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Key terms
C period
C program
P period
P program
preschool children CTS definition
A period nominated by, or on behalf of, a licensee under CTS 9 during which the licensee will broadcast C programs.
A program that meets the criteria of suitability for children in CTS 6 and has been classified by the ACMA, or a person or body appointed by the ACMA for that purpose, as a C program suitable for children (other than preschool children).
People younger than 14 years of age.
The holder of a commercial television broadcasting licence allocated or renewed in accordance with the Broadcasting Services Act 1992.
A period nominated by, or on behalf of, a licensee under CTS 9 during which the licensee will broadcast P programs.
Aprogram that meets the criteria of suitability for children in CTS 6, and has been classified by the ACMA, or a person or body appointed by the ACMA for that purpose, as a P program suitable for preschool children.
Children who have not yet started school.