Interior Design Portfolio

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DESIGN PHILOSPHY + I am guided by the belief that our surroundings directly influence the quality of our lives. In turn, I seek to create salubrious spaces - both in a physical and psychological sense - that promote personal wellbeing. + Design should work to embrace the ever changing dynamic forces of human interaction - good design should never grow stagnate and rigid, it must ebb and flow with the demands of its users. + It is the poor design decision that is first to be detected - good design often goes forth completely unnoticed, unconsciously guiding its users to naturally excel in their every day tasks.

EDUCATION Bachelor of Interior Design, Minor in Architecture; University of Idaho 2013 Bachelor of Science in Psychology: University of Idaho 2011

KEY SKILLS + COMPETENCIES + Proficient knowledge of:

AutoCAD 2015, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft Office, Sketchup, Vray for Sketchup, Windows & Mac OS

+ Strong ability to multitask on a variety of projects + Excellent 3D modeling (via sketchup) and visualization skills + Strong drafting and sketching skills + Works well both autonomously and in collaboration with others

HI CONTACT: MARY CONE 208.305.5264


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Cell Model 1

Prison design in America works to increasingly restrict and control the movement of inmates while simultaneously enabling a high degree of monitoring of prisoners by a relatively limited prison staff. Surrounded by multiple barriers, prisons serve as a place in which criminals are physically confined and deprived of personal freedoms. While these inmates are incarcerated, an important question arises -

it only logical to promote the development of a prison system that works to rehabilitate inmates, resulting in an easier reintegration into society - after all, most of these inmates will once again become our neighbors.

Project Outline: + Create an urban based prison model for approximately 200 non-violent inmates focusing on:

What do we want prisons to do?

+ The cell as a space for learning, reflection, privacy

A dysfunctional and overburdened prison system seems to create as many problems as it solves, making

+ The common space as an area to help foster responsibility and positive relationships between inmates and staff members

Cell Model 2

Cell Model 3

Community Kitchen




1 1. Bedroom Materials: Focus on durable and resilent materials 2. Moments of Reflection: Creating areas within the space that promote learning and inspiration. 3. Bathroom: Private bathrooms are present in every cell. 4. Lighting: a variety of lighting (ambient/task) provides visual comfort.

Section Perspective

- Cell Model 1


With goals focused on the promotion and preservation of natural resources and sustainability through community outreach, research, and experiential learning, the Soil Stewards Club of the University of Idaho sought to develop a design for a new educational center for their member run organic farm. Expounding on the clubs personal goals, a new educational and research

center focusing on open-air educational zones and intertwining gardens was designed to respond to community needs. In combination with special consideration to sustainable practices and accessibilityrainwater catchment systems, recycled materials, ramps, etc – a new educational based center was developed to meet the client’s needs.

1. Water catchment systems - sustainability 2. Raised planter beds - accessibility 3. Garage doors - transparency


Educational Structure (7)

KEY 1. Entrance 2. Primary education center with associated education garden (primarily used for public use) 3. Medicinal/Therapeutic garden 4. Restrooms 5. Farm Entrance 6. Trellis (promote wayfinding) and associated community vegetable garden 7. Secondary education center (primarily used by Soil Stewards members)


2 1


6 5

SOIL STEWARDS Educational Structure (2)

Floor plan - 1st floor (gray areas excluded from redesign)

Community Art Studio


Looking to foster community connections, promote sustainable building techniques, and restore original character, the Turnstone Flat’s client looked for a creative design for this adaptive reuse project. The client sought to foster community connections,

promote sustainable building techniques, and restore the building to it’s original historic character. The first floor program focused on a community art space and communal space for the building residents. Meanwhile, the 2nd floor focuses on the

design of seven apartments focused on the needs of young professionals. While relatively small in square footage, innovative space planning allows for all the amenities a young professional may desire.

Floor plan - 2nd floor



Interior Perspective - view of kitchen and living room from Apt 1

A new vision for the current University of Idaho President’s Residence has been requested by the University of Idaho. Not only does the residence serve as a home for President Duane Nellis and Mrs. Nellis, but it also serves as a gathering space for


numerous receptions and campus events. The revised vision will result in a home suitable and adaptable for not only the current president, but also future presidents to come, while remaining flexible and open for public gatherings.

Public w/c

Sun Room



Entry Kitchen Guest

Kitchen Perspective



B Master Suite

Section A

Section B

Floor Plan - Main Floor Upper Floor in gray


UI PRESIDENT'S HOUSE Living & Sun Room Perspective













CEO Emmy Real

Ms. Who Cares 123 4th Street Nowhere, MN July 14, 2012

tel: 414.555.6666 e m m y. r e a l @ u s a . c o m 3 3 3 T h i r d S t r e e t C o n c e p t To w n , Wa 1 2 3 4 5

c h a i r t e c h . c o m

tel: 414.555.6666 3 3 3 T h i r d S t r e e t C o n c e p t To w n , Wa 1 2 3 4 5 c h a i r t e c h . c o m

Dear Ms Cares, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur lacinia nibh in mauris eleifend pretium. Sed fringilla sodales urna, ac pulvinar leo rhoncus at. Mauris turpis lacus, pulvinar vel dignissim a, egestas viverra augue. Suspendisse id lacinia nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper pretium magna at semper. Donec justo leo, scelerisque vel elementum ut, convallis vitae neque. Phasellus ullamcorper pretium magna at semper. Donec justo leo, scelerisque vel elementum ut, convallis vitae neque. Nam ac euismod nulla. Fusce varius, elit vitae faucibus commodo, augue turpis dictum enim, non venenatis ante sem id lorem. In posuere vehicula lorem, a mattis urna hendrerit tempor. Aliquam sit amet diam sit amet arcu elementum porttitor at in odio. Aliquam vestibulum massa et mi ullamcorper vestibulum posuere ligula pulvinar. Sed rhoncus mauris nec est sodales et congue ligula mollis. Nunc sed metus eget erat vestibulum elementum eu et nisl. Maecenas et lorem eu lorem accumsan vestibulum sit amet et mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum sed tellus vitae odio gravida semper eu at erat. Phasellus porttitor pellentesque ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum sed tellus vitae odio gravida semper eu at erat. Phasellus porttitor pellentesque ornare. Phasellus porta massa sed velit facilisis id luctus neque tincidunt. Donec sed est massa, ac tincidunt nunc. Proin velit lectus, consectetur a blandit vel, lobortis a nisi. Aliquam sagittis tincidunt euismod. Cras id lorem eu eros viverra blandit non non quam. Nullam sit amet magna et eros sagittis rutrum. Suspendisse lorem velit, egestas sed tempus at, iaculis sed sem. In dictum sollicitudin sem vel mattis.

c h a i r t e c h . c o m


A C T G A C “The ultimate goal of this initiative is to understand the humane genome” “knowledge of the human is as necessary to the continuing progress of medicine and other health sciences as knowledge of human anatomy has been for the present state of medicine.”

Best Regards,

Emmy Real Emmy Real

Project Start Date: October 1990

“Chair” Branding Project- Letterhead, Business Card, Envelope


Typography Historical Poster

Project Completion Date: April 2003


KICKS & BABBLES Kicks & Babbles Logo

Sticks + Stones Logo


LIFE Brochure and Branding

Northwest Children’s Home T-shirt


THANK YOU Mary Cone 208.305.5264

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