Social Bookmarking & its benefits to increase brand awareness | Position 2
I am sure you know what bookmarks are - those strips of leather or crafted card used to mark a place in a book. Similarly, on the internet, users can use bookmarks to save their favorite pages to visit in future. Personally, I have an enormous amount of important pictures, videos and documents and I save all of them in social bookmarking sites. Now, you might wonder what social bookmarking is. Wikipedia defines it as, “A method for internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of webpages on the internet with the help of metadata.� In other words, it is a method used to save and store online information or webpages for future reference. It also helps you share links with your contacts. There are many social bookmarking sites like digg, delicious, stumbleupon, etc. you can use for this purpose. Benefits of Social Bookmarks Ability to share pictures, videos and links through bookmarking sites: Social bookmarking websites allow you to save your bookmarks online, tag relevant keywords and share them with groups. As your bookmarks are on a website and not stored on your computer, bookmarking websites allows you to view your favorite websites anywhere in the world. Just by registering at the relevant social bookmarking sites, you can effortlessly save your assets. Increased search engine visibility and brand awareness: As social networks receive millions of visits every day, it is a good way to increase traffic to your website. The more bookmarks you have, the more visitors you will get. Quick indexing in Google: Social bookmarking is the fastest way to get search engines to visit a webpage or website. In other words, once we bookmark links of the webpage across websites such as digg, clipmarks, etc., Google search indexes the links depending on the value of keywords in the website. Increase in SEO value: Social bookmarking sites make it easy for people to find websites and help you generate backlinks to your website. If you bookmark your website more in social bookmarking websites, you will get backlinks from each website. This results in a higher page rank for your webpage or website. Posting interesting content that appeals to a larger audience will lead to awareness of the website and increase website traffic. It is recommended that appropriate title, description and keywords be defined so that the keywords are optimized for the search terms. It is another way to generate traffic to a webpage or website.