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End of Module Student Evaluation BA (Hons) Illustration Module Code: OUIL504 Illustration 1: Production & Presentation Name: ​Mary Chu Student ID: ​mc255699 Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: > ​poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent​ (Note- ​This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may ​ receive.) Learning Outcome

Evidenced where? Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Stings, storyboards, development ​ sheets etc. ​ (No more than 75 words)

Your grade Using words: > ​poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent

5A5​:​ Demonstrate an informed understanding of issues relating to image, media, format and context through the delivery of solutions to identified visual problems. (Knowledge & Understanding - Critical Awareness)

From the very beginning of the module I was a bit behind because I haven’t done the summer research (I was in the hospital for a while in Hong Kong) I felt stressful. After recovered, I tried to catch up with everything, and I felt so much better after had a talk with Teresa and she said which thing should I finish first.


5A6​:​ ​Understand the potential and limitations of a range of processes, technologies and techniques involved in the development and production of work for print and screen based delivery. (Knowledge & Understanding Research)

Trying new things for the finals. For example: stitching on paper(Editorial finals). I have never tried stitching on paper and I had this idea when I messed up with the threads.Then I take this and try if I could anything for the project. Trying traditional printing method is fun as well. Although I hated it at first, I tried to give it some love and time as the result I managed to print normally.

Very good

5B4​: ​Analyse and critically evaluate primary/secondary source material to inform the development and contextualisation of ideas, concepts and products through individual responses to set briefs. (Cognitive Skills - Problem Analysis, Problem Solving)

This year I have tried to blog things I have tried today, and what things I like, I have learnt and what problems I faced. Blogging every day or 2 is very helpful for me because I forgot things very quickly. I could be more critical on about the works I produced, what’s the problem, and how could I improve it. Or is there a better solution? Is it suitable for the brief? etc.


5C4:​ Select, manipulate and apply appropriate media, processes and technologies in the development, production and presentation of ideas, concepts and products. (Practical Skills - Practical and Conceptual Development)

Technology really helping on prints and other works. For example: for the screen prints printings, I don’t need to make the positives by hands, I just need to draw it on computer and print out 2 positives. Saving a lot of time and I don’t need to worry about if the stencils is dark enough. Changing colour is another big issue.If I want to change colour on traditional method I need to redraw everything out, but with digital drawing I just need to press a button and it does all the work for me.

Very good

5C5:​ ​Identify, evaluate and apply practical/technical processes, materials and media in order to produce technically competent and conceptually appropriate outcomes. (Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Technical Competence)

For one of the screen print, I had typo on the quote page and I spelled Murakami’s name wrong. I couldn’t make another print for it , so that I “cheated”, I scanned in one of the print in computer and edited on Photoshop. It looked surprisingly normal and I am pleased with it.


5D4:​ ​Demonstrate the ability to communicate the development and resolution of ideas through appropriate visual and written presentation of work. (Key Transferable Skills Presentation and Evaluation)

I have never made belly band before this project. As the result adding a belly band makes the book look more professional and the presentation looks better. So I have done the same on other briefs, by adding belly bands and clips for brief 1,2,3 with names and order makes my works look more organised and tidy.


Summative Evaluation​ ​(See Evaluation Guidance on next page for more information) You are required to write a 750 word Summative Evaluation of this module. Please type up your Summative Evaluation in the box below. Make a PDF of the document, print out a copy to submit with your portfolio of work and post the PDF as your final post on your OUIL504 blog. This module was an intense module, I feel like I had doing this project forever. At first I only heard of the name of Murakami, I think I know him a bit more after finish this project. At the very first of the module, I was very stressed out because I have spent some time in the hospital when I was in Hong Kong in summer holiday. At that moment, I did think of apply extenuating circumstances, but after I have talked to Teresa about my situation, she said I could caught up things when I have free time, she also said I was up to date at the moment so I just need to catch up with the summer research and I will be fine. I was so relieved when I heard she said that. In this module, I have tried a lot of new things. Such as stitching on paper, collages, traditional printing methods animation and new way of bloggings. I have to say stitching on hard paper wasn’t easy, the biggest difference between stitching on fabric and paper is the flexibilities of the materials. Stitching Japanese words

especially, Japanese words requires a lot of rounded strokes and complicated word structure, it was a hard task for me to stitch on paper. Collage cutting is a new thing for me, for the zine I wanted to created a bold and funky feeling for the audience(based on the research of Murakami). I wouldn’t think I could bring the collage technique to the publication brief(the skull page is made out of cutting flower collages ). Although that page took me nearly 3 hours to finish, it’s worth it. And I am more happier when I screen print this with totally fine quality, I thought the lines were a bit too faded and I worried will it come out or not. I am pleased with the digital printed publication, although the colours were a bit darker than I expected, the finish outcome looks like I made that on purpose. Also I have printed my books before the super crowded week when everyone tries to print their finals before the deadlines. This still gives me enough time for other things. Before this module I hated screen print so much, we had to print out the screen print book in 2 days when we first tried screen print in level 4. But this time, after couple times of making the same mistakes and improvements. For the actual 5 screen prints for the publication, I have printed over 100 of screen prints and make sure they have got different textures and patterns. So that when I retouch the publication pages I can have different textures and patterns to add on to the pages and still keep the screen prints effect on the them. When I see the screen print prints, the joy and happiness said I did enjoy making screen prints and not afraid of them now. Another thing I have tried this module is the “blogging system”, normally I left quite a lot of bloggings to finish before submission. But this time I tried to blog every day or 2. It works totally fine for me and really helps because I do forget things quite quickly.This time as an example, I managed to have a day just check if I have done everything or not, this give me pressureless and I can organise myself more better so that I won’t be panic on the submission day. If I had more time to improve something, I would like to use the library more often, and get some good inspirations from it. Also I would like to do more other printing methods such as mono prints and lino prints. I have only done very little experimental works on these two printing methods. Aslp the improvement of the stings I have done in the very late of the module. For example: how to add more frames and how to write on in After Effect (I have watched the tutorial but I still don’t have a clue to use the pen tool. ) After effect for me is something I am not used to it, at first After Effect scares me and made me cry. However, after the first after effect workshop I understand more about it and as everyone says:Keep your animations as simple as you can. Also I watched a lot of YouTube’s after effect tutorials and that helps a lot too. Feedbacks are always the motivation of improvements and makes me relax. Despite the mega crits and peer reviews, asking my friends ideas and opinions are critical to my works as well. They have always gave me positive comments but helpful solutions to suggest me to try different things. Of course I wouldn’t just stick with their suggestions sometimes I do think I keep my designs. But nice to know what do people think about my works. I think I will keep making traditional printing methods for the next projects and develop which printing method is the best suitable for me.

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