Mary Campbell Gray Interior Design Portfolio

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6 Resume 8 Corporate 30 Hospitality 54 Institution 64 Healthcare 74 Retail 76 Product Design 84 Creative

Ta b l e o f Contents

E d u c ati o n

Bachelor of Science in Interior Design Council of Interior Design Accreditation Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS | August 2019 Major GPA: 3.86/4.00 Overall GPA: 3.73/4.00

H o n o r s a n d a cti v iti e s

Work Experience Interior Design Internship

Fle x s te el I n du s tr ies | 2 0 1 7 - Present A s sis t lea d d esigner th rou gh ou t p ro ces s of fur nit ure deve lopme nt Pre p are layo u t propos a ls a nd fa b r ic s ele c t ions for Hospit alit y and He alt h ca re E x p os itio ns O ve r s ee s a m p le inventor y a nd s a mple librar y ma t e r ials

Student Worker

D i vi si o n o f Fi n ance O ffice, Mississippi St a t e Uni ve r si t y 2015 - 2 0 1 7 Ma naged front desk with scheduling and gues t infor ma tion Answered phone calls and transferred to head of depar tment Stocked office supplies with dr inks and coffee for gues ts

Administrative Clerk Assistant

C l a y C o u n ty Cha ncer y Cler k O ffic e | Wi nt e r s of 2015 & 20 1 6 Sor ted cour t files into filing sys tem (computer ized and manual) Copied deed documents for proper ty owner s Drafted notes in cour t proceedings

Oth e r e x p e r i e n c e s

Much Love Paints by Mary Campbell Gray Vendor, Prairie Arts Festival - West Point, Mississippi | 2015 - 2018 Vendor, Cotton District Arts Festival - Starkville, Mississippi | 2016 Vendor, West Point, MS Christmas Open House | 2015 Donor, Mississippi State University Clay County Alumni | 2015 - Present Donor, Lilapoolaza | 2017 Donor, Oak Hill Academy Fall Festival Silent Auction | 2015 - Present


Mississippi State University Presidents List Spring 2017, Spring 2018 Mississippi State University Deans List | Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Spring 2016, Fall 2018


Re c ipie nt, Mississippi M e t ho d i s t Fo u n d a t i o n Sc holar ship | 201 6 , 2 0 1 7 , 2018 Re c ipie nt, Wit h- it Sc ho l a r shi p | 2 0 1 7 , 2 0 1 8 Re c ipie nt, Linda M. C l a r k Sc ho l a r shi p 2017, 2018 Third R unne r U p, Am e r i c a n So c i e t y o f Furnit ure De signer s Sc ho l a r shi p | 2018


St ude nt Me mbe r, Am e r i c a n So c i e t y o f I n t e r i o r De signe r s | 2015 - Pre se n t St ude nt Me mbe r, Ame r i c a n So c i e t y o f Fur nit ure De signer s | 2 0 1 8 Me mbe r, Sigma Alpha La mbd a Ho n o r So c i e t y 2015 - 2018 Me mbe r, De lt a Gam m a Fr a t e r n i t y 2015 - 2018

Awards & Honors

Flexsteel Furniture Competition | 5th place, 2018

Ame r ic an Soc ie t y o f I n t e r i o r D e si g n e r s St ude nt Care e r Da y | 2 0 1 6 Gold Award in Thre e D i me n si o n a l D e si g n Si lve r Award in T hre e D i me n si o n a l D e si g n Deve lop In- line Din i n g Se t fo r Fl e xs t e e l Indus t r ie s | 2017


V o lu nte e r i n g Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer,

Rise Against Hunger Food Packaging | 2010 - Present Habitat for Humanity | 2015 Arts Council Stage Production Crew - West Point, MS | 2015 - Present Adopt-A-Family | 2015 - Present ASID Student Career Day Planning Committee | 2017 KABOOM/Yokohama Tire Playground Build | 2017 Haiti Mission Team - First United Methodist Church, West Point MS | 2018

TE C H N I C A L C O U R S E S History I and II Hand Rendering LEED for Interiors Environments for Special Needs Interior Materials and Treatments Textiles for Interiors Photography Detailing and Construction

Furniture Design Digital Design CAD For Interiors 3D CAD and Revit Color And Lighting Integrated Lighting Solutions Historic Preservation

C o m p u te r s k i ll s Microsoft Office

Wo r d , Po w e r p o i n t, E x c e l , O u t l o o k , P u b l i s h e r, e t c. .



Adobe Suite 2020


P h o t o s h o p, I n D e s i g n , I l l u s t r a t o r, A c r o b a t

G i z a , C A P, Wo r k s h e e t, V i s u a l I m p r e s s i o n s

662.295.0460 901 East Broad St. West Point, MS 39773

Sketch Up Rhino

References available upon request




Commercial Real Estate and Project Management Firm


Design a space reecting company brand and culture. Incorporate all generations within workplace. Compose areas where collaboration is center of attention. Create vertical interest, promoting employees to stay focused and motivated.

Located in the Mile-High City, NEXT’s office structure is comprised of environments that help individuals or groups experience many types of postures throughout the day. Like the mountains around Denver, the space is layered to reflect the many types of rock formations that can be found. Employees are able to choose a more structured environment or relaxed environment to work in.


Open Office Sketch


Wall detail Sketch


Color coded Floor plan

Layering of Zones NEXT has specifically layered zone types that move people throughout the workplace with social zones integrated throughout the entire space.

Zoning Key

Resident Social Resource

Nomadic Meeting


Rendered floor Plan


Room Schedule

1. Workcafé 8. Connect Zone 2. Medium Conference Room 9. Large Conference Room 3. Small Huddle Area 10. Virtual Reality and Client Lounge 4. Wellness Room 11. Resource Area 5. Outdoor Patio 12. Open Office Area 6. Reception Area 13. Private Offices 7. Phone Booths 14. Restroom







D ifferent var iations of flooring in the wor kcafé and open office create



Different layers of flooring compose areas in the workcafé & open office, each serving as a separation element.


boundar ies . 3


Private offices, located at the back of the company space, are comprised of different posture layouts for employees to choose which they prefer.


2 2 5



7 6




M ate r i a l s e le cti o n




F u r n it u r e s e le cti o n

Posture layouts are formed after specific steps in the rock cycle ; igneous, sedimentar y, and metamorphic.

Layers of Lighting

Reflected Ceiling Plan

Utilizing layers of lighting per sonalizes and creates an intimate experience for users. Floor lamps, allow employees to control light needed for specific tasks.


Layered ceiling types that reflect the floor system below are located in the workcafé and open office. These ceiling systems create a unique acoustical feature as well as seclusion .

All ceiling heights are 14’- 0” unless noted otherwise.

Pendant, floor, and lamp Fixtures

Lighting Legend Symbol

Manufacturer Eureka Cooper Lighting

Dimensions 22" W x 68.10" H 8" D

Quanity 17 185


3" W x 5" H



3" W x 5" H



7" W x 3' 11" H



8" W x 8" H



6" W x 8" H



7.09" W 68.10" H



Receptio n are a Lighting provides an organic ambiance as employees and clients enter. Wall details represent layer formations found in mountains including abrupt, sharp edges. Uneven structures along the bottom of the reception desk represent unevenness found in mountains.

Larg e con f e re n c e room Material selection provides warmth and visual interest within space. An exclusive and intimate feel is created by way of lighting. The occupancy level can reach up to twenty plus employees and clients.


Dro p down h a llway Separation is created between a social and nomadic zone by using wooden slats and a half wall. Seating and work surfaces are created for employees by using

layering techniques. Technology aids small group

meetings in a comfortable environment.

O pen o ffic e a re a Division is created by using area rugs in the open oďŹƒce spaces.

Lighting creates ambiance of comfort and privacy. Lounge furniture creates a gathering space for groups, rather and traditional benching systems.



Portable Bluetooth speaker company


Invent a company in need of a call center, including name and branding. Include special requirements, creating a general atmosphere and reecting company interests in technology and service. Compose areas acoustically separated from louder, interactive spaces.

The Chute Box Company provides the healthiest environment for its employees and those who visit by featuring their own product material, bamboo , in their space. Along with this material, the company uses colors and a floor plan layout that reflects the plant. Green and brown color schemes help employees find their way through the linear floor plan.

Product Information:

-5x5 Square

-Variety of Finishes -Includes App -Bluetooth


Steelcase Typicals Used in Office


Custom break room table

Top View

Side View


Color coded First floor Plan



Call Center

Human Resources

Common Space


Information Technology

Li ve pla n t wa l l s with shoots

Annotative First floor Plan

o f bam bo o p rovide visual p r i vacy.


M ate r i a l s e le cti o n Acco rdi o n walls var y i n co l o r fro m wall to wal l, rep resenting the


ver tical na ture and color s i n bamboo sho o t s.




Color coded Second Floor Plan



Call Center

Human Resources

Common Space


Information Technology

Annotative Second Floor Plan

D i rector a n d Meet i n g ro o m s en sure vi s i tor s a n d emp l oyees t he m o s t a m o u n t of n a t ura l li g h t for co m p l et i n g dai l y t asks.

Lo un ge are as inc lude s ol i ta r y and co nve r s a ti o n a l zone s allowing anyone to find a spac e to wor k.


M ate r i a l s e le cti o n


Upholstery Custom Upholstery



Custom Upholstery



Custom Upholstery


N o t es : -All ceiling heights are 14’ from base floor. -All live walls end a t 4’ from the ground.

First floor lighting Plan


Lighting Legend Symbol

T hro u g h o u t o pen wo r k s p a ces, su sp e n d ed sound

a bs or bing di v i der s creens ha n g to provi d e pr ivacy .

Lamp Type














N ot es : -All ceiling heights are 14’ from base floor. -All live walls end a t 4’ from the ground.

Ar m s t ro n g an d St eelc ase crea t ed So un dsca pe aco us t i c cei l i n g p ane ls, addi n g a

t h ree-d i men s i on a l asp ect t o sp ace s.

Second floor lighting Plan


Lighting Legend Symbol

Lamp Type















Receptio n Are a Natural materials and lighting are a key component in the reception area. Clients and visitors are able to check in and view the product at the custom reception desk.

Lounge seating creates a

comfortable setting for clients as they wait for meetings.

Raised Hu b A re a Employees are able to survey others around them in a centrally located space. Glass encloses the space, allowing employees an area to focus on their tasks.

Separation is created by

a built-in bench and small coee station for employees.


Manag er o f f ic e s Visual privacy is accomplished by a sliding door mechanism.

Located directly across, employees are able to break away from meetings and enter into an interactive area. Colors replicate the dark greens and browns seen on bamboo shoots.

Lo u ng e S pac e Employees can break away from meetings to visit or talk with others.

Technology walls are

incorporated so employees can have small meetings. Product is displayed throughout this area, so employees are able to test it at any time.


H o s p i ta l i t y




Develop an eighteen-story boutique hotel, including lobby level, guest room level, and rooftop terrace. Compose hotel name and branding reecting overall feel of spaces. Design lobby, lobby bar and cafe, spa, guest room level, and rooftop bar and grill.

Located in Honolulu, Hawaii, Hotel Huna is designed using the seven guiding principles of Hawaiian culture, known as Huna . This branch of philosophy deals with the abstract concepts such as being, knowing, cause, and time. The seven principles of Huna are Ike, Kala, Manawa, Makia, Aloha, Mana, and Pono and each location within Hotel Huna is given a principle reflecting the feelings evoked from each meaning.

Group project Level 18


Kala Rooftop Bar & Grill

Guest Room Level Revit Components Branding Development Rendering

Research Construction Documents Conceptual Imagery


Overall Branding

Level 3-17

Guest Rooms


Exterior elevation

Bed sketch

Mana Restaurant, Aloha Bar, Makia Massage & Spa

Sofa sketch


Level 1



Level 2


First floor Rendered Plan

Notes All visitors are welcome to use a secondar y entrance located within Mana Restaurant.



Room Schedule 9


Pr ivacy captures guests as they make their way to the elevator lobby to find their rooms.

1. Lobby 7. Bell Hop/Concierge 2. Mana Restaurant 8. Women’s Restroom 3. Aloha Lobby Bar 9. Men’s Restroom 4. Makia Spa Reception 10. Elevator Lobby 5. Workout Facility 6. Makia Spa Relaxation Pool


Under the staircase is a lounge area where guests can gather or rest before and after check in.


6 1


The Makia Massage and Spa includes 3

M ate r i a l s e le cti o n


two locker rooms, four individual message rooms and one couple message room .

F u r n it u r e s e le cti o n & R E C E PTI O N D eta i l s








Lo bby Spac e Bright elements with ares of

gold and green create a welcoming and inviting atmosphere for guests. Column details interest guests to look upward and take in the luxurious lobby.

Three form material creates transparency while incorporating gold.


Aloha: not only hello and goodbye, but also to love is to be happy in respect to peace and compassion.

Various areas allow guest to sit and

gather before or after checking in, while grabbing a drink.

Floor to ceiling windows bring in an abundance of natural light.

Makia: energy goes where attention ows.

Flowing water walls guide guests through spaces, creating a relaxing atmosphere.

Minimal colors and textures allow guests to


focus attention within, creating their own unique energy.

Guest room Rendered Plan

Notes Room Types: 1 - Standard Suite 1 - Junior Suite 7 - King Suites (One ADA) 6 - Queen Suites 3 - Double Suites

The overall aspect of each guest room is based off the Huna concept of Ike . Through the power of Ike, guests are given the option to change their perspective exper ience .


Tiled floor ing is placed in each guest room, maintaining sand brought in from the beach. Custom carpet is in the corridor, along with a wood flooring that transition guests into their rooms. All beds are facing room windows so guests are able to take in the view as they wake up.

M ate r i a l s e le cti o n

F u r n it u r e s k etc h

Built-in headboards with oating shelves attached serve as bedside tables and allow guests to hide away their phones and charging cords when not in use.




Custom Wallpaper

Custom Corridor carpet

Ike: stands for the world is what you think it is.

Qu een G u e st room Located in the middle of the guest room is a central wall that the headboard and bed are attached to. Custom wallpaper is featured on the bedside wall, pulling inspiration from green leaves seen in Hawaii.

Built-in closets feature a

full-length mirror that doubles as a door.



Elevator Corridor Rendering

Guest Room Level Corridor


Queen Guest Room Maquette

Lounge seating allows guests to relax.

An entertainment chest and at screen TV is located opposite lounge seating.

Mana: all power comes from within.

Contrasting colors portray the natural contrast found in Hawaii.


Materials chosen reect nature, drawing from the inuence that the power of nature can always be seen.

Rooftop and mezzanine Rendered Plan

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Room Schedule

Elevator Lobby Sand Lounge Pool Lounge Cabana Lounges Kala Bar and Grill

6. 7. 8. 9.

Notes Kitchen Restrooms Restrooms Mezzanine

The sand lounge allows guests to enjoy the beach without the hassle. It incorporates fire pits and string lights as well.


7 9

6 2





An illusion wall across from the elevators helps create privacy for guests located on the opposite side.

The pool lounge incases water allowing it to flow over the side of the building. This creates a seamless line guest can lose in the view. Circle lounges are raised four inches above the water, so guests feel as if they are floating . They also invited to walk in the water.


M ate r i a l s e le cti o n

F u r n it u r e & s k etc h e s




Cabana sketch

Ginkgo chair



Ginkgo barstool


Sand Lo u n ge The sand lounge towards the back of the rooftop, oers excellent views of the Hawaiian beach side.

Natural elements help replicate the atmosphere found all over Hawaii.

String lights allow guests to use this space throughout the night.


Kala: there are no limits.

Placed where guests can step away from the views and grab a drink. Built in shelves frame the logo and hold bottles needed to serve guests. An opening allows guests from above to look down below to watch those below.

Rooftop and Mezzanine Model


Exterior View


Design a restaurant that reects the country and culture. Incorporate cultural aspects into the space such as dining, traditions, and more. Create vertical interest to engage visitors as they enter the space. Visualize uniforms, place settings, and menus that could potentially be incorporated in the restaurant.

India is known for its lively festivals, rich food, and legendary traditions. Levity, a word formed from the meaning of amusement and laughter is a place that has all these aspects and more within its doors. Vast colors of red and gold, mixed with modern and traditional styles of seating help customers feel one with nature and in a place of serenity.

Group project Responsibilities: Space Planning Place Setting Exterior View Elevations


Seating total: 180

Renderings Revit Component Building Conceptual Imagery Material Selection

Overall Bar Outdoor Traditional Private




Custom Booth sketch


Employee Uniforms


Place setting


Waiting and bar elevation


Color coded Floor Plan

Henna tattoos are located all throughout Indian history. They have a religious meaning and used in religious ceremonies. By incorporating this type of symbol in the restaurant, Levity creates a sacred and somber environment for guests. Placed in the center of the restaurant is a traditional seating style that is situated on a raised oor replicating Levity’s logo.


Outdoor Patio Hostess Station Main Dining



Private Dining


Service Kitchen


Rendered Floor Plan


F u r n it u r e s e le cti o n

Levity ’s incorporates an Indian motif floor tile used on the patio area and in the back of the restaurant. A hostess stand is located right in front of the door, so guests are able to reserve their spot.


Booth seating

Spread throughout the dining area are booths,


Dining Table


Dining Chair

M ate r i a l s e le cti o n




traditional tables, and banquette seating .

Eighteen people can sit at the bar area which is located right next to the waiting area, allowing waiting parities to grab drinks. A sky fold door allows the private dining area to be open or closed depending on the party type.


Bar & Waiti n g A re a Layers of lighting are incorporated in the waiting area and bar area to add an aspect of depth. Behind the waiting area, a wall incorporates dierent openings types found throughout Indian culture.

Drop down ceilings are

incorporated to help the space feel secluded from the rest of the restaurant.

Entry & H oste ss Sta nd Visitors are welcomed by a hostess’s station that replicates the same openings as the grand doorway.

Flooring transitions help guests find their way to their seats or waiting area.

An atrium opening oods in natural light into the entry area, helping the space feel large and bright.


Traditio nal Se atin g V ie w A tree ďŹ gure is incorporated into the space, so visitors feel as if they are one with nature.

Lighting hanging from the tree figure helps show the scale of the space, as well as provide the necessary light for visitors. By placing traditional Indian seating centrally within the restaurant, visitors can pick a seating style.

Bo oth Seatin g A Re a Red light fixtures incorporated into the space add a are of color. Booth seating replicates the opening used on doorways and windows. Floating tables and lights used inside the booths help them feel private. A transitional area is created by use of ooring materials.


I n stit u ti o n a l

Exterior View


Collaborate with a group to revive a museum located on the Mississippi State University campus. Update exterior and interior finishes to meet standard code. Rebrand museum and signage to help draw more attention. Propose potential plans for future expansion.

The Cobb Institute embodies a collection from all over the world and wants visitors to feel as if they are going on their own type of discovery below the surface of Mississippi State University. By updating finishes and space planning in the basement and lobby area, the museum will be prepared to expand and create a new addition that will include a new entrance to the museum and gift shop area.

Group project - architecture, building construction science, graphic design, interior design Responsibilities: Space Planning Revit Component Building Interior Elevations Material Selection


Renderings ADA Requirements



North elevation



West elevation


UP vv




OVERALL site plan


Rendered Floor Plan


Large groups of visitors can now meet in the lobby space, while students and faculty are able to sit and relax in the space as well.


Cor k ooring is used in the lobby and basement plans to help with acoustical properties.


Room Schedule 1. Lobby 2. Classroom 101 3. Restrooms 4. Proposed New Entrance 5. Elevator Lobby 6. Back of House



In the new entr y area visitors will enter through the west side of the building, which is the side facing The Drill Field, in hopes to bring new visitors and attention to the museum. The new addition includes a new

loading dock, ramp, stairs, and facade. 3 1

M ate r i a l s e le cti o n





F u r n it u r e s e le cti o n

Reflected Ceiling Plan

Notes 8


Cor k is repeated in the basement helping with acoustics. Along with the dark cork is a lighter cork that is located underneath the main entr y feature.


At the beginning of the museum, glass walls and sheet rock alternate to create a look into the behind the scenes of the museum.


7 5


Custom display cases are located

throughout the museum. Some connect to the wall and some are free standing depending on what is to be displayed at the time.

1 2

Room Schedule


1. Elevator Lobby 2 New World 3. Old World 4. Proposed New Gift Shop 5. Collection Storage 6. Field Equipment Storage 7. Coin Room Vault



8. Vault 9. Electrical 10. Lab 11. Mechanical

M ate r i a l s e le cti o n Metal Stud Framing



Self -Tapping Screw Aluminum Mullion

Storefront Panel


Waterproofing detail


Anchor Bolt Concrete Slab

Map of view Sheds



Store front Detail


Lo bby Area The lobby space serves as a place where students and faculty can meet or wait for an upcoming class.

Moveable furniture is

incorporated into the space so visitors can move them as needed. A wayďŹ nding feature incorporates the museum’s logo into the lobby space, helping visitors find their way to the elevators and down to the museum.

Mu seu m entry a re a Visitors enter and are greeted by a large statue that captures their interest. A view into the storage room where graduate students and employees

piece artifacts back together. Old-World motifs are found on the wall and throughout artifacts.


Display area Hands on display features hold priceless artifacts and allow kids to place their hands and face as close as they want to. Dark color schemes replicate colors archeologists find below the ground while searching for artifacts.

Track lighting is throughout the

museum, highlighting artifacts along the walls.

Back wall d isp l ay a re a Free standing statues rest

in custom built display cases that can be easily changed when new artifacts arrive.

New World motifs are located on the back wall and throughout artifacts from that time. A free-standing

description panel has the museum’s logo on the front.


H e a lt h c a r e





Compose a medical clinic that not only puts clients first but also employees. Brand the clinic and replicate it throughout the clinic. Develop tag words that inspire the type of spaces that are throughout.


Curves are naturally occurring elements that outline a space, form or city. Located in Seattle, Washington, NEXT Medical Clinic is inspired by distinctive curves that are formed from the cities rode planning. Curves can mimic elements within an atmosphere or space. Within this medical clinic, curved walls, furniture, materials, and finishes inspire a atmosphere full of rejuvenation, collaboration, and organization .


Wall detail sketch


Reception desk

Staff Use Only

Phone Booths

Patient Areas

Restroom 2


(includes exam rooms, massage areas, consult rooms, and acupuncture rooms)


Beginning block Diagram

Laundry/ Environmental Space

Large Conference Room

Mother’s Room/ Relax Room


Shared Offices

Open Offices

Restroom 1


Staff/Patient Access


Medium Conference Room

Reception/ Waiting

Patient Access

Work Cafe


Curved hallways represent the flow of Seattle, while also leading a person’s eye to an exam room or workstation.

Annotative Floor Plan

The laundry room is located at the back of clinic to help cover sound of the washing machines and dryers while in use.


Exam, massage, and acupuncture rooms are centrally located together and are outlined by curved walls to help guide the patients that visit.

The waiting/reception area incorporates two types of flooring helping patients find their way to the reception desk for check in.

Open offices are on the southern side allowing as much natural light into the space for employees to enjoy.

The workcafé offers a variety of seating for the staff, with a glass wall providing natural light into the space.

Rendered Floor Plan



6 4












10 13

4 4









2 1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Room Schedule

Reception/Waiting Message Rooms Restrooms Exam Rooms Mother’s Room Lounge Area Phone Booths Medium Conference

9. Private Meeting Rooms 10. Storage 11. Large Conference Room 12. Laundry Room 13. Shared Offices 14. Open Office 15. Workcafé



M ate r i a l s e le cti o n





Mediu m co nf e re nc e room For easy access, the medium conference room is located directly o the reception area. A rounded corner square table is placed in the room, so everyone can see each other while meeting. Neutral tones contrast the are of green helping provide a calming atmosphere for clients.

Hallway Hallways are modeled after roadways of Seattle with smooth curves guiding patients to rooms. Lighting follows along the edge of each wall, helping guide patients and employees.


Color schemes replicate pale green seen in the landscape of Seattle, creating a soothing experience for clients.

O pen o ffice a re a Open oďŹƒce areas serve as a place for break out sessions and incorporates dierent postures for employees throughout the day. Fabric is located on many surfaces other than furniture in this space to help with acoustical properties. Bright colors and natural light help employees stay focused and motivated during the day.

Back hallway This area is where clients and employees can explore and take in the views of Seattle. From the front of the clinic to the back, the color scheme creates a comfortable and clam feeling for visitors.

Windows in clinic rooms allow patients to have natural light ow into the space.


R e ta i l

Exterior View

Create a boutique store with branding and concept that is throughout the space. Customize store exterior and interior to replicate overall branding concept. Hand Render oor plans, elevations, sections, and exterior views of final product.


The Loft is a flagship boutique store located in Toronto, Canada, that sets the bar for the high-end client by reflecting a warm and inviting shopping experience. Patrons are concealed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life by natural aspects, which include, warm walls and exposed natural materials. These elements allow shoppers to feel at home while browsing throughout the store.


First Floor Bubble Diagram


The exterior of The Loft reects the warmer side of Canada. With brick being a staple feature, the single band of wood helps draw clients in the store.

Adjacent Remote Within same Section


Second Floor Bubble Diagram


Color coded First Floor Plan

Stock and Receiving Cash wrap

Restroom Eye-wear Hats Fragrance Wallets Handbags Scarves



Women’s Lounge

Show Window

Store Vestibule Elevator Lobby


Hand rendered First Floor Plan


F u r n it u r e s e le cti o n & S k etc h e s

Notes A vestibule greats guests including a women’s lounge and show widows.

Golden floor str ips help clients

find their way to the cash wrap and around the store.

Floor to ceiling shelving is located


Custom Cashwrap sketch


:Lounge Chair

on outer walls so employees can display as much merchandise as possible.

The staircase is in the middle of the store, so clients are able to find the second stor y with ease.

M ate r i a l s e le cti o n





Color coded First Floor Plan

Stock and Receiving Women’s Outerwear

Men’s Outerwear Restroom Eye-wear

Fragrance Accessories

Furs Watches Suitcases


Men’s Lounge

Changing Rooms


Notes Changing rooms

are centrally located allowing clients to quickly tr y on a piece of clothing.

Gold floor str ips

continue on this level helping clients find their way through the floor plan. Located toward the front of the building is the men’s lounge, which is closed off from the rest of the store.


Custom display sketch


F u r n it u r e s e le cti o n & S k etc h e s

Hand rendered SECOND Floor Plan

Men’s and women’s outer wear are

located on opposite sides of the second floor.


:Lounge sofa

M ate r i a l s e le cti o n





O pen o ffice a re a Custom display cases are inspired by The Loft’s triangular logo and can be seen all throughout the store. Floor to ceiling shelving allows employees to display merchandise bringing a client’s eye to the wooden beams on the ceiling. Mannequins located throughout the store hold and wear merchandise.

Men’ s O ute rw e a r Located next to the men’s lounge, shoppers can sort through various coats, shirts and jackets. Freestanding clothing racks replicate The Loft’s triangular logo and the previous display cases.


Wrought iron pipes serve as clothing racks, adding to the industrial aspect of the store.

First Floor LIGHTING Plan

Part of a Color and Lighting study helped the hand renderings come to life.


Part of this study was to apply the right amount of light plus cost and wiring. After calculating the correct amount of lumens per square foot, The Loft was able to apply the right amount of light fixtures. This ultimately allows clients to enjoy their shopping experience.

Types of Lighting Used:



-Track Lighting -Recess Cans -Linear Line Lights -Chandelier
















6.125” H x 2.658” W x 3.75”D









40” W x 26”H 40” D

480 WATTS 28,800 LUMENS



7.19” DIAMETER 3.38” H


















< <





Product Design

Lo r d e

Barstool & Dining Set

I n 2 0 1 7 , F l e x s t e e l I n d u s t r i e s g a ve m e the opportunity to design a barstool f o r t h e B o u t i q u e D e s i g n N e w Yo r k S h o w. Fr o m t h i s b a r s t o o l, a d i n i n g s e t has been created to replicate the o r i g i n a l d e s i g n. T h e ove r a l l c o n c e p t o f t h e b a r s t o o l and dining set is a Bohemian s t y l e. T h e u s e o f s y m m e t r y i s s e e n throughout the design and is a c c o m p a n i e d by s m a l l u s e s o f a r r o w s.

I am so grateful for this opportunity and so thankful for the opportunities F l e x s t e e l h a s s h o w n m e. S p e c i a l t h a n k s t o A n n a C h a n ey a n d S h a d o w M c K n i g h t f o r b e l i ev i n g i n m e a n d p u s h i n g m e t o m y l i m i t s.


21.5� W x 20.5�D x 40.25�H

Suite Views This dining set includes:

- D i n i n g c h a i r w i t h wo o d e n b a c k -Dining chair with upholstered back - B a r s t o o l w i t h wo o d e n b a c k -Barstool with upholstered back -Barstool with no back

Lo r d e h a s b e e n s h ow n i n t h e fo l l ow i n g s h ow s : B o u t i q u e D e s i g n N ew Yo r k 2 0 1 7 Neocon 2017 La s Ve g a s H o s p i t a l i t y E x p o s i t i o n 2 0 1 8


-Dining Chair 19.75”W x 22.25”D x 35”H -Barstool (no back) 15.25”W x 15.25”D x 30”H



Modernized Lounge Chair

A boundary, direction, or limit. The word line has many different meanings it can portray. In today’s world, lines form anything one’s eye can see; however, it has also changed how one sees the world. Lines have been around for decades, making appearances in Luis Barragan’s architecture. Barragan uses the idea, along with color, to modernize the way people can portray a building.

Reflect is a modernized lounge chair with a frame made from exposed wood, and an upholstered cushion and optional back pillow. Its simplistic nature is what makes it unique, just how Barragan’s work can be seen as unique. Each plain on the chair reflects itself on the other side, which is where the name comes from. Barragan uses this type of technique when designing some of his most inspirational architecture.

Flexsteel Competition: 5th Place

Process Sketches

Plan View

Front View

Side View

Back View

Chair frame is made of exposed wood with a loose reversible seat cushion and optional 18x18 inch pillow. Both the seat cushion and optional pillow shall incorporate welt that can be chosen to match or contrast. Standard nylon glides on the bottom of the chair helping the chair move across any type of flooring. Each slat on the back and arms is to be 2.5” wide and .75” thick, while the outer most frame of the chair (the arms and legs) shall be 2.5” thick blocks. The overall look of the chair shall be sleek and clean, depicting a modern aspect while using a natural material.

Overall Dimensions: Without Pillow: 32” H x 30” W x 30” D 19” SH x 25” SW X 25” SD With Pillow: 37.5” H x 30” W x 30” D 19” SH x 25”SW x 25” SD

3D Printed Model


10 Degrees Reclaim Project

Reclaim is defined as making something available for

human use by changing natural conditions. With the idea to make a reclaimed chair, 10 Degrees is a chair made from pallet wood. The name 10 Degrees comes from the basic shape of the chair with every corner cut at a 10° angle, resulting in a trapezoid base. Inspired by a sculpture of stacked wood that forms various triangles, the chair sides are a repeating pattern with dierent heights and thicknesses of wood. With a polyurethane coating the natural state of the wood has been preserved, holding on to the natural conditions while giving it a new meaning. Finally, the blue velvet cushion adds a modern aspect to an old material that has been made new.

Materials Used:

-Old fence post - B l u e ve l ve t m a t e r i a l - P l y wo o d - Po l y u r e t h a n e

Process Sketches


Reclaim is defined as making something available for human use by changing natural conditions. With the idea to make a reclaimed chair, 10 Degrees is a chair made from pallet wood. Taking reclaim project Reclaim is defined as makingsomething something forthehuman from itsavailable previous condition, pallet, use and changing it to Reclaim is defined as making something available for human use suit humanthe needs was to thenatural goal. Theaname 10 Degrees comes from by changing natural conditions. With idea makeconditions. reclaimed by changing With the idea to make a reclaimed reclaim project the basic shapechair, of the chair with every corner cutproject at a 10° 10 Degrees is a chair madereclaim from pallet wood. Takingangle, chair, 10 Degrees is a chair madeReclaim fromis indefined pallet wood. Taking resulting a trapezoid base. Inspired byavailable a sculpture something from itssomething previous condition, the pallet, andstacked changing as making forofhuman use it to Reclaim is defined as making something available for human suit human needsWith was the goal. 10 Degrees fromuse wood that forms various triangles, theThechair sides are acomes repeating by changing natural conditions. the idea toname make atoreclaimed something from its previous condition, the pallet, and changing it by changing natural theevery idea corner to make the basic conditions. shape of the With chair with cut aat reclaimed a 10° angle, with isdifferent heightsfrom and thicknesses ofTaking wood. With chair,pattern 10 Degrees a chair made pallet wood. resulting trapezoid base. by awood. sculptureTaking of stacked chair, 10 Degrees is ain achair made fromInspired pallet suit human needs was the goal. The name 10 Degrees comes from a polyurethane coating the natural state of the wood has something from its previous condition, the pallet, and changing to wood forms various triangles, the chairand sideschanging areitabeen repeating something from itsthat previous condition, the pallet, it to preserved, holding on to the natural conditions while giving it a suit human needs was the goal. The name 10 Degrees comes from pattern with different heights and thicknesses of wood. With the basic shape of the chair the with every cut at a 10° suit human corner needs was the goal. The name 10angle, Degrees comes from a polyurethane coating thecorner natural state wood hasaspect been new meaning. Finally, thewith blue velvet cushion adds modern basic the chair every cut atofcut athea10° theshape basicofshape of the chair with every corner atwhile a angle, 10° angle, Final Chair preserved, holding on to the natural conditions giving it a resulting in a trapezoid base.resulting Inspired sculpture of stacked toresulting anin old material that Inspired has been new. Overall, we enjoyed a by trapezoid base. bymade a sculpture of stacked inaanew trapezoid base. Inspired by a sculpture of stacked meaning. Finally, the blue velvet cushion adds a modern aspect and building 10material Degrees, challenging ourselves think wooddesigning that forms various triangles, thehas chair sides are aare repeating woodthe that chair forms various triangles, the chairnew. sides ato repeating to an old that been made Overall, we enjoyed wood that forms various triangles, sides are a repeating pattern with different heights and thicknesses of wood. With outside of the box. designing and building 10 Degrees, challenging ourselves to pattern with different heights and thicknesses of wood. Withthink outside thethe box. pattern with different heightsa polyurethane anda polyurethane thicknesses wood. With coating theofof natural state of theofwood has been coating natural state the wood has been preserved, holdingholding on to the natural conditions whilewhile givinggiving it a it a preserved, on to the natural conditions a polyurethane coating the natural state of the wood has been new meaning. Finally,Finally, the bluethevelvet cushioncushion adds aadds modern aspectaspect new meaning. blue velvet a modern an old material that has been new. preserved, holding on to thetonatural conditions while a we enjoyed to an old material that hasmade beengiving madeOverall, new.itOverall, we enjoyed and building 10 Degrees, challenging ourselves to think designing and building 10 Degrees, challenging ourselves to think new meaning. Finally, the bluedesigning velvet cushion adds a modern aspect of the box. outside outside of the box.

reclaim project


to an old material that has been made new. Overall, we enjoyed designing and building 10 Degrees, challenging ourselves to think outside of the box.

Day One: -Basic dimensions and shape of base/frame formed. -Pieces cut at 10 degree angles to make the trapezoid shape. -Pieces were attached with nail gun. Day Two: -Arm caps and front panels placed. -Sanded pieces. -Cushion and seat back were made. -Covered chair with polyurethane to preserve the wood. Mary Campbell Gray Kaitlynn Harness

Process Pictures Mary Campbell Gray Kaitlynn Harness


T h e Lo u v r e La m p Portable Lamp

T h e Lo u v r e La m p wa s c r e a t e d t o r e p l i c a t e t h e w e l l - k n o w n t r i a n g u l a r s ky l i g h t s a t T h e Lo u v r e. W h i l e p r o j e c t i n g u p f r o m a h e x a g o n a l c o n c r e t e b a s e, t h e g l a s s inser ts chosen are to reflect a broken glass look to give the impression of a r t w o r k , b e c a u s e a f t e r a l l T h e Lo u v r e i s one of the largest places housing some o f t h e w o r l d ' s b e s t a r t. The use of metal steel lines projecting upward play into the use of the elements and principles of design, while also using the same tint of black that the skylights h a v e a t T h e Lo u v r e.


Top View

Side View

Base Top View

Materials Used:

- B a s e m a d e w i t h c o n c r e t e. - G l a s s i n s e r t s a r e D u a r l e n s P l a s ko l i t e. - M e t a l Fr a m e i s s t e e l fl a t b a r. - La m p u s e d i s L E D s t r i p l i g h t s.


C r e at i v e


Travel Photography

Places Traveled: London | 2015 Paris | 2015 Chicago | 2017 New York | 2018 Arizona | 2018

Haiti | 2018


Hand Rendering

Other Design I

Personal Painting

Design II Painted




Mary Campbell Gray

Thank you

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