BA (Hons.) Illustration/Animation/Graphic Design Module Code
OUIL 503
Module Title
Name Mary Chu BRIEF TITLE: YCN Life brief-Roald Dahl What are you looking for in a creative partner? What are your aims? I am looking for a partner from different course to collaborate with me. So that I will have a different idea and different point of view when we make some work together. Also I would like to know how to work with different people, how different comparison to my “working style”, and maybe make some friends! What are your specific areas of creative interest? I love to make character designs, and using different languages(Japanese and Chinese) in my works. From last project(504) I picked up how to use After Effect to make short animations,and I liked it. My works used to be in dark colour tones.But these year I have tried to use more bright colours and have different tone of voices. So now I have a range of different tone of voices and willing to try some more. What specific creative skills do you have to offer in relation to a creative partnership? How do you intend to use them? I am good at layering and sorting out the compositions, also as I have mentioned, I am good at character designs, so I would like to give some advices for the 3 characters and for the final design boards.
What specific non-creative skills do you have to offer in relation to a creative partnership? How do you intend to use them? Try to inform the group mates we are running out of time. Ideas of characters developments and communication between 3 of us. Communication is a big problem in our collaboration group, because one of the group mate nearly never appeared in any of the meetings, also when we tried to message her she keep saying “illness” as her excuses. Even the external hand in day of YCN she left college when me and another group mate were colouring and designing the finals… So I think communication skill is very important and I think I still need to learn more about it. What do you see your specific roles be in the collaboration? It seems like I am the leader of this collaboration group project, because I care about how we all work together as a team, and worry about time management and work distribution. Although the communication part was done by another group mate, because he is more confident to ask another group mate to work or ask her to come to the meetings. Which I think that was a massive help for me(I am not good with talking to I call it “no response”
person) What will your individual responsibilities be in the collaboration? Work distribution,final board designer, colouring almost all of the three illustrations, composition of the roughs, character designs and idea developments. I was super worried because the other 2 group mates were working on other projects, and they did the collaboration works very late(couple days before the deadline) if no one going to do the works we are all going to fail for this project. So I helped almost everything in the project. They finally have helped me to improve some of the parts. What will your joint responsibilities be? How will you deal with your project costs and budget? If we have to pay for the brief I think we would be divided the cost into 3 parts. That sounds fair for me. Partner 1
Mary Chu
Partner 2
Bash Ridha
Partner 3 Ash Woodham Partner 4 ___________________________________________________________________________