9 minute read
Design for Wellness
Measure 7 ‐ Design for Wellness
The landscape of the site is manipulated Explanations Step 1: Determine the area of the building that is regularly occupied. to create tidal pools and to accomodate the rising sea levels. Each building is Step 2: Input the area of occupied spaces that have access to views, operable windows, daylight, and complaince with the annual solar exposure area strategically placWWoor condition includes criteria. strategic placement of windows to allow for natural sunlight and cross ventilation, For quality views, include workstations that have a direct line of sight to nature. For operable windows, include work stations within 25' of an operablethermostats and CO2 detectors at each window. For Daylight, input a continuous daylight autonomy metric. Iffloor and careful selection of materials. daylight performance wasn't simulated, input the total area within 15' from a perimeter wall.
Input the total number of accessible thermostats and the percent of occupants who control their own light levels.
Input information on indoor air quality measurements.
Input the total number of materials that have a third‐party health certification in the yellow box. Then name each of those notable materials and their certification. Examples of certifications: *Declare *Health Product Declaration *Cradle to Cradle *Level
Input the total number of chemicals of concern that you avoided. Then name each of those chemicals and the standard that you used as a guide. Examples of the standards include: *Living Building Challenge Red List *WELL Building Standard *Healthier Hospitals Initiative Safer Chemicals *Six Classes (chemicals from Green Science Policy Institute) *Kaiser Permanente Facilities Design Program's Chemicals of Concern in Building Materials, Fabric, Furniture, and Finishes list. Reproductive Toxicants
Calculators: Enter your values into theMeasure 7 ‐ Design for Wellness yellow cells. Enter non‐numerical data into the green cells
1 ‐ Quality Views,Explanations Operable windows, & Daylighting
Step 1: Determine the area of the building that is regularly occupied.
Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells. Enter non‐numerical data into the green cells
1 ‐ Quality Views, Operable windows, & Daylighting Total area of regularly occupied space 8,000 sfStep 2: Input the area of occupied spaces that have access to views, operable Total area of regularly occupied space 8,000 sf windows, daylight, and Percent of building that is regularly occupied 100%complaince with the annual solar exposure area Percent of building that is regularly occupied 100% criteria. Area with quality views 6,000 sf Area with quality 75% views 6,000 sf Area with operable windows 5,000 sf 63% Daylit area (sDA 300/50%) 6,000 sf 75% Annual Solar Exposure Compliant Area (ASE 1000,250) 5,000 sf 63% Daylight sensors installed? Yes Are operable windows used? Yes
For quality views, include workstations that have a direct line of sight to Area with operable windows 5,000 sf nature. For operable windows, include work stations within 25' of an operable Daylit area (sDA 300/50%) 6,000 sf window. For Daylight, input a continuous daylight autonomy metric. If daylight Annual Solar Exposure Compliant Area (ASE 1000,250) 5,000 sf performance wasn't simulated, input the total area within 15' from a Daylight sensors installed? Yes perimeter wall. Are operable windows used? Yes 75% 63% 75% 63%
Input the total number of accessible thermostats and the percent of occupants who control their own light levels. 2 ‐ Occupants Per thermostat, Occupants who can control their own lighting
2 ‐ Occupants Per thermostat, Occupants who can control their own lighting Total accessible thermostats 7 Thermostat Occupants per thermostat 4.3 Do occupants have task lights? Yes Percent of occupants who control their own light levels 20%
Total accessible thermostats 7 Thermostat Occupants per thermostat 4.3 Do occupants have task lights? Yes Percent of occupants who control their own light levels 20% Input information on indoor air quality measurements. 3 ‐ CO2 & VOCs
3 ‐ CO2 & VOCs
Goal Maximum CO2 levels 800 ppm Is CO2 measured? Yes Maximum Measured CO2 levels 5000 ppm Is VOC measured? Yes Maximum Measured VOC levels 500 ppb
Goal Maximum CO2 levels 800 ppm Is CO2 measured?4 ‐ YesNumber of materials specified that have health certifications OR avoided chemicals of concern Maximum Measured CO2 levels 5000 ppm Is VOC measured? Yes Number of materials with health certifications 4 Materials Notable Material 1 Maximum Measured VOC levels 500 ppb Notable Material 2 Notable Material 3
Input the total number of materials that have a third‐party health certification in the yellow box. Then name each of those notable materials and their certification. Examples of certifications: *Declare *Health Product Declaration DERIX X LAM *Cradle to Cradle Architectural glasses*Level Acoya Wood
Notable Material 4 Betonijzer (Reinforcing Steel)
‐OR‐4 ‐ Number of materials specified that have health certifications OR avoided chemicals of concern
Notable Material 5 Certification Material Health Certification Certification Material Health Certification Certification Material Health Certification Certification Material Health Certification Certification
Number of materials with health certifications 4 Materials Notable Material 1 Notable Material 2 Notable Material 3 Notable Material 4 Notable Material 5
Input the total number of chemicals of concern that you avoided. Then name Number of chemicals of concern that where avoided each of those chemicals and the standard that you used as a guide. Examples Chemical of concern AVOIDED of the standards include: Chemical of concern AVOIDED *Living Building Challenge Red List Acoya WoodChemical of concern AVOIDED *WELL Building Standard DERIX X LAM Chemical of concern AVOIDED *Healthier Hospitals Initiative Safer Chemicals *Six Classes (chemicals from Green Science Policy Institute) Architectural glassesChemical of concern AVOIDED *Kaiser Permanente Facilities Design Program's Chemicals of Concern in Betonijzer (Reinforcing Steel) Building Materials, Fabric, Furniture, and Finishes list. Reproductive Toxicants
Carcinogens Standard
Standard Certification Material Health Certification Standard Certification Material Health Certification Standard Certification Material Health Certification Standard
Certification Material Health Certification Certification
4 3.5 3.1 3.1
Number of chemicals of concern that where avoided Chemical of concern AVOIDED Chemical of concern AVOIDED Chemical of concern AVOIDED Chemical of concern AVOIDED Chemical of concern AVOIDED Chemicals
Mutagens Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard 4 3.5 3.1 3.1
Measure 8 ‐ Resources
The major structural material used is Explanations reinforced concrete. To reduce the total embodied carbon, careful and considerate selection of manufacturer and material is taken into consideration. Another way to reduce the embodied carbon is to reduce the total mass that requires concrete. This is achieved by reducing the internal There are a variety of tools for circulation of the building and designing estimating the embodied carbon of anfor bigger windows that creates bigger cut entire building. The outs in the concrete building. simplest is Build Carbon Neutral, which only takes a few minutes and inputs. For a more detailed analysis, try Tally or Athena
Measure 8 ‐ Resources
1 ‐ Operational CarbonExplanations (Reference from 6‐Energy) Calculators: Enter your values into the yellow cells. Enter non‐numerical data into
1 ‐ Operational Carbon (Reference from 6‐Energy) Predicted Measured
Predicted Measured Annual (kg‐CO2e / yr) 46,519.1 94,787.0 Annual (kg‐CO2e / yr) 46,519.1 94,787.0
Annual Intensity (kg‐CO2e / sf / yr) 5.8 11.8 Annual Intensity (kg‐CO2e / sf / yr) 5.8 11.8 Percent Reduction from Benchmark 60% 18% Percent Reduction from Benchmark 60% 18% Was embodied carbon modeled? Yes
Was embodied carbon modeled? Yes Total Predicted Embodied Carbon kg CO2e
Total Predicted Embodied Carbon kg CO2e
There are a variety of tools for 2 ‐ Embodied estimating Carbon the embodied carbon of an entire building. The simplest is Build Carbon Neutral, which only takes a few minutes and inputs. For a more detailed analysis, try Tally or Athena Embodied Carbon Intensity
2 ‐ Embodied Carbon
35 kg CO2e / sf
Embodied Carbon Intensity kg CO2e / sf
What tool was used? Other: What is the tool version? Is biogenic carbon considered?(?) No 282,400.0
What tool was used? Tally Other: What is the tool version?
Is biogenic carbon considered?(?) No Indicate the LCA system boundary: Yes Product (A1‐A3) Yes Construction (A4‐A5) Yes Use (B1‐B5)
Indicate the LCA scope: Yes Substructure Indicate the LCA system boundary: Yes Product (A1‐A3) Yes Superstructure Yes Construction (A4‐A5) Yes Use (B1‐B5)
Yes Enclosure Yes Interiors
Major Structural System?(?) Indicate the LCA scope: Yes SubstructureMajor strategy for reducing embodied carbon? Major strategy for Yes Superstructurereducing embodied carbon?
Concrete Material selection Building mass reduction Yes Enclosure Yes Interiors Major Structural System?(?) Major strategy for reducing embodied carbon? Major strategy for reducing embodied carbon?
"An Environmental Product 3 ‐ Number of Materials Specified with EPDs (or similar) Declaration (EPD) is a document that communicates verified, transparent ConcreteNumber of materials with EPDs 2 Materials and comparable information about Material selectionNotable Material 1 the life‐cycle environmental impact of Notable Material 2 products." Building mass reductionNotable Material 3 Wood Concrete
Notable Material 4
‐ International EPD System Notable Material 5
Notable Material 6
3 ‐ Number of Materials Specified with EPDs (or similar) Number of materials with EPDs 2 Materials Notable Material 1 Notable Material 2 Notable Material 3
List EPS (or similar certifications) Notable Material 7 collected for materials used and tally Notable Material 8 up the total number. Notable Material 9 Wood How much floor area was already 4 ‐ Percent of Reused Floor ConcreteArea existing? Certification Certification Certification Certificationsf Certification Certification Certification
Yes End of Life (C1‐C4) Beyond (D)
Yes MEP Systems Yes End of Life (C1‐C4) No Site/Landscape Beyond (D)Other:
Yes MEP Systems No Site/Landscape Other:
Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification
The materials used for the artificial reef is also left over materials from the site construction.
‐ International EPD System
List EPS (or similar certifications) collected for materials used and tally up the total number.
How much floor area was already existing? Indicate the LCA scope: Yes Substructure Yes Superstructure Yes Enclosure Yes Interiors
Major Structural System?(?) Major strategy for reducing embodied carbon? Major strategy for reducing embodied carbon? Concrete Material selection Building mass reduction
4 ‐ Percent of Reused Floor Area
Total floor area reused
Percent reused
Weighing and recording dumpster fills during construction is best practice, but a good estimate will do as well. 5 ‐ Construction Waste Diverted
Percent of construction waste diverted from the landfill How the above was the above number determined?
Notable Strategy Recycling Repurposing Notable Strategy Notable Strategy
6 ‐ Recycled Materials, Regional Materials, & Materials with Third Party Certifications
20% Estimated
Calculate or estimate the total value of materials that were recycled, local, or certified by third‐party programs.
Local Materials: Don't worry about staying in a specific radius from the site. Use your best judgment to determine which materials were harvested or manufactured "locally"
Recycled / Reused Materials: Include all materials that contain some component or ingredient that is reused or recycled.
Total Construction Cost Total Materials Cost $4,000,000 $2,000,000
Total cost of recycled materials Total cost of regional materials How much of installed wood is FSC Certified? $100,000
Notable Reused or Recycled Material Notable Reused or Recycled Material Notable Reused or Recycled Material Notable Regional Material Notable Regional Material Notable Regional Material Wood Gravel Steel
Percent 5% 0%
Yes MEP Systems No Site/Landscape Other:
Source Location Source Location Source Location