Reclaim Prague Preliminary Study (Part 1)

Page 1





The project brief formulates a design task with a vision to provide high quality, affordable, and desirable housing in Prague through collective living. As presented in the research, the Prague housing crisis is rooted in globalised economics which commodified houses into assets rather than homes. From their remote ivory towers, enterprises without a stake in Prague’s living environment have disaffected the citizens of the city, all in the name of protecting profits. This has led Prague to actively address these issues by streamlining building laws and urgently pushing for new housing projects for the city's growing population. However, the source of the problem seems to remain ignored.

As affordable housing becomes increasingly privatised, Prague must make large investments in the renewal of the municipal stock and cooperate with social initiatives in order to launch effective housing policy. The municipal administration has such ambitions. However, the difficulties are the passivity of Prague citizens and the structurally hierarchical nature of Czech housing cooperatives. Cooperatives organized in this strict way find it difficult to create participatory communities. However, without such a rigid structure, there is great difficulty in securing financing from banks. To find a solution to this, the priority is not to design a specific development project but to create systematic structures to allow such projects to become commonplace.

By 2030, Prague expects 90 000 - 160 000 new residents. The city announced a plan to build 10 000 new flats by 2028 in cooperation with private development and housing cooperatives. Meanwhile, the city owns about 60 empty buildings (Empty Houses, 2020) that could be repurposed for a mixed-use program, including housing. If every empty building brings 5- 15 flats after refurbishment, it covers 1% of the future incomers. Is it possible to use empty municipal buildings in order to stimulate civic activity and promote the emergence of high quality, affordable collective housing?

73 10


every building is an independent unit in the network

network decission making via online platform apartment swap is possible

undeveloped plots or nearby flats are could be a future potential

affordable collective housing

building is part of the network


city provides an empty building for rent

people organize money

refurbishment of municipal empty building

refurbished building

property raising in value paying rents

wealth pool

share in the wealth pool

formed collective social investors / new tenants

investment paying up

wealth pool filling up



Reclaim Prague aims to convert empty municipal buildings into affordable collective housing via a partnership with the Prague municipality. Working with the city administration, the project identifies vacant municipal buildings that can be transformed into affordable housing. Reclaim Prague helps form a new collective which raises the finance needed for refurbishment of that building. The building remains under the ownership of the municipality but is leased to the collective with subsidies. As a city asset it can be turned into affordable housing without incurring construction or operational costs and in turn, the collective must only raise enough money for refurbishment instead of an entirely new building.

Reclaim Prague finances the project through an alternative financing model known as a Vermögenspool or wealth pool. This involves the collective's members investing an initial deposit and a portion of their rental payments into the wealth pool. Other non-residents such as commercial occupants also contribute to the pool, as well as social investors who may deposit money as an appreciating investment. A portion of the wealth pool, 10% remains liquid as a cash reserve and goes toward building maintenance and operation of the collective. The network of people ensures a balanced inflow and outflow. New contributions to the pool flow from the users as well as from new deposits, so previous investors can withdraw their portion.

The Reclaim Prague model allows the city’s property to retain its land value whilst providing affordable housing without large investment. The collective, including its commercial renters, gain affordable housing and commercial space protected from market pressures and the social investors are able to place their money in a socially responsible initiative.

The long-term vision of Reclaim Prague is to assemble a larger number of refurbished vacant buildings into a network of semi-autonomous units. This network benefits from an increasingly larger wealth pool which can be used to invest back to the network, in turn offering more affordable housing. The network would also allow members to find appropriate housing as their living circumstances change by facilitating transfer between empty flats in the network to meet their needs. Furthermore, tenants are given a stringy voice over their livelihoods via an online platform for decision making within their collective. In future, Reclaim Prague has the potential to further grow the network by developing empty city plots, incorporating standalone vacant flats, or in partnership with private property owners.

The following pages explain the business model of Reclaim Prague.

Fig. 72 Reclaim Prague Diagram (author's drawing) (left)


Prague municipality

- provide house resource

- perform some marketing

Czech Academy of Sciences

- promote awareness

- research for further development of collective model


Property management

- building maintanance

- contract management

Regular tenants meeting - decission & review

Regular social events



Affordable living

Return of initial investment

Democratic community

Better security from eviction

Community atmosphere

Cheap rental space


Financial consulting fees

Labour costs

Design & build costs

Energy costs


IT support for digital community platform


Human resources


- buildings

- maintanence


- asset pool

community building

eviction atmosphere


Personal assistance

Community with online & offline platform




People needing affordable housing in Prague

- existing collectives

- new individuals who want to be in a collective

Social investors



E-mail - direct targeted

Open-house event

Social media

Word of mouth

Partner channels (municipality)


Deposit capital (tenants & social investors)

Commercial rent

Housing rent

PROPOSITION investment

Workplan / Approach

The following table outlines the planned work packages 1-6 for realisation of the flagship project of Reclaim Prague


1. Reclaim Prague manual Sep 2020 February 2021

1. Internal manual

2. External manual

- System description

- Scale of potential

- Stakeholders - what's in it for me

2. Establishing partnerships July 2020 July 2021

1. Prague Municipality

2. Czech Academy of Sciences

- Establish communication with the municipality

- Agree on the use of a specific building

- Agree on guest lectures and discussions during events with the Academy of Sciences

3. Establishing the network Feb 2021 Dec 2020

1. Marketing the Reclaim Prague intention

2. Recruiting members to the collective

3. Attract potential social investors

- building a webpage and social media channels

- organizing events in the building

- contacting existing collectives

4. Financial and legal consulting Sep 2020 Jan 2022

1. Build the legal structure of Reclaim Prague

2. Building the legal structure of the collective

3. Building the legal structure of the wealth pool

5. Reclaim Prague optimisation

July 2021 Dec 2021

6. Establishing flagship project Jan 2022 ?

1. Confront the design proposal with Partners' requirements

2. Confront the design proposal with the real wealth pool situation

1. Establishing contracts

2. Running the construction


ZASTAVITELNOST: zastavitelná stavební / O



charakter zastavitelné stavební, Žižkov se strukturou blokovou. lokalita s blokovou strukturou. Cílem zachování prostorového uspořádání, rozvíjení je zejména kompoziční osa Seifertova s lokalitě je navrženo doplnění pěší a prostupnosti na rozhraní s lokalitou Nové doplnění technické infrastruktury.


TYP STRUKTURY: bloková [ S ]

STABILITA: stabilizovaná

021 / Žižkov

Z(02) O [S]

Z 05 Z 06 Z 07 Z 08 Z 09 Z 10 Z 11 Z 12 Z 13 N 14 N 15 N 16 N 17 N 18 N 19 N 20
021 / Žižkov Z
plán) | Návrh k projednání dle § 50 stavebního zákona | 021 / Žižkov 4. 4. 2018
Fig. 75 Disctrict Žižkov (Metropolitan Plan, 2020) Fig. 73 Abandoned Spa ( Fig. 74 Abandoned primary school and neighboring small object (


As previously described, Prague is divided into districts. Each district represents a scale upon which we can consider socio-urban bonds to a territory. Their size allows for walkable distances and a certain bundle of public programs have the potential to become local microcenters. Each district has a number of empty buildings of different types, qualities, and spatial potentials. A proposed mix of uses will be designed for each building’s refurbishment following a logic of maximum housing while incorporating communal space for both the collective and publicly beneficial uses. The spaces appropriate for commercial uses also aim to service the needs of the community and supplement the wealth pool.

As a test case was chosen the district of Žižkov with its twelve recognized empty buildings, from which three are owned by the city, and around ten more buildings standing on city-owned land. The empty primary school has a strategic position and appropriate size to become a micro-center for Žižkov, while the municipal spa has a potential to be rather supplementary and primarily for housing. The neighboring object to the primary school does not have a big potential for refurbishment, but in the future could have the roof elevated and be combined with the school.

Following pages show the scale of opportunity on selected buildings with estimated parameters after their refurbishment. Final selection for the design semester is depending on communication with the city of Prague about the real opportunities.


The scale of opportunity is an asumption, based on estimated qualities of each empty building after its refurbishment. It consists of the maximal scale of intervention possible, estimated number of residents, estimated costs of the refurbishmnet, and estimated possible mix of uses

low number of inhabitants, ineficcient space for public uses, or inapropriatly high costs

apropriate number of inhabitants, eficcient space for mix of uses, limited space for intervention or higher costs

apropriate number of inhabitants, eficcient space for mix of uses, apropriate costs

Fig. 77-86 Scale of opportunity analysis

(author's drawings +

(right and the following double page)

Interior intervention any extention of the existing shell is not possible, only interior changes


interior changes and small volumetric or fasade interventions possible

Estimation of costs

costs are likely to be covered by the collective itself

costs are likely to require social investors

Facade Extension interior changes and larger horizontal volumetric extensions possible

Roof Extension interior changes and larger horizontal and vertical volumetric extentions possible

costs are very dependent on social investors

Estimation collective size

collective is a rather tight community (1-20 people)

collective is a rather diverse community (20 - 60 people)

collective is a large community (60+ people)

€ € € € € €
Fig. 76 Scale of opportunity (author's drawings)
83 housing 65% work / commercial / free time 35% 20-35 60-100 30-50 opportunity opportunity opportunity demands demands demands housing 65% work / commercial / free time 35% housing 45% work / commercial / free time 55% min 65% private max 35 % public min 45% private max 55 % public min 65% private max 35 % public €€ € € € € €
70-110 25-40 60-100 opportunity opportunity opportunity demands demands demands € € € €€ € € € €€ € € housing 65% work / commercial / free time 35% housing 65% work / commercial / free time 35% min 65% private max 35 % public min 65% private max 35 % public housing 45% work / commercial / free time 55% min 45% private max 55 % public
85 10-25 20-60 10-15 opportunity opportunity opportunity demands demands demands € € € €€ € € € € housing 85% work / commercial / free time15% min 85% private max 15 % public min 25% private max 75% public housing 50% work / commercial / free time 50% min 50% private max 50 % public housing 25% work / commercial / free time 75%


building the site model

Urban scale proposal - district study, identification of local centers, identification of the future potential (other empty buildings)

Confirmation of the chosen scale and building(s) for the design task


Completion of collecting necessary data, such as plans and regulations

Volumetric studies of selected building(s)precission of the building program deeper

recording the process

indesign layout

Reclaim Prague manual

phasing the realization process design for separate phases

estimating the scale of potential according to the community size, the scale of refurbishment, the mix use possibilities and approximate costs


supporting research on building regulations


designing the community structure and functioning

designing the business model revission of the business

supporting research on legal environment

deeper research into upcycling and refurbishment techniques


finishing the site model

preparing the 1:50 model

deeper design elaboration business model techniques


finishing drawings



A design for refurbishment of one - three empty buildings

- drawings site (1:500)

- drawing building (1:100, 1:20)

- site model 1:500

- building model 1:50

finalizing the book



Thesis book

Printing and binding

Reclaim Prague manual incl. project bussines plan, costs estimations, project phasing, comunity structure design



My Preliminary Study has taught me two essential lessons.

The first is a deeper insight into the topic of housing, which has long been my main interest, but so far it has been mainly contemplation of floor plans. In-depth research has taught me about the global socio-economic issues of housing, or how housing is produced and what makes the standard. This insight was made possible mainly by the division of the diploma project into two semesters.

The second lesson is to look at the diploma project as a project to be realized, which was repeatedly brought by Clarissa and Peter. Thanks to that, I made a short visit into the entrepreneur world, which is completely foreign to me. Simultaneously, this approach influenced the form of the assignment, in which I set myself into a position that requires architectural education but does not necessarily require design (although design is of course part of the assignment). This is the position I set as a target at the beginning, without having any idea what exactly it looks like.



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Fig. 01 Comparison of research methods (author’s drawing)

Fig. 02 Productivity and average real earnings (BLS in Cígr et al., 2018 p.21)

Fig. 03 Return on real estate investment compared to equity investments ( in Cígr et al., 2018 p.20)

Fig. 04 Development of the number of municipal flats in Prague (Neměc, 2019, a, p. 12)

Fig. 05 Number of finished municipal apartments in Prague (Neměc, 2019, a, p. 16)

Fig. 06 Apartments according to type of occupancy (Neměc, 2019, a, p. 13)

Fig. 07 Number of Inhabitants Per Municipal Flat (Neměc, 2019, a, p. 19)

Fig. 08 Average age of inhabited housing stock and share of occupied dwellings by period of house construction 2011 (Neměc, 2017, p. 10)

Fig. 09 Housing stock by type of ownership 2011(Neměc, 2017, p. 12)

Fig. 10 Occupied housing stock by type of house 2011 (Neměc, 2017, p. 14)

Fig. 11 Share of rental apartments in the total number of occupied apartments 2011(Neměc, 2017, p. 16)

Fig. 12 Number of average gross salaries needed to buy average apartment of 68 m2 in Prague and Czechia (Neměc, 2017, p. 37)

Fig. 13 Share of housing costs from net cash income of Prague households by type of ocupancy 2006 to 2014 (Neměc, 2017, p. 40)

Fig. 14 The difference between social housing and affordable housing (author’s drawing)

Fig. 15 Housing models according to the developer - owner - resident setting (authors drawing)

Fig. 16 Standard and alternative housing models expressing the missing middle (authors drawing)

Fig. 17 Types of housing stocks (authors drawing)

Fig. 18 Municipal housing financing (authors drawing)

Fig. 19 Mietshäuser Syndikat financing (authors drawing)

Fig. 20 Multisource funding (authors drawing)

Fig. 21 Profitable community (authors drawing)

Fig. 22 The Seat of the Czech Women’s Club (in Guzik, 2014, p. 29)

Fig. 23 Coll-house Zlín (in Ševčík, Beneš, 2009, p. 91-92)

Fig. 24 Coll-house Litvínov plan, apartments (in Ševčík, Beneš, 2009, p. 91-92)

Fig. 25 Minimal units for coll-house Olomouc, 1959 (in Guzik, 2014, p. 109)

Fig. 26 The Labyrinth project by students from Strahov Dormitory (Slamják, 2015)

Fig. 27 Squat Klinika, situation plan (ASC Klinika, Nakládal, 2016)

Fig. 28 Self-Made City (authors drawing)

Fig. 29 Cooperative City (authors drawing)

Fig. 30 Andel 2.0 (authors drawing)

Fig. 31 Urban Village (authors drawing)

Fig. 32 Soft City (Sim, 2019, p.5)

Fig. 33 Average Living space per person in Prague (Neměc, 2017, p. 19)

Fig. 34 District - Neighborhood - Micro-center by Neustart Schweiz (Neustart Schweiz, 2016, p. 8, 15, 31)

Fig. 35 right Metropolitan priorities (Koucký, 2018)

Fig. 36 Prague according to types of uses (Koucký, 2018)

Fig. 37 Locality (Kouceký, 2018)

Fig. 38 average Prague city palace (author’s drawing based on the research of Yvette Vašourková (Vašourková. 2017))

Fig. 39 average Prague city palce use (author’s drawing based on the research of Yvette Vašourková (Vašourková. 2017))

Fig. 40 Prague city palace during the day (author’s translation of the diagram of Yvette Vašourková (Vašourková. 2017))

Fig. 41 Sustainability of the city palace model (author’s translation of the diagram of Yvette Vašourková (Vašourková. 2017))

Fig. 42 Soft City Principals (Sin. 2019, p.7)

Fig. 43 Neighborhoods comparison (author's drawing)

Fig. 44 Mehr als Wohnen (Duplex Architekten, n.d.)

Fig. 45 Zwicky Süd (Schneider Studer Primas, n.d.)

Fig. 46-57 Comparison of mix use projects (various sources)

Fig. 58 Comparison of mix use projects (author’s drawing)

Fig. 59 Realizing Target Groups (EFFEKT, 2018)

Fig. 60 Cluster Apartment Squat Klinika (ASC Klinika, Nakládal, 2016)

Fig. 61 Cluster Apartment Kalkbreite (Mueller Sigrist, n.d.)

Fig. 62 Cluster Apartment Zwicky (Schneider Studer Primas, n.d.)

Fig. 63 Cluster Apartment Hunziker (Duplex Architekten, n.d.)

Fig. 64 Hall Apartment (Enzmann Fischer and partners, n.d.)

Fig. 65 Uses Combinable with Housing (00 et al.)

Fig. 66-71 Comparison of Separating Uses in Mix-Use Projects (author's drawing, various sources)

Fig. 72 Diagram of the Reclaim Prague (author's drawing)

Fig. 73 Abandoned Spa (

Fig. 74 Abandoned primary school and neighboring small object (

Fig. 75 Disctrict Žižkov (Metropolitan Plan, 2020)

Fig. 76 Scale of opportunity (author's drawings)

Fig. 77-86 Scale of opportunity analysis (author's drawings +


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