Secrets from the Queen of Balance: Gabrielle Van Der Elst
I don’t know about you, but it seems to be harder and harder to strike a balance. We strive to balance work and play, being healthy but also treating ourselves, spending time with family, friends, your partner while also fitting in some ‘me’ time. It’s an eternal juggling act and one that only a few people get right. Gabrielle Van Der Elst is one of those people. She is an extremely wellrounded individual, managing to fit more in one day than most of us can do in a week!
Finding balance is an endless struggle but I think the key is to always be kind to yourself and take some pressure away - we have enough pressure from work, family and friends. We are so quick to judge our efforts if we haven’t made it to a class or have been a little naughty by eating too many sweet treats. Find balance day by day as each week is so different. Listen to your body and give it exactly what it needs for that particular day. If you aren’t feeling up to a sweaty class, opt for something that’s more gentle.