Let's PORSE issue 21 2017

Page 1


Managing mummy guilt The gift of self-control Why I love my educator Holistic approach to happy babies Dads matter porse.co.nz

Leane with her son Luke.

Keeping active during the cooler months P26

Features The gift of self-control with Prof. Richie Poulton..... 2

Holistic approach to happy babies ............................. 22

Why I love my educator .................................................... 4

A day in the life of an educator.................................... 24

Providing security for Defence Force parents........... 7

Keeping active during the cooler months................ 26

Decoding food labels ......................................................... 8

Au pairs supporting rural families................................ 28

Helping children heal after a natural disaster.......... 10

The magic of books.......................................................... 30

The perfect career - nanny internships ..................... 12

Matariki stars - get creative............................................ 32

Finding the perfect match ............................................. 14 Managing mummy guilt.................................................... 16 Dads matter.......................................................................... 18 Top of the class ................................................................. 20 Growing friendships through my ECE career.......... 21 Let’s PORSE is published twice per year. Seventy thousand copies of each issue are distributed free throughout New Zealand. You can also see what's happening at PORSE on our social media channels and website.

porse.co.nz Love to Sing - CD sets........................................................... 2

ecostore - clean kids packs............................................. 26

Claire Turnbull - books and diary...................................... 9

Wardini Books - books ...................................................... 31

SmartPlay - puzzles.............................................................. 19

Pureborn Organic - baby clothes ................................ 32

Dorothy Waide - book and digital tutorial ................ 23

Please note: Let's PORSE giveaways close 31 July 2017. You can enter online at www.porse.co.nz/competitions


This is our 21st edition of Let’s PORSE magazine! Generally, the coming of age has you reflect on where you’ve been and what lies ahead. As a magazine we’ve expanded into most cities throughout New Zealand - either hard copy or online, and we’re proud of how our content has evolved. We’ve gone from simply sharing stories of home-based education and care to also provide advice for our readers on topics like sleep, separation anxiety and healthy eating through our connection with leading experts across a range of specialist topics, and from within our own

Editorial team

education and training arm.

Naomi Fergusson

Looking ahead, I have noticed a lot of hype around what children under five require in order to be ‘school ready’. Often people talk about children needing ‘socialisation’ and

Catherine Wedd Amy Shanks

more structured learning with set mat time and specific daily tasks, replicating the school

Creative design

environment. If we look at international research-based evidence it shows children often

Ingrid Edwards

perform better in numeracy and literacy in later years when they have had a longer period of


learning through play. ‘Socialisation’ doesn’t require interaction with large groups of children, but rather having strong relationships first and foremost with their primary caregivers and

Tegan Clark Nicola Topping

just one or two other children. In this more intimate environment, children can develop social

Helen Eagleton

skills like sharing, non-verbal and verbal communication through quality interactions.

Megan Graham

Other countries believe that formal education is better started from age seven, and until then,

Rebecca Inns

more play-based learning is adopted. A high-quality early childhood education service, like

Tracy Andersen

PORSE, that uses the ECE curriculum Te Whāriki successfully, will allow for lots of free play

Editorial enquiries

for children’s individual interests to develop in a more holistic way. I am supportive of this and

Tracey Chatterton P 06 872 6634

pleased to see that more schools are picking up this philosophy for their new

E tracey.chatterton@porse.co.nz

entrant classes.

Advertising enquiries

At PORSE, we believe that one of the best things we can give our tamariki is time; our time, but also let them have their time, at their pace. As parents and teachers, we are the ones that plant the seeds of knowledge that last a lifetime – and

Will Kelsey P 06 873 1173 E will.kelsey@porse.co.nz

Proudly printed by

this takes time, warmth, nurturing and love to properly flourish. We strongly believe this works best in a home environment with a consistent and

Disclaimer: PORSE In-Home Childcare

committed educator that knows your

(NZ) Ltd and Attn! Marketing PR are

child like you do.

not responsible for the content or

Ngā mihi,

have been authorised by independent

photos published in this magazine which educators and families of children pictured. This magazine is prepared for the provision of information to PORSE

Kerry Henderson PORSE General Manager


In-Home Childcare (NZ) Ltd stakeholders. It is to the best of our knowledge correct at the time of printing.




Professor Richie Poulton starred in the TV documentary Why Am I? which was based on a longitudinal study of 1,000 New Zealanders from cradle to grave. Richie shares his findings about early brain development and the importance of teaching self-control to children.


What does the study reveal about early brain development and how vital is it to nurture, extend and teach children in their first three years of life?


Is there a correlation between a positive early childhood learning environment and how kids develop and behave as adults? Yes - good quality childcare is always a good thing. In some

What we found is that the quality of brain development

cases, it may be the only positive experience children have. This

by age three has huge consequences for better health,

puts the onus on parents to check out the childcare environment

educational achievement, employment and living circumstances.

and make sure it is a stable, caring, appropriate one. This is a vital

Neurodevelopment is a really important aspect in those early

step in the child’s development and can make a huge difference

years. Life begins at conception - a lot happens in the first nine

in the way they approach life.

months. Substances like alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are really


bad for brain development, poor nutrition, high levels of stress, it all passes through. People tend to say, 'I know this' but the truth is a lot of them still do it. The first thing a child does when it's born is reach out to the adults in their life; if they don't respond appropriately - if a child reaches out and the response is adverse - that can have an effect on the way their brain develops. Parents and educators can impact on the quality of brain development in those early stages, and set them on a good neurodevelopmental pathway. These are incredibly important years but you have got to continue to provide a positive environment with stimulation and challenges as your child ages.

How much of a child’s behaviour comes down to genetics, versus learned behaviour?

It’s a combination - nature via nurture. The nature part is there to stay; the one to change is nurture. In general, the earlier you do these things, the better. Children are far more open to input or change than say, a 40 or 50-year-old. I think everyone needs to play a role but the people at the beginning of life have a key role. I think self-control should be taught as a core skill in a structured setting. It would be great to see a partnership develop with parents so teaching can continue at home.


A focus of the study was self-control in children and how it predicts health, wealth, parenting style and the likelihood of committing a crime later in life. What evidence is there to suggest young children can learn self-control and how can it be taught?

One main focus was the non-cognitive skill of self-control, which can be defined as the ability to control strong emotions in the service of completing challenging tasks. If you are overwhelmed by emotion and you can’t control it, it’s much harder to complete tasks. If you have good self-control, you can. Self-control in childhood predicts a lot about how the person will develop as an adult. The mind can benefit enormously when exposed to self-control learning opportunities Let’s PORSE is giving away five music box CD sets from Love to Sing valued at $59.99 each. Enter online at: www.porse.co.nz/competitions


through fun games and activities.

We have varied levels of self-control, just like we all vary in height, but importantly it can be taught. It’s about determining where children sit on the continuum and encouraging them to learn and practice those skills. PORSE Tip: Simple ways to teach self-control


How do you see this knowledge being used in the future, and what could it mean for New Zealand society if we used your findings to make a change? If you look at outcomes related to low-level self-control and address them, you will have a happier, healthier population. The

The Freeze game. Children dance when the music plays and

message for today is that the more self-control can be reinforced,

freeze when it stops. Dance quickly for fast-tempo songs,

the better - both in early childhood settings like PORSE and via

slowly for slow-tempo songs, then reverse the cues.

parents. There are modules being created to teach those skills,

Conducting an orchestra. Children play musical instruments (like maracas, drums and chimes) and an adult waves the baton to begin. The children increase their tempo when the baton moves quickly and reduce their tempo when the baton slows down, then reverse the cues.

and I think we are going to see a surge of activity in this space. You can start to see the difference between children around the age of three; those who need a boost in self-control will be fidgety, easily distracted and find it hard to concentrate. If a child is displaying these characteristics there’s no reason to panic. You can modify or shape what’s going on in the environment early

Drum beats. An adult tells children to respond to different

on and nurture or teach them the right skills. Parents need to

drum cues with specific body movements. For example, they

reinforce self-control at home, and if they themselves have low

might hop when they hear a fast drum beat and crawl when

self-control, they will also benefit from attempts to learn self-

they hear a slow drum beat. After a time, they are asked to

control skills. At the minimum, this should be happening in early

reverse the cues.

childhood education. If this is happening across the board flow on effects could be very positive for future generations. I would


How much influence do disciplined programmes such as martial arts or music lessons have on enhancing self-control in children, and why do they work?

hope this ultimately becomes a formal part of education in early childhood like literacy and numeracy.

Programmes that involve a cognitive component are great for teaching self-control. Physical activity may be useful, but doing something that has a very strong cognitive impact, like martial arts, makes more of a difference. It’s mindfulness training that allows control of emotions, that is, keeping feelings under wraps even under stress. This can also be achieved with music lessons and even some computer games.



Why I

love my edu (Aroha)

Lucy with her daughter Henae.

PORSE recently asked their Facebook followers to tell them what they love about their educators, and the response was incredible. Educators also took the opportunity to post about the strong relationships they have built with the parents of children in their care. What was clear was whether they were a parent or an educator, there is one thing they all shared – a love for children. But what is it about in-home care that results in these kinds of special relationships? On the surface, in-home care may appear less ‘educational’ than a centre, because of our own childhood experiences associating classroom-like, group environments with learning. But the rise of in-home care actually began because of what PORSE founder Jenny Yule intrinsically knew – in those first few years, children thrive when they feel secure and connected to their caregiver, in a loving home environment. Why should that only be an option for children whose parents can afford to stay home with them? Research has shown for many years that a child’s brain does most of its development in the first three years, which happens at the astonishing rate of about 700 new connections every second. That development is influenced by what’s happening in the child’s environment – be it sensory, cognitive, motor or emotional – firing neurons and making them stronger. And for optimal development to occur, children need to feel safe and loved. If they are stressed, children aren’t confident exploring and testing the environment and their bodies and instead withdraw into themselves as a form of self-preservation.


ucator So how does in-home care enhance the positive brain development of children?

Our Facebook fr iends share... PORSE . In-Home Childcare

minds at home

December 16 at 9.53am .

. Training . Work

We hear daily about the many different reason s why you guys love you AMAZING educators. r Let's share the LOVE with them! All entries Friday16th December received by 5pm will be automatically in the draw. Usual T's & #ilovemyporseeducator C's apply:

By having no more than four children in care (and a maximum of two under the age of two) at any one time, educators can provide a level of one-on-one focus that just isn’t possible in a fifteen-to-one ratio. It’s that one-on-one time that enables them to develop the secure relationship that children need from caregivers for optimal brain development. The PORSE philosophy uses play to observe a child’s interest; using this information to support and extend their learning, with educators recording their learning journey for parents to follow through daily journaling. Because the learning is child-led, educators create a unique and strong bond with each child, which parents can see, as highlighted in the posts on Facebook. But it’s not just the children that benefit from the relationship that forms. For educators, it provides a level of job satisfaction that is hard to beat. Ashburton educator Lucy Dowthwaite joined PORSE last year, after recognising the benefits of working from home. Continued over...




Lily Smith, Ingrid Peters

en and 325 others

Top Comments


Write a comment... Here's

what some of our familie

s had to say...

Krystie Parata We feel very lucky to ha ve found Laurelle Hawk es to take care of our bo has been a part of our ys. She family for over three yea rs. Their days are filled fun and happiness, from with so much music to playcentre, pla ygrounds, drawing, painti making all sorts of things ng and to bring home for mum and dad. We get a scrap full of photos and video book s of all the fun things the y do with their days. So busy nights, especially me of the when Nico was a baby, I would pick Xav up or be dropped off fed and he would bathed so we can spend time together playing be Things that we would ne fore bed. ver expect or ask but Re ll would do this because wanted to. The list cou she ld go on but the biggest thing for us is the boys part of their family a rea feel like a l home away from home . Genevieve Leech Our PORSE nanny, Ch ristine Steer, is so fabulo us with our daughters. thing that I wanted when The one going back to work was someone to be mummy mummy couldn't be the when re. That means cuddles, stories, tickles, baking, walks, but most importan playing, tly, letting them know the y're loved and special. does all this and more. Christine We are so happy with the am azing service she provid ALL of us!! She really is es for a special lady.

Trudi Amos

Our PORSE educator Jan is more than our Educa tor. She is called Nana son Benjamin and is ver Jan by our y much a part of our fam ily. The outings, and the she provides is above an var iety that d beyond what is expect ed. Daddy travels a lot which can get pretty cha for work otic, and Jan is always amazing to help and wil in and go the extra mile ling to step like today when we sle pt in, so Benjamin was ge breakfast at Jan’s, she tting his is always there for us.


Left to right: Micah, Henae, Harper and Peyton.

Having spent 12 years in childcare centres, the registered early childhood teacher wanted to dedicate more time to her own young family, Kingston, now six and Henae, four, while doing what she loves. “The hours I was working meant I missed out on a lot with my own son and daughter - I wasn’t with them in the school holidays and I couldn’t be involved with their after

More from our Facebook friend s... Victoria Campbell

We couldn't be more in love with our daughter’s educator Jontelle Gree She fosters our little gir nland. l’s free spirt, love of exp loration and sense of cur perfectly. She has an am iosity azing in-home programm e with a great balance of community/group ba sed learning opportuniti es and more importantly promotes, fosters and ins tils lovely caring and nu rturing values into our daughter.

school activities. “I didn’t want to change careers because I absolutely love children – with PORSE I am still able to teach and educate, with more flexibility.” Since making the change Lucy has noticed many positives, and enjoys the diversity of caring for children from the ages of seven months to five years. She has seen first hand the difference an

Ngaire Montgomery

I LOVE my PORSE ed ucator Michelle Broome. From the start she kne children had different ne w my eds, extreme eczema an d dietary problems. Sh understanding and very e is supportive with them, she has helped them through so many obstacles, and I love that I could take them somewhere and kno that they would be looked w after with their needs. Sh e goes over and beyon in everything she does d for my children, and I am so lucky to have her. Lo you. ve

in-home learning environment makes and the affect it has on developing happy, healthy, settled kids. “The transition is a lot smoother. The babies are quite happy to leave mum for the day. It’s really nice that their parent’s can come into my home, drop off their children and feel comfortable, it’s very relaxed. “I have found there are no behavioural problems at home. I think the smaller groups really help, they get a lot more attention as one of four than they would as one of a much larger group.” The freedom to adapt her schedule depending on the day and children’s moods was another bonus. There’s also plenty of time to make meaningful connections with each child. “I think one of the real benefits is being able to get down on the ground with the children, spend time with them and build those relationships in a relaxed, quiet environment where they are all settled. “Everything fits around them, it doesn’t matter if they want morning tea then story time, or the other way around.” Dedicating an area of her home to her PORSE children and rotating teaching resources depending on the age group means children in her care can learn and grow at a level appropriate for their own development. Lucy is quick to pick up on individual play habits and cater to those needs. “You really get to know them, so you quickly learn, which child likes to build blocks and which favours felts and collage."


Sarah Hutton What a kind giving thoug htful way of saying how grateful we are to our wonderful educators! We ll done PORSE! Our ed ucator is Kim Parkes Rolleston. Our son looks up to Kim very much, alw ays talking about her, he loves to give her cuddle s and kisses. Kim is so giving of her time with all children, does lots of pre the p for her educational pro gramme each day and beyond. She's very kin goes d and totally lovely! Kim , we are so grateful for and all you do! You're a you lady that makes a massi ve impact on children's I think the future PM wil lives. l come out of her care he he!

Providing security for Defence Force parents (ngâ matua)

Juggling childcare when you are busy defending the country can be a challenge, but a new partnership between the Defence Force and PORSE is designed to make life a whole lot easier for families in the Army, Navy and Air Force. PORSE has rolled out a nationwide Employer Partnership

able to find childcare that provides us with some flexibility, that

Programme with the Defence Force, offering flexible childcare

gives them that extra ‘wiggle room’ they may need at those times.”

options, discounts and other benefits for staff.

Karen chose PORSE for her daughter Isabelle, two, for that very

Commander Karen Bleakley, a member of the New Zealand

reason but has discovered many other benefits.

Defence Force Diversity and Inclusion Unit, says PORSE can

“Having a learning environment with fewer children means more

provide much needed stability for families at different camps and

one-on-one time, and less chance of my daughter getting sick.

bases throughout the country.

“Isabelle has formed a really close relationship with our educator

“Members of the Army, Air Force and Navy often have to move

and her family, which is really nice to see. Her being happy in

around the country, sometimes at short-notice, which can make it

childcare gives me the ability to concentrate on my work.”

difficult for those parents to find secure, reliable childcare. “We need an organisation that can provide consistency across all

Businesses who want to join the Employer Partnership Programme can simply contact PORSE or visit their website:

of our bases in New Zealand – and PORSE really provides that for

Image source: New Zealand Defence Force.



With the new PORSE Employer Partnership, Defence Force personnel are now eligible for subsidies and reduced fees, which could save them up to $45 a week. “In-home childcare certainly provides a sense of normality and routine for children whose parents can be away frequently. It can also provide added flexibility and security for parents, knowing there is a PORSE network at their next work location (in New Zealand).” “The requirement for many of our military parents to participate in military exercises, overseas deployments, training away from our base or camp, and search-and-rescue missions all adds pressure to parents trying to balance work and family commitments. If we are

Employer Partnership Programme

Partner with PORSE today and your employees could save up to $45 per week on childcare costs.* *See our website

Returning to work is a big decision for parents. Partner with PORSE today and give your employees access to special childcare subsidies as well as a range of other benefits: Waived weekly PORSE administration fee. No placement fees. Low ratio care – one dedicated educator to a maximum of four children. Free weekly PlaySchool, music sessions and outings. Full and part-time care, with flexible hours and locations. Daily journals that share your child’s learning experiences. Access to our For Life Education & Training parenting workshops.

0800 023 456 porse.co.nz

The best bit? There is no additional cost or levy to your business - just improved employee wellbeing.



(Kai) Decoding food labels can be a nightmare. How much sugar, salt and fat is in each product? Which additives are nasty? Healthy Food Guide Nutritionist, Claire Turnbull, shares some of her top tips on navigating food labels and making healthy choices. Parents are more aware of reading labels on food packaging than ever before – what ingredients should they be looking out for and why?

Many products are labelled ‘low sugar’ or ‘reduced sugar’ – how much sugar are we allowed each day?

Sadly there is no ‘one size fits all’ answer to making the right food

to limit their free sugars to less than five per cent of their daily


calorie intake, which equates to 26grams or six teaspoons per day.

There are so many different types of food that we use in such

For younger children who have lower calorie needs than adults,

varied quantities that it often comes down to how much and how

they can have even less than this.

often you are eating a particular food.

These ‘free’ sugars include white sugar, brown sugar, coconut

You can, however, make small changes every day - start by

sugar, maple or golden syrup, honey and the sugar in fruit juice.

opting for whole foods that are minimally processed. With

It doesn’t include natural sugars in whole fruit or milk.

packaged foods, look for shorter ingredients lists, with names you recognise.

What foods are packed full of sugar and how can we avoid this?

A lot of people are frightened of E-numbers, which are added

Muesli bars and snack foods can often be high in sugar. A good

to food for a number of reasons – to act as a preservative, add

alternative is giving children unsalted nuts and seeds (if they’re

colour or enhance flavours and texture. But they are not all

at an age where it’s safe to chew them well) or whole fruit with

as terrifying as you think, some are simple such as Vitamin C,

a slice of cheese instead.

others can be more artificial. The additives used in New Zealand

When it comes to buying yoghurt, it’s best to choose

all comply with food safety laws, but reducing the amount of

unsweetened and add natural flavours from fruit like frozen

synthetic colours, artificial sweeteners and MSG is a step in the

berries or canned peaches blended through, rather than pre-

right direction.

sweetened versions with added white sugar.

For more information on E numbers visit: www.foodstandards.govt.nz or about Claire at www.claireturnbull.co.nz

As a guide, the World Health Organisation suggests adults need

Be mindful of products that say 'reduced' as they are only reduced in fat/sugar/salt compared to the standard product. If the original was not that healthy to start with, the reduced product may not be that much better.

Here's a guide to how much a pre-schooler needs to eat from each good group? Food group

Specific foods in that group

Recommended serves per day

Examples of one serving?

Vegetables and fruit

All veges and fruit including potatoes, kumara and taro. Eat fresh, frozen or canned. Avoid added sugar on canned options.

Pre-schoolers need at least 2 servings of both veges and fruit.

1 carrot, apple, pear, banana or tomato. 1 medium potato or kumara. A 1/2 cup of salad or cooked veges like broccoli, peas or corn. 1/2 cup fresh fruit salad or 1/2 an avocado.

Breads and cereals

All breads, cereals, grains, rice, pasta including wholegrain varieties.

Pre-schoolers need at least 4 servings.

1 medium slice of bread, a roll or pita pocket. 2 wheat biscuits, 1/2 cup of porridge or muesli, 4 grainy crackers or 1 cup of popcorn.

Milk and milk products

Milk, cheese, yoghurt, sour cream, cream cheese, ricotta.

Pre-schoolers need at least 2-3 servings.

1 glass of milk, or pot of yoghurt. 2 slices of cheese. 1 tablespoon of sour cream or cream cheese.

Meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds

Limit processed meats.

Pre-schoolers need at least 1-2 servings.

2 slices of cooked meat. 1 chicken leg or 2 drumsticks. 3/4 cup of mince. 1 medium fish fillet. 1 egg. 1/2 a 90gm can of tuna. 3/4 cup of cooked beans or lentils. 1/3 cup of nuts or seeds. *Ministry of Health Guidelines


Some key nutrients kids need Iron: In New Zealand 80 per cent of toddlers don’t get enough iron. From the age of six months iron stores can start to run low for babies, and from seven months, a baby has higher iron needs than their dad so it’s essential to introduce iron-rich foods. This can be iron fortified baby rice, pureed/sieved meat mixed with fruits and vegetables, or cooked and grated liver (up to three teaspoons per week).

Calcium: If your child is unable to tolerate dairy, then it’s important whatever alternative milks you choose are adequately fortified with calcium. Not all of them are, so it pays to check. Childhood is an essential time for children to build up their bone mass and without enough calcium, it’s likely to cause issues later on in life.

Omega 3: Salmon is the best way to up Omega 3 – in children it can be added to the diet in a fish pie, fish burger patties or you can cut up a small amount and stir it into scrambled eggs.

Selenium: This is a big one as selenium is short in our soils. You can grate a whole Brazil nut onto porridge for breakfast,and when the child gets a bit older, they can eat the nuts whole.

With more organic foods on the supermarket shelves, should we be focussed on them? The choice to eat organic foods comes down to budget and personal preference. It’s best to include a wide variety of whole, minimally processed foods for a balanced diet. The main thing is to make sure children get enough vegetables – 60 per cent of children don’t eat enough veges and 21 per cent don’t get enough fruit. One thing we can all do is to thoroughly wash any fruit and Claire with her son Zac.

vegetables we buy before eating them. Remember as a parent what you eat is just as important as what you tell your kids to eat.

Going nutty? Recommendations around

Let’s PORSE is giving away a set of two books and a diary from Claire valued at $90.00 for the set.

introducing nuts to children has changed in recent years and it’s no longer suggested that parents delay the introduction of nuts. Regular consumption before 12 months is recommended. Use unsalted peanut butter on bread or mashed with fruit can be a good place to start! Of course, if you have any nut allergies in the family you should consult your doctor or an allergy specialist before making a decision for your child.

Visit us and enter at: www.porse.co.nz/competitions


It’s important not to avoid eating nuts during pregnancy either.

(kino tuturu)

What does your child need in times of trauma? The short answer is - normality!

For a list of ways you can help the children in your life after a traumatic event, read more at www.nctsn.org by searching 'After a Crisis: Helping Young Children 10 Heal' or visit your GP for advice or a referral.

It seems that more and more of us have been adversely affected in some way by a natural disaster. The Christchurch earthquakes immediately come to mind, followed by Kaikoura and then the Canterbury bush fires. It's not just the landscape that is altered by such events.

After listening, talk a little bit more to them. You can talk

Those with children, either of their own, or in their care, will

about what you are doing, where you are going, what’s

have to deal with the after effects of major disruption to

happening next. You might tell your young child about

their lives. We look at what children need when faced with

how you’re feeling and wonder about their feelings. If you

a natural disaster and give you some ideas about helping

are not so practiced at this, a good way to start is to ask

them to deal with trauma or significant change in their

yourself “when my child looks at me, what do they see,


what might they be thinking?”

So what does your child need from you at times like these? The short answer is - normality.

©Foley, M., Guy, D., & Zwimpfer, L. (2011). Dear Parents with Babies and Toddlers: Letter One. Infant Mental Health Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (IMHAANZ).

Normality might be a long time coming for those hardest hit areas but ‘normal’ is exactly what young children in your life need most. In the simplest terms, this means you being emotionally and physically available to them - as consistently and sensitively as possible. You are the centre of their world and they rely on you to keep it spinning as predictably and calmly as possible. We now know without any doubt that babies’ brains are heavily under construction for the first three years (and even beyond). We also know they have little or no ability to make sense of events like earthquakes and aftershocks, as well as any changes in the people who care for them. Quite simply, your stress becomes their stress - whether they show this externally or not.

a traumatic event, it’s worth remembering that resilience isn’t built by not experiencing any stress. Resilience is built when stress is experienced with the help of supportive relationships. For young children, this means that you - the centre of their little world - make sense of the chaos and trauma for and with them. By tuning into and talking with your child about what’s happened and is happening, how you’re both feeling, and what may come - even if they are too young to talk back - you are helping to build their security and resilience. You can’t magic away the stress of living with the effects of a natural disaster but you can be the secure rock in the middle of their shaky world.

with living in an earthquake and after-shock ravaged

To finish, here’s some wisdom from the American National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN):

house, town or city, or being displaced if your home was

"Young children, toddlers, and preschoolers know when

destroyed, you can help your child by:

bad things happen, and they remember what they have

And while it’s impossible to avoid the stress that comes

1. Making sure you get the support you need. 2. Tuning into what your child's behaviours (and words if they have them) are telling you. 3. Providing gentle, loving reassurance that you are there for them: that you see them, hear them and get what they are feeling.

Here are some excerpts from the first of two ‘Letters to Christchurch’, written in 2011 by the Infant Mental Health Association Aotearoa New Zealand, offering advice and support for those with babies and toddlers who are dealing with trauma: Your young child looks to you for guidance, reassurance and comfort; you make their world safe. They don’t know that you can’t control environmental events. From their

been through. After a scary event, we often see changes in their behaviour. They may cry more, become clingy and not want us to leave, have temper tantrums, hit others, have problems sleeping, become afraid of things that didn’t bother them before, and lose skills they previously mastered. Changes like these are a sign they need help."

Use the acronym SAFETY to help you help them:


Safety - focus on safety first


Allow expression of feelings


Follow your child’s lead


Enable your child to tell the story of what


Ties - reconnect with supportive people,


Your child needs You! This is the most important

perspective, you are the almighty magician who makes

their world right. Your baby, even in the face of traumatic

events, does not change this view. You are it.

We invite you to hold onto your baby’s view. We encourage you, in the chaos and rubble, to linger with your baby.

Take a few more seconds than usual to watch their face and

listen to their chatter. Even if they don’t talk yet, take more

time to listen to their babble, and think about what they might be saying to you.


As you go about rebuilding your lives in the aftermath of

happened during and after the crisis event

community, culture and rituals

thing to remember.

© Chandra Ghosh Ippen, Alicia F. Lieberman & Patricia Van Horn (2005)



Nanny Internship

The perfect career (tino mahi)

As a young highschool leaver approaching the workforce, Leigh Singers knew exactly what she wanted to do. The 17-year-old always had a passion for babies and children, so becoming a nanny seemed like the perfect fit. After doing some research online, Leigh soon discovered

On top of this practical experience, Leigh was in the

the PORSE Nanny Intern Programme in her hometown of

classroom one day each week, soaking up information on

Pukekohe and signed up straight away.

early childhood education, such as attachment theory,

“I was immediately drawn to the hands-on experience

the importance of routines and early brain development.

because I liked the idea of forming close knit, one-on-one

“Throughout my training I spent six months caring for a

relationships with the children and their families,” she

ten-month-old baby boy and I formed a really close bond


with him. That’s when I knew 100 per cent, this was the

“I always had my mind set on a career with children, ever

career for me.

since I was a kid myself - and I couldn't be happier with

“I learned a lot about how to teach children and

the journey I have taken.”

nurture their development. I feel so lucky to have found

During the 21-week PORSE Nanny Intern Programme,

something I’m so passionate about.”

Leigh worked through the National Certificate in Early

After finishing her studies, Leigh started work with the

Childhood Education and Care (Level 3), which included

Van der Heydens - a lively family with four children under

a mix of practical and theory-based learning. The course

five in Pukekohe.

included a placement as a nanny intern, working for a

Far from being overwhelmed, she thrived in the busy

local family 21 hours per week.

environment and grew to take on more and more responsibility over a year and a half.


“When I started with them, Molly, the youngest, was just a newborn, Benji was one and a half, Paige, three and Alex, four. We are so close, they are like my family. “Seeing the children grow and develop and knowing I was a big part of that has been a huge sense of achievement.” When the family moved to Hamilton three months ago, Leigh relocated to Auckland and started working for Chris and Carol Rayes caring for ten-month-old Conrad four days per week. On Monday’s though, she still makes a two hour round trip from Auckland to work for the Van der Heydens in Hamilton, something she always looks forward to. Alice Van der Heyden said her children had formed a special connection with Leigh. “They were so happy to be able to continue the relationship, despite reduced hours. The kids get so excited knowing Monday is a ‘Leigh day’ - they have all grown up with her - Molly, our youngest, has known Leigh since she was born.” Her trust in Leigh was so great the young nanny was chosen as the first person to have all four children to stay overnight. “One of her strengths is that she’s really keen to learn and she is incredibly capable, she has all four of them for sleepovers on her own, and was the first person to do that.” Leigh enjoys a change in pace and loves having different experiences with two families in the same week. “There’s such a different dynamic between the two families I work with but that’s exactly what I love about it. “I am always challenged and continue to grow

"I couldn't be happier with the journey I've taken!"

everyday - I couldn't have asked for a better job.”

Would you like to become a nanny? Gain hands-on experience in an industry that will give you a nationally recognised career pathway in early childhood education and care.

Benefit from: Pictured left: Mum Alice, Nanny Intern Leigh, Benji, Alex, Paige and baby Molly in seat.

A FREE 21-week qualification. Gain a National Certificate in Early Childhood Education & Care (Level 3).

A FREE First Aid course.

Workplace visits, training and teacher support.

Access to the PORSE Programme including fun outings, events and ongoing learning and training opportunities.

Future work opportunities in New Zealand with PORSE or internationally with Au Pair Link.

Nanny PORSE Nanny Intern Programme

Key Facts

Nanny Intern Programmes are run in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Hawke's Bay, Palmerston North, Wellington, Christchurch. Over 320 nannies have interned with PORSE since it started. 148 nannies trained with PORSE last year. 13 The programme combines on-the-job training with classroom or online study.

To register your interest in the Nanny Intern Programme

0800 023 456


Finding the nnnperfect perfect match (pair awa atu)

Families looking to employ a nanny want to make sure they are the perfect fit. But finding the right fit requires careful pairing, something our PORSE Nanny Coordinators and PORSE Consultants throughout New Zealand work hard to achieve. One of the PORSE team of Consultants making sure families

Jo is well qualified to make those all-important matches, with

and nannies are well matched is Nanny Coordinator, Jo Allen.

a background in early childhood education, and time spent

Based in Auckland, where demand for nannies is high, Jo says

nannying in the UK.

it’s all about getting to know individuals and fitting various

“When nannies walk in my door, I can really relate to them;

pieces of the puzzle together.

being a nanny is about forming close, meaningful relationships

Jo aims to partner parents with childcare that wraps around the whole family unit. Families are first interviewed to find out their preferences, before a list of suitable nanny CVs are shortlisted.


with children in the home,” Jo says. “It’s important to find a happy fit for everyone. There are so many nannies at different ages and stages who can adapt and grow with the child’s developmental stages and keep up with the needs of any home.”

Nannies are the most flexible childcare option and we have many available who are prepared to work hours to suit full-time, late nights or early mornings, which makes having a nanny or nanny share a really workable childcare solution, says Jo. In a situation where both parents are working, flexible childcare allows them to make the early morning commute, while keeping children’s routines in check. “Nannies are the most flexible childcare option and we have many available who are prepared to work hours to suit - fulltime, late nights or early mornings - which makes a nanny or nanny share a really workable childcare solution.” Nanny sharing, where two or three families share a nanny, is also becoming popular in cities like Auckland, reducing costs and providing social stimulation for children. “This is a really great solution for parents who live close to one another and want to share the expense.” Nannies provide a caring home environment with the

Which childcare option is best for my family? Whether you choose an in-home educator, nanny or au pair, your child will benefit from low-ratio care in a safe, nurturing home environment.

An educator…

benefits of socialisation through PORSE programmes such as

Provides care from their own home.

playgroup or music and movement sessions. They also follow

May care for up to four children under five years of age, with a maximum of two under the age of two.

Ministry of Education guidelines for early childhood learning and development, and keep a daily child journal for parents. “There’s really no place like home, especially for younger children to receive the nurturing care they need. Being in the home environment is more one-on-one, it’s really the next best thing to staying at home with your children,” Jo says. “There is something very special about the bond between nanny and child, you have to be really passionate about children to embark on this journey. So nannies often become part of the family - that’s what we’re aiming for.”

Sets their own days, hours, and rate. Is self-employed.

A nanny… Cares for children in your family home. May undertake additional tasks by agreement, relating to caring for your children, such as preparing meals for your child and cleaning up afterwards, or washing and changing your child’s bedding. Is employed by you at an hourly rate mutually agreed. May be shared by more than one family with similar care requirements.

An au pair… Is a nanny who lives in the family home. Is usually on a working holiday in New Zealand, providing you with an insight into another culture. Is employed by the family, with room and board included as part of the remuneration package.

Through the PORSE programme your educator or nanny will receive access to: Regular support from a registered ECE teacher. Free weekly playgroups, outings, and events. Free professional development courses.

Call PORSE today or talk to us via our Live Chat during business hours on our website:


0800 023 456 porse.co.nz


Hands up who’s had a case of ‘mummy guilt’ - that feeling you get of having failed in your role because of the expectations placed on you either by society or by yourself? Mummy guilt comes in many forms – from what you feed your little one, to how you should spend more time doing amazing arts and crafts projects like your coffee group friends do with their children (and why do their efforts always look amazing while yours look NOTHING like the picture on Pinterest!?). But for many of us, weighed down with high rents, mortgages, and the ever increasing cost of living, one of the biggest causes of mummy guilt is the need to return to work. The decision to place your (in some cases barely months old) baby into care is a very hard one to make. As a parent, you may simply need to cover the weekly bills or you may have other motivations or obligations, but whatever your reason, you know that you made a decision that is ultimately in the best interests of you and your family. That doesn’t stop people passing comment on your decision of course, although the concept of families with both parents working is now the norm. Lots of comments passed in conversation probably aren’t meant to make you feel bad – but when you would rather be home with your child, or you just missed out on going to their Christmas break-up or sports day, it stings.

Naomi with her daughter Zara.


But you are not alone – the concept of mummy guilt is an international phenomenon and at PORSE we’re all on that same journey with you. As an organisation with a workforce consisting predominantly of working mums, we get it. You should never feel guilty for making the decision that is right in your circumstances, and for your child – we know it’s not a decision you make lightly. As we go to print, some of our team are on maternity leave and some are sending their babies off to University (that comes around faster than you think), but we have all gone through the challenge of being a working mum (or dad). In addition to our own experiences as working parents, we have helped thousands of families as they transition out of maternity leave and back into work. The PORSE philosophy is built on the science of attachment theory – how the relationships between children and the caregivers in their life impact on that most critical period of brain development, from birth to age three and beyond. We know how important it is for children to build a strong relationship with their educator, but also for parents and educators to have a good connection. As a parent, you can’t focus on work if you're worried about the wellbeing of your baby. You should rest easy knowing that if you can’t be with them, they are getting the next best thing – an educator who will cuddle them, keep them clean and safe, and make sure their routine is maintained, all while supporting them to learn and develop through play. So, with this in mind, here are a few of our tips for reducing your mummy guilt!

Know who is caring for your child Choosing your childcare provider carefully is the first step to alleviating guilt. You need to feel confident that your child will feel safe, secure and loved because that is what they need for healthy development. Knowing that they are in their 'home away from home' also keeps the guilt and stress at bay while you are at work. Your children are influenced by those who care for them, so focus on the person and place less importance on the facilities (excluding safety of course!). “We know it’s hard at the start - that first day when you drop your most precious being off is nerve-wracking,” said Naomi Fergusson, PORSE Marketing & Communications. “I wasn’t working at PORSE when I made the decision to go with home-based care – I had visited centres in my area, but my daughter was only ten months old at the time and they just seemed too big and overwhelming. When I met my educator Janet and saw how she interacted with my daughter, it just felt more natural and calm. I felt confident she could provide the attention and affection I felt was so important.”

Reduce their separation anxiety Separation anxiety is a normal part of childhood and reflects the attachment relationship your child has formed with you. Take the time to let your child build confidence with their educator by staying with them until they seem comfortable.


Erin with her Jack. sons Gus and For PORSE Education & Training General Manager, Erin Maloney, one thing that has worked for her was to leave her son with something he associated with her. “If Jack is upset when I leave him to go to work, I give him one of my ‘special items’ – like a photo, a piece of jewellery, or a scarf to look after while I’m at work. It allows him to still feel connected to me when I’m not there and eases my mummy guilt about going in the first place.” If your employer is willing, it’s also beneficial to transition back into work – either doing a few hours from home or working part-time and building back into full-time hours. PORSE General Manager Kerry Henderson transitioned back into work over time, taking advantage of the Nanny Intern Programme after her son was born, to work from home. “Having Jess there in the early days built all of our relationships and gave me the confidence to go back to work knowing he was at home in his environment and in good care.”

Stay connected Once you are back into the swing of work, find ways to keep fuelling that special connection with your child. When you aren’t working, be present with your children (and your partner), and have a strategy for leaving work stress at the front door. “I love getting my Storypark online journal updates through the day – seeing pictures of Ben during the work day helps me to know he is having a really good time with his educator,” says Kerry. “As he’s gotten older, we can use his journal to talk about his day over dinner.” Making the most of her time at home is also important to Kerry, who is conscious of not taking work home in the evenings. “It can be really hard to switch off when work is busy, but being 'fully present with your presence' is important. It helps to have a special thing you do to have that one-on-one time with your children – bath time, story time, special play time when you get home – something to always look forward to and be fully focused on.”



Dads matter! (Matua)

The bond between a father and his child differs for every family - but whether working full-time or a stay-at-home dad, a steady father figure is hugely influential and beneficial. Father of two Shayne Jeffares is the manager of Kidz

“The way we relay that message is through a range of

Need Dadz Charitable Trust in Hawke’s Bay.

support, information and fun activities that encourage

Drawing on his own experiences raising two boys,

dads to want to spend time with their children.”

Shayne is well aware of the tests and trials facing

He says being a supportive parent may look different

modern dads. Having walked in their shoes, he’s now

for everyone and doesn’t have to be a grand gesture

able to lend an ear and give advice.

- fathers have a positive influence simply by enjoying

He opened a branch of Kidz Need Dadz in Hawke’s

time with their children.

Bay after seeing the need to support and provide

“The bonding between dad and his child is so

sound information from a ‘dad’ point of view to fathers

important in the early years, particularly those first few

wanting to be more actively involved with

months with a new baby which can be a very emotional

their children.


“It’s looking at ‘how can I improve how I am as a

“It’s getting up at 3am to be with your partner when

parent, father and partner?’ Through conversation

you have a new baby, it’s feeding the baby and

and getting to meet other dads our focus is on

creating those special bonding moments. It’s reading

nurturing and strengthening relationships within the

them a story and creating opportunities to spend time

whole family, which has a flow-on effect for the wider

and talk with them. This will also allow for some much


needed ‘time off’ for mum.

Shayne says providing a loving, caring and stable home

“It’s also about making sure dad is in the right space

environment is the most important thing for children.

and looking after himself and has good support to be a

“It doesn't matter if mum and dad live under the same

positive role model to his children.”

roof or in different homes, we want to encourage dads to be a part of their children’s lives wherever possible.


From left: Andrew with his daughter Lara and Shayne.

It’s looking at ‘how can I improve how I am as a parent, father and partner?' Through conversation and getting to meet other dads our focus is on nurturing and strengthening relationships within the family, which has a flow-on effect for the wider community, says Shayne These days more Kiwi dads are taking a hands-on approach to parenting, with a more active role in raising their children. “What fatherhood meant in New Zealand 20 years ago has changed dramatically – back then dads took more of a back seat with the kids. These days they are just as likely to get involved with playtime, midnight feeds and nappy changes.” The perception of 'family' has evolved over time and 'traditional' roles have changed. “We are starting to see more dads who are staying at home, attending play groups, coffee groups and getting out and about with their children. “I was working with a group of fathers who said they still hear comments like, 'isn’t it nice to see you out with the kids’ or ‘you must be babysitting’. “Truth is, more dads are stepping up and really loving it. It’s not something they shy away from - they are proud to be claiming that space.” Shayne says fathers are too often portrayed as 'bumbling' or 'incapable' when in fact they simply take an alternative approach to parenting. “They are often more relaxed, they like to step back and observe. They are still conscious of nap times and meals but many of them are also very adventurous taking kids on walks, treks, bike rides and exploring life together.” Having support networks in place for fathers who are proactively involved with their children gives them a space to share stories and garner advice. “It’s so important for dads to feel like they are not alone and to be acknowledged that they are doing an awesome job.” Currently in the works is a Saturday Breakfast Dads group, so fathers can enjoy the morning with their

Let’s PORSE is giving away three sets of four puzzles from SmartPlay - total value $271.

children and meet other dads in the community. A weekly support meeting for dads is held on a Thursday and Shayne is also available to present to

To enter, visit us online at: www.porse.co.nz/competitions

community groups and workplaces regarding Kidz Need Dadz Hawke’s Bay services.


For more information see: www.kidzneeddadz.org.nz and go to the Hawke's Bay tab or visit Facebook/kidzneeddadzHB

Top of the class (Runga)

PORSE Education and Training has been recognised as one of the top tertiary providers in New Zealand.

As both a leading in-home childcare provider and private

“Similar to Education Review Office (ERO) for schools, this

training establishment, PORSE was awarded a ‘highly

process is compulsory for tertiary training providers. We put a

confident’ rating by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority

lot of time into developing quality courses and ensuring a high

(NZQA) as a result of a recent external evaluation and review

standard of delivery, so for PORSE to achieve the top rating

process. This four-yearly assessment is mandatory for tertiary

of Highly Confident is something we are very proud of. It’s a

training providers to assure a high standard of compliance and

stamp of quality and ensures our learners can be certain they

quality in areas of educational performance and capability in

are getting quality education through PORSE,” she says.


PORSE Education and Training has been a registered Private

The result places PORSE in the top 22 per cent of tertiary

Training Establishment since 1999, offering the National

providers in the country, with a Category One status.

Certificate in Early Childhood Education & Care (Level 3),

PORSE General Manager of Education and Training, Erin Maloney, was heavily involved with the External Evaluative Review (EER) process and says a Category One status is the highest accolade that PORSE has achieved. “The accolade recognises our commitment to be a market leader in training and development, particularly in the field of early childhood education. “We have been critically judged by an independent national body and found to be a top tertiary education organisation.” The high level of confidence NZQA has in PORSE as a provider of quality education and training programmes supports PORSE’s own focus on high quality learning and outcomes.

unit standards in adult education and parenting programmes nationwide. If you’re interested in training with PORSE, contact us now on 0800 023 456.

“PORSE’s core values of concern, acceptance, respect, encouragement and success are demonstrated through the provision of community workshops and programmes for parents and educators. These provide information and resources to help parents with their children and for PORSE carers to demonstrate their learning and share practice with others,” said the NZQA's report. PDF

Find the full report here: www.nzqa.govt.nz/nqfdocs/provider-reports/8224.pdf

PORSE ECE training opportunities available for secondary school students through to adult learners. STAR/Gateway Delivered via secondary schools to Year 11, 12 and 13 students. Includes NZQA Certificate in Early Childhood Education (Level 3). Enrol through school. No minimum number of units to complete.

Nanny Intern Programme Open to 17-25 olds. Combines on-the-job training with classroom or online study. Includes NZQA Certificate in Early Childhood Education (Level 3). 21 hours per week spent caring for children in a family home. Zero fees for students.


NZQA Certificate in Early Childhood Education (Level 3) Is a 21-week course, featuring 18 unit standards related to early childhood care and development. Available to adult learners (17 and over). Free to educators with PORSE.

Child Development Short Courses Workshop-style training based on the latest research in early brain development. Available free to PORSE educators and nannies. Available to PORSE parents and the wider community at heavily subsidised rates. One night workshops and longer six week programmes available. Online or face-to-face delivery models.

Growing friendships

through my ECE career When Kirsty Fortune moved her young family from Christchurch to Wyndham she was worried about how she would fit into the close-knit community. However, the move to rural Southland not only prompted a career change, it also ignited a tight friendship. Kirsty met educator Nicki Knapp at the local playgroup, where

PORSE National Coach, Emma Murphy, says that PODs form an

she quickly learnt about becoming an educator. Kirsty saw

important part of the support structure in place for educators.

the career as an opportunity to earn a good living as well as

“We encourage our educators to form PODs in their community.

provide the perfect work/life balance.

Aside from providing them with a chance to connect with

“Before moving to Southland our busy jobs meant we didn’t

like-minded people, they also become a valuable source of

see much of our kids, but after becoming an educator I could

knowledge and advice."

spend a lot more time with my own family.”

Left: Kirsty, Emma in front, Kaizah, Libby, Axel, Alex and Nicki.

It didn’t take long for Kirsty to team up with Nicki and connect through PODs ('Point of Difference' support groups). PODs provide educators and nannies with a platform to connect and bring their children together for playdates. Being the only two PORSE Educators in Wyndam, a small rural town of around 500 people, Kirsty and Nicki see the weekly POD dates as an opportunity to share knowledge and inspiration. “The kids love PODs because they learn and discover new and exciting things as well as form strong friendships before starting school." Each week Kirsty and Nicki take turns at organising the PODs, which range from outdoor activities such as exploring Maple Glen Gardens, doing small treks and picnics to the park, to trips to the toy library, museum and play centre. “We work together to provide a good mix of indoor and outdoor activities. We essentially balance each other out, which allows us to come together to give the kids a variety of different experiences. The PODs give you a sense of togetherness and you don’t feel like you are doing it all alone,” says Kirsty.




Holistic approach to Many of us can relate to the sleep deprived nights of having a newborn baby and the challenges you face in those early months. But for a lot of parents, the lack of sleep and unsettledness can become unbearable, and many have started turning to holistic wellness experts for help.

Leading sleep consultant and Karitane Mothercraft Nurse Dorothy Waide, aka ‘the Baby Whisperer’ and holistic pregnancy and family wellness Chiropractor Dr Adeela Afiz are working together to support parents and babies. Both women see a lot of babies suffering from undiagnosed or misunderstood pain, which has parents at their wits end, but a more recent concern is highly emotional babies. “Parents will often come to us if their baby is in pain or often upset and unable to be settled because they are being told by other practitioners that it’s normal for a baby to cry. Their instincts are telling them something isn’t right, but they aren’t getting the support they need”, says Dorothy. “There is so much more of an issue now with babies who seem to be carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders - their parents may be under stress, therefore, they are under stress. Babies have emotional needs and those emotional needs have to be addressed.” While standard practice overseas for 20 years or more, holistic care for babies is a relatively new concept New Zealand. Dorothy says many parents are now looking for alternative options and can see the benefit of a multi-pronged approach. “Adeela and I work together to find a solution - parents get peace of mind knowing they are getting consistent advice from like-minded professionals.” “Our approach is to support you through the parenting journey - you can’t fail as a parent. People need to understand that

Dorothy is dedicated to teaching new mums the timeless art and everyday parenting skills of ‘mothercraft’. She is the author of 'You Simply Can't Spoil a Newborn.'

For more information visit: www.babyhelp.co.nz 22

what works in one family unit may not necessarily work for them, and that’s OK. “With almost 30 years’ sleep-settling experience with different families, different cultures, and different babies, Dorothy left with Adeela, Oscar and Xavier.

Expert insight

happy babies (hari)

I’ve gained a pool of experience and

Chiropractor Dr Adeela Afiz uses

That’s a pretty typical response that we

resources. I know the hard slog of

techniques like Kinesiology and Cranio

see anywhere from two weeks to two

having a baby that’s not sleeping – and

Sacral Therapy and Neuro Emotional

months into our sessions.”

there is no ‘one size fits all’ for babies,

Technique in her holistic practice,

so I have a varied tool kit.”

which gives her a broader range of

Dorothy believes the key to teaching a baby to settle or resettle requires

techniques alongside the traditional chiropractic approach.

practice, commitment, and consistency

When working with babies she uses

and can take up to six months or

very gentle and effective techniques

as little as six weeks depending on

with little to no manual adjustment,

the individual baby and the home

unlike what you may associate with

environment. She says babies up to 12

chiropractic adjustments for adults.

weeks of age can be settled in the cot

“It’s showing parents that there are

or in the arms, but discourages doing

other options. Seeing a chiropractor

anything in the arms that cannot be

can help their baby deal with a range

“What we work towards is a baby who sleeps when it needs to, eats when it needs to, cries when it needs to and meets all its milestones within the appropriate timeframes.” Dorothy and Adeela are running a series of Essential Baby Help workshops throughout New Zealand. For more information visit:



When babies are not eating, sleeping, or settling well, it is easy to become overwhelmed and not know what to do, says Dorothy. replicated in a cot - including moving,

of issues in an incredibly gentle way.

rocking or pacing.

Some of the most common complaints

“Go to baby as soon as you hear them crying - a sleepy baby is easier to

are colic, digestion and reflux,” she says.

resettle than a baby who is wide awake

“It’s amazing to see babies become

and crying.”

calm and centered over the course

Dorothy believes nurturing is central

of treatment,” she says.

to giving babies their very best start

“I had a mother who came in

in life.

with a four-month-old baby

“When babies are not eating, sleeping, or settling well, it is easy to become overwhelmed and not know what to do,” she says. “In a loving family, there are two other ingredients a happy baby needs; sleep and food. If your baby is not receiving a sufficient amount of one of these, it will affect the other, and this can be very stressful for the whole household.”

who was extremely grizzly and was waking every 20 minutes throughout the night. “We did one session together – and the next time mum came in she said she had seen so many changes he’s just a happier, healthier baby who is now starting to sleep through the night.

Let’s PORSE is giving away Dorothy Waide's book and her digital tutorial. Visit us and enter online at: www.porse.co.nz/competitions




Just as no two children are the same, no two work days are the same for PORSE Educator Shelley Mepham.

7.15am - good morning It’s just after 7am when this Napier educator first opens her door, and 6pm before her last child is collected. To be greeted with smiles and hearing “love you Shelley” are just some of the things she loves about the job. “You form such a special bond with children when they are in your home from the moment you greet them in the morning they're your number one priority,” she says. “As an educator you get to know the children’s needs and how to reassure and calm them when they’re away from mum and dad; that personal connection makes it much easier for parents to step back into the workforce.”

8am - possibilities Shelley, who started as an educator with PORSE five years ago, says having a maximum of four children in care means she can tailor the day’s activities to suit the needs of the children. "Every day is different, with park visits and playgroups slotting in around set routines like morning tea, lunch and sleep times. “It’s never dull, I think that’s what’s so great about it. I always provide activities, we socialise with other children – I’m aware of teaching them all the time.”


10am - learning through play Many of the adventures and excursions Shelley plans are based around education and she makes the most of every opportunity to learn something new. “For example, if the town clock is chiming we might count along with it – it’s important they have the skills needed to make a smooth transition to school.” By using the child's interests and what's happening in their immediate environment, learning happens naturally.

Top picture: Shelley with Lucah and


Quinn. Bottom right: Arahi.

You form such a special bond with children when they are in your home from the moment you greet them in the morning they are your number one says Shelley. priority for the day, 12pm - sleep time

4pm - home time

Even when the children are sleeping,

As Brad and Stacey settle into afternoon

Shelley is working to update daily diaries

tea and homework, it’s time for the first

and Storypark to keep families informed.

PORSE parents to pick up their children.

In recent years, PORSE has adopted

“It’s nice forming a relationship with the

online journaling technology such as

families of the girls in my care, I want

Storypark which makes it easier to

to know about their day and they’ll ask

connect with parents, and allow them to

about mine. There’s something quite

be engaged and involved in their child’s day.

unique about the bonds you form.”

3pm - school pick up


nation recog ally nis trainin ed g

After 6pm - prep for tomorrow

Shelley has two young children of her

Regular contact with their visiting teacher

own – a son Brad, seven, and daughter

gives her access to the latest activities

Stacey, five.

and resources.

Having the flexibility to meet them

After hours, Shelley is always thinking

outside the school gate and to shout from

ahead to the next day and researching

the sidelines at after school sport games

ways to nurture and grow little minds.

is one perk of the job.

“I’m really proactive about coming up

Her passion for children and education

with different activities, printing things,

became a career after the birth of her

laminating and I’m often on Pinterest

second child.

searching for new ideas.”

Building your future in childcare starts here Work from home, be independent and have flexibility.

“With Brad, I had to go back to work

As a successful educator, Shelley is never

when he was just 10 weeks because my

short of work thanks to word of mouth.

husband had an accident, it was a horrible

“People get to know about you through

feeling leaving my child so early,” she said.

someone else who has had a good

“When I was pregnant with Stacey, I didn’t

experience. I’ve found this the best way to

want to miss out on spending time with

discover families who are a really

her, so I became an educator.

good fit.”

“I saw it as an opportunity to earn a good income, do something I enjoy and watch my daughter grow up – PORSE has ticked all those boxes for me.”

Check out our video: www.porse.co.nz/ day-in-the-life

PORSE General Manager, Kerry Henderson, says it takes a special type of person to become an educator. The role requires someone who is passionate about growing little minds at home. Good communication is key, as is the ability to develop trusting relationships with both children and adults. If that sounds like you, contact PORSE for find out more.


If you love children and have a passion for growing little minds at home, make it your career with PORSE.

Call us on 0800 023 456 or visit our website


Keeping active (ngohe)

With the cooler months settling in, it can be tough to encourage children to step away from the TV and ipad. However, it’s vital for kids and their parents to keep active all year round says Vaughan Wilson of Snap Fitness. I recently read an article published

The research found a staggering

Post-natal exercise might start as

from research for the Centers for

64% of parents (who took part) said

a walk around the block with the

Disease Control and Prevention,

busy schedules stood in the way of

push chair, two to three weeks after

saying regular physical activity

more active play for their children,

giving birth, and progress to squats

helps our children maintain healthy

up from 56% in 2015.

with baby and planks at four to six

bones and muscles, promotes

It’s particularity important for new

psychological well-being and reduces depression and anxiety. Something we also know to be true for adults. Unfortunately, we are seeing physical activity becoming less of a priority in children’s daily routines, as well as their parents.


mother’s to get up and moving too, a process which can include baby. The level of exercise will be determined on a case-by-case basis, but even 30 minutes of low intensity activity will provide much needed ‘me’ time for mum and can help with post-natal depression.

weeks, which can be done indoors or outdoors depending on the weather. Consciously engaging stomach muscles when lifting and twisting helps strengthen the area. There are plenty of options to get children moving too, even as cooler weather sets in. Families can beat the movie-watching blues and increase their activities together.

during the cooler months Six ideas to get the kids off the couch! 1

Indoor adventure

Send kids on a fun and active scavenger hunt,

searching for items to collect and activities to complete. Work as a family or in teams to create a competition and see who can finish first.


Jump start Too cold outside? Head to an indoor trampoline facility where they can bounce and burn energy. Not only is this a great cardio workout, it will also help to strengthen leg muscles and improve co-ordination. Alternatively you can lay out some mattresses and cushions inside and have a jumping session in the lounge.


Pace it out Plan a nature walk to find inspiration and materials for art projects. Rug up and encourage children to collect pinecones, acorns and leaves, or take pictures as you go. Be on the lookout for wildlife to observe and learn about along the way. This is a fantastic way to improve overall fitness.


Group fitness Longer stretches of active play are easier with friends or siblings. Try something new - swimming, dancing, gymnastics or a kids yoga class. This allows kids to exercise, socialise and learn new skills.


Have fun with wheels Try skating, scooting or biking to help balance and co-ordination while stabilising joints such as knees, ankles and hips. Make sure you all wear the correct safety gear!



Sign the whole family up to volunteer at a local soup kitchen,

participate in fundraising ventures, or a favourite in our household - help out at the local SPCA.

Let’s PORSE is giving away three clean kids packs from ecostore valued at $26.97 each. Enter at: www.porse.co.nz/competitions



Au pairs supporting

rural families (whanau)

Au pairs are jumping gumboots-first into Kiwi culture, providing childcare for dairy farmers near Hawera. The small Taranaki community is now home for several German au pairs who live just kilometres apart. They have become saviours for dairy farmers like

“It’s also really flexible. We come home and see

Rachel and Murray Perks, who no longer have to

the children during the day, which is something we

juggle young children with early starts in the milking

wouldn’t get with other childcare options.”


a hectic calving season, and quickly slotted into life in

children at home and don’t have to take them with us,”

the busy, rural household.

says Mrs Perks.

“She is part of our family and has formed a close

The arrival of their German au pair, Veronika Burger,

relationship with our children. She keeps them

has made life a whole lot easier.

entertained and ensures they are learning all the time.”

“The best thing for me is that it doesn’t knock the

The Perks family and dozens of other families in the

children’s routine. Instead of getting them up early,

area found their au pair through Au Pair Link.

they can stay in their own beds.


Veronika came to the family in August last year, during

“Now that we have an au pair we can keep our

“It was a really smooth process, we were able to

PORSE General Manager Kerry Henderson says the

interview different au pairs over Skype and Veronika

partnership with Au Pair Link gives families living in

really stood out. We are very happy with how it has all

isolated areas flexible childcare options.

worked out.”

“Childcare can be very challenging for rural families,

A love of children and the opportunity to travel

juggling irregular hours on the farm with raising young

enticed Veronika to sign up as an au pair.

children. By joining with Au Pair Link, PORSE can

Veronika says it’s a job that has enabled her to make new friends and explore the country, taking in tourist spots and local sights.

offer more flexible childcare solutions for rural Kiwi families.” The partnership also has benefits for au pairs, who can

“There’s a good group of about 20 of us who catch up once a week for dinner, which is a fantastic support. We also plan trips around New Zealand together.” More au pairs can now come to New Zealand due to the partnership between Au Pair Link and PORSE. The partnership means the number of licensed areas covered by Au Pair Link has increased, to include regions such as Hawke’s Bay, Whangarei, Dunedin,

take full advantage of the PORSE programme, which includes the opportunity to attend free playgroups, events and outings. They also have support through home visits, resources and professional development. Pictured left to right: Maike, Judith, Veronika, Katja, Ann-Sophie and Johanna. Below: Callum, Veronika, Rachel and Matilda.

Nelson, Blenheim, Invercargill, Gore, Queenstown and Wairarapa.

You'll find loads of information here

Freephone 0800 AU PAIR www.aupairlink.co.nz

0800 023 456 porse.co.nz

Au Pair Link Celebrating 10 years in the community This year marks Au Pair Link’s 10th anniversary making a difference in the lives of Kiwi families and their local communities. The evergrowing demand, with hundreds of families registering their interest annually, has allowed for the partnership with PORSE and allowed Au Pair Link’s current service locations to extend beyond Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Wellington, Christchurch and Otago. Au Pair Link’s humble beginnings have grown and developed over a decade to an international service delivering high quality in-home early childhood education and care and bringing over five hundred au pairs from all corners of the world to New Zealand every year. Our mission is to link au pairs with families and nurture cultural understanding, positive learning outcomes and life changing experiences. As industry leaders Au Pair Link will continue to shine by constantly providing a high quality educational support programme.



Louise with Garath Ward a.k.a 'The Great Wardini'.

The magic of books (pukapuka)

We’re in the middle of a digital revolution, the most significant shift in how things work since the industrial one. In such a climate, where our children learn to click, swipe and drag as soon as they can crawl, it’s important to give them calm, considered quiet time. How better to do this than with a book? Wardini’s bookshop owner, Louise Ward, says children

If your child is too young to read on

learn so much from the stories they read, and they

their own the best thing you can

experience so many things for the first time through

do as a parent is to read to them


often, says Louise.

Research from Scientific American states reading is a

“Reading is a shared experience - especially when

“valuable socialising influence” and suggests “children

children are read to, as they engage with the story

who have been read to from an early age learn more

through listening.”

empathy and gain a more holistic view of the world”, says Louise.

easier and cheaper to buy and store books, but Louise

“The stories children read or hear help them to develop

says nothing beats the magic of being able to turn the

stronger listening skills and encourages positive


interactions as well as making sense of the world.”

“If your child is reading on an iPad they are more

Louise says that due to the innate influence reading

likely to be distracted by a social media post and an

has on children, it is important for parents to choose

app notification, unlike reading a book where the

stories which appeal to and stimulate their child.

child is able to give their full attention without any

“It’s essential to foster strong positive relationships with your child and get to know their interests in order to be able to spot the book that’s going to fan a flame or get a child’s reading off the ground.”


Digital devices such as Kindles and iPads have made it

distractions. “It’s also harder for a child to absorb information reading from a digital screen than a book.”

Louise does not see digital

"It's harder for children to absorb information from a digital screen."

technologies such as Kindles or iPads as a threat to bookshop owners like herself and husband Gareth. “They’re not as much of a threat as they used to be. If people really like a book,

Let’s PORSE is giving away the four books below from Wardini Books, Havelock North.

they’ll buy a physical copy of it.” She says the children’s book club they hold

To enter, visit us online at: www.porse.co.nz/competitions

once a month at their Havelock North store on a Sunday proves children still like to own a physical copy of a book.

Visit Wardini Books online where you can order their

“The kids who come in to our book club absolutely

books for nationwide delivery: www.wardini.co.nz

love it – they can’t wait to get here and share the books they have been reading with other kids. “This has also helped to change the perception of reading from being a solitary exercise to a social one.”

Book reviews by Louise GOOD PARENT READ


Bathtime for Little Rabbit Jorg Muhle $14.99 Children thrive on routine – we all feel safe when we know what to expect. Most babies and young children have a bathtime routine, and Little Rabbit is no different. In this book, the cool part is that we have to help him with it! Calling him for bathtime, making sure we wash his ears properly, and eventually getting him dry (oh no! the hairdryer is broken – we’ll have to blow instead) is all good, clean interactive fun, ensuring that we have a squeaky clean little rabbit. This is the perfect partner to the adorable Tickle My Ears, in which we help the same little bunny get ready for bed, right down to stroking his ears to make him sleepy. Simply told, beautifully illustrated, these books are bound to be favourites in many a baby and young child’s home.







Sir Scallywag and the Battle for Stinky Bottom Giles Andreae and Korky Paul $17.99 Brave and bold Sir Scallywag is only six years old but is the undisputed hero of the realm. In this brightly illustrated, rollicking tale, he must venture forth to Stinky Bottom to retrieve the golden sausage, the source of King Colin’s power and longevity, stolen by a hoard of trolls. Perfectly formed rhyming couplets give this hilarious tale a rolling pace full of drama, cunning and adventure. I often recommend this series as a longer picture book for a four or five-year-old.

Bruno Catharina Valckx and Nicolas Hubesch $24.99 In this series of six interlinked stories we meet Bruno, a cat who would like to tell us about some of the more interesting days in his life so far. In the first story, Bruno is out on a stroll when he notices that things are not progressing quite as usual; a fish is swimming through the air beside him. Both Bruno and the fish observe that something strange is going on, but they don’t panic – they potter along and see what happens. This is what we learn of Bruno – he takes life as it comes, observes and rolls with it – good role modelling for our often rushed and fraught lives! Bruno has a peculiar day, a rainy day, a day when the power went out, a much less interesting day and, quite beautifully, an almost perfect day. He and his friends (Ringo the old pony is my favourite) are funny, endearing and endlessly engaging.

Creative Schools Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica $30.00 Do Schools Kill Creativity? Ken Robinsons's conclusion is that sadly, in some cases, yes they do. See his TED Talk! In this book he investigates what goes wrong for many children at school, and what can be done to stop our them falling through the cracks of our education system. There is a huge difference between learning and education. Formal education, where we are presented with knowledge that is deemed we need to know, has only been around for a couple of hundred years. The Industrial Revolution brought about a need for a certain skill set, and a mass education programme where a set of standards emerged. Sir Ken suggests we need to look at each child and find out what they are meant to do, what natural abilities they have that can be nurtured in order for them to remain engaged, valued members of society. This book is a fascinating read for any parent who would like a greater understanding of these topics.

Get creative

Matariki Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades. It rises in mid-winter (late May or early June). For many Māori, it heralds the start of a new year.


Matariki means the 'eyes of god' (mata ariki) or 'little eyes' (mata riki).

What you'll need to make your own Matariki stars: A4 card Paint, brushes or sponges Craft string, scissors and tape Let’s PORSE is giving away five sets of a winter bodysuit and matching beanie valued at $40 each *Colour and size chosen by Pureborn Organic

Visit us and enter online at: www.porse.co.nz/competitions


Get your children to paint seven pieces of card. You can use several different painting techniques e.g. sponges, finger painting or brushes - allow to dry. Cut large star shapes out of the card. Spread the stars out along the craft string to the desired length and secure with tape. Hang with a string of fairy lights to add that extra sparkle.

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Want to earn a living while at home raising your own child? With PORSE you can work from home, be independent, have flexibilty and start your early childhood career. Call us today to find out more.

0800 023 456 porse.co.nz

WE NEED EDUCATORS! We have families waiting for caring, dedicated educators in your area. If growing little minds at home is your passion, contact us!

Planning your childcare starts here

In-Home Educators

Nanny or Nanny Share Options

Au Pairs

If you’re considering your childcare options, register with us now to ensure your child gets the best start in life. With a maximum of four children with one dedicated educator, your little one will get high levels of personal attention, knowledge and interaction, and less exposure to illness. Learn more about how easy it is to become an educator on page 24 of this issue of Let's PORSE!

0800 023 456 porse.co.nz

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