Mary chu255699ouil505endofmoduleevaluation

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End of Module Student Evaluation BA (Hons) Illustration Module Code: OUIL505 Illustration 2: Applied Illustration Name: Mary Chu Student ID: mc 255699 Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: ​poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent​ (Note- ​This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive.​) Learning Outcome

Evidenced where? Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Stings, storyboards, development sheets etc​. ​ (No more than 75 words)

Your grade Using words: > ​poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent

5A7​:​ ​Demonstrate an informed understanding of issues relating to media, communication, audience and context through the delivery of solutions to brief led problems or clearly identified creative concerns. (Knowledge & Understanding - Critical Awareness)

New media is used in the 505 project, which is a new challenge for me, also I did enjoy exploring old places, which I realised I have done something similar in first year, and I would like to extend it into third year as well. It’s my first time to make books for younger age group, so I have done quite a lot of research on the audience, and the research behind the story.

Very Good

5A8​:​ ​Understand the potential and limitations of technologies and processes used in the production of illustration for 2d, 3d and/or 4d distribution. ​(Knowledge & Understanding Research)

I have combined a mix media of watercolour,poster Very Good colour and colour pencil together. For the final coloured images they looked flat and messy. After scanned in and edited with some digital techniques, the final illustrations looked a lot better, with the situation, brightness and shadowing. It could definitely tell what’s going on with the image, also it is easier to find the main character after retouching them.

5B5​:​ ​Analyse and critically evaluate the impact of social, cultural, technological and/or ethical concerns on the development of solutions to problems relevant to individual creative concerns. Cognitive Skills - Problem Analysis, Problem Solving)

Since I am making a 1000 years old poem back to modern world, some words couldn’t be translated into English, even Chinese, also the aiming audience group is around 6 to 8, so I have to delete or change some of the contents so that they wouldn’t be scared when reading it. Thankfully Theresa helped me with the translation so that the story is a bit more make sense to read. Also I am new to watercolour, the colouring bits took me quite awhile to finish, but fortunately the retouching bit didn’t take me long time to finish.

I keep changing my plans and proposal, because I 5C6:​ ​Explore and apply a range of appropriate practical realised that how much time have I spent on the

Very Good


and conceptual approaches to self-determined ideas, concepts, solutions/proposals in response to own identified intentions and relevant practices. ​(Practical Skills Practical and Conceptual Development)

colouring, also bad time planning for other modules, so I had very little time to finish 505 in comparison to other projects. I didn’t have enough sketches, media testings for the finals, however, I am pleased with the characters development, after feedback sections I received almost all of positive comments about the main character, and the character could deliver a fun and playful tone of voice.

5C7:​ ​Produce technically competent and conceptually appropriate outcomes to identified problems through the selection and application of visual skills. ​(Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Technical Competence)

I have made a mistake about the format of book, normally I draw things in portrait format, but this time I tried to draw in landscape format, at first it doesn’t matter for drawing, but once I tried to apply on different range of products, here comes the problem, majority of the applications are designed for portrait format, only a few I could find in the mock up websites. So I have to stay “ordinary” for some of the applications. Also some of them don’t work on my designs,for example: wallpapers and house products. They don’t suit with those category.

5D5:​ ​Demonstrate the ability to plan and carry out a period of increasingly self-directed study through the appropriate use of workshop areas, studio activities and project management skills. (Key Transferable Skills Presentation and Evaluation)

Personally I think the repeat pattern workshop is super helpful,although I don’t need to use the repeat pattern skill, I think for the future projects will be handy. At the same time I am in love with the mock up products, you can see how my products going to look like apply on different range of things, professional looking as well. For the project management, I think I have a massive improvement space in this project, because this project is more likely to be a self-organised project,not like 504, no one is going to spoon feed me and ask for the deadlines, so I work quite slowly in this project,also with other projects’ deadlines, I felt like I haven’t managed this project as good as 504.



Summative Evaluation​ ​(See Evaluation Guidance on next page for more information) You are required to write a 750 word Summative Evaluation of this module. Please type up your Summative Evaluation in the box below. Make a PDF of the document, print out a copy to submit with your portfolio of work. Also please cut and paste the text from this box into the final page(s) of your OUIL505 Project Report. I was a bit lost in the beginning of the project. I wanted to make a Japanese folk but finally I chose to have the Chinese poem,because I want to protect the Intangible Cultural Heritage, I have asked my parents and they said they didn’t know about this poem until I shown to them. So I felt like I need to make something for this or else it will disappear. It is a big challenge for me, because I need to translate into modern Cantonese first, so that I could translate into English, then change the text into a story. This was a time consuming process which has taken nearly 2 weeks to finish. However, I am very glad that tutors helped me with the corrections and grammar proofread.

Seems like I have made myself a big new challenge in this module, I have researched a lot of background informations about the period, lifestyle and other things for this module, and I enjoy researching them. I have tried to use watercolour and a new kid’s style of fun and playful tone of voice. Although they don’t look like the best quality, It’s my first time to try these new things. I am pleased with the final result, the retouched version of the images, they were surprisingly quick to refine but took me quite a long time to watercolour them. The after retouch version looked a lot better, the after retouching images could show the focus point and the main character, I have received some feedbacks about the watercolour images looked too busy, and couldn’t find which is the main focus on the illustrations. But after retouching them with adding brightness and shadowings, it is a lot easier to tell what I want to communicate with the audience. I have faced a lot of problems and difficulties in this module, first, time management. I think this is the most worse time management project I have ever had. I didn’t manage my time wisely for 505. I have spent too much time on other modules because they have some earlier deadlines. After those deadlines I realised how much works I still need to finish, which isn’t a good plan to have. I don’t think I have done enough development works in this project. I just made what’s in my mind and haven’t tried other medias. In the first proposal I have mentioned I will try to screen print the book, but I didn’t make that,because I don’t have enough time to screen print them, also I don’t think screen print suits the tone of voice I wanted to have. So I didn’t do it. Then the applications, I have made some mistakes about the book. Normally I used to draw in portrait format, but this time I drew on a landscape format to see what they would look like, at first the illustrations looked fine and I still haven’t realised that majority of the applications are for portrait formats. As the result I don’t have a lot of choices to pick what I want to apply on. I have tried to make the applications by myself but they didn’t look as professional as the online resources are. So I stick with the normal and “ordinary” designs. I have also tried to apply on house products,such as wallpapers and beddings, of course they didn’t suit with the illustrations but I just want to tried out what they would look like on other range of products. As I have mentioned about the lack of time management,I was supposed to make a short animation promotion about the book, as the result I didn’t have time to make it, however, I have made a very short gif animation of Mei’s movement. I am glad that I made some notes back in first year when I made my gifs. Although I haven’t used the repeat pattern and the mock up box technique, I think they would be very useful for the future project. Same as the after effect and gif workshops. For improvement, I think I need to plan my time better in next project, maybe make a timetable to plan what I am going to do each day. This will provide a better time management and less stressful condition for me to finish the project. Also I have realised that I like to make publications, from first year I have made a picture book about Hong Kong’s market, and in 504 project I made a publication about the author and for 505 I have made a kid’s publication again. I think I would like to redo this project If I could in third year, I felt like I want to make some more works about this theme and refine the images, may be next time I will try to make a whole book and try to publish this project.

Evaluation Guidance

This should be a reflective summary of your experience across the module. -

How did it go? Where did your journey start, where did it end? I knew very little at the start of this module. At the end of the module I feel that‌


What learning took place? What was useful to you? Be specific. New skills? New methods? New processes or approaches? Did you use the blog to reflect on your project development?


What went well and why? What did you enjoy? What were you happy with as an outcome? Be critical and analytical. Why did you enjoy it? Perhaps identify particular sessions? This could be ideas, solutions to problems, studentship or research. How well did you use the studio? Did you invest enough time in the development and testing of your outcomes?


What could you have done better? What were the problems you faced? What did you do to try to overcome them? This could be in reference to studentship, organization or blogging as much as studio practice.


How can you apply what you have learned here for future modules and projects? Application and future thinking. Things you would do differently next time? What useful methods, processes and ideas will you take forward into the next module?

You may also want to consider: Self-questioning: How did your thoughts and opinions change as you progressed through the module? Feedback: What other people (tutors and peers) thought of work and how you responded to that feedback? Research: Did you use contextual research to inform your ideas, ways of thinking or understanding of the challenges set. This may include further research of your subject matter, slides from the presentations or use of the library.

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