N wsleetteer New
In nstitute of Design and Visual Arts N NHQ Gallery 1/1/2012
NHQ GALLE ERY Directo or NHQ Q Galleryy Prof. ZZammu urad Saf afdar Cura ator NH HQ Galleery Mr.Shibleee Muneeer Co‐Cu urator N NHQ Ga allery M Ms.Maryyam Baber http ps://ww ww.faceebook.com/NhqGallerry
Prof.Mrs.Zammuard Safdar
Director Institute of Visual Arts & Design (Lahore College for Women University) Jail Road, Lahore-Pakistan. Office: +92 42 99203801-9/ Ext. 273,274 CELL: 0300-8418063 FACEBOOK: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ZAMURAD.SAFDAR?FREF=TS ARTIST PROFILE: HTTP://WWW.FLICKR.COM/PEOPLE/71017231@N06/ http://www.lcwu.edu.pk/
Prof.Mrs. Zammurad Safdar is director institute of design and visual arts and performing her duties as an art educationist and studio practitioner since 1976, started from Intermediate level to Promisingly Post Graduate level. Artist statement: Art as symptom” is an intuitive feel which I experience during the vital moments of my life. It is universally true that nature changes its symptoms with the passage of time and I feel that the symptom of nature leaves an impact on my inner feelings in a silent manner which helps me in my creative work. As a result the inner side of my soul gets invigorated and facilitates me to transform the inner reality in visible menifestalitions.
Floral mist‐35x60 (rs.75,000) by Prof Mrs Zammurad
Color storm‐ 35x59(rs.70,000) by Prof Mrs Zammurad
SHIB BLEE MUN NEER Visual practittioner V L Lecturer Insttitute of Visuual Arts & Design D Curatoor at NHQ gaallery (Lahore College C for Women W Univeersity) Jail Road, Lahore-Pakkistan. Blog: httpp://shileemunir.blogspott.com/ Face book: https://www w.facebook.ccom/shiblee.m munir Curator NHQ: N https://www.facebbook.com/NhhqGallery?fr fref=ts E Email addreess: shibleem munir@gmaiil.com Mr. Shibblee Muneeer, practicing art since his childhoood and now w he is participaated in natio onal and inteernational art exhibitionns and residdency. In 2010, he participated p in n a symposium m “Art and Ennvironment” at a National Muuseum of China Beggging on the eve e of China Begging B Art Biiennale. He is selected as onne of the honored arrtist participatted in China Biennale B 2012. Recently, he came c from resiidency at ACCA Weimar Germanyy 2012; He is invited as gueest speaker andd visual artist for Asia Bienn nale Bangladessh. Artist statement: I am practicin ng miniature paintings, p not mere to f perhap ps I am perfo orming a contiinue the tradiition of my family; naturral act of anyy human bein ng to revive his h awareness towards geneeration next having h all atttributes of tha at particular age. My Seaaurchan by shibllee conceerns in recentt body of worrk surround th he “ Idea of Miniature M mu uneer Painttings” through conceptual, fo ormal and sociial perceptiona al way. I am eexploring royall code of visual ethics (minia ature paintingss) in order to fiind out new w ways to produce similar sort of Visual Leegacy through h its original im magery with the use of acceessible mateerial of my age. RASK‐E‐BISM MIL BY SHIBLEE MUN NEER
Lecturer 18 BPS Fine Artist/Art Researcher/Co- Curator NHQ Gallery Institute of Design & Visual Arts Lahore College for Women University Jail Road, Lahore-Pakistan. Cell: 03444072602 Email: maryambaber@ymail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maryam.baber.56 Artist Profile: http://www.flickr.com/photos/48701594@N08/
Maryam Baber, Master in Fine Arts (Double Gold Medalist) and recently submitted final dissertation for Ms Leading to Ph.d. Moreover, envisage marks on “contemporary art issue”. Artist statement: Want to get rid from nostalgia. Enamel on lasani with pastels. My whole Slave series is indicating, urge to get escape from the worldly behaviors. Moreover, my innate frenzy world is yonder from the fancy happenings
M I slave 34x35 by Maryam Baber
I slave 34x33 by Maryam Baber
Inttroduction: On the occcasion of 90 0th year Celebration n of Asia's onee of the biggest Women W educational institute “Lahore Colleege for U We W are Women University”. thriving Hisstory of significant Art education and produciing not only the virtuous practtitioners even the leeader of the arrt world, every age has been eyeewitness ogress. Follow wing the of our pro tradition of the institute Dr. Sabeeha Mansoor (Vice ned to Chancellorr) is envision carry it furrther and main ntain its legacy in the future uth Asian amongSou Art Institution,, consequenttly the
Department of Visual Arts A & e ass an Design endorsed independen nt Institute of Design & Visual Artts. It comes un nder my dream to introduce LCWU ry stage around the world on every w This is i the of Art world. beginning of o a new era of the Institute of f design & Visu ual Arts in LCWU. ablishing a Ga allery in We are esta connection of 90 years glorious g U and celebrationss of LCWU named it after our pioneer p N leading arrtist Mrs. Naseem Hafeez Qazi. Q The primary p purpose off the galleryy is to disseminatee the art and culture
of Pakistan n and maintain a dialogue witthin the regio on and around the globe. We warmly w oposals by indiividual welcome pro or collaborative level, rega ardless any body of organization. p for NHQ Gallery, first step emerging and establlishing Artists to dissplay their worrk. We are providin ng a platform m for boundless aesthetics to make m a hrough contemporary dialogue th our own wayy.
Gallery objectives:
To endorse contemporary art culture and to develop a sense of revitalization in the art realm through experimentation. Preferably, we promote contemporary concept for the exhibitions
Shows at NHQ Gallery
Celebrating 90 years of LCWU
Govvernor Punjab In naugurating thee NHQ Gallery
Q Question n Next Preview w
Dr Sabiha Manszo or inaugurated tthe Thesis Previeew at NHQ
Minii Thesis Display and Process of FFinal execution
Question Nextt thesis Show Tra avel NHQ Gallerry to Alhamra Art Council
Artist talk
Jou urney Th hrough Canvass One weekk Residency Pro ogram
A ttwo person show w by internation nal artist Manso oor Rahi and Haj ajra Mansoor.
Tributee to Hajra and m mansur rahi thro ough documenteery
Seminar on Und derstanding of M Modern Arts
“Dimin nish lim mits”
Artist Talk T with Contemporary studio practtitioners, currators and criitics
Inaug gurated by US Pu ublic Affair Officcer by Consulatee
A contem mporary sho ow by youngg artists “Shhiblee Muneeer, Noureen Rasheed, Faahad Hameedd and Akbar Ali--A Inaugu urated by Briinille Eliane Ellis E , Public Afffairs Officer----U.S. Consulaate General Lahhore, Pakistann. Curated by y Shiblee Muneer M .Date:: 15th June 2012, 2 Timingg: 11:30 AM M Venue: NH HQ Gallery (Institute of Design and Visual Arts .Lahore Colllage for Woomen Univerrsity). More then 100 visittors appreciaated the neo--language toowards the coontemporaryy art. Moreovver, senior artist, a galleeries, art crittics and young contempoorary studio practitionerrs fully relishhed from thee experim mental executtion.
Whisperiing into o space
Women Entrepreneurship
Spring Art Festival
Environmeental Installatiion (out Door) Display by Fou undation Stud dio Practitionerrs and Mini theesis Display byy Fine Artists at ““Naseem Hafizz Qazi Gallery””.Principal NCA A Sajjad Kausa ar inaugurated d "spring Art Feestival".
Seminar on Afro‐ American n Art, the resourrce person Ms. Brinille Ellis from USA. 12 9th Feb 201
Seminar on Western Contemporary Art Spokes person “Da avid Alesworth””.‐Tuesday, Marrch 20, 2012.Session one: Lecturre,
S Session two: “Be eyond the Art M Making” ____Meeeting with thessis students, Session three: Interractive Jury
Lecture byy Brnil February 2013
Seminar on Jeweelry Design by Ziil‐e‐Batool Conttemporary Jewellry Designer
Dr. K Kanwal Khalid on Origin of J JJewelry design
2d Perform mances inaugurrated by US CU ULTURE AFFAIR R OFFICER EMLLIE ADDAMS ON N 20TH March 2 2013
2d Perform mances artists’ Talk on 2nd Ap pril 2013
One day Sa aminar on Visu ual Comunicatiion by Mahmoo od ul Hassan ja afri 22nd march h 2013
One Day Seminar on “An Overvieew by Kristia an Evju” Norrwegian Artiist 14th marrch 2013