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Minutes of meeting of SHA CC in Liverpool 24 September 2011. Meeting opened at 14.00. Present: Mike Roberts Martin Rathfelder Huw Davies Richard Grimes Lewis Atkinson Richard Bourne Doug Naysmith Simon Wright Adrian Heald Noemi Fabry Mike Young Ann Griffin Harry Clarke Judith Varley Arun Chopra S Rahman Alex Scott-Samuel Apologies: Brian Fisher Jane Roberts Melanie Johnson Tina Funnell Mike Roberts took the chair. Minutes: Accepted Matters arising: None not arising elsewhere on agenda. Discussion of political situation: MR opened discussion looking at state of NHS as well as the bill. Also covered contacts with and direction of Labour Party. Labour focussed on bill. MR proposing to set up seminars with small groups from LP. Meeting in November with Paul Corrigan. MR took the view that now is not the time to focus on policy. MRo commented that he was involved in some policy development work with Labour in local govt.. Points raised: Public campaigning. MR was doubtful of our capacity. Perhaps focus on impact of benefits cuts. Need to focus on major policy areas eg elderly care / hospital care. Election in three and a half years. Influence agenda for future. Comment that discussion needs to focus on the campaign against the bill and the opportunity to change the bill now. Future will be determined by the bill and landscape will change. MR - can do both and both are essential. One member felt the LP had not been effective in getting over what the govt cuts and bill will mean. Perhaps we need to focus on getting the public to understand what will happen. MR brought discussion back to campaign over next six months. What are the best tactics? Comment: Perhaps focus on areas which are already privatised.

MRo - health team needs to be higher profile. MR: Do we have stories about individuals? How can we influence those about to be elected as councillors? Some argued that the bill will not be defeated. Could possibly be delayed? Campaign must go on. Financial situation heading for crisis point in late autumn. Need to focus on costs of bill and set this against problems caused by expenditure cuts. Need to identify rationing. ASS - market will fail and health insurance and co payments will emerge. View that professional bodies may become more oppositional as thet realise what will happen. Maybe should not dismiss constitutional crisis as desired outcome. Work on amendments in Lords is important as could improve a bad lot. Focus on what is really happening on the ground. Need to explain why structures are important. Clinicians need the supporting structure. MR outlined tactics during conference. Need to recruit people to the cause. Need to identify real issues. Hospital closures - should we get involved? Do we need to be clearer about what our alternative vision is for the funding and organisation of the health services? MR brought up use of Alex Grace to assist on raising profile of SHA and assist with campaigning. Agreed in principle. Officers to investigate and take decision and report to members. Agreed to meet in Wales in November or December Next CC in London in January

Draft minutes taken by Huw Davies - Secretary

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