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7_1_Carbon Foot Print Calculator
Wang Qian’s Initial Calculator
From the results ,i can findout that i need 1 planets each year .how can i make it lesser? so,I set a Footprint target to reduce my footprint by 10% .
1. Initial Calculator on Oct.9 2. The Result throng Possiibilities of Reducing Footprint Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/
Wangqian’s Documented Calculator
IFirstly,I start to change my eating habit.I eat more vegetable and less meat and eggs than before.In this way ,i can not only have a healthier lifestyle but also reduce my footprint. secondly, i begin to restrain my desire to buy cloth and something not necessary. .And finally i reach my goal.and it stil not enough,it should be a long-tern plan for me in the future.
1. Documented Calculator on Oct.13 2. My Diet List Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/
Jiang Yu’s Initial Calculator
On 9th, October, I finished my first testing on the Ecological Footprint, and I think that my condition is fairly good, since the answer is one earth and we just have one earth, but I neglected the definition of sustainable, which should keep thinking the next generation, that means my good feeling is shortsighted. And then, it seems to me that there are two reasons: one is I am eating too much meat, another one is I am backing home too much. So the improving path becomes clear. I set the target as 10% reduction.
1. Initial Calculator on Oct.9 2. The Result throng Possiibilities of Reducing Footprint Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/
Jiang Yu’s Documented Calculator
We can see the data comes from one earth to the 0.9 earth. And that meets the reducing 10% target quite well. That means eating less meat and reduce the travel really means something to the Ecological Footprint. For the passed week, I noted my each meal .
1. Docymented Calculator on Oct.13 2. Everyday Food List Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/
Chen SiNan’s Initial Calculator
On Oct.9 , I run through all the questions in the footprintwork website.Then It’s amazing to find that if everyone lived the same lifestyle as me, we would require the regenrative capacity 1.1 planets each year. What have I done to my dear earth?
I set a Footprint target to reduce my footprint by 20% . And try to do something. Exceeding my expectation, the consumptions of the meat(-0.1 hectares), the cloth and the footwear(-0.2 hectares), the house decorating(-0.1 hectares), the car riding(-0.1 hectares), are influenced my footprint obviously.
So, maybe I can through change my eating habit firstly to reduce my footprint, just like replacing the meat with the chicken and fish. And begin to restrain my desire to buy cloth and something not necessary. At the same time, learning more about how to protect our earth is immediate, as using tools like the Ecological Footprint to manage our ecological assets.
1. Initial Calculator on Oct.9 2. The Result throng Possiibilities of Reducing Footprint Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/
Chen SiNan’s Documented Calculator
Five days later, I run through the test again.I can’t believe that I reduce my carbon footprint so much. I think the bigest change is that I am almost not out by any vehicles.I took the bike and walked to my destinations. Secondly, I reduced my consumption of the clothing and the meat. At the same time,It’s oddness to find that I ate noodles everyday.
Actually, it have warned me that I would use up the earth inadvertently. Also, it’s not difficulte to reduce the consumption through changing lifestyle.But I am still not sure the sustainable carbon footprint now.
3/5 Eggs per day
4/5 Bottles of Milk per day
6/5 Bowls of Milk per day
1 Time per day
1. Docymented Calculator on Oct.13 2. Everyday Food List Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/