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Vacation versus Road Trip
When you go on vacation you should be willing to drop some of the things you usually do, it not you will not find the relaxation you are hoping for. We all deserve an experience; it does not matter where, just make sure the surrounding is different. My vacation to Charleston South Carolina was not just a road trip maybe because of the timing, most road trips are a two to three day weekend not an entire week. Which is my point it takes time for our mine to perceive a change. What is it you do Monday through Friday? Follow a plan and work until you are stressed out.

Folly Beach located in Charleston South Carolina was refreshing…meaning a walk along the beach, as well as the pier," just be in the moment your moment". While there, we visited Ansley Park area along with the beautiful homes, it offered great fishing. Of course, it would not be a vacation without seeing the sights. Downtown’s historic district lined with cobble stone streets is meant for horse-drawn carriage, not a car, we walked through an art gallery, and food markets. Of course, this is an area for food enthusiasts. Maintain safety ware a mask, wash your hands often. Charleston South Carolina for me was not just a sabbatical mist the pandemic it was a real vacation.

Sometime the best food restaurant will not mimic a simple drive through café, and it is safe!