Taiwan insurance report q2 2014

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Taiwan Insurance Report Q2 2014 Researcher View: Taiwanese Insurance is dominated by the life insurance sector, accounting for around 85% of all premiums written in 2013, a total of US$79.9bn, and growing. Per capita life premiums of US$3400 are among the highest in the world, growing to US$5000 by 2018. The nonlife sector only wrote premiums of US$14.2bn in 2013, of which 70% are in the health insurance line, a compulsory line in Taiwan. Three behemoths dominate, and will continue to dominate the industry: Cathay Life, Fubon Life and Nan Shan Life, writing around half of all premiums in both life and non-life sectors.

Complete Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/314307-toc.html . Buy Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/contacts/purchase.php?name=314307 .

Taiwan Insurance Report Q2 2014 Researcher's new insurance report format provides forecasts of the life and non-life markets, including gross and net premiums, reinsurance premiums and assets. Moreover, it provides forecasts for key growth drivers such as vehicle fleet size, demographic factors and private health expenditure. The report also contains a comprehensive breakdown of the non-life insurance market, providing forecasts for motor and transport insurance, property, personal accident, health, general liability and credit insurance. Finally, the new report offers a detailed breakdown of the life and non-life competitive landscapes, covering the top companies present in each segment by premiums and market share.

Complete Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/314307-toc.html . Buy Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/contacts/purchase.php?name=314307 .

Taiwan Insurance Report Q2 2014 Table Of Contents Researcher Industry View 7 SWOT 9 Political 11 Economic 12 Business Environment 13 Industry Forecast 14 Total Premiums Forecast 14 Total Premiums 14 Table: Total Gross Premiums Written 2011-2018 14 Claims 15 Complete Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/314307-toc.html . Buy Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/contacts/purchase.php?name=314307 .

Taiwan Insurance Report Q2 2014 Table: Total Insurance Claims 2005-2012 15 Assets 16 Table: Assets 2005-2012 16 Life Premiums Forecast 17 Total Premiums 17 Table: Gross Life Premiums Written 2011-2018 18 Life Insurance Claims 18 Table: Life Insurance Claims 2005-2012 18 Life Insurance Assets 19 Table: Assets 2005-2012 19 Life Insurance Drivers 20 Table: Private Health Expenditure, 2011-2018 20 Complete Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/314307-toc.html . Buy Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/contacts/purchase.php?name=314307 .

Taiwan Insurance Report Q2 2014 Non-Life Premiums Forecast 21 Non-Life Premiums 21 Table: Gross Non-Life Premiums 2011-2018 22 Non-Life Reinsurance Premiums 22 Table: Reinsurance Non-Life Premiums 2011-2018 23 Non-Life Claims 23 Table: Non-Life Insurance Claims 2005-2012 24 Non-Life Assets 24 Table: Assets 2005-2012 25 Non-Life Sub-Sector Forecast 26 Table: Non-Life % Breakdown 2011-2018 27 Motor and Transport Insurance 28 Table: Motor Vehicle Insurance 2011-2018 28 Table: Insurance Key Drivers, Autos 2011-2018 29 Table: Transport Insurance 2011-2018 30 Complete Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/314307-toc.html . Buy Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/contacts/purchase.php?name=314307 .

Taiwan Insurance Report Q2 2014 Table: Insurance Key Drivers, Freight Tonnage 2011-2018 30 Property Insurance 31 Table: Property Insurance 2011-2018 31 Health and Personal Accident Insurance 31 Table: Health Insurance 2011-2018 32 Table: Personal Accident Insurance 2011-2018 32 Credit and General Liability Insurance 33 Table: Credit/Financial Guarantee Insurance 2011-2018 33 Table: General Liability Insurance 2011-2018 33 Industry Risk Reward Ratings 35 Asia Pacific Industry Risk/Reward Ratings 35 Table: Asia Pacific Insurance Risk/Reward Ratings 35 Market Overview 36 Life Market Overview 36 Table: Life Insurance Market (US$mn) 2007-2012 37 Complete Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/314307-toc.html . Buy Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/contacts/purchase.php?name=314307 .

Taiwan Insurance Report Q2 2014 Table: Life Insurance Market (%) 2007-2012 38 Non-Life Market Overview 39 Table: Non-Life Insurance Market (US$mn) 2007-2012 40 Table: Non-Life Insurance Market (%) 2007-2012 41 Company Profile 42 AIA Group 42 Allianz 45 Cathay Financial Holdings (Cathay Life/Cathay Century) 48 China Life (Taiwan) 52 Chunghwa Post 55 Fubon Financial (Fubon Life/Fubon Insurance) 57 Nan Shan Life 60 Prudential plc 62 Shin Kong Financial Holding (Shin Kong Life) 65 Demographic Forecast 68 Complete Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/314307-toc.html . Buy Report @ http://www.marketreportsonline.com/contacts/purchase.php?name=314307 .

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