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The subject of the study concerns an edifice of Centre of creative activities with housing function in Wroclaw two storeys above the ground located inside of an inner city quater in Wroclaw. The aim of the project is to find an answer for the question, how Master Thesis should a space be organised, if it is not a homogeneous area without internal partitions, neither is tutor: Ph.D. arch. Roman Rutkowski characterised by a traditional, hierarchical division. year: 2016 location: Wrocław Based on an analysis concerning the evolution of first prize as “Dyplom Roku”, SARP Wrocław (Master Thesis of the functional arrangement of art galleries, in the study there is a consideration led on configurathe Year, Polish Architects Association Wrocław) tions of interior elements of the buildings and their impact on various aspects of life happening inside. What kind of urbanism one interior presents, determines the type of behaviour and perception of the surroundings. It affects social relations and becomes a pattern being mapped on various areas of life.


Based on literary texts regarding the treatment of space, there is an idea presented, that the flexibility of space, understanding it as a sequence of occurrences and the creation of potencial for creative interpretation, seem to be an appropriate modern way to create complex architectural experience. Special attention is paid to the japanese architecture coming from the shintoist and buddist tradition. Respect for nature, flexibility resulting from modularity or perceiving void as a materiality constitute the strengh of this architecture and are basis for creating interrelated spaces. The result of the theoretical considerations on the relations of adjacent places and on the division is a design of a building consisting of three main parts. The ground level is destined for public area where intermingle with each other functions associated with creative works and self-development, as well as a catering service. The first floor is designed as a private area for housing. The premise of the project is the possibility of the relations between those spheres. The underground part of the building is designed for a two-level parking and technical facilities.

design planks

isolating space


composition lines

visibility from the streets

entrance to the underground parking

delivery strategy

fire road

former Kletkestrasse in the field

and inside

as a splint filled with lichen

external communication and access ring

internal communication and buffer ring

transparency axis

ground floor - public space

first level - private space

underground parking

basic communication path

access from outside and patios

intimate internal alcoves

public space - glass partition

private space - brick partition

scale - keeping spaciality of the plot

present greenery - patio

present greenery - green roof

present greenery - pot flowers

outise-inside relation

insisde-inside relation

upstairs-downstairs relation

flat-flat/terrace relation

illuminating patios

roller blinds - sunlight protection

vegetables garden kept by workshopers

used in the new bar


forming level +1

nonhierarchical form


site plan


ground floor


first floor






different uses

basic functions - full closing

art exposition- regulated openings

chess competition - partial closing

literature festival - dominating opening

concert, extended study space - reg. o.

the level of accessibility of spaces

visual depth from central points of randomly chosen spaces

space relations

basic functions - full opening




CIRCULUX International Velux Award 2012 entry year: 2012 location: free team: Agata Kowalczyk, Maria Wawer

Created space should take advantage of sunlight properties. The aim is to create space in which the light not only ensures visibility, but also is the most important element of the building. The purpose is to form a people-friendly zone that will be conducive to integration and universal as regards its potential location and function. The design is a roofing made of stretched, waterproof polyester material in which numerous openings in different sizes and in different distances from each other are cut. They inspire people to interpret the space personally as the sunlight and shade are the only elements that indicate different zones in it. There are no walls, no furniture or supporting construction elements. People can decide how they want to interact with the light as both light and people become mutually influencing spheres. Rain becomes an additional element that enriches attractiveness of the space. While raining a new spatial composition built by fine water pillars is generated which entirely changes the territory under the canopy.

The roofing is universal as far it’s location is concerned, here are four possible locations shown, in which all the properties of the design stay the same.






DISCOVER THE SOUND Forest Temporary Installation year: 2010 location: free

The aim of the installation is to encourage people to discover the sounds and its properties. Music, the world of sounds with it’s wideness seeming boundless and it’s wide-ranging influence on the human body is a sphere inspiring for discoveries. It was set as a base of this project encouraging pople passing among the trees in a forest or park area to look for the source of a picked up from the air sound and to continue the search by discovering even all of them, hidden on different hights inside the trunks. People are invited to a game in which they can find a sound matching their personality. The variety of the sounds evoke different emotions which become another part of the discovery.



Centre of creative activities with housing function in Wroclaw Bachelor Final Project tutor: Ph.D. arch. Marek Lamber year: 2013 location: Wrocław

A characteristic element of inner city buildings in Wrocław are the backyards, common areas of many inhabitants separated from the street by the building walls. Unfortunately most of them are forgotten and unused. The one I’ve chosen to organise in a fresh way is a big space with many changes along it’s history. The main purpose is to give this abandoned area an attractive function and look, so that it’s not only a tempting space to spend free time in, but also an interesting composition seen by looking through the windows or through the leading gates. To obtain this effect there is a strickt module composition offered whoch organises all of the elements appearing in the area. It’s very important to plan much greenery as well as relaxing space and work to raise the community feeling among the inhabitants. This is why the project is plannes more as a process of changes in which inhabitants take the active part, they become the part of appearing changes.

IDEA ELEMENTS AND COMPOSITION negation of car prority to the benefit od greenery and cyclism

cultural function as an atractor also for the extern people

MODULES: standardization of designed elements as a base for development of the project ecological solutions rainwater use

COMPOSITION LINES: logic and consistency of the composition comprehensibility of the arrangement

complicity of local inhabitants in the process of changes


_composition lines design within the scope of competition organised by the architect

_enter areas organisation _cooparation by taking care of the plants

_paintigs on walls of abandoned buildings and inside the leading gates within the scope of workshops organised by Creativity Salon workers


_proceeding of common planting on biologically active ground and inside of the green piles

_construction of benches, rainwater caintainers, flowerpots, green walls, small dust bins, playground

_small volumes appearing in the functional plan of the project construction HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS >

_lighting _needed technical and transport infrastructure and at the same time division between hardened ground and biologicaly active land


_project of a new building in the centre plot as described in the project; parking for min.150cars, maximum height 15m _establishment of an economic activity in chosen existing destinations on the area with the possibility of change of function resulting from the project


_backyard arrangement design _proceedeing of an open competition among local inhabitants for a artistic design of chosen composition lines DESIGNER >

Strategy and execution process 25

site plan


axonometric view of the pavilions structure


PARK FORUM Proposal for development of the central part of Centenial Park year: 2015 location: Wrocław

The aim of the project was to create a central zone - forum - of the park being extended that is taken into accoWunt as part of the development of the city in urban strategies related to big coming events: European Capital of Culture 2016 and World Games 2017. The instinctive attitude in regard of the used technique was to design it in the most natural way, using ecologically friendly materials and in both ways, spacially and materially, to adapt the project to the existing green surroundings. The heart zone of the park was planned as a complex of small round pavilions made mainly out of clay and wood, destined to different functions each. They are loosely scattered along the main communication lines – pedestrian and cyclist ones, that are planned seperately to avoid intrusions. Formal objective was to create an exciting space inspired by the impressions one has, beeing in between the trees. From this idea came the structure of all of the pavilions supported by thin pillars.



GUIDELINES > functional heart oft he park > atractivity both in the summer and winter > accessibility for syclicsts and separation of pedestrain and bicycle traffic > increased self-sufficiency with elements of permaculture > reconstruction of the old river bed with its rich flora > plant diversity > reduction of raw-material-transport > multifunccionality > natural materials: wood, clay, straw, stones > low- and high-tech detail of the external clay wall


north-west view

function-site plan 30


DOUBLE SKY International Velux Award 2014 entry year: 2012 location: Saragossa

The aim of the project is by using sunlight to assure a new, healthier image of one of the forgotten streets in Saragossa, Spain, and in this way give the inspiration for revival of spaces with simmilar problems. The direct inspiration for the spacial solution is a glittering diamond necklace. To its decorative character there is a mission granted. It is to lighten up and enliven the street, at the same time changing it to a tempting place to visit, not only for the inhabitants of existing houses. In between the building faรงades there appear steal wires parallel to each other tightly stretched and fixed to the exterior walls. On the ropes there hang two types of glass crystals, shining and dispersive ones, without any rigid order in their positioning. The instalation introduces on one hand a new order by emphasizing one direction between the facades, on the other hand adapts itself to natural disorder on the street by leaving some randomness in creating the final arrangement.


lack of light

long persistent luminescence. LPL phosphors after exposure to sun can emit energy in the guise of light even 20 hours long.

lack of colour




light dispersion.Light while passing a prisme splits apart into different colour rays, providing an aesthetic spectacle.

VERTI-GO! Łódzkie ściany [Łódź walls] competition entry The city Łódź in XIX century together with a very dynamic industrial prosperity was generating great urban plans for the growing society. The development decreased, however, due to European instability, leaving a strong trace in the architectonical tissue of the city. Not executed plans of residential buildings left numerous empty gaps between the buildings in continuous frontages along the streets. As a consequence there appeared many gable walls, becoming an inherent element of public space of Łódź. The objective of the project is to find a new interpretation for one of the blind walls, at the corner of Kościuszko and Rubinstein Avenues. The space in front of the façade was divided in two parallel lines. Within the whole metal structure deriving from the industrial character of the city, one of the lines contains stairs, balconies and recreational niches, whereas the other one is destined for horizontal communication and viewing space. The main goal is to invite people form the park downstairs to enter the structure and experience the urban garden in the vertical orientation. The inhabitants gain a prolongation of their flats in form of balconies, from which they can freely enter the structure. In this way the public and private spheres dovetail together, creating a new social quality. On the ground floor there have been shop expositions created to add an additional attractor for the users. Along the whole white painted structure there are shade-willing plants in big flower pots set up, gradually appearing on each floor to reach its culmination at the top terrace offering exceptional views of the city.

year: 2016 location: Łódź team: Marta Wolak, Paulina Sakwa


communication passage and activity line: with stairs, balconies and recreation space

intersection of private space of the balconies and public passages and recreation space

gradual grwoth of the intencisty of greenery - an inviting green path leading to the top

inversion of the function - vertical urban garden

steel gitter and steel stairs deriver from the industrial character of the prosperity of the city

divisions on the new facade continues the rythym of the frontal elevation of the building

form and function


grid of mullions and transoms

ceilings and openings

stairs and lift

first floor plan

front elevation


balconies and shop expositions


LA TORRE DEL CANAL Living vertical, youngsters apartments year: 2014 location: Saragossa

This project is one of the answers to the question how to inhabit a vertical space in a healthy way, not repeating the spacial, functional and social problems of a typical block of flats. The main idea marking the design is the verticality. Construction of the building appears by lenghtening in one direction some points - principal structural element of an imagined wood, the first inspiration for the project. In this way there comes to being a tall construction that is always visible and exposed, it ensures the order of the concept and not only visual, but also physical presence of the verticality. It is present in vertical concrete surfaces on the whole longitud of the building. The living cells come into being by closing some space between the walls of the structure. Thanks to the glass facades, the flat cells seem to be very lightely hung in the air limited by the load-bearing construction. The flats vary in the shape, so the ones that are above the others use their ceilings as a terrace. There are 1, 2, 3, 4 people flats. The contact between the building and the ground is left as an open space, that it’s possible to pass through or look for a shelter against wind, sun or rain. In the first cell closed at the altitude of 6 m there is a coffee bar. Apart from that in the middle of the altitude of the tower there is a common space located destined for meetings and integration, similarly to common terraces or a learning room equipped with individual desks.

ground floor



fragment of ground floor 44

fragment of section

section a-a

south elevation

east elevation 45

detail of the coping

detail of window-wall joint


detailed section 47

SENSES TRAVEL Iinterdisciplinary Student Workshop project within the scope of festival DoFA 2013 year: 2013 location: Wrocław team: team work

The work on the project was based on cooperation between students of different courses, making possible the enrichment of the meritoric work by different points of view on the topic by sociologists, architecture designers, landscape designers and artists. The workshop was based on the idea of finding resolution to the problems of the space along the railway inside the city centre of Wrocław. The architecture of the train flyover permits a use of the arcades on the street level and it is used by different types of public functions indeed. However, the lack of any binding idea for the space and coherence between the clubs, as well as an overwhelming presence of cars interrupt pleasant use of this interesting place. The goal of our conceptual project was to, by maintaning the own character of the alternative railway embankment and not strong intervention, find a delicate formal expression for a cohesion of the long piece of the city. The key we found was the colour. This tool allows to find a new common expression language for existing bars, cafes and shops, enabling at the same time maintance of the variety which had turned out to be very important for the users, as well us the underground character of the space. Applied colours affect vision of people, but also other senses, making possible a fullfilling experience.

travel as the basepoint of all considerations

Model foto showing the most attractive places seen from the train, areas with potential to change into sources of the common language for the whole area of the railway embankment

The idea is by our intervention extend the effect of the places with potential for the longitud of being worked out street; the travel by train wins a catchy sight and the life on the ground floor wins a coherent, attractive space

reordering strategy chaos



appplication of the tool - the colour - for visual and sensual


SUPERPOSADZKA [SUPERFLOOR] 1st prize in urbanistic and architectural competition for the elaboration of the concept of revitalization of the Market Square together with the adjacent pedestrian streets in Rawicz, Poland - being realised office: Roman Rutkowski Architekci phase: definitive design year: 2016/2017 location: Rawicz range of works: inventory checking, research, definitive drawings development, furniture design, 3d model sketching

The project of revitalisation of the Main Square in Rawicz is simple and flexible, so that it fits perfectly the changing uses of the central point in town and thanks to its humbleness draws the attention towards the architecture around. The main element of the project is the superfloor with embedded regular grid of points dealing as variety of utensils. Back in the XVIII century Rawicz was the leading city in the region in weaver’s trade. This is why the pattern of the sett covering the floor is a symbolic mapping of a fabric on a loom. The direction of placing the stones is crucial for obtaining the desired fabric effect. The points within the pattern deal as lighting, as fixing point for all the furniture or electricity supplies. They are also the fixing points for movable plant pots, that mark necessary parking spots. Depending on the actual needs the number of the parking places can increase or decrease thank to the flexible plants system. The greenery makes the cars less visible as well. This solution enables the square not only to provide the every-day parking space, but also organising markets, sport events or concerts. The project organises also in a new way the traffic circulation. Covering the streets with the sett the feeling of higher mindfulness by the driver is forced, they should feel driving on an area not predestined for the cars. The two pedestrians walkways are continuation of the patterns appearing on the square, creating a coherent zone as a whole.


raster points as embedded ground lighting

raster points as fixing of the bin

raster points as fixing of benches

raster points as fixing of plant pots

raster points as fixing of the street lamps

raster points as power supply for the stands

raster points as fixing of street posts

raster points as fixing of bike racks

cross section


plan of the square


fragment of the plan of the pedestrian zone





THE UNKNOWN CODE Garden Cities for Tomorrow Student Competition by The International Federation for Housing and Planning

year: 2013 team: Aleksandra Czupkiewicz, Maria Wawer project presented at the final exhibition at the IFHP 100 Centenary London Congress

Rapid industrial development from the turn of 19th and 20th century led up to discussion on conditions of living. Progressive urbanization and deep industrial evolution caused enormous changes in the lifestyle. City has become a symbol of rapidity and modern technologies - has no longer been a place to live in a calm way but changed into a source of benefits and the one and only place to work in. This sudden metamorphosis caused an idea of massive resettlement to the suburbs. Cities were considered as dirty, insanitary places, full of pollution. Suburbs were supposed to become a remedy for all inconveniences visible in urban areas. Ebenezer Howard came up with the idea of Garden Cities. His system focused on putting people back to the nature. His green entities, located from 10 to 60 km from the central city, was precisely programmed. Their established large amount of green areas and also a space dedicated to industry (along borders of entities) to public. Despite the fact that Howard’s Garden Cities Theory was rather too glorified it can be adopted to our times. His principles are still up-to-date but they should be matched to present times, different places and contexts. Howard’s Theory consisted of planning on areas outside central city – we believe that city should evolve starting from inside of the city to fill empty spaces in urban tissue, then areas at the border city should be arranged and, as last but not least stage, we should take care of areas averted from the city border. In our project we rely on aspects that are visible in already existing housing estates. In our opinion contemporary settlements are the key to understand solutions that arise in the future. Among nine chosen, already existing housing estates situated in Wrocław and the first two cities pursuing Garden Cities Theory, we are trying to collect a bunch of design codes. Our project is named ‘The Unknown Code’ which refers to number of questions that need to appear in green housing estate designing process. Codes collection tries to answer for all what is unknown and at the same time it is a question in itself: does an ideal configuration of codes exist? First schedule shows analysis of selected housing estates. Selected items must be transformed by two filters. First filter it is Howard’s Garden Cities Theory. The second filter is contemporary and future development trends. Summing those two filters we expect to get a final code, ready to apply in new, future-oriented designs.




TALKS OF B’BUGIA Public space temporary intervention year: 2017 location: Birzebbugia, Malta project realised within Artist in Residence Programme in collaboration with AIR Wro and Valleta 2018 Foundation

It’s all about talking. People talk, chat, explain, tell stories. They do it everywhere. They talk from one car to another, from one balcony to another, from a window to the street, on benches, on stairs, in the sea, at the entrance door. The 60-cm wide pavement in B’bugia is not an exception. A chat can be even more pleasant though. If there is a place to sit, with a view, among the green, in the shade, it is tempting to stay there. Spending time in common space, stopping by only for watching even, is important for any citizen as part of social existence. I’ve extracted the elements of an attractive common space after social consulatations with Birzebbugians, creating an instant public space situation. I choose five locations in town and create a corner for a talk. In spaces the inhabitants know very well there appears a new setting, easy to recognise because of its blue colour. It relates to the sea and sky surrounding the city, and to the town symbols. I want to check, how people react for a new object and evoke the consciousness that a change even within the very dense urban tissue is possible. I try it out in various points of the town, moving the setting daily. I also ask Birzebbugians about one thing they would like to be different in their town. Together we face the topic of change.

natural space attractive for outdoor activities urbanised space attractive for outdoor activities

map of existing public space


question for the local community

what characteristics must public space have so that you like it?

conclusions after problems in receiving direct answer

notion “public space� does not exist in the inhabitants consciousness people really ENJOY talking, chatting, explaining, telling stories

resulting list of elements of an attractive space for a talk

sitting facilites

in a configuration enabling, but not forcing, interaction

with a view, preferably on other people





relation to the locality, here: colour blue

with this temporary change in space the point is to implement the possibility of change and to talk about the change main urban outline of Birzebbugia daily locations sea


shade umbrella green plants in pots

pen for writing down wishes


table of b’bugia dreams with a grid for the wishes



HOW’S THE WATER? A passage that leads us to dreams. Public space intervention

The intervention is placed in a short passage way that leads from the seaside into a residential area. The space is not arranged, therefore not frecuently used. A team of local and international designers with activists worked together to bring life back to the unused space. The design stems from the narrow shaped space, not common typology in town, and the idea of emphisizing it with new forms. As the alley is separated from the seaside with a busy street, among all the sounds present in the area, the whisper of the sea is at least recognisable. We wanted to symbolically bring the water closer and to refer to the original function of the space - a ditch of the adjacent battery. We hang a boat painted in the local blue colour. Its upside down position deals as a stimulation to detach from the daily reality and dream. We decorate the boat with lighting used in the cities of Malta by the typicall maltese festas and on the churches facades. For the ground arrangement in form of podiumlike grades we use metal sheets and local limestone. In this way the intervention merges with the context, stressing the counterpoint in form of the blue hanging boat. The inauguration was planned as a public event with life music and community activation to recreate the sound of water using your own body. Thanks to using the same colour blue as I had chosen for the project of mine “Talks of B’Bugia”, the projects become a coherent process of changes.

year: 2017 location: Birzebbugia, Malta team: Fareeda Atwan, Thrisianne Busuttil, Paul Buhagiar, Tyler Calleja Jackson, Aidan Celeste, Mattea Ciantar, Samuel Ciantar, Kerem Halbrecht, Gilly Karjevsky, Jean-Michael Taillebois, Mohamed Rahmo, Zachi Razel coordination: Sarah Azzopardi, Tania Belfiore, Caldon Mercieca, Ann Laenen Project realised within Design4DCity workshop

orientation of the plot

materials, colours and elements in the surroundings, fot. Zachi Razel

fot. Aidan Celeste




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