Vision 2020 : GIS Strategic Plan 2016 - 2020
Vision 2020 @ Ghana International School
Introduction •
International School (G.I.S). •
The purpose of the School is to provide a high quality educational programme with instruction in English based on the English
modification required to meet the needs of the international composition of the student body and the host country. The School is a private educational institution that caters for local and foreign children of families residing in Accra, Ghana and the surrounding areas.
The School was founded in 1955
Accreditation was first granted by NEASC in December, 2007 and by CIS in January 2008 •
Ghana International School is a member of
The School is accredited by the Council of
the Council of International Schools (originally
International Schools (C.I.S) together with the
New England Association of Schools and
Association of Schools and Colleges and the
Colleges, Inc. Commission on America and
International Schools Abroad {(N.E.A.S.C),
Association of International School in Africa.
The web addresses of these organizations are, respectively.
and •
Accreditation was first granted by NEASC in December, 2007 and by CIS in January 2008
The School's Guiding Statements
Our Motto: •
“Understanding of each other”
Our Vision: •
“A highly respected school, locally and internationally recognized, providing excellent
education in a multi-cultural setting that produces responsible global citizens”
Our Mission: •
“To provide an internationally diverse school experience that instills an understanding of each other, promotes holistic development, life skills and learning through a rigorous curriculum that meets international standards”
Our Educational Objectives: 1. To maintain a high academic standard that: • • • • • • •
Delivers a broad curriculum which draws from various teaching methods, with English as the language of instruction; Offers the students opportunities to develop lively, enquiring minds and independent thinking; Encourages participation in co-curricular activities; Provides opportunities and encouragement for the professional development of staff; Identifies and meets the needs of students, except when student(s) Special Educational Needs cannot be met within the school‟s resources. Keeps abreast of trends in education and ensures that the curriculum remains relevant and dynamic.
2. To promote positive personal values that: • • • •
Cultivates integrity in students; Prepares students to become responsible, creative, self reliant and productive members of the global community; Encourages effective teamwork; Fosters a lifelong love of learning;
Our Educational Objectives Continued 3. To ensure understanding of and respect for diversity that: • Provides students with opportunities to share their cultures to promote understanding of each other‟; • Promotes knowledge and understanding of Ghana; • Promotes respect for other cultures, beliefs, nationalities, gender and persons with different abilities. 4.To develop a positive educational facility that: • Provides a nurturing, secure, clean and friendly learning environment where students can grow intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically; • Provides sufficient resources to create and maintain a stimulating learning environment. 5. To promote understanding of and participation in global concerns that: • Encourages students to regard the natural world as their inheritance and their responsibility. • Recognizes the need to protect and sustain the local and global environment; • Fosters a fundamental understanding of and respect for the rights and freedom of each individual in our community and the wider world in the spirit of the UN Declaration of Human Rights; • Encourage each student‟s participation in community service
Vision 2020: GIS Strategic Plan For 2016 – 2020 The GIS Strategic Plan is a „rolling planâ€&#x;, which means that the Board of Directors and School Administration will conduct a review of the plan bi-annually (August and January) and make necessary
adjustments. The following scheme and coding will be used to report progress on the work to achieve Specific Results. Planning Stages (P): The School has identified the Specific Result and begins to plan in order to achieve the result. In Progress (IP): The School has committed to achieve the Specific Result and has begun to measure and monitor progress through metrics and qualitative indicators. Completed (C): The metrics and qualitative indicators indicate that that the Specific Result has been achieved and is sustainable within the school organization. Delayed (D): The School is not able to achieve the Specific Result within the timeframe of the Strategic Plan. This may be due to one or more of the following: not enough resources, lack of
expertise, change in priorities, etc.
The GIS Strategic Plan is ambitious, and this is because we are at a critical juncture in our growth. In the last two years (2014 – 2016), we have been focused on transforming the way we „do school‟. As a result of implementing this transformational agenda, our results have empowered us to believe that we have the potential in our faculty, students and stakeholder community, to implement the strategic objectives outlined in our Vision 2020: GIS Strategic Plan Document. All key implementers of the objectives outlined in this document will be able to articulate results that are specific, observable, and/or measurable by employing work plans that specify who will do what by when, and include indicators of success and/or desired outcomes. We acknowledge the support of the Association of International Schools Africa (AISA) in preparing this
document. We also thank the following international schools for sharing their Strategic Plan Resources as we worked through our own process: International School of Tanganyika, International School of Ouagadougou, American International School of Mozambique, and The American International School of Lusaka.
Strategic Goal 1: To become a centre for instructional excellence 1.1. Solidify our teacher professional development program(s) to enable our teachers
deliver lessons that are engaging. 1.2. Engage our parents in ways that help them support us in the teaching of our students 1.3. Open our classrooms to be observed by those interested in becoming teachers, those interested in benchmarking their own practice and those interested in partnering with us in our teacher development programs.
1.4. Create a roadmap for technology use that recognizes the increasingly important role that technology plays in the lives of our students. 1.5. Support our students both academically and socially through various programming
options throughout their time at GIS
Strategic Goal 2: To invest in our human resources 2.1. Create career tracks for all staff. For teachers design in a way that allow them to develop towards Leadership in Administration, Student Life, or Research & Teacher Training. 2.2. Structure cyclical programming for areas of health, housing, personal growth, professional growth. A booklet that details what we offer to teachers beyond their salaries‌incentive programs to stay healthy and well. 2.3. Ensure that the diversity of our staff population reflects our focus on internationalism and interculturalism.
Strategic Goal 3: To maintain sound and forward thinking finance and operations management 3.1. Develop systems that ensure that payments and other transactions are made in a timely manner. 3.2. Ensure institutional compliance and adherence to best practices in financial operations 3.3. Guide all departments to become fiscally responsible over the course of the budget year
Strategic Goal 4: To make impact in our community through service 4.1 Analyze our current programs to ensure we are in compliance with our Guiding Statements 4.2 Ensure that every student has had opportunity to serve through in-school programming 4.3 Solidify community relationships to enable us to build a reliable network of communities in need 4.4 Connect with other schools and join organizations in Ghana and outside Ghana who are committed to creating opportunities for service
Strategic Goal 5: To provide safe, flexible and functional facilities based on current and future needs of the school 5.1 Ensure that the learning and working environment at GIS is safe and secure for all students and staff. 5.2 Address changing needs in all departments by planning and demonstrating creativity, adaptability and practicality. 5.3 Provide stimulating and interactive facilities that support the learning objectives of each section of the school 5.4 Explore various options for expanding the GIS brand, in Accra and outside Accra
Strategic Goal 1: To become a centre for instructional excellence
Strategic Goal 1: To become a centre for instructional excellence
1.1. Solidify our teacher professional development program(s) to enable our teachers deliver lessons that are engaging. 1.2. Engage our parents in ways that help them support us in the teaching of our students 1.3. Open our classrooms to be observed by those interested in becoming teachers, those interested in benchmarking their own practice and those interested in partnering with us in our teacher development programs. 1.4. Create a roadmap for technology use that recognizes the increasingly important role that technology plays in the lives of our students. 1.5. Support our students both academically and socially through various programming options throughout their time at GIS` Specific Results 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020 - 2021 GIS will: Structure a Professional Learning Community Program that will address the needs of teaching staff (inc. TA’s) and our commitment to student support. Strengthen Saturday Community Events & ‘Connexions’ in order to engage parents. Use Technology Platform office as the base for designing programs for both students and teachers. Engage all departments of the school in the support of student learning.
GIS will: Maintain a Professional Learning Community Program that will address the needs of teaching staff. Expand Saturday Community Events & ‘Connexions’ in order to engage parents. Use Technology Platform office as the base for designing programs for both students and teachers. Initiate partnerships with local teaching colleges to enable teacher candidates to observe good teaching practice. Engage all departments of the school in the support of student learning.
GIS will: Organize a conference on GIS Campus at which our teachers will lead in the organization and delivery of workshops and plenaries. Maintain a Professional Learning Community Program that will address the needs of teaching staff. Expand Saturday Community Events & ‘Connexions’ in order to engage parents. Use Technology Platform office as the base for designing programs for both students and teachers. Strengthen partnerships with local teaching colleges to enable teacher candidates to observe good teaching practice. Engage all departments of the school in the support of student learning.
GIS will: Partner with organizations that support teacher development e.g. CIE, Min. of Ed to lend expertise Maintain a Professional Learning Community Program that will address the needs of teaching staff. Expand Saturday Community Events & ‘Connexions’ in order to engage parents. Use Technology Platform office as the base for designing programs for both students and teachers. Solidify partnerships with local teaching colleges to enable teacher candidates to observe good teaching practice. Engage all departments of the school in the support of student learning.
Key Implementers: The Principal, Vice Principals of Sections, Teaching & Learning Committee, Accreditation Group Key Supports: The Board of Directors, VP (Admissions & Advancement) GIS Parents, & Teachers
GIS will: Inaugurate a Center for Educational Excellence that focuses on student participation, teacher commitment, parent engagement, community partnership & impactful leadership.
Strategic Goal 2: To invest in our Human Resources
Strategic Goal 2: To invest in our Human Resources
2.1. Create career tracks for all staff. For teachers design in a way that allow them to develop towards Leadership in Administration, Student Life, or Research & Teacher Training. 2.2. Structure cyclical programming for areas of health, housing, personal growth, professional growth. A booklet that details what we offer to teachers beyond their salaries…incentive programs to stay healthy and well. 2.3. Ensure that the diversity of our staff population reflects our focus on internationalism and interculturalism.
Specific Results
2020 - 2021
GIS will: Explore career track plans for staff in international schools Work with the Wellness department to design a structured program that staff can benefit from. Outline a realistic plan for recruitment of international staff. Devote resources to ensuring that we recruit the best, and keep them for as long as our policy allows.
GIS will: Design career track plans for staff in the school & work with VPs to support and monitor teacher growth. Develop a training program that puts the onus on the teacher to plan for their own professional growth - creating self motivated learners who then know how to create classroom environments that encourage students to be self motivated learners. Work with the Wellness department to design a structured program that staff can benefit from. Restructure its teacher recruitment program to ensure maximum exposure to the best international teacher candidates.
GIS will: Assess career track plans for staff in the school to determine if there are changes needed. Work with the Wellness department to determine if there is a need to improve the current plan. Design a comprehensive mentoring program in collaboration with the Vice Principal’s of each section and the managers.
GIS will: Solidify the Career track program for all staff in the school. Work with the Wellness department to design a structured program that staff can benefit from. Implement & Monitor a comprehensive mentoring program in collaboration with the Vice Principal’s of each section.
GIS will: Have a diverse staff population to enable us deliver programs that are international in every sense of the word. All our staff will have access to programs that ensure wellness and will be able to articulate their own professional growth plans.
Key Implementers: HR Department, Wellness Department (Nurses and Counselors), Vice Principals Key Supports: Principal, Board of Directors, Staff
Strategic Goal 3: To maintain sound and forward thinking finance and operations management
Strategic Goal 3: To maintain sound and forward thinking finance and operations management   
3.1. Develop systems that ensure that payments and other transactions are made in a timely manner. 3.2. Ensure institutional compliance and adherence to best practice in financial operations 3.3. Guide all departments to become fiscally responsible over the course of the budget year
Specific Results 2016-2017
2020 - 2021
GIS will: Concretize clear Standards Of Practice for the finance department by creating a department wide policy for processes in the school. Determine training needs of the department. This must include the use of technology in every facet of operations. Establish a realistic budgeting timeline that allows the School to have an approved budget for the upcoming school year by May of the preceding year. Organize and train other departments on how to understand the budget. Establish cost centers and ensure regular reporting to keep departments abreast of spending.
GIS will: Ensure that each member of the team has a growth plan that focuses on their professional role at the School Prepare for an internal audit of our financial health and systems. Organize and train other departments on how to understand the budget. Have the 2018 Budget ready by May 2017.
GIS will: Assess departmental training needs and identify areas for upgrade. Prepare for an external audit of our financial health and systems. Organize and train other departments on how to understand the budget. Have the 2019 Budget ready by May 2018.
GIS will: Prepare for an internal audit of our financial health and systems. Organize and train other departments on how to understand the budget. Have the 2020 Budget ready by May 2019.
GIS will: Prepare for an external audit of our financial health and systems. Have the 2021 Budget ready by May 2020.
Key Implementers: Finance Manager, VP Admissions & Advancement, IT Services Manager, Technology Platform Coordinator, HR Manager Key Supports: Principal, Board of Directors, HR Manager
Strategic Goal 4: To make an impact in our community through service
Strategic Goal 4: To make an impact in our community through service
4.1. Analyze our current programs to ensure we are in compliance with our Guiding Statements 4.2. Ensure that every student has had opportunity to serve through in-school programming 4.3. Solidify community relationships to enable us to build a reliable network of communities in need 4.4. Connect with other schools and join organizations in Ghana and outside Ghana who are committed to creating opportunities for service
Specific Results 2016-2017
2020 - 2021
GIS will: Analyze and assess our current programming to determine how we are meeting student needs. Establish a committee of staff to design a volunteering program that utilizes the ‘passport’ concept introduced in 2015. Pilot the Passport Program in the 3rd Term. Apply to join the Round Square Organization. Determine ways of communicating what we do to our School community and others beyond our walls.
GIS will: Solidify the Volunteer Passport Program for all students, taking into account the different sections of the school & their capabilities. Manage the process of integrating Round Square into the School’s community Service program. Initiate a 1-week Community Service week in which we will celebrate our achievements and introduce new members of our community to our Strategic Goal. Explore opportunities to serve outside of Ghana.
GIS will: Conduct an audit of the entire Community Service Program. Continue running an excellent program of community service. Establish the 1-week Community Service week as an integral part of student life. Determine how a service/mission trip outside Ghana would augment our current offerings.
GIS will: Extend the community service program to regions outside of Accra. Organize a service/mission trip outside of Ghana.
GIS will: Establish and run a model program to involve all preuniversity students in volunteer work inside and outside of Ghana.
Key Implementers: Head of Department (Student Life) Key Supports: Principal, Vice Principals, Development Manager, VP (Admissions & Advancement), Marketing Coordinator.
Strategic Goal 5: To provide safe, flexible and functional campus & facilities based on current and future needs of the school
Strategic Goal 5: To provide safe, flexible and functional campus & facilities based on current and future needs of the school
Ensure that the learning and working environment at GIS is safe and secure for all students and staff. Address changing needs in each department by planning and demonstrating creativity, adaptability and practicality. Provide stimulating and interactive facilities that support the learning objectives of each section of the school Explore various options for expanding the GIS brand, in Accra and outside Accra
Specific Results 2016-2017 GIS will: Conduct an audit of its facilities and security, to assure the community of its continued commitment to student safety and security. Included in this is a determination of whether our facilities are adequate and whether they stimulate living & learning. Ensure that all physical assets are documented, stored and accounted for on a regular basis. Employ EdAdmin and/or other software to assist in the management of School assets. Determine training needs of key staff in the Development Department and the Security & Assurance Department. Establish a smooth process for facility upgrade requests and work to be done. Initiate the design of a ‘Campus Of The Future’ in consultation with all stakeholders.
2017-2018 GIS will: Initiate ‘Total Security For All’ campaign. Organize information sessions to assure the community of its continued commitment to student safety and security. Ensure that all physical assets are documented, stored and accounted for on a regular basis. Employ EdAdmin and/or other software to assist in the management of School assets. Train key staff in Development Department and the Security & Assurance Department in areas of need. Complete the design of a ‘Campus Of The Future’ in consultation with all stakeholders.
2018-2019 GIS will: Continue implementing the goals of 2017 – 2018. Explore the timelines required to realize the ‘Campus Of The Future’. Conduct a feasibility study on the possibility of opening up a sixth form campus outside of Accra.
2019-2020 GIS will: Invite external auditors to our campus to lead us in assessing: (a) our progress towards ‘Total Security For All’. (b) How functional and stimulating our facilities are. Ensure that prior programs have prepared all members of the School community in understanding their roles and responsibilities in ensuring our campus is safe.
Key Implementers: Security & Assurance Services Manager, Development Manager Key Supports: Principal, Board of Directors, All Managers, External Protection Agencies (proxy S&AS Manager), and Technology Platform Coordinator.
2020 - 2021 GIS will: Engage all stakeholders in detailed consultation regarding ‘GIS at 80’… What will our campus look like?
Officers Of Ghana International School Board – 2016/2017 Members
Mr. Kwame Pianim Mr. J. W. Ampiah Mrs. E. M. Appiah
Board of Directors
Chair: Mr. Kwame Pianim Mr. J. W. Ampiah Mrs. E. M. Appiah Mrs. A. Cameron Mr. K. Kwakwa Ms. F. Maame Hagan Prof. F. Dolphyne
Board of Governors
Chair: Mr. Kwame Pianim Mr. J. W. Ampiah Mrs. E. M. Appiah Mrs. A. Cameron Mr. K. Kwakwa Ms. F. Maame Hagan Prof. F. Dolphyne Head of U.N. Mission in Ghana British High Commisioner, Ghana Indian High Commissioner, Ghana Nigerian High Commissioner, Ghana
Dr. (Mrs.) Mary Ashun
(Member Director) (Member Director) (Member Director) (Director, P. T. A. Nominee) (Director, Business Nominee) (Director, Alumni Nominee) (Director, Educational Nominee)
Motto: Understanding of Each Other