Warrior's Key Volume 4 Issue 1 • Region 7 • Division 39N •T-O District Martin High School Key Club''s MAY MAY 2023
Our Mission Statement
Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to serve the community, build character and develop leadership.
I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
02 03 04 05 06 11 12 13-14 15-16 17 18 07-08 09-10 Table of Contents Letter from Editor Monthly Topics MONTH Review Calendar Upcoming Events Major Emphasis Governor's Project Divisional Project K-Family Martin Officers District Staff Socials & Links 2
Ihopeyouallarewelland havingfun.Nowthatitssummer, Ihopeeveryoneisinvolvedin volunteeringactivitiesandhelps outinthecommunity.Thankyou allforvolunteeringandIhope youhaveagreatSummer!
Sincerely,Mahammad SanadAbdallah
Ifyouhaveanyquestions,comments,orconcerns,please emailusatmartinhskc@gmail.com!
MemberoftheMonth MonthlyNews! Thesemembershavegoneaboveandbeyond duringtheirservicewithKeyClub! Congratulationsto... MayMemberoftheMonth-Francesca Carrillo 4 Newopportunitiesfor volunteeringarehere! everyoneiswelcometo volunteerandhavefun volunteeringduring summer!
Volunteer at Mission Arlington!
General Meeting
Join us in Gym A during lunch for news on upcoming events!
Tarrant Area Food Bank Help Teens Give Back
Distribute meals to the community at a mobile distribution site.
Help out at the Southwest Branch Library!
Caring Kidtreprenuer
Help Ditto Elementary‘s 3rd6th grader!
May 01 02 03 04 14 07 21 08 15 22 16 09 23 10 17 18 11 19 05 12 20 06 13 28 29 30 24 31 25 26 27 6
Upcoming Events Upcoming Events
Teens Give Back
Help out at the Southwest Branch Library!
8 June 14 07 21 08 15 22 16 09 23 10 17 18 11 19 05 12 20 06 13 28 29 30 24 31 25 26 27
UNICEFistheonlyorganizationofthe UnitedNationsdedicatedexclusivelyto children.WorkingwithotherUnited Nationsbodies,governmentsandnongovernmentalorganizations,UNICEF helpstoprovideforchildren’sneedsin morethan150developingcountries throughcommunity-basedservicesin primaryhealthcare,basiceducation andsafewaterandsanitation.
Since1983,Children’sMiracle NetworkHospitalshashelpedfill thosefundinggapsbyraisingmore than$7billion.Itsvarious fundraisingpartnersandprograms supportthenonprofit’smissionto saveandimprovethelivesofas manychildrenaspossible.
Membersworktogetherby sponsoringfundraisingeventsand conductingserviceprojectsattheir localchildren'shospitals.
MajorEmphasis&InternationalProject MajorEmphasis&InternationalProject
March of Dimes leads the fight for the health of all moms and babies by advocating the health of pregnant mothers and babies. March of Dimes provide comfort and support to families in NICUs, educate medical professionals and the public about best practices, and support lifesaving research. Since the 1940s, Key Clubs have worked with the March of Dimes to make a positive impact in the lives of babies everywhere.
ThirstProjectisanonprofit organizationthatworkswiththe supportofyoungpeopletoENDthe globalwatercrisisbybuilding freshwaterwellsindeveloping communitiesthatneedsafe,clea drinkingwater.KeyClubandThi Projectcollaboratesonacampai called“Thirsty30”tohelpraisemoney tobuildwaterprojects.
Empowering thePeople
Thisprojectisgearedtowardscreatinga supportiveandencouraging environmentinourhome,schools,and communitiesthroughvariousservice activities.
Ourgovernor,JonathanPerez,hopesto uplifteverygenerationsothatwecan boostmoraleandcontinuetochangethe worldforthebetter.
BringingBacktheBasicsisadivisional projectthatwillalleviatetheworryof havingaccesstofoodonthetableor clothingtowearthatmanypeoplearound theworldface.
memberstoparticipateinactivities, likedonationdrivesorvolunteeringat afoodbank,whichwillprovidepeople withbasicnecessities.
Kiwanis International K-Family
Aglobalcollection ofglobalswho aimstowards makingthelives ofchildrenbetter
Circle K International
Acollegestudentledservice organizationthat isdedicated towardsservice
Aserviceclubfor juniorhighstudents thathelpsin communityservice
Aktionclubis aserviceclub foradultswith disabilities.
KeyClubisahigh school,student-led serviceclub dedicatedtohelping thecommunityand servingothers.
K- Kids
Aktion Club Key Club Buliders Club
Aelementary school,studentledorganization thathelpsserve thecommunity
Eachdistrictis dividedinto smallerregions. Martinissorted intoRegion7.
andCarrollSenior! KeyClubsfromacrossTexas
Division 39North
Lamar,Arlington, SamHouston,Martin,
andOklahomaareplaced insidetheT-OKdistrict!
districtsacrossKeyClub internationally! TexasOklahoma Key ClubDistrict
SECRETARY Ava Trinh (817)-291-1337 aktrinh1710@gmail.com SECRETARY CO-PRESIDENT Abery Trinh Oforitsenere Bodunrin (817)-291-8366 trinh541933@student.aisd.net (682)-404-9450 CO-PRESIDENT (817)-966-6023 plasc416548@student.aisd.net Natalie Plascencia Oforitsenere.bodunrin@gmail.com VICE PRESIDENT Samantha Vuong (469)-438-7488 vuong429117@student.aisd.net 15
TREASURER Katelin Crain Trinh Luong (817)-703-7318 crain528997@student.aisd.net EDITOR Ashlynn Lee (682)-540-2639 ashlynnrlee@gmail.com LIEUTENANT GOV (682)-551-3538 trinhluongkci@gmail.com HISTORIAN Aminat Alaka (323)-772-2000 alaka504550@student.aisd.net ADVISOR Brianna Lavelle blavelle@aisd.net 16
tluong ltg@gmail com
Leticia Esperza
Trinh Luong
Socials & Links
Freshman: @mhskc25
Junior: @mhskc23
Senior: @mhskc22
Our Linktree is filled with resources and information, find it here!
Website Revtrak Signup.com 18
Volume 4 Issue 1 • Region 7 • Division 39N •T-O District Martin High School Key Club''s Warrior's Key THANKS THANKS FOR FOR READING! READING!