Mp3 Winter Robinson Yoga Nidra

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Mp3 Winter Robinson - Yoga Nidra


With her soft, melodious voice against a backround of surf, winter leads you through two practices of yoga nidra. 2 MP3 Songs NEW AGE: Meditation, NEW AGE: Healing Details: I'm probably best known for helping medical students and faculty members (at Brown University) cultivate and integrate their intuition with their practice. Since 1983 I have done thousands of intuitive medical readings; taught numerous classes on intuition both on land, water, and with dolphins; written three books and a novel, and created a series of CD's designed to help the listener relax, image, heal themselves, and create. Before realizing that my search for truth was really a quest for deeper spiritual meaning, I snugly settled into an educational system that valued analytical reasoning. I chose to spend my time, my energy, and my mind building a career in the mental health field. Starting as a therapist for the Addiction Research Foundation in Toronto, I returned to the US to teach college level psychology classes and direct a continuing education program for mental health workers. But in the early '80s my carefully designed world of psychology and mental health flipped upside down. Working as an analyst for the state attorney general, I had a precognitive experience that was so detailed and accurate that it changed the way I saw reality. (This story (and more) are in my latest book, A Hidden Order.) Last fall I was invited to attend a women's retreat on an island off the coast of Maine. This was the first time in many years that I took time to simply be, without thought as to the next book, CD, or seminar that I would be leading. I knew when I left that change was afoot...that what I had been doing for two decades was incomplete. I felt lazy because I did not feel I had reached my potential, nor the potential to share what I did "know" (from the Gnosis of Know) with others. Aware that intuition had become a common buzz word, popular with the media and over used, just as the word is quantum overused today, I sensed that I was was missing something, something big. Years ago, when I began to explore the intuitive process, I was fascinated with the possibility that

thoughts, or some of them, seemed to create reality (or my perception of it). What a magical world this is, I reasoned, that we do have the power to create. Intuition is only one end of the spectrum...creation being the other. And for years Michael has asked, "How do we make this practical?" "How do we take this from philosophy and apply it to experience?" The weekend retreat ended with one of the leaders giving me a poem by David Whyte, which said it all: THE JOURNEY Above the mountains the geese turn into the light again painting their black silhouettes on an open sky. Sometimes everything has to be enscribed across the heavens so you can find the one line already written inside you. Sometimes it takes a great sky to find that small, bright, and indescribable wedge of freedom in your own heart. Sometimes with the bones of the black sticks left when the fire has gone out someone has written something new in the ashes of your life. You are not leaving you are arriving. "You" are not leaving. . . "you" are arriving. Subsequently, a whole stream of events, unforeseen incidents, meetings and unusual assistance came my way. The movie, "What the bleep" as well as numerous teachers, books and articles, suggest that we create our reality based on our emotional state (which conjures up memories of what has gone before, including our limitations). Perhaps intuitive knowing is simply being aware of what we are creating. Perhaps those of us who have been exploring and talking about intuition for so many years only have a small piece of "what is." Perhaps it's time to move beyond the new age thought of "simply visualize" and it happens, in order to discover who and what we are...and how we create. Neville wrote that, "Man moves in a world that is nothing more or less than his consciousness objectified." If so, why has this imperative been discovered by so relatively few individuals? Presently, I have a hypothesis that I am personally checking out...which includes the daily practice of Yoga Nidra. My latest CD: Yoga Nidra Cover: Hidden in the black and gold design (from lead to gold) are three A's. They stand for Awake, Aware, Adept It is my belief that we are all searching for "real magic." We want to be alchemists, healers, visionaries. We want to feel that we are making a difference. . . in our lives and in the world. Why haven't we met a Don Juan to take us under his wing, tap us between our shoulder blades, and shift our awareness? Many of us have tried chemicals, various relaxation methods, vision quests, and technological advances of one sort or another, whether it is a magic mushroom or "a specialized CD, designed to synchronize our brain waves, to make us more than we have been before." And yes, all of these things work, at least to some extent. But if they work, why aren't we all avatars? why aren't we practicing our "magic" to bring balance to a world that, it would seem, is out of balance?" If I could, I would simply take a pill and become an Adept. Unfortunately, or

probably fortunately, it doesn't seem to work that way. Because of the responsibility such "Beingness" would involve: the need to understand ego, emotions, thoughts, our monkey- mind, I think we have to do a lot of soul searching, self-discovery, and practice. The book, "Yoga Nidra" by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Relax into Greatness by Rod Stryker, and The Meditative Heart of Yoga by Richard Miller, Ph.D. form the basis of my practice, and the foundation for this CD. Together, they have helped me understand and clarify techniques I have been teaching for over twenty years. I had just not (consciously) included all of them in the same practice. This ancient practice makes sense to me. The origin of Yoga Nidra can be traced back to ancient Eastern teachings of Yoga and "Tantra" (Sanskrit: tan-extending everywhere), which are a vast array of techniques designed to extend our understanding in order to overcome our mind's penchant to divide unitive True Nature into separate objective parts. Tantra and Yoga are not concerned with philosophical intellectualism or second-hand information. These teachings are concerned with firsthand knowing of who we actually are, where we stand free of psychological, cultural, and philosophical conditioning in the truth of what actually "is." Excerpt from Yoga Nidra-the Meditative Heart of Yoga by Richard Miller. Yoga Nidra is more than a method of relaxing as an approach to health and de-stressing. It is a practice of discovery that helps us go beyond our limiting beliefs and conditioning. With Yoga Nidra we have the potential to unravel the sacred mystery of life and reveal the secret (and magic) of our essence. This CD leads you through two practices of an ancient and life-changing approach to deep relaxation. . .the sleep of yogis, or Yoga Nidra.



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