What makes kids like other kids? Find out! Six secrets of making & keeping friends! Ages 8-15: Alternatives to Anger: Does your child need strategies to deal with anger? Practical skills to manage behavior, accept no, and problem solve. FUN workshops that kids enjoy. $150 for early registration. Tuesdays. 5 sessions, 90 minutes each. For more information: Call (303) 9154421, e-mail:, check out, sLewisCounselor

Sunflower Farm Summer Camps

Boulder. For ages 5-16. Day camps. Summer Cooking Camps Half-day and fullday, M-F, June 1 - August 25. Weekly cooking camps. Join us on a cooking adventure with flavors from around the world. Our pantry is full of options that are sure to excite cooks of all levels. Menus include Mexican, Asian, American, Mediterranean, and European. Bring your appetite. 1140 S. Lashley Lane, 80305. Call Carol Wiggins at (303) 494-2665 or Carol@stiritupcooking. com or check out

Sunflower Preschool

Longmont. For ages 3-10. (June 1-August 12). Step back into an old-fashioned rural summer! Giant tree houses, pony rides, popsicles, baby animals! Explore the magical forest off the beaten path. Feed animals, groom horses, collect eggs. Gardening and building projects, plus a barn full of unusual nature/recycled materials to create art. Let your imagination soar! Campers break into groups, based on age. Camp counselor staff will range from older teens with an interest in children’s education paired with experienced women/teachers in the community. Swimsuits (for sprinkler play) under clothes please. Every session is different, so sign up for several! Location: 11150 Prospect Rd. 80501. To view schedule and register online, go to or call (303) 774-8001.

• • • • •

Junior Rider, Ages 7-11 Advanced Junior Rider, Ages 9-12 Cross Country, Ages 12-17 SMBA Team, Ages 12-17 All Girls Camps, Ages 11-15

Creating Champions in Sports and in Life Weekly & Overnight Mountain Bike Camps • June – August Team & After School Programs • May – October SMBA 303.447.8014

Spring 2011 • Page 33

BOULDER County Kids

C a m p Di rec tory Sunshine Pottery

Boulder. For ages 8-12. Day camp. In the beautiful Boulder foothills/ just 12 minutes up Sunshine Canyon. Play with clay and enjoy the mountains. M-F, 10 am to 3 pm. Young adults create pieces, glaze, and take home pottery all in one week. If your child loves clay, (hand building and wheel throwing), the outdoors (playing in the creek and trees), story telling on the beautiful boulder rocks on our land, this is the place for your kid for an unforgettable summer experience. Quote from many kids who attended last summer “This was my favorite camp of all the camps I attended. I want to come back every summer!” Check out all the different camp sessions and classes to choose from at or call Mira at (303) 517-5436, or e-mail us at to register.

The Art Underground

Louisville. Ages 3-12. Day camp. M-F with various hours. Join The Art Underground for a summer of our popular Fanciful Fairies, Playwell Tek Legos, and Jungle Animal Mania camps. Discover fairy tea parties, fairy games and crafts, build amazing Lego figures and create your favorite jungle animals. Or, be a star in our fully produced, age-appropriate musical. Please check out for camp and registration details.

Boulder. Ages 6-15. Day camps. June to August. Summer climbing camps for all ages and levels. The Spot is Boulder’s premier bouldering gym. Enjoy amazing freestanding boulders modeled after some of the world’s most famous destinations. The Climbing School provides incredible climbing experience, both indoor and outdoor. Our staff will provide you with the climbing experience you are looking for. Summer camps are a great experience for young climbers both beginner and experienced. $250 to $450 per week. For more information and registration please visit our website at or call (303) 3798806.

many more fun opportunities for the campers. Camp Chief Niwot has a rich history, serving youth in Boulder County for over 11 summers, providing youth with a traditional day camp experience. Opportunities for friendship, adventure, and exploration of the natural world await campers every day. Each day at camp begins with an opening ceremony, where stories, music, and funny anecdotes will get everyone ready for the events of the day. Days in camp are spent cooling off at our on-site pool, exploring arts, crafts, and drama, playing sports and nontraditional games, and making new friends. Visit www. for more information. See ad.

Thorne Natural Science School

YMCA of Boulder Valley Camp Santa Maria

Boulder & Littleton. Ages 3 - 15. Spend the summer catching frogs, getting muddy, biking down mountain trails, and exploring Colorado’s wild places with the Thorne Natural Science School! Our experienced, CPR and first-aid trained instructors help facilitate student learning and appreciation for the outdoors while keeping them safe. Students complete the program with a newfound respect and awe of nature, increased understanding of the environment, and a desire to get back outside. For more information about TNSS summer camps visit, call (303) 499-3647, or please e-mail us at

Grant, CO. Ages 6-16. Overnight resident camp. One-week and two-week in-camp and adventure trip sessions. ACA accredited and licensed by the State of Colorado. An overnight camp experience created with a focus on youth development. Campers will have an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, including hiking, backpacking, climbing, horseback riding, rafting, kayaking, swimming, art, drama, and sports. Our goal is to provide campers with experiences that support their growth and help them develop relationship, leadership, and decision-making skills. Location: 51321 US HWY 285, GRANT, CO 80448 (45 minutes west of Denver.) For more information e-mail or call (303) 413-9622 x4450. Check out www. for more information.

Treehouse Learning

The Little Gym

Boulder. Ages 3-8. Day camps. 9 am to 12 pm or 1 to 4 pm. M-F. Our children’s summer camps offer three hours chock-full of fun activities. Designed for kids ages three to eight, each camp day combines physical fitness and play, including obstacle courses, group activities, and movement challenges along with arts and crafts, snacks, and special events—which all add up to the perfect camp day for kids. 4800 Baseline Road, Suite C106-108, 80303. Contact Brooks Crosby at for more information or please check out See ad.

Lafayette/Louisville area. Day camp. Ages 4-6. Treehouse Learning Summer Camp 7:30 am to 6 pm. M-F. Fun, physical summer program for children entering kindergarten and 1st grade. Sign up for one or multiple sessions. Location: 175 N 96th Street, 80027. Call Nancy or Charlene (303) 666-1950 or please e-mail us at director@ or see our website at for more details. See ad.

YMCA of Boulder Valley Camp Chief Niwot

The Spot Bouldering Gym and Climbing School

Boulder Valley area. For children entering 1st grade through 8th grade. This summer, YMCA Camp Chief Niwot will be held at the Arapahoe YMCA in Lafayette. With the addition of our outdoor family fun pool at the YMCA, camp at the Y location will offer

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YMCA of Boulder Valley Fun in the Sun

Boulder Valley area. For children entering kindergarten through 6th grade. At YMCA “Fun in the Sun” programs we focus on lots of outdoor summer fun and games, where children learn and develop new skills through special activities, a variety of games and crafts, and exciting field trips. Camp is held in various elementary school locations throughout Boulder County. Weekly themes, field trips, swimming, outdoor fun, arts and crafts, science. Three age-appropriate groups. For more information about Fun in the Sun programs call 303-443-4474 x2001 or visit See ad.

YMCA of Boulder Valley Specialty Summer Day Camps

Boulder Valley area. Day camps. We have a variety of specialty summer day camps for all ages. Arapahoe Sports Camp, Fine Arts Camp, Lego Robotics Camp, Skateboarding Camp, Y-Riders Cycling Camp, and many Teen specific camps, including Leaders in Training and Girl Power. Call (303) 4434474 x4490, or visit for more information. See ad.

YMCA Longmont

Longmont/Frederick. Locations: Longmont YMCA, Heritage Middle School, Frederick Elementary, Eagle Crest Elementary, and First Lutheran Church. Preschool-8th grades. Summer Y-Camp promises an action-packed summer. All programming highlights the Four Core Values of the YMCA: Caring, Honesty, Respect, & Responsibility. Activities: swimming, sports, games, arts and crafts, cooking, science, and field trips. Sports camps, too: swimming basketball, baseball, lacrosse, and soccer. Fulland half-day camps for preschoolers. Preregistration required for all camps. Call (303) 776-0370 or please visit our website at for more information.

Young Artists at Work Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art

Boulder. For ages 5-10. Half- or full-day Art Adventures. 9 am-noon/1 pm-4 pm, M-F. Stay all day! Get ready for an exciting summer! Young Artists at Work is an interdisciplinary art program, featuring workshops designed to jump-start young peoples’ inherent creativity. Art exhibits in the museum’s galleries inspire students, while visiting artists provide handson instruction. Explore new techniques and incorporate unique art materials. Each week long workshop is taught by a visiting artist with demonstrated flair in the chosen theme, as well as a specialized art educator and 4-5 education interns. The classes are intentionally kept small in order to provide each student with plenty of individualized attention. Each week culminates in a student exhibit and reception at the museum. Contact the museum at (303) 443-2122 or Location: 1750 13th Street, 80302. Visit for specific dates, themes, and more information.

BOULDER County Kids

Health Care Directory Boulder s

Advantage Electrolysis Rebecca Feldman, C.E. 2885 Aurora, Suite 15 D

(303) 444-6861

W: Electrolysis and laser hair removal. Fifteen-minute to one-hour treatments with 20 years experience. $10 off first visit. Hours: Mon-Th: 10 am-5 pm. Call for appointment. See ad.

Clinica Family Health Services 2525 13th Street

(303) 449-6050

W: Ages: All Clinica offers medical care to lowincome, uninsured people of all ages. We offer a sliding-fee scale and accept Medicaid, Medicare, CHP+, CICP, and most insurance. Our Boulder clinic is accepting new patients. Hours: M, F: 8 am-5 pm, T, W, Th: 8 am -8 pm.

licensed psychotherapist, helping children, adolescents, and their families for more that 20 years. An evaluation will determine the appropriate intervention: parent coaching or psychotherapy. Free initial consultation. Hours: by appointment, Saturday appointments available.


Healthy Ecologies Karen Strawn

(303) 594-6680

Blog: E: Ages: All We support families who have environmental sensitivities, food sensitivities and learning challenges. We identify and remove major triggers that cause reactions in the home. We then educate the child/family to prevent further exposures and build health back. Check out our weekly blog site for tips and articles on environmental health.

Helios Integrated Medicine 2525 4th St. Suite 205

(303) 499-9224

Dynamic Parent Coaching, LLC Lorna Benton, MSW, LCSW 2919 Valmont Road, Suite 109

(303) 449-0345

W: E: Ages: 4 and up Lorna Benton is a parenting coach and

W: E: Ages: All Tempering conventional medicine with alternative therapy for the whole family. Hours: M, T, Th, F: 9 am-5 pm. Closed for lunch: 1-2 pm, Wed: 9 am-1 pm. See ad.

Superior s

neuroAgility, PC Kerri Honaker, M.S., M.A., LPC 2501 Walnut St. Suite 205 (Boulder) 3773 Cherry Creek No Drive, Suite 690W - (Denver)

(303) 417-1797

W: Ages: 7 and up. Diagnostic evaluations for ADHD and brain injury. Brain mapping and neurofeedback as an alternative to a medication approach. ADHD support groups now available for parents/adults/significant others. Hours: Mon-Fri: 9 am to 7 pm. See ad.

Northwest Family Medicine 500 Discovery Pkwy, Ste 150

(303) 425-9581

W: E: Ages: All Our practice is dedicated to the health and wellness of the whole family. Come see us for all your health care needs, including school, sports, and camp physicals. Hours: Same-day appointments available! See ad.

Environmental Health Tips


Part of what we love about living in Colorado is our high, dry climate. Even here, indoor mold infestations can challenge your family’s health. Given warm, moist, cellulose ecologies to reproduce, several types of mold can be the cause of seasonal chronic sinus issues, headaches and respiratory problems. Moisture control is the key!


• Clean up standing water immediately. Routinely check for plumbing leaks. • Do not have carpet in rooms where there is a moisture problem, such as bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms. Continued on page 37

Tempering Conventional Medicine with Alternative Therapyfor the Whole Family NEW LOCATION! Pierre Brunschwig, M.D., Director Deborah Breakell, C.F., N.P.

303-499-9224 2525 4th St. Suite 205

Spring 2011 • Page 35

BOULDER County Kids How Graphic Texts Help Kids (Boys, Especially)

Become Better Readers by Karla Oceanak


’m a reader, a writer, and a mother of three boys. My house is a tumble in books in general (not to mention dirty socks, Legos, hockey gear, etc.), but I bet you’d notice straightaway the preponderance of comic books and graphic novels littering every surface. My boys like graphic texts. Yes, they read “plain” novels and nonfiction, too, but in our house the books with the most tattered covers and cracked spines have titles like Calvin and Hobbes, The Far Side, and The Wimpy Kid. Now you’ve gotta understand that I’m an Englishmajor type. Perhaps like you, I’ve been trained to believe that “literature” (in a British accent) is by definition dense and difficult. Frothy, simple books might be fun reads, but they don’t count, really. Or do they? When I started writing Artsy-Fartsy and

working with illustrator Kendra Spanjer on our particular take on the graphic novel concept, I was pretty confident kids would like the book. But would it be “good” for them? Part of the Aldo Zelnick shtick involves fun but challenging vocabulary. So yes, that vitamin-fortified component would meet with both Mom- and English-major approval. (It’s like sneaking wheat germ into their cupcakes.) But the silly story and the drawings? The sprinkles of illustrated potty humor? These questions nagged

Business Women’s

∙ connection ∙

Women-Owned Businesses

Serving Boulder County Families for Over 20 years Look for our link at

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me. So I did some research. Here’s what I learned. Kids need to read to become good readers. In a 2007 study by the National Endowment for the Arts, researchers found that the highest reading scores on standardized tests correlated with the frequency of reading for fun. For fun! Another classic study of 5th graders showed that total daily time spent reading—regardless of what was being read—predicted reading scores. Kids who read 90 minutes a day tested in the 98th percentile on reading tests; kids who read just 5 minutes a day tested in the 20th percentile. Apparently, when it comes to reading, volume matters more than that esoteric, subjective criterion we call “quality.” If our goal is to get and keep kids reading every day, we need to let them choose books they enjoy. This includes graphic texts. Visuals increase comprehension and recall. In her book Teaching Vi s u a l L i t e r a c y i n a Multimedia Age, Glenda

Rakes points out that combining visuals with text increases comprehension. Using PET scans, researchers have seen that the left brain lights up when exposed to verbal information and that the right brain lights up when shown visual information. Combine visuals with text and you get connectivity. Graphic texts feed both halves of the brain. And because visuals are stored more readily in longterm memory, we remember better when text is accompanied by visuals. Boys, especially, may need visuals. In Connecting Boys with Books 2, Michael Sullivan says that the corpus callosum—the bridge of nerve tissue that connects the brain’s two hemispheres—is, on average, 10 percent larger in girls than in boys. What’s more, functional MRIs show that when boys read, the left hemisphere of the brain lights up, but when girls read, both hemispheres light up. Girls visualize earlier and better than boys do, which means that boys, especially, benefit from text illustrated by graphics. I could go on and on, because I wolfed down lots of research on the reading brain, the reluctant reader, vocabulary acquisition, etc., and I find it all fascinating. (Get Proust and the Squid by Maryanne Wolf if you want a

geek-peek into how the brain reads.) But suffice it to say that I felt vindicated. Graphic texts “count!” Even though Artsy-Fartsy and the Aldo Zelnick comic novel series is “a fun read,” it’s good for kids because it keeps them reading. Children who are taught that only some reading “counts” are being set up to think of themselves as reading failures. Besides, it’s not true. And it’s an attitude that, over time, may well quash their reading altogether. Mark Twain said that the person who doesn’t read is no better off than the person who can’t read. Lifelong literacy means continuing to read, for self-education as well as for pleasure. Let’s encourage our kids to keep reading for fun, so they’ll grow into grown-ups who revel in the pleasures of a good book, and who one day live in their own houses with kids and books atumble.

Karla Oceanak has been a writer and editor for more than 20 years. Author of the award-winning Aldo Zelnick comic novel series for children, she lives in Fort Collins with her husband and their three boys. She enjoys doing school visits and speaking to groups about helping kids become lifelong readers. www.

BOULDER County Kids Title:

The Roar

Ages: 8-15 Author: Emma Clayton Publisher: Penguin Price: $12.95 (Hardcover)


This story tells the tale of twins, Emmy and Mika. Both of them work for the F.B.I. and are Avid-Reader Corner secret agents. Even though they are only 14 years of age, they are both mutants, which makes them extremely superior to other applicants who applied for the job. However, the two are split up when all agents are called to defend the world against “The Animal Plague,” a version of rabies that spreads through the air in the form of a yellow cloud. The plague can also affect humans, turning them into savage beasts. For reasons unknown, each twin is told that the other is dead toward the middle of the story. However, each twin can sense that their counterpart is not dead. So as they set out on a quest to stop the animal plague, they also set out on a quest to find each other.


Review by Avery Katz

What I liked about the Book: Except for a few minor pieces of the book, I really feel that “The Animal Plague” is a scientific event that could definitely occur in real life. This made the book extremely interesting! Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters Publisher’s Note: Barack Obama’s book for children is addressed to his daughters but dedicated to wife Michelle for her “fierce love and daily good sense” as a mother. Obama chose 13 Americans from the early pages of US history, civil rights heroes, artists, scientists, a native American hero, a victor over severe physical adversity (Helen Keller) and so on. Available on for about $10. Empowering and touching book by our 44th President! Check it out! Comic strip by Jonah Weil

• Add insulation to windows, piping, exterior wall, roof, or floors where there is a potential for condensation on cold surfaces. • If necessary use dehumidifier inside your home and in a damp basement. Change filters regularly. • Air purifiers can be used in areas of high ambient mold for those with mold sensitivities. Change filters regularly. • Clean around sink, shower, and tub with stiff

brush weekly to prevent mold on caulking. Use a nontoxic detergent and hydrogen peroxide based cleaner for stains. Limit use of bleach due to caustic odors. • Maintain your roof. Caulk around doors and windows yearly. Keep water away from the house. Provided by Karen Strawn of Healthy Ecologies, (303) 5946680. Check out her blog at for more information.

Spring 2011 • Page 37

BOULDER County Kids CHILD CARE/preschool Directory 

Acorn School for Early Childhood Development—Boulder 2580 Iris Avenue (303) 938-8233 Contact - Kathy Azevedo Ages: 6 weeks - 6 years Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F Hours: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Acorn School is a full-day program serving a diverse population from 6 weeks to 6 years old. Our small group sizes, low ratios, and our primary care giving philosophy make us a high-quality early care and education program. Two meals & snacks served daily. 4-star Qualistar rated center. NAEYC accredited. Now enrolling all ages. W: E:

Active Boulder Kids Preschool—Boulder 5001 Pennsylvania Ave. (303) 499-9854 Contact - Kristen Argow Ages: 2 1/2 - 6 Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F Hours: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm A world of creative and fun discoveries and adventures! We provide imaginative programs and activities that promote social/emotional growth. We teach life skills and encourage the child’s learning through active play and exploration. Small classroom sizes, caring qualified teachers, nature/play-based/learning centers. W: E:

Autana Bilingual Montessori Preschool—Boulder 4732 Greylock St. (720) 935-9740 Contact - Raquel or Patricia Ages: 2 - 6 yrs Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F Hours: 8 am to 4 pm, (extended hours available) Autana Preschool is a bilingual Montessori home-based preschool. We offer a warm and loving home atmosphere, Montessori learning areas, education for peace, joy of learning, full immersion Spanish (bilingual staff), nature-oriented activities, a strong sense of community, and a vegetable and flower garden. W: E:

Bixby School—Boulder 4760 Table Mesa (303) 494-7505 Contact - Jack Kim Ages: 2 yrs 9 mos - 6 yrs Licensed Year-round Hours: 5 1/2-hour program. Extended Hours: 7:15 am to 5:45 pm. Children participate in a wide variety of developmental activities, including art, music, science, dramatic play, and small and gross motor. W: E:

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Blue Sky Kindergarten/Preschool—Boulder 3046 11th St. (303) 443-4965 Contact - Staff Ages: 21/2 - 6 yrs. Licensed Year-round plus camp program Program Days: M-F, Hours 8:30 am to 1 pm, plus aftercare to 3:30 pm. NEW Sky Bridge Afterschool Art Program, 3:30-5:00 pm for ages 5-10 years. Our rich curriculum embraces the arts and honors the seasons: gardening, handwork, music, puppetry, crafts, movement, baking, and storytelling. Seasonal crafts. Morning Glory Program for parents & toddlers 6 months to age 3.

Bob L. Burger Preschool Program—Lafayette 111 West Baseline Rd. (303) 665-0469 Contact - Kathy Apjoke Ages: 21/2 - 51/2 yrs State Licensed August - May Program Days: M-F. Call for times. Our newly expanded, licensed program provides your child with a stimulating learning environment. Graduates are prepared educationally and socially for kindergarten and beyond. Fees and programs vary. $60-$250. W: E:

Boulder Country Day School—Boulder 4820 Nautilus Court N. (303) 527-4931 x248 Contact - Patti Lemlein Ages: Preschool - 8th Grade Licensed August - May/Camp Program Days: M-F Preschool Hours: 8 am to 1 pm or 3 pm Before- & after-school care and enrichment classes available. Accreditations: NAIS, and ACIS. Small class size, one-on-one attention and a welcoming and caring environment distinguishes the preschool program at BCD. Inviting classrooms and creative outdoor spaces encourage active participation in a mix of activities and materials designed to enhance children’s social, emotional, intellectual, and physical growth. The academically based curriculum is a mix of teacher-directed/childinitiated activity. Summer camp available in June and July. W: E:

Boulder County Head Start—Boulder 3482 N. Broadway (720) 564-2210 Contact - Susi Gritton Ages: 3-5 Licensed September - May Program Days: M-F (full-day) or Tu-F (half-day). Boulder County Head Start is a FREE, comprehensive(health, nutrition,family supports, social/ emotional and physical development) preschool. In addition to a quality experience that supports school readiness skills for your child, we believe our job is to help families connect with resources and support families’ engagement in their child’s education. Income guidelines for eligibility apply. W: E:

BOULDER County Kids Broomfield Academy—Broomfield 7203 W. 120th Ave. (303) 469-6449 Contact - Pat Garner, Principal Ages: 3+ Licensed Year-round, including summer Hours: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm before/after-school option (7 am to 6 pm). Days: M-F. 2, 3, or 5 days/week. 1/2-day & full-day options. Academic preschool and jr. kindergarten. Nationally accredited (NIPSA). An individualized education helping children be exceptional, accelerated, and creative. Individual student learning plans, small class sizes, advanced curriculum, character education, and service learning programs, monthly field trips related to curriculum, before- and after-school programming, specialty classes in Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, art, swimming, music, technology, and physical education. Five-acre campus with creative outdoor spaces, a swimming pool and a teaching garden for ages 3-7. W: E:

Children’s Alley—Boulder 2222 14th Street (303) 449-1951 Contact - Staff Ages: 6 weeks - 12 yrs Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-Th 7:30 am to 8 pm, Friday 7:30 am to 6 pm and Saturday 9 am to 5 pm. Drop-in, temporary child care center. Children are scheduled one day at a time, and fees are based on a sliding scale. Call at 2 pm to reserve child care for the following day. You may reserve ahead for Saturdays. Center features caring, experienced teachers and nutritious meals and snacks are included. Please call or visit our website for more information. W: E:

Children’s Garden Learning Center—Broomfield 7085 W. 119th Place (303) 466-8801 Contact - Karen Rossmann Ages: 6 weeks - 6 yrs Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F, 6:30 am to 6 pm We offer developmentally appropriate, engaging activities for children in a warm, home-like atmosphere. W: E:

Children’s House Preschool—Boulder 3370 Iris Walk Court (303) 444-6432 Contact - Michael Knuckey Ages: 21/2 - 51/2 yrs Licensed September through May Program Days: M-F morning sessions, 8:30 am-11 am or 12 noon, M-TH. Afternoon sessions 12:30 pm to 3 pm. Full-time option is available. Bringing books to life through the Storybook Journey since 1970. Our preschoolers explore and experience themes from children’s literature in a fully integrated way through dramatic play, art projects, cooking, science experiments, planting, block building, tactile play, music, and movement. Children discover the joys of becoming an author when their dictated stories are read to the class. Director Elaine McCarthy BCAEYC’s “Educator of the Year 2010” has been with the school since 1992. W: E:

Cottage Schools Preschool & Childcare—Boulder/Longmont 805 30th Street/1301 North St (Boulder) 1941 Terry St.(Longmont) Boulder (303) 449-4380/(303) 546-6814/Longmont (303) 651-3780 Ages: 6 weeks - 12 yrs Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F Hours: A variety of schedules available. Known in Boulder and Longmont for their “home away from home” atmosphere combined with their balanced learning programs, the Cottage Schools offer quality education and nurturing childcare. Whether in their Montessori program in Longmont or their creative curriculum program in Boulder, the children enjoy a happy and relaxing environment where they develop their potentials and their natural enthusiasm for learning. The dedicated and enthusiastic teachers and caretakers are committed to guiding the children’s exploration, creative expression, social and emotional growth and early academic learning in a way that leads to children’s feelings of success and self confidence.

Dream Makers Preschool—Boulder Boulder (720) 274-0101 Contact - Deb Gedenberg Ages: 2 1/2 - 5 yrs Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F Hours: 9 am to 1 pm, with optional extended day program until 3:15 pm (choose any two, three, four, or five days). The enriched learning environment at the enchanting Dream Makers cottage promotes a natural ongoing process that empowers children to make positive choices throughout their lives. By nurturing both intellect and spirit using the Love & Logic approach, your child’s capabilities are unearthed while playing, exploring, and making friends in a safe setting, among sensitive, loving teachers. Get ready for kindergarten! Our extended day Pre-K program on Thursdays from 1 to 3:15 pm enhances your child’s elementary school knowledge & experience for easy transitioning into kindergarten. Summer programs available for ages 2 1/2 - 8. Maximum enrollment of 15 children.

Exploring Minds Academy—Erie 4051 E. County Line Rd (303) 828-3452 Contact: Katie Ages: 6 wks -6 yrs. Licensed Year-round Programs Days: M-F Hours: 6 am to 6 pm. Quality early learning programs below market rate, accept Colorado’s Childcare Assistance Program. Qualistar Rated Program. Highly trained teachers in early childhood education work as partners with our parents to create a learning environment that is appropriate for each child. Specially designed classrooms filled with activities that encourage learning through discovery. Flexible full- & part-time programs. W:

Forest Park Montessori School—Lafayette 2687 North Park Dr. (303) 928-9990 Contact: Christine Lowry Ages: 21/2 - 6 Licensed August through May Program Days and Hours: M-F, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Half-day and full-day programs, including full-day kindergarten. Extended before& after school day care available. Special afternoon enrichment classes include yoga, art, cooking, Spanish, fitness, & gardening. A traditional Montessori program, where every child is nurtured in an environment of peace and respect. Our curriculum and educational standards emphasize peace, respect, creative thinking, and problem solving, all of which instill in children a lifetime love of learning and our world. Full-member school of the American Montessori Society. Active Parent-Teacher Organization, monthly parent education meetings/potlucks, numerous volunteer opportunities, and a parent board of directors. Our school director and lead teacher is AMS certified with 20+ years with a master’s degree in special education. We welcome observations and encourage you to visit our website for more information. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. W:

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BOULDER County Kids CHILD CARE/preschool Directory

Friends’ School—Boulder 5465 Pennsylvania (303) 499-1999 Contact - Mari Engle Friedman Ages: 3 - 5 yrs Licensed & Accredited September - May/ camp Program Days and Hours: Call for days and times. A supportive community committed to educating the whole child— head, hand, and heart. Play and exploration-based preschool with a focus on relationships, communication, art, and a foundation for pre-academic skills. Small classes, low student/teacher ratios, wide variety of high-quality materials and experiences. Sliding-scale tuition based on family income and additional financial aid available. ACIS accredited, NAIS member. W: E:

Jarrow Montessori School—Boulder 3900 Orange Court (303) 443-0511 x113 Contact - Cindy Grace Ages: 18 mos to 12 yrs Licensed August - June Program Days: M-F, Hours: 8:30 am to 11:30 or 3:30. Before care starts at 7:30 am for students 3 and up. Aftercare until 6 pm. Established in 1964 Jarrow Montessori School is the oldest Montessori school in Colorado. We offer a child-centered program, focusing on the whole child. Our curriculum emphasizes a balanced approach to the academic, social, emotional, and physical development of each child. Jarrow provides a multiage-level learning environment prepared by knowledgeable & dedicated teachers. Call for a private tour of our beautiful 3-acre campus. W: E:

McGregor’s Garden Preschool—South Boulder 3535 Eastman Ave. (303) 499-9341 Contact - Barbara or Don McGregor Ages: 2 - 5 years, (must be age two by Sept. 30, please). Licensed for 12. Program Days: M-F, Hours: 7:15 am to 5 pm. Very active, loving child care in our happy home near Martin Park. Husband and wife team (both former elementary teachers). Full preschool program. Lots of field trips in the big blue van (we provide 12 car seats). Healthy, homemade meals, including cooking lessons. Arts and crafts, science, gardening, music, dance, games, puzzles, building, digging, hiking, and fishing. We climb trees and play in creeks. Plenty of creative free-play in our interesting home and in our shady backyard. We emphasize social skills. Fun for your child; peace of mind for you. Closed during BVSD Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Breaks, with no charge when closed. Celebrating our 21st year. E:

Meadowdale Kinderhaus—Niwot 7378 Meadowdale Drive (303) 827-6292 Contact - Stacie Schaefer Ages: 2 - 5 yrs Licensed Year-round Hours: M-W, 9 am to 1 pm (extended care available till 3 pm) Waldorf-Inspired home preschool located in Niwot. Nurturing and protecting childhood in a small group setting is a key element

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to our Kinderhaus. Play is the heart of the program, and life is the curriculum. Offering a mixed-age program in a beautiful nurturing environment. Children experience baking, painting, finger plays, stories, gardening, and tending to gentle farm animals. Media-free and wholesome organic snack and lunch are provided.

Miss Catherine’s Creative Learning Center—Boulder Miss Catherine’s Infant Center—Boulder 6525 Gunpark Drive, Suite 340 (303) 530-1820 5280 Spine Road, Suite 104 Contact - Catherine Médal Ages: 6 weeks - 6 yrs Licensed, NAEYC accredited Year-round Toddlers/preschool/pre-K: M-F, MWF or T/TH full day 7 am - 6 pm. Infant Center: M-F, 7 am to- 5:30 pm. “Nurturing the whole child through creative learning.” Children learn best through the arts and music. Each child moves at his/her own pace to each developmentally appropriate group. Music teacher. Classical music during rest time. Creative curriculum. Limited space. Infant Center has 1 to 4 ratio of teachers to students.

Montessori Academy—Lafayette 801 N 111th Street (303) 926-8321 Contact - Jean Chorbajian Ages 21/2-6 years Licensed August - May/Summer Camp Program Days: M-F Hours: 7:45 am to 5:30 pm. Full- and half-day programs, with before- & after-school care. Montessori Academy provides a challenging and nurturing environment that leads children toward confidence, independence, and a life of learning through discovery, observation, and positive, helpful friendships. We offer preschool and kindergarten programs in a nurturing environment that respects each individual child. Montessori Academy has been an American Montessori Society member school since 2002. Our lead teachers are certified and have extensive classroom experience. Music and Spanish are each offered 2 afternoons a week. Schedule a tour today and see plans for a new, specially designed building. W: E:

Mother Earth Play Group—Boulder 745 39th Street (303) 217-3377 Contact - Shanti Guidry Ages 1-7 years Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F, 8:30 to 4 pm. Licensed small preschool, offering an outdoor focus year-round. We provide a rich and nurturing environment filled with storytelling, puppetry, gardening, animal care, parent education, seasonal celebrations, and community gatherings. E:

Mountain Shadows Montessori School—Boulder 4154 63rd Street (303) 530-5353 Contact - Jan Ferwerda Ages: 12 months to 12 years Toddler ~ Primary ~ Elementary ~ AMI-Accredited & Licensed Program Days: M-F, 9-month program for ages 12 months to 12 years and 9 or 12-month programs for ages 3-5. Hours: Full day: 8:30 am to 2:50 pm, half day: 8:30 pm to 12 noon,

BOULDER County Kids extended hours program 7:15 am - 5:30 pm. Mountain Shadows Montessori School is the only fully accredited AMI (Association Montessori International) school in Colorado. Located on a beautiful 12-acre country campus in Boulder, MSMS has continuously provided excellence in Montessori education since 1976. At Mountain Shadows, children joyfully learn to reach their full potential while developing skills for living a successful life. Call today to schedule your personal tour of our campus. W: E:

My Second Home Bilingual Child Care Center—Lafayette Lafayette (303) 664-1098 Contact: Denise Oliver Ages: 21/2 - 6 Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F. Hours: 7:15 am to 5:30 pm Bilingual child care with bilingual preschool curriculum. We provide a variety of high-quality activities for children in Spanish & English. We also incorporate art, crafts, music, dance, cooking, indoor & outdoor games, & many more activities to enrich our learning program & make it fun for children. Ask about our summer camp programs! W: E:

Patience Montessori School—Boulder 3600 Hazelwood Court (303) 449-5214 Contact - Patience Schutrumpf Ages: 6 weeks - 6 Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F, 7:30 am to 6 pm. Patience Montessori is a private multicultural Montessori school for children from the ages of six weeks though six years; we accept children who are not potty trained. Patience Montessori offers a child care program as a service to working parents; we are open yearround. Our teachers are Montessori-accredited and group-leader qualified. W: E:

Rainbow Bridge LifeWays Program—Boulder Broadway & Linden (303) 440-1459 Contact - Rahima Baldwin Dancy Ages: 1 - 5 years Licensed Year-round Program Program Days: M-F Hours: 8:30 am to 12:30, or 3:30 pm; 2-, 3- and 5-day programs. Rahima Baldwin Dancy, Waldorf educator and author of You Are Your Child’s First Teacher, offers mixed-age, relationship-based care as a creative bridge between home and kindergarten. LifeWays emphasizes nurturing, social, and creative arts, imaginative play, gardening, and lots of time outside. Special activities for toddlers and Waldorf preschool/kindergarten. Organic lunches and snacks. W: E:

Sandpiper Montessori—Boulder Gunbarrel area (303) 516-1786 Contact - Lyn Mead Ages: 2 1/2 - 5 Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F, 7:30 am to 5:45 pm. Sandpiper Montessori is a personalized, home-based educational environment where children attend either three, four, or five days a week with Lyn Mead, MA Ed., a certified Montessori teacher with over thirty years of experience. Spanish classes, ASL experiences, and music and movement opportunities augment offerings in the

practical life, cultural study, language, math, and sensorial areas. Children learn to become responsible members of a child-sized school community. W: E:

Shepherd Valley Waldorf School—Niwot Hwy. 119/Hwy. 52 (303) 652-0130 Contact - Laurie Bayless Ages: Pre-K/KG/Parent Licensed September - June/Summer Camp Program Days: 2-, 3- and 5-day Pre-K/KG programs & parent/child classes. Hours: PreK-K, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. After-school care available to 5:30 pm. The mixed-age Waldorf kindergarten is a world of play, makebelieve, imitation, expression. Learning at this time is best fostered through imaginative activity, stories, songs, crafts, free play, circle time, and outdoor play. The Preschool kindergarten teachers create an environment where beauty, love, and security radiate from a homelike setting that gently helps children adjust to the social world of the classroom. W: E:

St. Stephen’s Christian School—Longmont 1303 S. Bross Ln. Contact: Melody Alme (303) 579-6496 for Pre-K and Jennifer Arndt (303) 702-1812 for the preschool. Ages: 3 - 6 yrs Licensed September - May Program Days: T/W/TH (3- to 4-yr-olds), T/W/TH (4- to 5-yr-olds) Hours: 8:45 to 11:15 am. After school enrichment classes T/W from 11:15 am -2:15 pm now available. The goal of St. Stephen’s is to develop each child’s mind, body, and spirit, while establishing strong foundations of knowledge and positive self-image in a creative, loving, Christian environment. We offer small class sizes with experienced certified teachers and a student/ teacher ratio of 6:1 W:

Strawberry Farm Strawberry Farm School—Boulder 1020 Portland Pl. (303) 709-0549 Contact-Rita Batiste Ages: 0-6+ Licensed September - May, plus camp Program Days: M-F, 9 am to 1 pm, 9 am to 3 pm or 9 am to 5 pm Nature & community based program with experiential learning as the touchstone. All natural/organic snack & lunch included. $10 per hour. Ask about our Kids on Tour program. W: E:

Sunflower Farm Sprouthouse Program—Longmont 11150 Prospect Road (303) 774-8001 Contact - Bren Ages: 2-5+ Year-round Program Days and Hours: M-F. Choose 1 class per week or several. Mornings: 9 am to 1 pm, Afternoons: 1:30 to 4 pm. This is an early childhood outdoor nature program. We connect children to nature and animals through synergy, while cultivating creativity and risk-taking in a small-group setting. Even on cold days, we bundle up and walk the farm, feed animals, build snowmen, collect eggs, climb the giant tree house, catch toads, or follow bugs. Inside activities include books, puzzles, blocks, and our large recycled creative art building, where children choose from painting, woodworking, sculpting, fabric art, sensory materials, and more! Parents are welcome to stay or drop off their children. W: E:

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BOULDER County Kids preschools... Sunflower Preschool—Boulder 3340 Dartmouth (303) 494-2012 Contact-Debbie Ellman Ages: 2 1/2 - 6 Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F Hours: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Part-time schedules available. Sunflower Preschool is a small, well-established preschool in south Boulder, founded in 1981. Sunflower features a child-directed, handson environment, with a science-based curriculum, varied learning centers, and a nature-oriented outdoor play area with multiple gardens. The outdoor environment is stressed as an additional learning center, with an emphasis on hands-on exploration of the natural world. Open all year, following BVSD vacation schedule. Limited part-time openings for the 2010-2011 school year W: E:

Treehouse Learning—Louisville 175 North 96th St. (303) 666-1950 Contact - Nancy Benson, Ph.D. Ages: Infants - Kindergarten Licensed Year-round Program Days: M-F, 3 - 5 full days Hours: 7:30 am to 6 pm Treehouse Learning offers early education and child care for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, with full-day kindergarten. Our curriculum is comprehensive, including social skills, sign language, Spanish, art, music, movement. Professional staff, small groups, low ratios, top-quality snacks and lunches, beautiful facility and grounds. Located in the Indian Peaks area, near 95th & Baseline; founded and locally owned by Dr. Nancy Benson. Limited availability in all groups. W:


Private Schools o Alexander Dawson School—Lafayette 10455 Dawson Drive (303) 665-6679 Contact - Admissions Office Ages: K - 12th grade Licensed & Accredited September - June/Camp Program Days: M-F, 175 days. Hours: 8 am to 3:25 pm, plus AfterSchool Academy. A well-rounded, Renaissance approach. Student/teacher ratio of 7/1, daily enrichment (art, music, computers, library, foreign language, sports), stimulating academics, superb teachers. W: E:

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Bixby School—Boulder 4760 Table Mesa (303) 494-7508 Contact - Pat Baker Ages: K - 5th Grade Licensed 9-month & year-round Hours: 8:30 am to 3:15 pm (7:15 am to 5:45 pm extended day) Small group instruction in language arts, mathematics, geography, science, music, art, and history, with curriculum geared to challenging each student’s needs. We teach to individual strengths so every child thrives. W: E:

Boulder Country Day School—Boulder 4820 Nautilus Ct. North (303) 527-4931 x 248 Contact - Patti Lemlein Ages: Preschool - 8th Grade Licensed August - May/Camp Program Days: M-F Hours: 8 am to 3 pm, middle school until 3:15. Before & after school care and enrichment classes available. Accreditations: NAIS, ACIS, and Approved Middle Years International Baccalaureate School. Situated on a picturesque, safe, and private 5.5acre campus, Boulder Country Day School is a small, independent school that provides a well-rounded classical education distinguished by academic excellence and social development in a caring and supportive learning environment. Summer camp in June and July. W: E:

Boulder Valley Community Open School—Boulder 6717 S. Boulder Rd. (303) 588-4971 Contact - Dawn Maggio Ages: 5-18 August - May Program Days: M-F Hours: 8 am to 3 pm. BVCOS is a new independent school, that opened fall 2010! Our model is based on democratic decision making, multiage groupings, and student-directed learning. We offer an Earned Discount Program, which can discount tuition by 10%. Homeschool programs are also available! W: E:

Broomfield Academy—Broomfield 7203 W. 120th Ave. (303) 469-6449 Contact - Pat Garner, Principal Ages: 3 - 14 yrs Licensed Year-round, including summer Program Days: M-F. Hours: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm plus before/after-school programs. Academic preschool through middle school. Nationally accredited (NIPSA). An individualized education helping children be exceptional, accelerated, and creative. Individual student learning plans, small class sizes, advanced curriculum, character education, and service learning programs, monthly field trips related to curriculum, before- and afterschool programming, specialty classes in Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, art, swimming, music, technology, and physical education. Five-acre campus with creative outdoor spaces, a swimming pool and a teaching garden. Year-round enrollment. W: E:

BOULDER County Kids Colorado Virtual Academy Statewide Online Public School Web: (866) 339-6818 (toll free) Contact: Jennifer Ingalls Ages: K-12th grade Cost: Free School year Colorado Virtual Academy is a tuition-free, full-time online public school serving Colorado students statewide in grades K–12. Our individualized, award-winning curriculum is from K12—the country’s leading provider of online education for grades K–12—and lets kids learn at the pace that’s right for them. Families receive all necessary instructional materials—including beautifully illustrated books, microscopes, and art supplies—delivered right to their door. Colorado Virtual Academy also offers students support from Colorado-licensed teachers, a robust Advanced Learner Program, and the ability to participate in their school districts’ athletics and activities. Are you looking for a choice in the way your kids learn? Colorado Virtual Academy and K12 give students the chance to learn in the ways that are right for them—tuition-free.

Friends’ School—Boulder 5465 Pennsylvania (303) 499-1999 Contact - Mari Engle Friedman Ages: K - 5th grade Licensed & Accredited August - May /Camp Program Days: M-F Hours: 8:30 am to 3:15 pm Aftercare and enrichment classes 3:15 to 5:30 pm A supportive community committed to educating the whole child—head, hand, and heart. Experiential and integrated curriculum, emphasizing academics, problem solving, creativity, critical thinking, and social responsibility. Small classes, low student/teacher ratios. Sliding-scale tuition based on family income and additional financial aid available. ACIS accredited, NAIS member. W: E:

Hillside School—Boulder 6717 S. Boulder Road (303) 494-1468 Contact - Kathy Sherman Ages: 1 - 9th grade Licensed August - May/Summer program Program Days: M-F Hours: 8 to 11 am and 12 to 3 pm Hillside provides specialized, research-based instruction for students with learning differences in grades 1-9, in a caring, supportive environment. Experiencing real academic growth allows our students to discover their full potential and become successful learners in all academic areas. W: E:

Jarrow Montessori School—Boulder 3900 Orange Ct. (303) 443-0511 x 113 Contact - Cindy Grace Ages: 18 mos to 12 yrs Licensed August - June Program Days: M-F, Hours: 8:30 am to 11:30 am or 3:30 pm. Before care starts at 7:30 am for students 3 and up. Aftercare until 6 pm. Established in 1964, Jarrow Montessori School is the oldest Montessori school in Colorado. We offer a child-centered program focusing on the whole child. Our curriculum emphasizes a balanced approach to the academic, social, emotional, and physical development of each child. Jarrow provides a multiage-level learning environment prepared by knowledgeable and dedicated teachers. Call for a private tour of our beautiful threeacre campus. W: E:

Mountain Peak Private School—Longmont 1833 Sunset Place (720) 494-1622 Contact - Tom Buckett Ages: 3 - 12 yrs (6th grade) Licensed August - June/Summer Camp Program Days: M-F Hours: 7 am to 6 pm MPPS is an independent, nonsectarian school that focuses on educating the whole child. Recognizing that each child is unique, MPPS entitles its teachers to individualize curriculum based on each child’s developmental stage. We offer learning experiences that reach beyond the core academic areas beginning at the preschool level. We strive for excellence by nurturing each child’s intellect, curiosity, and social growth. And because studies have shown that large class sizes adversely affect learning, we are committed to keeping our classes small (15 or fewer for K-6th grades, smaller for preschool). Before/after-school care, daily PE, art, music, foreign language. W: E:

The Patchwork Elementary School—Louisville 1428 Main St. (720) 271-6729 Contact - Elizabeth Baker/Michele Beach Ages: K-5 & Preschool August - May Program Days: M-F Hours: 9 am to 3 pm. Before and aftercare, from 8 to 9 am and 3 to 4 pm. The Patchwork School is a nonprofit, democratic school in Louisville, Colorado. We offer full-time and part-time programs for children ages 2 1/2 to 5 years old in our First School, and in kindergarten through Fifth grade at our Elementary School. Our philosophy is composed of principles from Democratic Education, Reggio Emilia, and Humane Education. We are committed to preserving every person’s right to a life of self-direction, meaning, and joy. W: E:

Shepherd Valley Waldorf School—Niwot Hwy. 119/Hwy. 52 (303) 652-0130 Contact - Laurie Bayless Ages: 7-14 Licensed September - June/Summer Camp Hours: M-F, 8:30 am to 3:20 pm, with after hours to 5:30 pm Shepherd Valley Waldorf schools offer a developmentally appropriate, balanced approach to education that integrates the arts and academics for children from preschool through eighth grade. It encourages the development of each child’s sense of truth, beauty, and goodness, and provides an antidote to violence, alienation, and cynicism. The aim of the education is to inspire in each student a lifelong love of learning, and to enable them to fully develop their unique capacities. Call for a personal school tour. W: E:

Tiny Tim Center—Longmont 611 Korte Pkwy (303) 776-7417 Contact - LJ Ferebee Ages: 2.5 to 4 NAEYC Accreditation Hours: M-Th. Half- and full-day options. Preschool offering an inclusive classroom environment for both special needs and typical children. Low teacher to student ratios. Scholarships available to families who qualify. W: E:

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BOULDER County Kids

Birthday Party Directory Boulder 8

Birthday Party with the Animals Ages: 5 and up. 2323 55th Street 2-hour programs 11 am to 1 pm or 1-3 pm. Saturdays and Sundays. $150 for party of 10. Birthday parties include: animal behavior and safety lesson, behind-the-scenes tour of the shelter, visit with a shelter cat and dog. Fun, engaging and educational activity to share with your friends. Party favor goodie bags provided. Time to spend with friends and family. Families are welcome to bring cake, drinks, and paper supplies for their party. Donations for the animals in our care are gladly accepted. View our wish list online at boulderhumane. org, and the animals will thank you! Contact: Catherine Casper 303-442-4030 x613

maximum of 20 children. Optional extras of cakes, invitations, and gluten-free treats. Hours: Saturday morning and afternoon slots available. Contact: Staff 303-443-2520

Gymboree Play & Music of Boulder Ages: 1 - 5 2525 Arapahoe Ave, H-7 Fun Birthday Parties! Flexible Saturdays (Sundays by request). Have your child’s birthday party at Gymboree, and we do all the work! Customized parties and age-specific birthday activities. Call for all the details. Contact: Kristin Hawley 303-546-0081

ERXOGHU VFKRRO RI PH DOV LLC discover your inner jeweler

Boulder School of Metals Ages: 6 and up 1634 N. 63rd St. #5 Jewelry making. Offering a unique opportunity for kids to experience working in a jeweler’s studio. Using hammers, alphabet/number stamps, forming blocks, and more, participants can create a one-of-a-kind pendant in sterling silver. Contact: Shelly Bohin 303-448-9358

Stir It Up Cooking School Ages: 4 - 16 1140 S Lashley Lane Birthday Cooking Parties for lunch or dinner. Friday-Sunday. $225 for up to 10 kids. For your next birthday or any occasion, a Stir It Up Cooking Party has the best recipe, with lots of fun in the kitchen. The parents relax, while the kids do all the cooking, and the Stir It Up staff cleans up! Select from our menu list for a truly memorable party. All you need to bring are the guests! Contact: Carol Wiggins 303-494-2665

grades, or any other reason for positive reinforcement for your child. Parties include dance instruction of any type of dance that we offer and studio space for party activities. Days and hours: As requested. Contact: Diana Tepe 303-444-1120

Broomfield Fun in a Bubble

Broomfield Academy Splash Parties Ages: 3 - 18 Birthday parties in Broomfield Academy’s very warm indoor saltwater pool are a blast. And, very affordable! Pool rental and lifeguard fee is $60 per hour (2-hour minimum). Heated and fully enclosed pool building is perfect for the kids to play games in the pool, in any kind of outside weather, including the snow! Bring your own birthday cake. Or, have pizza delivered! Or, bring your own food. It is an easy way to have a party. This pool is great for kids—and our lifeguards are fun to have in the pool during your party! Call to reserve your pool party today! Private, semiprivate, and group swim lessons are also available afterschool and on weekends. Parent-tot class on Saturdays. Contact: Anica 303-469-6449

Countywide Adventure Quest, Storytelling & Swashbuckling with

Clementine Birthday Parties Ages: 3 - 10 New larger location this fall! Parties designed with your child in mind. Art parties with high-quality materials and lots of fun for all for 11/2 hours. Minimum of 8 and

Renaissance Adventures Studio D Academy of Dance Birthday Parties Ages: 3 and up. 2691 30th Street Studio D offers exciting dance parties for special occasions like birthdays, special achievements, good

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riddles, swashbuckle with foam swords, or cast magic spells, and negotiate peace treaties. Offering summer camps and birthday parties since 1995. Contact: Staff 303-786-9216

Ages: 5-16 Boulder/Denver Be the hero of a mythic quest! Choose from storytelling, sworddueling, or Adventure Quest, an active Renaissance-themed game, where the kids are the heroes of a mythic quest! Solve mysteries and

Ages: 4 and up Wiggle and giggle with your kids! Fun for family members of all ages! Have a party where your family can learn the art of bubblology. Your child will experience and learn how to make “unbreakable” bubbles, make wands out of household items, stand in a bubble, make a smiley face and exotic shape bubbles, and many more activities. Children have had so much fun they ask, “Do we have to go eat cake?” Nancy will travel to your party site in Boulder County and surrounding areas. Call for fees. Contact: Nancy Winkler 303-709-4767

The Little Gym of Boulder Ages: 1-10 4800 Baseline Road, Suites C 106108 Awesome Birthday Bash at The Little Gym. Kids love ’em. So do parents! Fully supervised parties are held one at a time, so your child’s party has the entire gym to themselves. A party at The Little Gym is a “no-stress” birthday party for parents, because we handle everything from invitations to cleanup. Kids have a blast and parents rest easy. 1 1/2-hour parties. Hours: Saturdays 1:30 & 3:30 pm and Sundays 10 am, 12:30 pm and 3:30 pm. Contact: Brooks Crosby 303-444-4742

BOULDER County Kids

Birthday Party Directory Party with the Planet! Eco-Inspired Birthday Parties from Eco-Cycle Ages: 4-12 On sale now! Eco-Cycle’s “b-earthday” parties combine fun activities and crafts with green values. Party themes include: Eco-Art, Green Thumbs Garden Party, Jungle Jam, Papermaking with Pizzazz, and the Green Teams. We travel to your party venue. See our website for more details and information about sale pricing. Proceeds support Eco-Cycle’s School Environmental Education Programs and are a tax deductible contribution. Flexible times. Contact: Kate Nelson 303-444-6634, x 103

16 special party “themes.” Fees: $100-150. Additional children can be added for $3/child with a limit of 20 children. Contact: Kathy Apjoke 303-665-0469

comfort of our homeless animals. 501(c)3 Nonprofit. Check our website for info & party invitations. Fees: $150.00 for a 2-hour party. Contact: Brianna 303-772-1232 X 264

Lafayette Bob L. Burger Birthday Parties Ages: 3 - 10 111 W. Baseline Road Birthday Parties at the Recreation Center on Saturdays or Sundays. Choose from swimming or gymnastics! Price includes 10 kids’ admissions to the facility, 1-1/2 hours in the party room, cake, candles, tablecloth, paper goods, and one of

le Mountain Kids Gymnastic-Themed Parties

Dog House Music Ages: 5 and up 525 Courtney Way Rock & Roll Birthday Parties! Authentic rock & roll birthday parties for kids, teens, and adults. Rock & roll makeover, interactive music video games on our giant flat screen, live performance by teen band. Hours: By appointment. Contact: Gary Lennox 303-664-1600


Sunflower Farm Ages: all 11150 Prospect Road, Longmont A wildly creative party! Ride the pony, climb the giant tree houses, feed baby animals, collect eggs, spectacular tire swings, sand play, zipline, and more! Saturdays. Choose the 10-12 or 1-3:00 slot. Minimum $100. Saturdays: Children: $7 Adults: $3; under 12 months free. Sundays: $7/person; under 12 months free. 303-774-8001

Airborne Gymnastics & Dance Ages: 3 and up 1816 Boston Avenue One hour of gymnastics fun, 45 minutes in the party room!! Trapeze, ropes, trampolines, foam pit! Rock climbing and dance parties also available. Fees: Prices start at $130. Contact: Staff 303-651-1456

Birthday Parties at The Longmont Humane Society Ages: 5-11 9595 Nelson Road Birthday memories abound when you spend your special day with the animals at Longmont Humane Society. Play games, tour our stateof-the-art shelter, play AnimalBingo, visit with a special pet, receive an autograph dog & goodie bags. All proceeds go to the care &

Ages: 2-10 yrs 474 S. Taylor Avenue (in the Colorado Technology Center). Gymnastics-themed birthday parties include 1 hour of gymnastics time with our enthusiastic birthday party staff. Activities include a gigantic obstacle course, trampoline, games, relay’s, parachute play, and 30 minutes of party time for cake, presents, and other party activities. We provide the party host, invitations, thank-you notes, and party favors, and of course take care of all the cleanup! Great parties for kids of all ages! Call for fees. Contact: Anna Narvaes 303-665-8287


Sawhorse Gang Ages: 1-5 Engaging pretend play “construction zone,” complete with rideon-size John Deere style peddle tractors with front loaders, construction equipment, wheelbarrows, tons of building materials, foam bricks and rocks, planks of wood, pipes, and cones. Events are brought to your location. Contact: staff 303-859-5830


Triple Creek Ranch Paint Famous “Dandy” the Palomino Horse Ages: 4 and up 4255 Nelson Road 2.5 hours. Birthday star and guest paint and decorate “Dandy” the famous beautiful palomino horse. Yep, its washable! Decorated clubhouse, face paint, games, horse rides, crafts, b-day star pictures, open gifts in the magical tee pee, and catch your b-day wishes in your dream catcher! Nonstop creative touches & entertainment, on a beautiful 64-acre horse ranch. Kids and adults leave saying it was the best party they’ve ever been to! There’s not another party in town like this one for your horsecrazy b-day star! Fees: $350. Contact: Lynn McChesney 303-444-4291

Birthday Party at The Carousel Ages: all 20 Lakeview Drive Birthday Party at the Carousel. Birthday packages that include a party room, unlimited rides on the carousel, party favors, and catered treats. Fees: Call for details. Days and Hours: Open every day from 10 am to 8 pm. Contact: Janette Taylor 303-258-3457

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BOULDER County Kids

After-School Programs Adventure Wild Earth’s Children Boulder County

Ages: 4-17, plus family outings Primitive Skills & Nature Awareness. Reconnect with the earth through primitive skills & nature awareness. Experience the natural world as never before. Fire by friction, wild edibles, tracking, adventures, and more. Hours: Ongoing programs, check our website for details. C: Simon Harrison P: 303-823-0875

Arts & Science Clementine Art Classes Boulder

Ages: Children to adults. 2775 Valmont Clementine Studio™ is a fulltime, art enrichment program with hands-on, multimedia programs that encourage independent exploration of age-appropriate art materials in a nurturing and inspiring environment. Weekly classes, workshops, camps, parties, and more. For a complete listing, please visit our website. Hours: Call for times and days. P: 303-443-2520

BVSD Lifelong Learning Boulder

Ages: 6-12.

Offering high quality, affordable after-school classes, spring break camps, and no-school day classes. We provide instruction in the arts, languages, science, and collaborative classes with the YWCA, The Spot Bouldering Gym, and various local organizations. Classes meet at BVSD schools and other locations in Boulder County. Please visit our website for complete class listings, hours, and to register for classes. Program Days: M-F C: Julie Kurzawa, Registrar P: 720-561-3768

CU Science Discovery Boulder

Ages: 5-14 3400 Marine Street After-school classes. Afterschool science, math, & technology classes. Fun and informative hands-on activities, use of CU resources. Once a week for 5 weeks. At Science Learning Lab and Fiske Planetarium. Please call if you’d like us to offer classes at your school. C: Anjali Maus P: 303-735-2230

Circus Arts

Imagination Circus Arts Boulder

Ages: 8 and up 4747 N. 26th Street $85 per 4-week session ICA is now accepting new students. All classes are MIXED AERIAL ARTS, giving each participant the unique opportunity to cross-train and build a solid and safe repertoire of aerial knowledge, technique, and strength. Classes are organized based on age and ability level. Limited spots are available, so call soon to register. Days: M/W/F C: Marcy Gallardo P: 303-548-9340


Sunflower Kids Art Studio Boulder

Ages: 3 - 15 5440 Conestoga Court Our children are taught in small, cozy groups allowing each child to explore at their own pace, receiving individual attention from our instructors. Sunflower Kids teaches children everything they need to know to create paintings that both kids and parents will be proud of. Hours: Classes held every day, please check our schedule and online gallery. P: 720-939-7545

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Rocky Mountain Counseling Services Louisville

Ages: 6-17 Therapy groups for Kids. LPC, Registered play therapist. We offer a Girls Empowerment Group, Teen Support Group, and My Two Homes Group. C: Monica Ramunda, MA, LPC, RPT www.rockymountain P: 720-304-7611

Dance Ballet Nouveau Colorado Broomfield

Toddler–Adult Inspiring and delighting dancers of all ages and abilities since 1992. We can make your dancing dreams come true! Ballet, pointe, jazz, contemporary, and much more. Special programs: Preschool Ballet, boys ballet, plus classes for toddlers, students with special needs, older beginners & adult dance & fitness. Wonderful performing opportunities. Program Days: M-F, Sat. Hours: 9 am-9 pm. C: Staff P: 303-466-5685

Boulder Ballet School Boulder

Ages: 3-Adult The official school of Boulder Ballet, under the direction of Ana Claire. Recipient of the Florence Ruston Award for Overall Excellence, Youth America Grand Prix Outstanding Teacher Award, and Best of Boulder Award. Program Days: M-F, Sat. Hours: 9 am-7 pm+ C: Kendra Motsinger P: 303-443-0028


Ages: All Join our dance family, where positive lifetime memories are made! We offer more than 30 different types of dance and fitness classes for all ages and abilities. Special programs include those for preschool age, boys only, all-star poms as

BOULDER County Kids well as opportunities for competition and performing teams. Monthly packages and drop-ins available! Check out our stateof-the-art facilities today, which include live video feed in lobby for parental observation, floating floors, and more! P: 303-442-3745 - Boulder P: 303-466-8626 - Broomfield

Studio D Academy of Dance Boulder

Ages: 3 and up 2691 30th Street Studio D is Boulder’s only dance studio just for kids. We provide a healthy environment for kids to explore all types of dance that encourages a holistic balance of mind, body, and spirit. Program Days: M-Th Hours: 3 to 9 pm. (Additional hours available) C: Diana Tepe P: 303-444-1120

Ballet School Boulder

Ages: 3-18 2590 Walnut Street Treat your child to an opportunity to study with the experts at the Lemon Sponge Cake Ballet School. We offer classes to students ages 3 though 18. Classes range from creative movement, pre-ballet, ballet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to the unique, exciting Lemon Sponge Cake Youth Programs, learning unique choreography and on-stage performances. Days/Hours: M-Sat with afterschool hours. C: Jenifer Sher P: 303-545-2298

DRUMS Afterbeat Drum School Louisville

Ages: 8 and up

Private lessons in a creative environment, tailored to your child’s unique learning style. All levels and abilities welcome. Berklee College of Music graduate with 20 years of experience. Ask about group lessons! New downtown Louisville location! Hours: Weekday afternoons/ evenings & Saturdays C: Chris Beers P: 720-837-5410

Empowerment Friendship Skills & Alternatives to Anger Boulder

For ages 6-15/8-15. Success Strategies 4 Kids. *Secrets of Friendship: What makes kids like other kids? Find out! Six secrets of making & keeping friends! For ages 6-15: *Alternatives to Anger: Does your child need strategies to deal with anger? For ages 8-15. Days and Hours: T/TH, 4-5:30 pm, 6-7:30 pm. 5 sessions. Fees: $125 for early registration C: Sherry Lewis P: 303-915-4421

ational, and cultural program that promotes the social, physical, intellectual, and emotional development of your child. Transportation from Lafayette elementary schools provided. State licensed program. Call for fees. Days and Hours: M-F, 2:30-6 pm. C: Karen Snortland P: 303-665-04699


Boulder Guitar Studio Boulder

Ages: 6 and up Guitar and bass guitar lessons for all ages, styles, & levels. Learn your favorite songs & the fundamentals, techniques, theory, & reading skills behind them. Custom approach determining your interests & focus on having fun while reaching goals. Fees: $30 per 30 minutes, $40 per 45 minutes, $50 per hour. Days and Hours: M-F, 10 am-7 pm. C: Lee Johnson P: 303-442-2379

Gymnastics Cheerleading


B.A.S.E. (Bob L. Burger After School Enrichment) Lafayette

Ages: Kindergarten-5th Grade B.A.S.E. Bob L. Burger AfterSchool Enrichment Program. This program held in the recently expanded classrooms at the Recreation Center, offers a quality educational, recre-


Ages: All 1816 Boston Avenue

Dance, gymnastics, cheer tumbling, and rock climbing classes for children. After-school and Saturday classes available. C: Staff P: 303-651-1456

The Little Gym of Boulder Boulder

Ages: 4 months-12 years 4800 Baseline Rd, Ste. C106-108 Grade School programs in beginning, intermediate, and advanced tumbling, as well as vaulting, bar, and beam techniques. Preschool/kindergarten classes in gymnastics skills, tumbling, vaulting, bars, and beam, with group games and music. Parent /child classes for 4 months to 3 years old. Family memberships. Parent Survival Nights! Hours: M-Sat, 8 am-8 pm C: Brooks Crosby P: 303-444-4742

Mountain Kids Gymnastics & Dance Louisville

Ages: Walking and up 474 S. Taylor Avenue At Mountain Kids there are mountains to climb, rivers to cross, jungles to conquer, and fun to be had. Also, strength, flexibility, coordination, confidence, and new skills are acquired every day. Students discover their amazing movement potential through GYMNASTICS & DANCE classes in a safe, creative, and nurturing environment! We make moving and learning fun! Transportation available from select schools. Programs & times vary. Please call or visit our website for more information. C: Anna Narvaes P: 303-665-8287

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BOULDER County Kids

After-School Programs Language Bilingual Tots Boulder County/Denver

Ages: 0-5 Bilingual Tots, a language school for children 0-5, offers total immersion language courses in Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Mandarin Chinese with native teachers in several locations. Small classes! Hours: Mornings and late afternoon sessions. C: Agnes Farkas-Roszell P: 303-561-1900

Martial Arts



Ages: 4-7 Learn to read music and play glockenspiel, recorder, and dulcimer. This class integrates movement, singing, storytelling, friendship, and fun! Call for times and fees. C: Jane Smolens P: 303-413-1120

Ages: 6 and up Children learn musical notation, theory, composition/improvisation music in a fun, supportive, creative environment. Weekly one-hour classes. Small groups of 6 children or fewer. Keyboards provided during lesson time. Jane Smolens has been a piano/music educator since 1986. C: Jane Smolens P: 303-413-1120

Music Together® of Boulder Ages: Birth-5 Small intimate parent/child programs. FREE demo classes offered throughout the year. Call for times and fees. Two Boulder locations—downtown and north. C: Jane Simms Roche P: 303-530-0434

Music Together® Boulder/Fort Collins

Ages: Birth-4 Research-based early childhood music & movement program, incorporating singing, movement, and instrument play for children & caregivers. Mixedaged classes/siblings welcome. Free demo/brochure. Weekly 45-minute classes. Call for fees. C: Jane Smolens P: 303-413-1120

Boulder Tae Kwon-Do Boulder

Ages: 5–15 Program Days: T/TH Hours: 4 & 5 pm. Classes are taught by KyosahNim David J. Coon. Noncontact classes that are dynamic, challenging, and fun. Children love taking class with David. They learn skills, respect, flexibility, and strength. $45/month. C: Tanya Coon P: 303-233-3103

Group Piano/ Keyboard Class

Kindermusik® Boulder

Rocky Mountain Center for Musical Arts Lafayette

Ages: All 200 E. Baseline Road Lessons, classes, and ensembles. Full member of the National Guild for Community Arts Education RMCMA is committed to providing high quality musical experiences for people of all ages, abilities, cultural backgrounds, and financial circumstances. We value excellence in arts education and access for all members of the community. Hours: M-F, 9 am - 9 pm. C: Nancy Brace P: 303-665-0599

Sandy Burrell Music Studio Parlando School for the Arts Boulder

Ages: All 2590 Walnut St. (Dairy Center) Parlando School for the Arts offers private instruction, group classes, and ensembles for students of all ages and abilities, on all musical instruments and in voice and musical theater. Our faculty of 50 of the region’s best teachers provide instruction to more than 700 students each week. More than half of our faculty have advanced degrees in music. P: 303-442-0006

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Ages: 4 and up Flute and violin lessons. Group classes for parent & child: a) Intro to Flute, b) Intro to Violin, c) Penny Whistle Program. Hours: Call for times and fees. C: Sandy Burrell P: 303-652-3287


Harmonious Music Piano and Accordion Louisville/Westminster

Ages: 4 and up. First lesson free! Masters degree in piano, accordion and musical performance. Fun and loving instruction in your home using traditional methods of reading and playing coupled with The Russian school of piano/accordion playing Techniques: Lessons focus on music as an art form and how it has the ability to portray its different feelings, moods and emotional experiences associated with everyday life. Hours: Monday-Saturday C: Nina Soloviova P: 303-502-8224

Rose Garden Music North Boulder

Ages: 4 to 84 Deep LOVE of teaching music in a joy-filled, humorous way that leads to success & musicality for each student. Individualized, customized program that focuses on intrinsic motivation. Performance opportunities, emotionally safe, nonjudgmental, supportive, and happy environment. Extensive background in piano performance, composition, pedagogy, psychology, & childhood development has proven invaluable with children of all ages as well as adult students! NPR endorsement. Hours: By appointment C: Jessica Dinsdale P: 303-442-2690

BOULDER County Kids The Brain Connection Lafayette

Swimming Tutoring Mathnasium MATH ONLY Learning Center

Swim•Float•Swim! Home of Infant Aquatics Longmont

Ages: 6 months and up. Diagonal Trade Center, 795 S. Sherman Street Boulder County’s best swim lessons are in Longmont! At Swim•Float•Swim! your child will learn to swim safely in weeks, not years. Our brand new, child-friendly, indoor, warm-water saline pool means no more shivers for little ones. We are swim lesson experts— certified, professional, mature instructors teaching survival skills & stroke development. Hours: 7 am-7 pm, M-F C: Judy Heumann P: 303-499-2229



Dreamcatcher Direct Instruction Centers Boulder

Ages: 5 to Adult 5440 Conestoga Court We promise one grade level increase in 30 hours of instruction, or we will teach your child for free! Oneon-one supplemental educational services in reading, spelling, math, writing, critical thinking, and study skills. Research proven curriculum guarantees one grade level in only 30 hours! Also: ACT/ SAT/GED prep, homework help, advanced math, and creative writing. Flexible payment plans. Refund policy. Hours: M - Sat, 8 am-8 pm C: Staff P: 303-444-8422

Grades: 1-College Calculus 2770 Arapahoe Rd. Ste 114 Math Is Important! Mathnasium’s affordable, proven, customized programs work with kids to build a solid MATH foundation that makes sense to them. Our programs increase confidence and help kids understand & do their homework. Catch-up and enrichment, private lessons, special summer camps & SAT/ ACT math prep programs. WARNING: Your child could become crazy about math! Hours: 3 to 7 pm, M-Th; Sundays, 2:00 to 5:00 pm C: Lisa & Alan Iguchi P: 720-890-9000

Ages: 7-Adult BRAIN WARE SAFARI: Challenge gifted children, improve attention, memory, reading, math, thinking, and learning skills. Boost intelligence. Accelerate academic performance. Brain-based Parents’ Choice award-winning software. Use at home or in clinic. Average 4 years intelligence increase in 12 weeks; control group averaged 4 months. For all types of learners. Free Evaluation. Software only $249 for each user. Hours: M-F, 9 am-5 pm C: Mary Hill P: 303-808-7796


Do you have a bright child who is struggling with learning or focus? Is your child experiencing any or all of the following: • Behind in reading or math • Weak organizational skills • Difficulty paying attention in school Learning • Illegible writing or writing not at ability Pathways • ADD/ADHD


Open the door to a permanent path of learning that goes Ages: 7 and up beyond tutoring or medication. We utilize the latest 1790 30th Street, #235 brain research in our individualized, one-on-one program. We help when tutors can’t. See why thousands have succeeded--your child can too!

Have a bright child who Rocky Mountain struggles with learning or Theatre for Kids LEARNING PATHWAYS PATHW focus? AYS Call for an evaluation Boulder why & -how BOULDER OFFICEon - 303 303-4991941 we can help. 499

Ages: 5-15 One-on-one, tailored 5311 Western Ave., Ste. D grams. We utilize the latest (near Arapahoe & 55th) in brain research to help the Boulder’s premiere children’s struggling student achieve theatre offers Boulder’s best full potential without tutortheatrical training in acting & ing or medication. Unique & auditioning, musical theatre, permanent solution. improvisation, voice, dance, Hours: M-F, 9 am-6 pm & more. After-school proC: Deborah Kratovil grams, school-day-off camps, and summer camps. P: 303-499-1941 C: Stuart Motola P: 303-245-8150

Sage Educational Enrichment Boulder County

Ages: K-12 PO Box 20744 Sage Educational Enrichment helps link K-12 students with academic opportunities in Boulder County. Whether you are seeking a tutor, looking for home-school support, or would like more information about summer opportunities, Sage is available to help you connect with the right person or program. Hours: Call to schedule. C: Mary Kathryn Wood P: 303-859-2766

Boulder Suzuki Strings Boulder

Ages: 4-18 Suzuki music instruction by registered faculty in violin, viola, & cello. Private & group lessons, note reading, theory, public performances, and more. Call for fees and times. Program Days: M-F C: Staff P: 303-499-2807

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BOULDER County Kids

Spring Calendar of Events February ART/MUSEUMS

February 3, March 10—Denver Shake Up Your World View at Your Neighborhood Museum. Light up your mind and your senses with three evenings of conversation. In the setting of the Museum’s new exhibit, we’ll take you deep into the community where you live. Located at the Mizel Museum at 400 S. Kearney Street. Call (303) 394-9993 or check out for more information. February 15, 16—Lafayette WOW! Children’s Museum DropIn Science Explorations for all ages, from 10 am to 2 pm, located at 110 N. Harrison Ave. Curious about how to approach science with your kids? Join WOW! in February for family science fun! Drop-in science explorations are informal hands-on science sessions that are included with your Museum admission. Call Katie MacDonald at (303) 604-2424 or February 25—Boulder CU Museum of Natural History Hop to It! Children’s Workshop for ages k-5th, from 9 am to noon, located at 1035 Broadway St. Through games, crafts, and activities, we’ll explore what makes grasshoppers such amazing little creatures. Advance registration required. Call Sarah Snow at (303) 492-1666 or please e-mail for more information or please check out 2nd Wednesdays—Denver Create Playdates every second Wednesday from 11 am to 1 pm. Parents and their little ones (ages 3-5) are invited to drop in and smudge, squiggle, and splatter at the Denver Art Museum. Included with general admission; kids five and younger are free, and no reservations are needed. E-mail rlevy@ or call (720) 913-0073 for more information. Ongoing—Boulder The CU History Museum is open year-round for ages 6 and up. Seven rooms chronicling CU’s history and alumni accomplishments and space exhibit with moon rock from NASA. FREE. Located on the CU Campus call (303) 4926329 for more information. Ongoing—Lafayette WOW! Children’s Museum dropin Science & Art Programs for ages 18 mos to 6 yrs, from 10

am to 1 pm, located at 110 North Harrison Ave. Science and SplishSplash art programs offered in our classrooms two days each month, included w/regular admission. Please stay with children under age 5 yrs. Check our website for dates and times. Call Nikki Delaney at (303) 604-2424 or e-mail nikki@ or check out www. Ongoing—Louisville Louisville Historical Museum at 1001 Main Street. Museum Hours: T/W/Th, & 1st Sat of every month, 10 am-3 pm. Free. Tours available. Call Carol Gleeson at (303) 665-9048 or e-mail gleesoc@ c i . l o u i s v i l l e . c o . u s o r w w w. for more information.


M/TH/SAT—Boulder Boulder Public Library story times at 10:15 am, located at Main, Reynolds, & Meadows Branches. For all ages, but designed for ages 5 & under. Sat. Stories in Spanish/ English. Main Library, Marcelee Gralapp Children’s Library: M, Th, Sat, at 10:15 am, Reynolds Branch Library: Tues at 10:15 am, Meadows Branch Library. Call Melanie Borski-Howar at (303) 441-3099 or e-mail howardm@ or www.boulder. for more info. T/W/Th—Longmont Longmont Public Library story times for ages birth to 6, located at 409 4th Avenue. Lap-sit, toddler, and preschool story times 10:15 and 11 am T/W mornings; Spanish story time Th evenings at 6:30, bedtime story time Th nights at 7 pm. Call children’s and teen services at (303) 651-8477 or check out TU/W/TH—Louisville Louisville Public Library preschool story time on T/W for ages 3-6, at 10:30 am and 1 pm, located at 951 Spruce. 30-minute sessions with theme-based stories, including fingerplays, feltboard, and songs. Also, for ages 12 mos-3 yrs, at 10:30 am on Th, twenty minutes of brief stories, songs, fingerplays, or feltboard. Call Michele KolmanWeber at (303)-335-4821 or e-mail or check out for more information. Wednesdays—Thornton Rangeview Library—Thornton Branch story time for ages 3 to 6 at

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10:30 am & 1 pm, located at 8992 Washington St. Children’s librarian reads a story, and then the children do a craft with a related theme. Call Ann Myers at (303) 288-2001 or e-mail or Every Sunday—Boulder Boulder Public Library Go Club for ages 5-16, from 2:30 to 5:30 pm, located at 1000 Canyon. Call Melanie Borski-Howar at (303) 441-3099 or e-mail howardm@ for more information or check out www.boulder.lib. for more info.


February-April—Boulder BVSD Lifelong Learning Kids After-school classes for ages 6-12, from 2:30 to 5:30 pm, located at 805 Gillaspie Drive. BVSD’s Lifelong Learning program-offering after school classes, spring break camps and no school day classes. Art, language, science, bouldering, horse play, and more. Classes meet at various BVSD schools. Please visit www.bvsd. org/LLL for complete class listings and to register for classes. Call Julie at (720) 561-3768 or e-mail for more information or check out www. February 2—Boulder Children, Youth, & Families, City of Boulder Orientation to Family Child Care, for adults, from 6 to 8:30 pm, located at 2160 Spruce St. Would you like to provide care for young children in your home? Learn about the licensing process in Colorado. Call Eric Swanson at (303) 441-1912 or e-mail us at for more information or check out February 2–March 9—Denver Denver Firefighters Museum Wee Wednesday for ages 3-5, from 9-10 am, located at 1326 Tremont Place. A six-week fire safety series that teaches fire safety concepts including: My Friend the Firefighter, Crawl Low Under Smoke, Get Low and Go, Stop! Drop! and Roll!, Safe for Play! Keep Away!, and Meet a Real Firefighter. Call Tara Sikora at (303) 825-0608 or e-mail tara@denverfirefightersmuseum. org for more information February 10—Boulder Shalom Baby-JCC Art and Tumble for ages 2-5 years, from 2 to 4

pm, located at 3800 Kalmia Ave. Looking for a fun way to spend a winter afternoon? Dropin to the JCC for an afternoon of art and tumbling. In the art room, kids can choose from a variety of different art supplies to create their own masterpiece. In the tumbling room, kids can explore our fun, colorful slides, ramps, and mats. Move from room to room at your own pace! $8 per child (includes art supplies and admission to tumbling room). To register, please contact Space is limited. Call Beth Litz at (720) 3641812 or e-mail Beth@boulderjcc. org for more information or check out February 11-12—Boulder Informed Family Life Igniting Your Inner Life as a Mother on Friday, from 7 to 9 pm, and Saturday, from 9 am to 5 pm, located at Shining Mountain Waldorf High School. An experiential workshop with Regina Sara Ryan, author of The Woman Awake and Rahima Baldwin Dancy, author of You Are Your Child’s First Teacher. $95 includes lunch. Also a Friday night talk for all parents ($15/ single, $25/couple). For more information call Rahima Baldwin Dancy at (303) 440-1459 or check out our website at www. February 12—Denver Denver Firefighters Museum Burn Awareness Week, free day for ages 4 - 12, from 10 am to 2 pm, located at 1326 Tremont Place. Designed to teach kids to be responsible for their own safety and help make their families aware of potentially harmful situations. Call Tara Sikora at (303) 892-1436 or e-mail win@denverfirefightersmuseum. org for more information or www. M/TU/W/F—Longmont Play groups for parents and children, on Mon: from 10 am to noon, infant and toddler group, Wed: 10 am to 12 pm, mixed-ages group, Fri: 10:30 am to noon, & bilingual (Spanish) 0-4 play group on the 1st and last Fridays. Also, Fatherhood Connection every Tues, from 7 pm to 8:30 pm, support and education for dads. Children’s Services can also help with child care referrals. Call St. Vrain Valley Center at (303) 776-5348. M/TU/W—Boulder/Longmont HospiceCare of Boulder and Broomfield Counties Healing Circles Grief Groups for ages 6-18, evenings. Healing Circles provides grief-support groups

for children, teens, and parents. Donation requested. Call (303) 604-5300 or e-mail griefcenter@ or check out for more info. 1st/3rd Thursdays—Longmont Calvary MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), Bimonthly meetings for moms of children ages 0-5, from 9 to 11:30 am, at 2101 Gay Street. MOPS is dedicated to encouraging moms of young children. Find friendship and acceptance where we understand that “mothering matters.” Child care provided. Call Rene or Lauren at (303) 776-2400 or please e-mail 1st & 3rd Fridays—Boulder Mothers & Babies—Leaders’ support group, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, at 7100 S. Boulder Rd. Also offers support groups for new moms and babies under 6 months old for a nominal fee. Call (303) 530-0698 or visit our website at for more information. 1st Tuesdays—North Denver ICAN of Colorado—monthly meetings for adults, from 7 pm to 10 pm at 3131 Osceola Street. Safe forum in which we provide information on pregnancy, birth, and parenthood. Women who have experienced a cesarean can share their feelings, and expectant parents can discuss birth options, with the latest research relating to cesarean and VBAC. Call Kristi R. Conroy at (303) 477-6243 or e-mail icanofcolorado@hotmail. com 2nd and 4th Mondays—Boulder First Presbyterian Church MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), for ages infant to 5, from 9:15 to 11:15 am. Located at 1820 15th Street. MOPS mornings include food, craft, or activity, speakers with subjects relating to moms, and discussion time that deepens relationships with your group. Children are cared for in parallel program called MOPPETS. Call MOPS info line at (303) 402-6455. 2nd Tuesdays—Lafayette La Leche League of Lafayette holds monthly breast-feeding support meetings for all ages at 9:30 am, at 100 West S. Boulder Rd. Helping mothers worldwide to breast-feed through mother-tomother support, encouragement, information, and education. Babies and children welcome! Call Linda Peirce at (303) 499-0680 or check out http://lafayettelll.wordpress. com 2nd Wednesdays—Boulder La Leche League of Boulder monthly breast-feeding support group meets from 6:30 to 8 pm, located at 4394 Apple Court. Dedicated to providing education, information, mother-to-mother support, and

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encouragement to women who want to breast-feed. Babies and children welcome. Call Amanda at (303) 666-6850 or e-mail Afrederick@ for more information. 3rd Mondays—Longmont Connect, relate...rejuvenate with other moms, from 7 to 9 pm, at the community meeting room at Panera Bread with Boulder County Mothers & More. Guest speakers, nonmobile infants welcome, variety of activities, flexible schedules, play groups, children’s activities, social & craft nights, book club, chat loops, couples nights, dinner club, seasoned moms, and community outreach. For more information check out Mothers-More-Boulder-County 3rd Tuesdays—Boulder La Leche League of Boulder monthly breast-feeding support group from 10 to 11:30 am. An international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization, dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breast-feed. Babies and children welcome. Call Molly (720) 9223549 or Diane (303) 444-9849 for information and meeting location. 1st & 3rd Saturdays—Boulder The Language of Food presents The French Cooking Club for ages 6 to 12, from 1 to 4 pm, located at 1140 South Lashley Lane. “Le Club de Cuisine Française” where the children will be the “French Club members.” Each week we will dedicate part of the cooking class to practice our French language and exchange ideas and information about France. We will keep a notebook with recipes, vocabulary, cultural information, maps, and drawings relating to the gastronomic and cultural elements of French life. Call Marie Nicoletti at (303) 819-4084 or e-mail for more information or check out www. 2nd & 4th Sat—Longmont Old Firehouse Art Center Saturday Art Experience (SAE) for ages 5-12, at 2:45-4 pm, located at 667 4th Ave. Free to members. Membership starts at $35/year and is good for the whole family. Limited space. Call (303) 651-2787 to register or e-mail for more information or check out www. Daily—Countywide Boulder County WIC Program. Supplemental foods and nutritional health education for pregnant, breast-feeding, and postpartum women with children up to 5 years. Ongoing enrollment at 5 clinic sites. Boulder Office: 3305 Broadway; San Juan Office: 3100 34th St. in Boulder; Longmont Office: 529 Coffman, Suite 200; Salud Clinic: 231 East 9th in

Longmont; Tri-cities Office: 1345 Plaza Court North 3A in Lafayette. FREE. Call (303) 441-1451. Tuesdays—Boulder Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe Play Days, for ages 3-9, at 10:30 am, located at 2525 Arapahoe Ave. Play Days are free with stories, crafts, science, and games! The schedule and details are on our website. Call Betty Quigly at (303) 443-0780 or please e-mail for more information or Tuesdays—Boulder Stepmother Support Group for adults, from 6 to 7 pm, at 255 Canyon, Suite 201. A safe, supportive environment for sharing your feelings and finding solutions to challenges facing you and your stepfamily. Call Paula Schild at (303) 908-6557 or e-mail or check out for more information. Tuesdays—Boulder Boulder Tae Kwon-Do Mighty Mites (Non-Contact), weekly classes for ages 5-8, from 5 to 5:40 pm, located, at 3213 Walnut Street. David J. Coon is a dynamic teacher and offers a valuable program for your child to learn skills, respect, flexibility, and the martial art of Tae Kwon-Do. Call Tanya Coon at (303) 233-3103 or e-mail her at for more information or check out www. Tuesdays—Longmont New Leaf Wellness Mom’s Group for all ages, from 9 to 10:30 am, located at 600 S. Airport Road. Active moms who meet weekly with our kids at various locations and trailheads for fitness and fun. Once-a-month health topics with doctors. Call Cecilia at (720) 8773671 or or Thursdays—Boulder Beyond MOPS...the next step. Join us for SAMS (School-Age Moms). New group for mothers of schoolage children (kindergarten-12th grade) to share their joys and challenges. Includes guest speakers, child care, and refreshments. 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month. Cost: $5. Boulder Valley Christian Church, 7100 S. Boulder Rd. Call Jan at (303) 494-4248 or Darcy at (303) 9261590 for more information. Thursdays—Broomfield Tough Love Parent Support Group will meet at the United Church of Broomfield at 825 Kohl Street, from 7 to 9:30 pm. Call Jerry Hart at (303) 494-4598 for more information. Saturdays—Boulder Boulder Public Library, Main Children’s Library Young Creative Writers for ages 8-12, from 10 to 11 am, located at 1000 Canyon

Blvd. Writing is fun in this popular and free class for kids in 3rd through 6th grades! Call Melanie Howard at (303) 441-3099 or check out youth Ongoing—Boulder Sunflower Kids Art Studio yearround classes for ages 3-16, located at 5440 Conestoga Court. Children learn and experiment with many art techniques, using all their fantasy and imagination to portray their full-colored inner world. We experiment with ideas, forms, shapes, and colors, with support from the very first sketch to a well-established art piece. Small group sessions + individual attention. Call Lika Maldutis at (720) 939-7545 or please e-mail for more information or check out our website at Ongoing—Boulder The Little Gym of Boulder open enrollment at 4800 Baseline Road, Suites C106-108. We offer yearround open enrollment for all our classes. Call for your free trial class and see what all the buzz is all about! Call Brooks Crosby at (303) 444-4742 or please e-mail or Ongoing—Boulder Bilingual Tots offers full immersion Spanish, French, Mandarin, German, Japanese, Hungarian, Russian, Italian, and ESL classes, for ages 0-5 at several locations in Boulder and vicinity. For schedules and to register, visit www. or with questions call Agnes Farkas-Roszell at (303) 561-1900 or please e-mail her at Ongoing—Boulder County Infant Aquatics—Swim instruction for ages 6 months to 6 years. Teaching children to swim and back float independently in weeks, not years, at the warm water indoor water park at the Holiday Inn Express in southwest Longmont. Visit to see how skilled your child can become. Contact Judy Heumann (303) 499-2229 or e-mail judy@ Ongoing—Countywide Parenting Support. Customized classes and individual consultation. Contact Barbara Raines at (303) 447-8060 or barbararaines@yahoo. com for more information. Ongoing—Countywide People Project to benefit K-12 schools. The People Project matches community volunteers (businesses, groups, individuals, etc.) with school and classroom needs. Located at the St. Vrain and Boulder Valley School Districts and educational nonprofits. Contact Gretchen Minekime for more information at (303) 823-9460.

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Ongoing—Longmont MOMS Club of Longmont West for preschool ages. Support group designed just for you, the at-home mother of today! Call Jen Dickhans at (303) 827-3400 or e-mail at membership@longmontwestmoms. com or for more information or check out Ongoing—Longmont/Firestone Stroller Strides of Longmont Fitness for Moms. Fun for ages 6 weeks-5yrs. M-Sat classes. Great workout for moms and a fun time for kids! Call Elaine Waterman at (303) 775-2289 or please e-mail for more information or check out for times and locations.


Through March 13—Boulder Girl Scouts of Colorado Girl Scout Cookie time! Don’t miss out on a Girl Scout Cookie milestone! This year, the popular Samoa Girl Scout Cookie is celebrating its 35th birthday. Support Girl Scouts by buying a box or two for yourself or donate to Girl Scouts\Hometown Heroes, such as the military, firefighters, food banks, police officers or a local nonprofit organization. For more information visit us online at girlscoutsofcolorado. org or, call (303) 778-8774, or join the discussion on Facebook (Girl Scouts of Colorado) or Twitter (GSColo). Join in on the celebration of Samoas 35th birthday on Facebook—just search for Samoas Cookies. February 4—Boulder OpenArts pARTy for adults, from 6 to 9 pm, located at 1301 Spruce Street. Support children and the Arts at the Rembrandt Yard. $45 per person/festive attire. Proceeds to benefit OpenArts and the Clementine Scholarship Fund for Arts Education. Babysitting available at Clementine with art activities, dinner, and story time. Call Stephen DeNorscia at (303) 4441862 or for more information or to purchase tickets check out our website at February 11, 12—Boulder Boulder Performing Arts Co. presents Disney’s Jungle Book Kids for all ages, located at 1014 Quince. This is our annual fund-raiser. Students ages 3-13 are performing the show to benefit There With Care for families and children facing critical illness. Come be part of the singing & dancing, Join the fun. Kids performing to help kids. Call Pollyanna Demitro at (303) 8594195 or e-mail for more information or check out February 15—Regional Rocky Ridge Music Center Junior Student Seminars for ages 10-15,

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enrollment deadline to receive priority placement and an early bird discount of $50 for Rocky Ridge Music Center Seminars. Junior Student Seminars are for young musicians who want to advance their musical skills in an intense, creative, and nurturing environment at a residential, summer music camp located at the foot of Longs Peak. Young Artist Seminar (ages 15-24) and Adult Piano and Chamber Music Seminars are also available. Call Karen Dusek at (970) 443-3333 or e-mail rrmc@ for more information or check out our website at

February 16—Boulder County MOMS Club of Longmont Club Meeting for all ages, at 9:30 am. Come to our monthly club meeting to meet stay-at-home moms in the Longmont/Lyons/Gunbarrel area. Enjoy coffee/tea and conversation while your little one plays with others. Check out our website at momscluboflongmont.web.officelive. com for more information. February 17—Boulder Blue Sky Kindergarten Prospective Parent Presentation for adults, from 4 to 6 pm, located at 3046 11th Street. Please join us for an afternoon in the kindergarten/preschool where we will share our lovely neighborhood school environment and rich curriculum for children ages 2 1/2 to 6 years. Parents only. RSVP (303) 4434965. Call Mindy Upton at (303) 443-4965 or e-mail bluesky@indra. com for more information or check out February 18—Denver Women with a Cause and the WE initiative Play It Forward for all ages, at 6 pm, located at Seawell Ballroom at the DCPA. The evening will honor Denver Nonprofit Unsung Heroines and feature food prepared by the Women Chefs of Colorado. Attendees will vote for their favorite act and winners will receive a donation to the charity of their choice. WE will create a path to self-sufficiency by selecting, supporting, and educating eligible Denver women including homeless mothers and homeless veterans to become capable and trained professional medical workers. To purchase tickets, donate or to learn more about this FUN and innovative event please see us online at or call Rebecca Saltman at (303) 6389678 or e-mail her at rsaltman@ for more information. February 25—Denver Also held on Fridays, March 25 and April 29. The Seeds of Hope Charitable Trust, a nonprofit organization, is now offering “New Volunteer” orientation meetings at the JP II Center, 1300 S. Steele St., Denver, CO, 80210. Volunteer

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opportunities include serving as ambassadors to mentor and tutor students in inner-city Catholic elementary schools, helping to conduct school tours and open houses at the schools, helping with fundraising events, and clerical assistance. The orientation will cover this information and more. Benefits disadvantaged children of all faiths through tuition assistance, If you are interested in donating or volunteering, please call Betsy Boudreau at (303) 715-3112 or e-mail her at Every Tuesday—Boulder Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe Playday Program for ages 2 - 7, at 10:30 am, located at 2525 Arapahoe. One-hour programs full of stories, science, arts, and imagination. Each week has a new theme and experiences designed with fun and learning in mind! Call Betty Quigley at (303) 443-0780 or check out www. 2nd & 4th Weds—Lafayette Flatirons MOPS—Meeting for mothers of children ages 0 to preK, from 9 am to 11:30 am, at 400 W. South Boulder Rd. Fellowship, Fun, & Food for moms. Child care provided. Call (303) 665-5021 x 264, or for more information. 4th Mondays—Boulder Boulder Senior Services Grandparents Raising Grandkids Group for ages 45+, from 10 to 11:30 am, located at 909 Arapahoe Ave. Connect and get emotional support plus meet others in similar situations. Free child care. Call Sandy Hollingsworth at (303) 4414388 or e-mail hollingsworths@ or please check out Fridays—Boulder Unspoken Word Art Night Out for ages 3-12. From 6 to 8 pm, located at the Dairy Center, V-Room at 2590 Walnut St. Art classes for children and restaurant discounts for parents. $15/member, $20/nonmember. Register at (303) 444SEAT. Call Kent Nowlin at (303) 819-4108 or please e-mail info@ or check out 4th Tuesdays—Erie La Leche League of Erie monthly breast-feeding support group for all ages, at 10 am, located at Erie Community Library meeting room. The world’s foremost authority on breast-feeding offers information, education, and support to all women who are interested in breast-feeding. Babies and children always welcome! Call Linda at (303) 499-0680, or e-mail for more information or check out our website at Ongoing—Boulder Monthly art exhibits from Boulder Valley schools, at Boulder Valley Credit Union, at 5505 Arapahoe

Avenue. Call LeAnn at (303) 4153514 for more information. Ongoing—Boulder Fiske Planetarium presents Public Astronomy Shows for ages K-20. $4 for adults, $3 for children/ seniors. Call (303) 492-5001 or (303) 492-5001 or www.colorado. edu/fiske for more information. Ongoing—Boulder The Business Women’s Connection currently has a few openings in their weekly group of women professionals from the Boulder County area. Please do check out www. for more information. Ongoing—Longmont MOM’S Club of Longmont East. Mothers with children of all ages who offer support and fun activities for moms and their children. Weekly park days, all ages and infant/toddler playgroups, field trips, moms-night-out get-togethers, monthly meetings w/speakers & discussions, lasting friendships. Call Elizabeth Johnson at (303) 678-1573 or e-mail us at or check out momsclub.longmonteast.

Music, Dance ‘& Theater

February 3 to April 16—Arvada Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley for ages 4 and older, at 10 am & noon, located at 6901 Wadsworth Blvd. Ordinary kid, Stanley Lambchop is asleep in his bed one night when a bulletin board falls on him. The next morning he wakes up flat. At first, being flat is not so bad. He can slide under locked doors. His friends fly him like a kite. Stanley is the best in his class at hide-and-seek. If he has to be flat, he is going to make the best of it. Stanley decides to put himself in a big envelope and travel the world as a human letter. The musical follows his adventures as he strives to become three-dimensional again. Tickets, $8 and $10. Call Janet Braccio at (303) 499-9031 or e-mail for more information or check out February 8—Longmont St. Stephen’s Christian School Let Me Call You Sweetheart, at 10:30 am, located at 2210 Main St. Nothing can melt a romantic heart like the voices of preschoolers visiting Regent Retirement Community to share songs and Valentines. Call Kathy Fulton at (303) 776-1072 or please e-mail for more information or check out Through February 9—Denver Central City Opera (CCO) partners for the second time with the

Junior Symphony Guild (JSG) on their 2011 Tiny Tots Inside the Orchestra program. CCO will bring opera to the 25th annual program, throughout the Denver metro area ranging from Boettcher Concert Hall to the Wildlife Experience and Temple Emanuel (a complete list of performances is lat www. All performances take place at both 9:30 and 10:30 am and run for 45 minutes. Designed for preschool children, six and under (but all ages are welcome). Call Sheila Gossen at (303) 355-7855 or please e-mail Sheila@ for more information. February 10-20—Denver The 15th Denver Jewish Film Festival sponsored by Wagner Wealth Management is making a move, for this year only, from the Mizel Arts and Culture Center at the JCC to the Cherry Creek 8 theaters in Cherry Creek Shopping C e n t e r. T h e O p e n i n g N i g h t Celebration on Thursday, Feb. 10 offers a screening of Nora’s Will, an award-winning provocative dark comedy. For tickets and the full schedule of films, visit us at www. or call the Box Office, (303) 316-6360. February 26—Boulder Resonance Women’s Chorus Second Annual Children’s Concert for ages 4 and up, at 3 pm, located at 1421 Spruce St. A onehour performance at First United Methodist Church, including selections from Resonance’s upcoming spring program, spiced with additional material to create an interactive and a kid-friendly event. All ages welcome, target audience is 4-12. Resonance is Boulder’s 125voice women’s community chorus. Concert is free for children 12 and under. $10 tickets for ages 13 and up are available at the door. Call (303) 473-8337 or e-mail us at for more information or check out


March 8-10—Longmont St. Stephen’s Christian School Open House for ages 3-5 years, from 9 to 10:45 am, located at 1303 S. Bross Lane. Learn and explore the classroom and get to know our teachers and friends to assure your child of a quality, fun, loving, and progressive learning experience for the school year 2011-2012. Call Kathy Fulton at (720) 218-1287 or e-mail for more information. March 28 to April 1—Lafayette W O W ! C h i l d r e n ’s M u s e u m NanoDays for all ages, located at 110 N. Harrison Ave. Join WOW!

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for NanoDays, a nationwide festival of educational programs about nanoscale science and engineering and its potential impact on the future. NanoDays is sponsored by the NISE Network and the National Science Foundation. All NanoDays activities are included with Museum admission! Call Katie MacDonald at (303) 604-2424 or

March 21-25—Boulder Girls Leadership Institute Camp Real Girl Spring break camp for grades 4-5, from 9 am to 3:30 pm, located at Boulder JCC, 3800 Kalmia Ave. An extraordinary opportunity for girls in grades four and five. In just five short days girls build a community where they can celebrate their authentic selves. We give girls the space to be total silly and play while also arming them with authentic confidence and the tools to build healthy and rewarding friendships. Girls deepen their emotional intelligence, learn about healthy relationships, and practice methods for direct communication and conflict resolution. Call Nathalie Pratt at (303) 8703955 or nathalie@girlsleadership. org for more information or check out www.girlsleadershipinstitute. org

Music, Dance ‘& Theater

March 11-13—Boulder Storybook Ballet: The Wizard of Oz with the Boulder Ballet. F/Sat at 7 pm, Sat at 2 pm and Sat/Sun at 2 pm at the Dairy Center for the Arts at 2590 Walnut Street. Call (303) 443-0028 or check out for more information. March 16 to May 28—Boulder BDT Academy Kids Kabaret presents Rapunzel for ages 3-10, from 10 to 12 pm, located at 5501 Arapahoe Ave. A comedic interpretation of the classic Grimms fairy tale about a maiden who is kept in a tower and has to let down her long braid for the prince to climb up. A delightful musical participatory experience, our audience actually becomes part of the play! Call Barb Reeves at (303) 449-6000x194 or check out



April 2—Boulder Boulder Farmers’ Market is open on Saturdays from 8 am to 2 pm. Check out Wednesdays from 4 to 8 pm starting June 1st. April 4—Longmont St. Stephen’s Christian School Annual Easter Egg Hunt at 11 am, located at 1303 S. Bross Ln. The Easter Bunny will be hopping

through town this week to hide goodies for enrolled students and their parents. Children will also be doing special craft projects to celebrate the holiday. For information about Easter Services and activities open to all, contact St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, call (303) 776-1072 or please e-mail for more information or check out

April 9—Boulder WOW! Children’s Museum 6th Annual Auction & Casino Night for all ages, from 6 to 11 pm, located at 5706 Arapahoe Ave. Support your favorite children’s museum and enjoy dinner, cocktails, exciting live and silent auction, and plenty of Hollywood-themed fun! Special guest emcee, Ken Clark from Fox 31’s Good Day Colorado! All proceeds benefit WOW!’s Scholarship Fund. Visit for ticket and sponsorship information. Call Katie MacDonald at (303) 604-2424 or please do check our website at April 9—Boulder The 11th Annual Growing Gardens Community Plant Sale! Early Spring Edition! For all ages, 8 am to 4 pm. Located at the Growing Gardens Greenhouse at 1630 Hawthorn Ave. Organic veggies starts grown right in our community greenhouse, lettuces, spinach, pansies, and violas, plus many more cool weather veggies are ready to give your garden a jump start and support your community! All proceeds benefit Growing Gardens’ programming. Plus take a sneak peak at what’s coming to our May sales: heirloom tomatoes, natives, and water-wise plants, vines, and berries, and more. Rain date April 16. Visit our website at or call (303) 443- 9952. April 10—Broomfield Healthy Learning Paths Frank Shorter RACE4Kids’ Health 5K for all ages, from 9 am to noon, located at 13200 Sheridan Blvd. Honoring Olympic Gold Medalist, Frank Shorter for his commitment to children’s wellness and learning. Proceeds benefit Healthy Learning Paths, a nonprofit partnership of medical and educational professionals, who recognize and teach the critical connections between health and learning for children’s success. Your participation brings our Be Well, Learn Well© school wellness and educational community programs to more Colorado children. Call Chris Marchioni, MD, at (303) 464-7191 or e-mail info@ for more information or check out www.

0+, from 10 am to 5 pm, located at 2121 Children’s Museum Drive. Jump, hop, and bounce from one “eggsploration station” to the next at this spring extravaganza! Filled with all kinds of budding fun, including springtime artwork, sweet animal friends, tasty treats, and StoryTime with the Big Bunny. Call Heather Reider at (303) 4337444 or please do check out www.

Music, Dance ‘& Theater

April 15, 16—Boulder Boulder Suzuki Strings Celebration Concerts, for ages 3 and up, located at Boulder Valley Christian Church, 7100 South Boulder Rd. Students 4 through high school perform on violin, viola, and cello. Performances feature senior solos, fiddle groups, and orchestras. Call Amy Gesmer-Packman at (303) 499-2807 or e-mail for more information or please check out www. for more information.

Submitting Events Boulder County Kids

• If you have a dated calendar event in May, June, or July, please let us know by April 5th! One-listing per-month limit on a space-available basis, with nonprofit and free dated events prioritized. Please go to our website at, click on the calendar button and fill out the automated calendar form. To be on our e-mail reminder list, e-mail to with an E-mail Reminder Request in the subject line. We will send you back a receipt on all submissions and requests.

April 23—Denver Children’s Museum of Denver Bunny Trail EggVenture, for ages

Spring 2011 • Page 53


BCD Preschool starts kids off on the right foot!


• Horseback Riding • Amusement Parks • Water Parks • Bowling • Mini-Golf • Roller Skating • Waterslide Pools • Laser Tag • Museums and more!

Small Classes, Academic Learning Environment, Includes Foreign Language, Music and Movement Classes

Base Camp Activities: Art, Pottery, Carpentry, Science, Cooking, Sports, Games and more! Ages 5 to 12 (Jr. Camp for ages 5 to 6) Divided by age • Flexible scheduling References available

Come take a tour of our campus! For details visit our website: Now Accepting Applications for the 2011-12 School Year

Preschool - 8th Grade 4820 NAUTILUS COURT NORTH • BOULDER, COLORADO 80301• (303) 527-4931 x 248

PART- AND FULL-DAY PROGRAMS • Preschool and Kindergarten

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BOULDER 805 30th St. (303) 449-4380 1301 North St. (303) 546-6814

LONGMONT 1941 Terry St. (303) 651-3780 651

Owner/Director: Lisa Miracle Owner/Director: Kayleen Stratton

Montessori curriculum in Longmont

Page 54 •









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Spring classes begin in April Free Demo Classes the week of March 7th and By Appointment XXX NPVOUBJOTPOHNVTJD DPN Â… #PVMEFS 8FTUNJOTUFS Â… 'U $PMMJOT


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Monday, March 28th - Friday, April 1st Regular Price $35 for members, $45 for non-members

Half-Day Combo Camp - 9am - noon, daily

Ages 4-7, Includes gymnastics, dance, rock climbing, crafts, fitness-related activities, games, creative movement. Activities will vary from day to day.

Half-Day Sports Readiness Camp - 9am - noon, daily Ages 7-12, This camp is geared towards maximizing athletic potential. We have been training young athletes to excel in sports for over 20 years. We will be working on power, speed, agility, plyometrics, core stability, flexibility, eye-hand and eye-foot coordination, and basic ball-handling skills. All this will be mixed with gymnastics, rock climbing and trampoline. Activities will vary from day to day. Space is limited. Enrollment is first come, first serve. Payment is due at time of registration.

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1816 Boston Avenue, Longmont, CO


To schedule a private tour, call 303.443.0511 Ext. 113 3900 Orange Ct.

Boulder, CO 80304

Spring 2011 • Page 55

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