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The world turns as we access life through our own personal private ID and password right here today, and if you have forgotten your password, do not worry; we will send you a new one instantly! Wow, that’s amazing; no delays, now thankfully, you are back in the game! Being connected makes one feel worthy, would you agree? It defines our sense of being; our identity now has meaning to all we hope to accomplish, be seen as, and be accepted.

So it’s not surprising there are times in one’s life when one may reach the idea, “is this my life? Is that all there is”. Don’t be alarmed or hard on yourself, as this is a natural state of being human. The reason being one’s expected life commitments that the world and self have dumped on us can bind us down, and in time our experiences may move us to examine our lot in life. Know this; it’s all ok, no matter how successful one may be; for some of us, this just means we may have settled for a life less than we are/were capable of experiencing.

Ah, the ecstasy of beinga lounge lizard.

Those few amongst us have a driving force within to set sail into the great ocean of possibility, armed with faith, hope, and past dreams of adventure. It’s a chance to live a life guided by instinct, mentors, and especially the thrill of how one will choose to handle the oncoming experiences that we have already unknowingly placed before us.

For others, it may appear to be an endless reoccurring process of dogging one’s unclaimed self between what one is supposed to accomplish and what we would like to achieve within our heart’s desire. On the other extreme end of the scale, one has been educated to believe life is but a fairy tale come true, and all have been given and granted. This is also ok and be acknowledged by us; for them, life is forever coming up roses. Never, never ever make a comparison between your life and another’s; it’s a waste of your time, it will not serve you well and only cause forever discomfort and then some.

Great thinkers of our time have formulated and calculated the logical and theoretical ideas as to why these differences occur throughout the world within the human species. Are their answers ever relevant? The one thing that is certain, when one applies acceptance to the here, and now, life will allow space for awareness to show the next upward step. Unfortunately, we humans tend to settle and find reasons to assume our chosen lot is one’s lot in life. While others will find the necessary courage, take their chances, and venture out into the modern wilderness and pursue that solo path, come what may.

Some of you may have chosen to go and see a recent movie that has created a bit of a stir between dark and brilliance. TAR is a movie about humanity today and how one identifies with self and challenges the so-called corrected way of being. It is more than brilliant, and if you are not ready, humans are about to come out of their closets by the millions. Life on this planet will never look the same again, furry and all.

Awareness is not a choice of mind.

One’s belief in their identity may not be true within one’s reality, yet only appear real in how one perceives in any given moment. The levels of human perception of self are many. Here are a few to refresh and contemplate: Inertia, Energetic, Peaceful, Classy, Refined, Sophisticated, Mature, and Innocent. Have you decided which fits your perception? We all know the negatives, so there was no need to repeat them here. What you may not know or realize is?

Everyone has the choice of three options:

(1) To remain neutral while contemplating one’s navel within one’s chosen comfort zone.

(2) One has chosen to remain connected and follow the narrative given and self-accepted, including that which has been accepted by the masses, hala lu ya.

(3) Or one can choose to remain true to the self in one’s continued exploration of one’s ever-evolving self-directed purpose, thus completing in obtaining pure satisfaction (one’s happiness).

The discovery of self is the TREASURE.

Solidifying one’s identity in “who am I” and “this is me” is one of the greatest tragedies humans have been educated and accepted since our human time began. Ego has to survive; there is no question about it. Our beliefs are the power source that supplies the energy the ego needs and draws upon for its absolute existence. Belief is not just an idea; it’s an energy source created by the human mind (conscious mind) to maintain its own sustainability.

Our internal/external driving force to realize what is referred to as “one’s true nature” may seem inactive, no. It is always there, alive and kicking, waiting for you to acknowledge its existence so that it can, with you, ride the Light of Emergence.

Wake up to self.

What are the implications of acceptance?

Firstly let’s consider the word “trust .”We know it like the back of our hand, and yet when we apply trust, it mostly comes with a different experience than was expected. Why would anyone be disappointed when expectations are merely assumptions, an idea of possibility, and nothing more? Recessions occur when there is no trust in a system that may or may not deliver, so why invest? The exact same principle applies to friends and relationships. The divorce rate isn’t going up because there is an increase in the price of petrol. It’s time to lift the awareness out of the head and face reality face-on.

Acceptance is no different. Do we ever really know what it is we have so blindly accepted, never, until the consequence raises its ugly head and spits back in our faces? Now, this is when it starts to get interesting; we find the blame elsewhere, shift responsibility as far away as possible and continue to self-masturbate our future into a hit-and-miss state of being.

Yesterday a human expressed, “ignorance is bliss .”Can you believe, in this day and age, that this idea even exists?

The tides of human existence have turned forever. Those in the catch–up group will only function in little like-minded pockets away from the evolving masses. Is this where seeking humans find peace and tranquility, only under a rock? Take notice; the newly chosen are already here and at the forefront, CEO of the coming times.

You think you know, yet thinking is defined as uncertainty. Like the word trust, it comes with its own relationship/marriage with fear. The power in a word is definitely not its definition. Now that you have defined your identity, you, my friend, Are Lost in Yourself!

By Phyllis King

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