Best Practices to be Followed for Driving Lessons If you feel that picking Fast track driving test London is easy, think again. There are many nuances that you may not be aware of when you are selecting the right driving school or the right driving instructor. Since there are thousands of driving schools and instructors in the UK, you will find it very difficult to choose only one from the lot. There are local yellow pages and the Thomson Local that will give you a comprehensive list of driving schools to choose from. In the traditional approach, you will have to pick up all the driving schools in your area and then give them a call one by one. You will have to check which type of courses the driving schools are offering. Some of the best driving schools are offering a plethora of driving lessons including hourly tuition, intensive courses and residential courses. The intensive driving courses in Essex are very popular these days because they make you driving ready in just a matter of a few days. You may have seen some advertisements that say, “pass driving test in 1 week�, which is true. These are called the intensive driving training courses and they can help you pass the driving test in just a matter of one week. However, you will have to keep in mind that you will have to give one full week of your time for the training. If you are working somewhere, you will have to take leave for a week and then take the one week intensive training course. When you are searching for manual driving lessons in London, you will come across some driving schools that have hidden costs. Before you pick out the right driving school for your training, you will have to ask the following questions: How long have you been teaching driving? Do you have female and male instructors? Do your trainers or instructors have the mandatory qualifications? Will you have the same instructors for all lessons? What type of vehicle do you use for training? Are the vehicles dual controlled? What is the age of the cars? Will you have the same car for all lessons? Will you offer individual pick-up service? Is the driving school open during weekends? Can the instructor pick you up after college or work? How many lessons are there for the course? What are the discounts offered? Which test centre is used? What is the pass rate of your driving school? How long will each lesson take? The answers to the aforementioned questions will give you a fair idea of the driving courses and the driving schools. You need to check the training methodology for the driving by asking questions on the theory and practical training. A professional ADI will be the best option for the training because they are experts in driver education and they will be in the best position to prepare you for the tests. Before you start your lessons, you will have to check out the code of practice for approved driving instructors. To know more about us visit here :