Bucket Truck Features & Specifications The right selection of bucket truck is critical for your business as it involves a serious investment. Many times the features that you are looking for in a bucket truck are unavailable or don't match your budget. The specifications and features of a bucket truck generally depend on the type of the bucket truck that you want to purchase. And if you wish to buy a digger derrick, the same is true. You must consider its safety features also. These specifications and features vary in both a new and used bucket truck. In general, some specifications that you should observe when purchasing a bucket truck are:
Insulated or Non-Insulated Working Height Side Reach Outriggers Platform Capacity Driveline Fuel Type Transmission Type Make Model Model Year Mileage Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
Keeping these features and specifications in mind will help in your decision while purchasing a bucket truck. Before finding out the price of a bucket truck, become familiar with these features and specifications. This will not only help you to narrow your search, but will also help you to buy the best utility bucket truck for your company. Visit www.utilityfleetsales.com for all your bucket truck needs.