10 28 2015 cayuga collegian vol 62 issue 5 final

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CCC Men’s Soccer Earns #3 NJCAA Region III Seed Congratulations to the Spartan men’s soccer program who earned the #3 seed in the upcoming NJCAA Region III Soccer Tournament. As a top four seed, Cayuga earns a first-round bye and will face #6 Onondaga CC. The Spartans will host the contest on Tuesday 10/27.

Collegian cayugacollegian@gmail.com

Vol. 62 Issue 5 October 28, 2015


CAYUGABRIEFS Nursing Club holds collection for Matthew House The Nursing Club will be collecting items for the Matthew House. Boxes are located throughout the campus. If you could kindly make a contribution from the list below, it would be most appreciated. The Nursing Club thanks you in advance for your generosity. MATTHEW HOUSE WISH LIST Baby Wipes (fragrance free) Household paper products (paper towels, toilet paper, tissues, paper plates, cups, napkins) Laundry Detergents Fabric softeners Bleach Dixie 3 oz. bathroom cups bird seed bottled water ground coffee ginger ale juice boxes pudding cups Jell-O/Fruit cups Lysol All Purpose Liquid cleaner trash bags Swiffer mop/pad refills Swiffer bottled floor cleaner refills Purell waterless hand gels antibacterial hand soap disposable gloves postage stamps copy paper 8.5X11 household batteries

CCC professor Bob Frame directs members of the cast of Harlequin Productions’ fall play “Zero to Infinity” which opens this weekend.

A behind the curtain look at Harlequin Productions’ “Zero to Infinity” as crew and cast prepare to take the stage.

FIVE REASONS TO WRITE FOR THE CAYUGA COLLEGIAN! 1. It’s fun and informative! 2. You will meet new people! 3. We have K-cup coffee in the office! 4. We have cool t-shirts! 5. It looks good on your resume!

CCC students participate in a ‘Leadership Retreat’ STORY PAGE THREE

Zero to Infinity opens this weekend By Alexandra Cassick, staff writer

Would you like a chance to laugh at politicians? Or people acting like politicians? CCC’s theater director and professor Bob Frame is giving you that chance this fall. Frame says students are producing a political farce for this fall’s Harlequin Theater production called “Zero to Infinity” by Al Schnupp. The play is about what a man will do to become a politician. It’s a comedy full of satire,” said Frame. “It has a lot of malapropisms (unintentionally humorous misuse or distortion of a word or phrase) in it so it’s important for performing students to understand what they are saying in order to successfully perform it for the audience.” Frame says he’s a little selfish when it comes to selecting plays for the students to produce because he likes to pick out what interests himself and what will then interest his students and ultimately the audience. He says he prefers to find scripts that are not yet published by searching playwriters’ websites online. Frame says each semester, students have the opportunity to experience how much work and talent goes into bringing a script to the stage. He says his nontradition selection of plays helps to expose students to new points of view and experiences. “Zero to Infinity” opens Thursday, October 29 at 8 PM with additional performances October 30, October 31, November 5, 6, 7. Admission is $2.00 for students at the door. Frame says he hopes this production will create a stir in this political season. “I hope the audience will laugh at the lengths politicians will go to gain status.”


OPINIONS Vote Election Day, November 3rd

Caleb Slater

Time is winding down before the Iowa caucus and just as you would expect, people are dropping out of the race like flies. For those, who are not knowledgeable enough in American politics, 44th President, Barack Obama is finishing his second term and thus not up for re-election. This puts the United States in a transitional period, with a new face and “fresh” start in Washington. The reason that I say, “fresh” is because I am well aware of the fact that politicians are liars and elections are a talkfest filled

with false promises no matter what side of the coin you prefer. Never the less, the primary election is a reflection of the voter’s wants and needs. There is no electoral college in the primaries, YOUR VOTE MATTERS!!! Once the ballot has been counted, the DNC (Democratic National Committee) and the RNC (Republican National Committee) will stand by and support the candidate that you, the voters, best feel represent the party. Currently, as of October 25, 2015, there are four candidates running on the Democratic Party and a whopping 15 Republican candidates. This means there is a wide array of experience and opinions currently on the debate stage. As far as debates go, a spring 2013 study conducted by Mitchell McKinney and Benjamin Warner found that 60% of voting intention has been switched from points brought out during the primary debates. Whereas the percentage is a staggeringly low 13.7% during the general election. All of this essentially means is that there are plenty of options to choose from, but once you find a candidate you support, you should show said support. If you support Clinton a ton, show it. If you want Donald to Trump the competition, tell people why. If you want Ted Cruz to cruise his way to the White House, get out and vote! I’m running out of puns, so I end with this: If you truly do feel the Bern, why leave him in the cold?





Hillary Clinton v. The Truth By Kevin Shutter, staff writer

On Thursday October 22, Hillary Rodham Clinton testified before the House Committee on Benghazi, referring to the terrorist attack on September 11th, 2012 in Kevin Shutter Benghazi Libya. Four Americans were killed on that fateful night including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Marking the first time since 1979 that a United States diplomat has been assassinated on foreign soil. The Benghazi committee has garnered headlines due to not only its findings but because it is now the longest running investigation by a Congressional committee in our Country’s rich history. There are those in the Hillary Clinton camp crying foul and referring to the investigation as partisan in nature and only meant to tarnish Mrs. Clinton’s path to the presidency. Ranking house member Kevin McCarthy of California, and Representative Dick Hannah of NY have expressed with microphones in their faces that the committee is indeed partisan in nature and is properly undoing Secretary Clinton’s chances of residing yet again on Pennsylvania Avenue in our nation’s capital. Chairman of the committee, Trey Gowdy, of Tennessee was then prompted to exclaim to his republican colleagues to “shut up about the things you know nothing about.” Neither representative McCarthy nor Representative Hannah are members of the committee in question and thus are not privy to its findings or motives. Mrs. Clinton made headlines the last time she testified before the committee in our nation’s capital in referring to the deaths of the four Americans in Benghazi saying, “At this point what difference does it make.” Not a day has gone by in recent months where Hillary Clinton’s email “scandal” hasn’t been brought up on the many news networks across our country. If it weren’t for this committee’s investigation into the events surrounding the attack in Libya the American people quite possibly would never have known about this blatant disregard of not only national security but

a complete breach of protocol inside our government. To some the debate may seem juvenile and elementary in nature. Why is it that a private server is so detrimental to the American way of life? Five words sum up its importance and its relevance in history. “The Freedom of Information Act.” This act alone has informed the American people on many issues and topics. It is the single law separating our republic from all the rag tag administrations across the globe. With the use of a private server and ultimately private email address the FOIA has been 100% skirted. Secretary Clinton’s exclusive use of the private server is without a doubt not a contributing factor to the deaths of the four brave Americans just a few years ago. However the correspondences in the emails attached to the server is vital to piecing together the final moments that fateful night in 2012. The Clinton’s have long been known to skirt federal protocols and to defend themselves with reasoning that not only splits hairs but defies logic as well. “It all depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is” then President William Jefferson Clinton famously mumbled through his thick Arkansas accent when he himself was testifying before a congressional committee. Unfortunately for Mrs. Clinton the definition of “is” in this case is that four Americans are dead and the American people are no more informed as to why this has happened as we were on September 13th of 2012. During her 11 hour testimony Secretary Clinton tried explaining away the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty by exclaiming “this was the fog of war.” At least at this point Secretary Clinton acknowledges the attack for what it was, a terrorist attack. In the early hours and then weeks after the attack Secretary Clinton and President Obama blamed the entire event on a YouTube video that is said to have sparked the unrest. Although the semantics of what to call the attack may have been important at the time, to again quote the eloquent Mrs. Clinton “what difference at this point does it make?” History shall be the judge, and the American people the jury next November on Election Day.


By Caleb Slater, editor-in-chief

Approximately 25 student representatives, from both the Auburn and Fulton campuses gathered at the Beaver Lake Conference Center, in Java, NY last weekend. This annual retreat sought out members from all of the clubs, as well as the Student Government Organization (SGO) from both the Auburn and Fulton campuses.

The three days of training consisted of: organized leadership sessions, team building exercises and presentations from guest speakers, such as CCC assistant professor, Sheila Myers. The purpose of this retreat, was not only to supply students with helpful resources, but also to improve the coordination and framework of the

various clubs and organizations, both on and off campus. “I hope you use these resources to help you become a better leader in clubs/organizations both on and off campus,” said Director of Student Activities, Norman Lee. Norm has organized and managed this retreat for 19 consecutive years, but this is the first time it was held at the Beaver Lake Conference Center. Beaver Lake, a location that hosts and accommodates those who are training under The Biggest Loser program, among other conferences they routinely sponsor, was very pleasant and welcoming to the CCC representatives. In between sessions, students could happily engage with one another through: pool, shuffle board, hiking, film watching and various water activities. Perhaps the most appreciated source of joy though, would be the food. “You will not have to worry about being hungry this weekend,”

Norman Lee specifically stated. Fresh from the kitchen, students were welcomed to soups, salads, savoring entrees and a plethora of dessert options. Rest assure, from all the sessions and gourmet food, this journalist calls his stay satisfactory to say the least.

CCC wears purple to spread domestic violence awareness

They’re all wearing purple!

Have you worn purple today? The Criminal Justice club, in their campaign against Domestic Violence for Domestic Violence Month, marked October 21 as ‘Wear Your Purple’ Day and posed in the Auburn campus quad in their splendid colors to show their support. And that’s only the tip of

FULTON Write for The Collegian and earn credits at the same time! Register for Telcom 204, (Journalism Practicum),

with Collegian faculty advisor Mary Merritt.


the iceberg of all the activities the Criminal Justice Club has hosted to spread awareness. Domestic violence is often a voiceless crime, silent and too often forgotten, so let’s give it a voice by painting the school purple. And if you yourself ever find yourself between a rock and a hard place, the campus itself has a legal aid center that’ll give you all the advice you need, completely free of charge. If you’ve ever been to the Academic Center, then you already know where it is. Please, whatever you do, don’t just lie down and take it.

The Collegian wants to know what is going on up there! Be a Fulton Correspondent or just email us your news at Cayugacollegian@ gmail.com




CCC leadership retreats for the weekend

BUSTING GHOST HUNTERS By Steve Brewer, staff writer

“Several ‘Ghost Hunters’ arrested for break in” “Teens arrested for trespassing during attempted ghost hunt” “ Amateur ‘Ghost Hunters’ destroy landmark during attempted ghost hunt” Sadly, headlines like this have become all too common over the last several years. The advent of the numerous popular television shows and movies which depict ghosts and ghost hunting has resulted in the field becoming a lure for many people. It should be noted that many of the who become interested in ghost hunting do so in a perfectly legitimate and legal way, many form or join ghost hunting teams while others attend paranormal events, it is only a small handful who break the law and are plastered across the internet as “Ghost Hunters”. Before we get started there is a distinction that needs to be made, the people who are arrested for trespassing and reported by the media as “Ghost Hunters” are as close to being actual ghost hunters as people who perform surgeries in the back of a van would be to being actual doctors. While no certification is required to becoming a ghost hunter there are people in the field who take what they do seriously and operate fully within the law and have for years. The people who are too often touted by the media as “Ghost Hunters” are often in their teens or early twenties who are looking for thrills, sometimes while they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and decide to go on a “ghost hunt” by breaking into a location they believe is haunted. Contrary to popular belief trespassing is not a victimless crime, trespassing incidents often are linked to physical damage that is inflicted on the properties and some properties have been completely destroyed by trespassers. One property that was completely destroyed was the LeBeau Plantation House that was near the Mississippi River. In November 2013 a group of seven men entered the LeBeau Plantation through a hole in the fence to conduct their “ghost hunt” which entailed banging on the walls and doors while shouting. After failing to encounter any paranormal activity they decided to light a fire in the house which grew out of control and consumed the mansion. All of the men escaped unharmed but were arrested soon after and charged with an array of crimes. Other “Ghost Hunters” weren’t so lucky when they set out on their first “ghost hunts”. In 2006 a woman and her friend were trespassing while they were examining a house next to a cemetery. The homeowner spotted the two and, believing them to be vandals, shot at the two critically wounding the woman. In 2010 a man was exploring railroad tracks with a group of friends which they believed to be haunted by a train that had derailed years before. Unfortunately an actual train came along and struck and killed the man when he was unable to get out of the way. In addition to legal


and financial consequences along with the danger of being injured, or even killed, by trespassing onto a supposedly haunted location without the permission of the owner there is another that few outside know of. That is the threat of having a spirit or entity attach itself to you and follow you to your home. Spirits and entities are not bound to the places they are haunted, if they choose they can attach themselves to someone and even can possess them in extreme cases. This happens all too often with people who are not knowledgeable when it comes to the field and many reports have been published of people becoming haunted by a spirit after they visit a location known for its paranormal activity. Even experienced ghost hunters can become haunted with this happening to myself as well as members of the teams that I have been on or affiliated with. A few years ago, back when the team I was on was handling several cases simultaneously, my family and I started experiencing paranormal activity at my house. It started with us seeing shadows of people and partial apparitions out of the corner of our eyes. Slowly things started to progress to things being moved and full bodied apparitions appearing to us. One night I had just returned from a ghost hunt, I was scheduled to work the following morning so I tossed my work clothes in the wash, shut the washer door and started the cycle. The washer turned on and I walked into my dining room where I was checking my mail when I noticed something was wrong, I didn’t know what at first but there was something not right. The hair on my neck and arms stood on end and at the moment I realized the washer wasn’t running. I slowly walked into the laundry room where I found the washer door wide open which caused the washer to stop. I knew I had shut it but I tested to see if something I did caused the door to open again. Nothing I did, including forcefully slamming the door, caused it to open once it had closed. After a while the activity dissipated but not before the spirit showed itself to myself and several of my friends and family. I was one of the lucky people to have had a non-malevolent spirit attach itself to me rather than a malevolent spirit or entity. Other people have not been so lucky. We have all heard the horror stories of the people who have had malevolent attachments. Despite being rare occurrences they are the most publicized types of hauntings in the media whether they are shown through the various television shows, movies or books about the paranormal. Malevolent attachments can cause physical damage to property, psychological and emotional damage to those

affected and, in the most severe cases, possession. And before you say that it will never happen to you know that it can and it does happen, especially to people with little to no knowledge of the paranormal and how to protect themselves from it. If you are reading this and are interested in going to do a ghost hunt at a haunted location we encourage you to remember this, one of the cardinal rules of ghost hunting: never trespass. People who trespass not only run the risk of being caught, arrested and fined, being injured or killed, damaging or even destroying the property or having an attachment formed but they also cause a ripple effect in the paranormal community that

negatively affects the teams in their area. The damage is largely due to the negative media attention and the fact that the media will represent the trespassers as “Ghost Hunters” which will lead the public to have a negative view about all the ghost hunting teams in that area, even teams who operate themselves in a legitimate way. We encourage anyone who is interested in visiting a haunted location to do so with an established ghost hunting team or attend a ghost hunting event held by a team. Many teams experience a constant rotation of members due to people having to leave for various reasons. By accompanying an established team you lower your risk of being harmed or having an attachment being formed on you. If the team you contact is reputable they will always have permission to be on a property and will never trespass. No matter what way you decide remember, never trespass, do research before going on your first ghost hunt and please be safe!


New Spiritual School By Julia Gill, contributing writer John Paul II Academy, a local elementary school, opened with a mission to focus on spirituality, classical learning, and with only a limited supply of time and money to do so. They opened their doors two years ago. The idea to set up a new school was brought around when the catholic school Saints Peter and Paul was announced to close. Maureen Angotti, a board member, says that when Saints Peter and Paul announced their closing at the end of April, she and other parents were able to get the new school up and running within four months, for fall semester to start.

time on spirituality and a classical learning style rather than a common core approach. Maureen Angotti says she likes to view it as a better education for children. “It’s easy to see the goal of Common Core is to prepare students to do well on a test,” said headmaster Aimee Hanson. Hanson feels that Common Core is primarily meant to prepare students to take examinations and to get into college. “We focus on what is it we want our kids to know?” Hanson said. She says she wants them to learn how to be good citizens rather than focusing on tests that are likely to change in years to come. ‘Life lessons you can take away with you later in life’ is how Hanson describes their classical learning approach. Hanson says the children still learn the basics and they also add in cursive penmanship and Latin. Hanson says the school is trying to build “ a foundation of really creating more of a solid person” and she says the school’s Catholic faith really helps them instruct about virtues and God. “What are we here for? To know him, love him, and serve him so we can get to heaven.”

“We started out pretty much penniless and our financial objective initially was simply to be debt free. So several families who believed in the mission paid a years worth of tuition upfront and it at least got our feet moving. But, we don’t have any big benefactor donor and we get absolutely no money from the diocese and absolutely no money from the state,” said Angotti. Trying to evolve from Saints Peter and Paul, John Paul II focuses their


Another one bites the dust By Caleb Slater, editor-in-chief After just one debate, Democratic Presidential nominees, Lincoln Chafee and Jim Webb have determined victory was just out of their reach and decided to drop out of the race to the White House. Former Rhode Island Governor, Lincoln Chafee simply stated, “After much thought, I have decided to end my campaign for President.” It seems that former US Senator, Jim Webb is out, but not down for the count. When referring to the current party front runners, Hillary Rodham Clinton


and Donald J. Trump, Jim Webb stated, “If we ran an independent race, I honestly could see us beating both of them.” In addition, Vice President and SU alum Joseph R. Biden Jr. has made his decision to not run for President. Last Wednesday the current VP said, “I believe we’re out of time. The time necessary to mount a winning campaign, for the nomination.” With the Iowa Caucus set for Monday, February 1st 2016, it seems the only thing standing in the way of the nomination for Democratic front runner and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is the charisma of the Internet fan favorite and Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders.

Three Months of Christmas By Timothy Moore, contributing writer When the leaves begin to change color, we all think of fall activities such as apple picking, pumpkin picking, football, and Thanksgiving. But there is a select group of people that see it as something else. These people work for the Christmas Elf. The Christmas Elf is an organization in Auburn that is nonprofit and consists of members of the community who devote hours of their time to making sure kids in low income families have a great Christmas, because no child should wake up to no presents under the Christmas tree. The Christmas Elf process consists

of filling out an application to see if you qualify to be given help by the Christmas Elf. If you qualify, you write a list of toys you would want your children to receive for Christmas. But with toys becoming more expensive these days, donations are so crucial to this organization. “It’s great so many people want to do so much for a great cause. There’s really nothing better than knowing what you’re doing has such a positive effect on the community,” said longtime member Carolyn Moore. So while the majority of us are out buying our Halloween costumes, there are some of us who are preparing for Christmas.

The Seymour Library on Genesee Street in Auburn.

Use your library card By Caroline Webster Hill, contributing writer What is the most valuable thing in your wallet? It’s not your credit card or your 20 dollar bill, but your library card. Libraries have been around for thousands of years and still are just as popular as they were when they first opened. Or are they? Library use has dropped significantly since technology has overwhelmed the market. With a push of a button, all of the information that is available in 300 books in a library is readily available to you within three seconds through Google. “There is no need for books when you have the Internet,” said a Cayuga Community College student. “When you have information so readily available to you on the Internet. You don’t have to search it out in a book, Google organizes it for you.” Despite the numbers showing a drop, Cayuga Community College’s student library representative, and the Junior Advisor to Activities to the Seymour Public Library, Jennifer Ferlenda, says that they have seen an increase in the recent years of library card applications. Ferlenda says that most people who are applying for cards are utilizing the other resources at the library and not just the books. Books are no longer the main attraction but rather the free Internet and DVD rentals that are offered with your library card. “We’re really working hard to get

Write for The Collegian and earn credits at the same time! Register for Telcom 204, (Journalism Practicum), with Collegian faculty advisor Mary Merritt.


the public back in the library and using not only the books, but the other activities we have going on year round,” said Ferlenda. The Seymour Library is now hosting many activities that are open to the public. They have a tech help night, and one specifically geared to senior citizens, where they show people how to use their smart phones and tablets. They also host many authors throughout the year, including C.C.C’s own English Professor Howard Nelson, giving talks about books or giving lectures. For Halloween they have some themed visits. Baltimore Woods will be bringing in a bat display, a local ghost enthusiast from the Upstate Paranormal Society will be coming in to talk about paranormal experiences, and an informational session about the night sky is offered as well. Ferlenda says the library is also widely popular with the children who attend the activities offered almost every day. “The kids’ favorite thing is Science Saturdays, where each Saturday they learn about a new science, this week was bubble,” said Ferlenda. She says that this is the most popular thing at the library so far. They also offer a story time in the children’s section. “You’d be surprised at the amount of college students who use Seymour Library. Even kids from OCC come in to use us. We want to get kids back in the library as much as possible,” said Ferlenda. “There’s also a lot more media options offered at the Seymour Public Library than they offer at CCC. Need a documentary for class? Chances are that they have it available to rent to you with just your library card. We also offer the newest fiction, even if it’s not the most popular,” said Ferlenda. “Come by anytime and we’d be happy to help you!” Chances are if you stop by the library, they will have something going on. “Libraries are a wealth of knowledge, more so than ever with access to the Internet, plus the thousands of books readily available to you,” Ferlenda said. Be sure to check the Seymour Public Library website for more information and their full calendar, and check out some of their many events they have year round.






Chris Davison

Taylor King-Carr

Volleyball’s King-Carr & Men’s Soccer’s Davison named Student Athletes of the Week Freshman women’s volleyball player Taylor King-Carr (Clyde, NY) and men’s soccer sophomore Chris Davison (Newcastle, England) have been named Cayuga CC Athletes-of-the-Week for the week of October 12-18. King-Carr, had one of her finest weekends to date at the Erie CC pod. Against Niagara, she came through in the clutch scoring a number of points in the 5th and deciding game that lifted the team to victory. Chris Davison (Newcastle, England) - who plays forward… scored 1 goal and had 5 assists in the team’s last two games… helping the Spartans in two regional games in a 3-2 win at TC3 and a convincing 5-0 win at home against #10 nationally ranked Adirondack….as the Spartans clinched a Region III post-season berth.


The Spartan’s men soccer team has improved its Region III record with a 3-2 win on the road at Tompkins-Cortland Community College. Paul Coyle (Glagow, Scotland) put the Spartans up 1-0 in the 4th minute, assisted by Chris Davison (Newcastle, England). The Panthers responded quick a minute later, when a corner kick cross from Nelson Pelton, found Daniel Lincoln into the box, tying

the game at one. The Spartans continued to take the game to the hosts, and were able to find the net again in the 7th minute, with a similar goal by Coyle, assisted again by Davison, and then scoring a third in the 19th minute this time by Davison, assisted by Chris Barrie (Glaston, Scotland). With only two minutes left into the first half TC3 was able to score a second goal by Curtis

Grant, assisted by Nelson Pelton, closing in the half at 3-2 for the visitors. The Spartans dominated possession much of the second half and created a lot of goal scoring chances, with the home side trying to find breakaways through counterattacks, but the end score remained the same with neither team finding the back of the net in the second half.


Cayuga’s inspirational play not enough to get the win The Cayuga Lady Spartans drop another on the road at TC3 after an inspirational performance by all. The Lady Spartans traveled to TC3 Wednesday for a rare night game under the lights. Cayuga struggled to get the ball out of their defensive end for a large part of the first half, netting two goals for the Lady Panthers. To make matters worse freshman goalie Cheyenne Rivenburg (Little Falls, NY) was taken out of the game with a knee injury and was replaced by back up keeper Destinee Frink (Auburn, NY). The change was seamless as Frink was incredible. The second half provided some truly inspirational play from the Lady Spartan’s which helped

produce their first goal. Cayuga’s first goal came off a ball from the defense to freshman sensation Michaela Breeze (Auburn, NY) as she worked her way towards she was foaled in the box which set up a penalty kick. Michaela neatly put the ball in the net for a 2 to 1 score. About 10 minutes later TC3 was able to finally get one past Frink to increase their score line to 3-1. The Lady Spartans continued to fight and push for the offense. Michaela Breeze added a second goal with a beautiful shot in the upper corner of the goal after weaving her way through the defense. Cayuga pushed and pushed for the tie goal with great shots from Breeze that produced some great saves from the

TC3 goalie. TC3 was able to add an insurance goal after a penalty kick was awarded with 5 mins left in the game. Coach Robillard had this to say about the game and the squad, “the ladies were inspiring with the backup keeper coming on and some players like Monica Espada (Auburn, NY), Duanna Johnson (Auburn, NY) and Emily Crosby (Auburn, NY) really stepped up, Michaela was class as always. This was a heartbreaking lose but the ladies’ effort was a truly amazing sight” Goalkeeper Cheyenne Rivenburg (Little Falls, NY) had 12 saves. Goalkeeper Destinee Frink had 7saves.

It’s On Us...To Step Up and Stop Sexual Assault Dear College Community: As part of a SUNY charge…I went looking for an avenue to address the issue of sexual violence prevention with our student-athletes….which I’m hopeful will transition into a campus wide initiative. I have asked all coaches to ask their studentathletes to “Take the Pledge” to “step up and stop sexual assault”. The athletics department is going to “reward”

each student-athlete who takes the on-line pledge with a t-shirt with the Cayuga “It’s On Us” logo…and “SPARTAN PRIDE” logo. I’m hoping for 100% participation! We have also created a public service video with a group of student-athletes to help promote our message…which can be viewed on this YouTube link: https://youtu. be/8GavE9B2RxU Many thanks to Steve Keeler and Bruce Walter who assisted in putting this video together! In addition…we are going to be making a poster featuring student-athlete photos who have taken the pledge. Anyone who would like to take the

pledge can go to http://itsonus.org/ and at the top they simply click on the “Take the Pledge” button… where you complete the pledge form info with their e-mail address for confirmation. Please identify yourself with Cayuga Community College as your school! In the end…I’m hopeful that we can get others to take the pledge… and bring awareness and stop sexual assault! ThanksPete Liddell Director of Athletics Associate Professor of HPER Cayuga Community College

Cayuga Media Department now offers Avid Media Composer Editing Certification Cayuga Community College’s Media Department is now one of very few community colleges across the nation to earn the status of Avid Learning Partner and is now able to offer students certification as Avid Media Composer Editors. “This is a huge advantage for students looking to fast-track their hands-on education in a field that continues to rapidly change,” said Cayuga Community College Humanities Division Chairperson and School of Media and the Arts Director and Professor Steve Keeler.

Keeler says today’s media employers are looking to hire media professionals who can ‘hit the ground running’ and immediately contribute at a high level of productivity. Avid’s Media Composer editing system is used by industry professionals to edit in every aspect of film, television, and broadcast video. The program is designed to handle accelerated HD workflows and has the capability of providing real-time collaboration on premises or remotely via a cloud.


“We provide our students with limitless opportunities to get involved in meaningful projects to explore and expand their skills and creativity,” said Keeler. According to Avid, an Avid Certified User credential allows student editors to make their resumes stand out by having permission to use Avid authorized logos, have a Certificate of Achievement to show to potential employers, and gain recognition industry-wide with Avid’s online Certified Professional listing.





CCC students, Riley Howland and Jacob Zielasko, at Auburn’s TRACK Cinema to watch Back to the Future Part II last Wednesday.

Back to the Past By Caleb Slater, editor-in-chief

Last Wednesday, October 21st 2015 marked the date Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) made his momentous descent into the future thought the flying DeLorean, as seen in Back to the Future Part II. This means the Back to the Future trilogy now officially takes place entirely in the past. To commemorate this day, now having been dubbed Back to the Future day, movie theaters across the nation rescreened the entire trilogy. Including Auburn’s own, TRACK Cinema, located in the Finger Lakes Mall, 1579 Clark Street Road. One patron added, “I never thought I’d get the chance to see this movie in theaters, so I am excited.” Prior to the film’s screening, several Back to the Future themed advertisements were played. Including those for products such as: Calvin Klein, Nike, Pepsi, hover boards and even a special announcement from

the film’s co-star Christopher Lloyd (Doc Brown). Lloyd expressed to the audience that we may not have hover boards and the future doesn’t look exactly like what was depicted in the film, but there’s no telling what lies ahead, as, “You’re future hasn’t been written yet.” 2015 also marks the 30th anniversary of the Back to the Future trilogy.


Carlos Andrés Gómez is an awardwinning poet, actor, speaker, and writer from New York City. He is the author of the coming-of-age memoir Man Up: Reimagining Modern Manhood, released by Gotham Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House. Nominated for the Pushcart Prize and named Artist of the Year at the 2009 Promoting Outstanding Writers Awards, he costarred in Spike Lee’s #1 movie Inside Man with Denzel Washington, Jodie Foster, and Clive Owen. Carlos appeared in the sixth season of HBO’s Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry and, most recently, in the third season of TV One’s Verses and Flow. He has headlined festivals all over the world, including Indonesia, South Africa, Australia, Ireland, Spain, Canada, the U.K., and as Guest of Honor at the Berlin International Literature Festival in Germany. Carlos has been featured on NPR, TEDx, Upworthy, MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry,” the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, Central Park SummerStage, Macy’s Passport Show, the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting, the Omega Institute’s Women & Power Conference, and on Broadway with Savion Glover. Winner of the 2015 Lucille Clifton Poetry Prize and the 2015 Makeda Bilqis Literary Award, Carlos’ writing has appeared in Rattle, Beloit Poetry Journal, Muzzle, Timeout New York, The Huffington Post, decomP,

Carlos Andrés Gómez The Acentos Review, The Guardian, Learn Then Burn: A Modern Poetry Anthology for the Classroom (Write Bloody Publishing, 2010), The Barbershop Chronicles (Penmanship Books, 2008), High Desert Voices (The Wordsmith Press, 2005), We Will Be Shelter: Poems for Survival (Write Bloody Publishing, 2014), You Are Never Where You Are: A Collection of Poetry (University of Washington Press, 2010), Me No Habla With Acento: Contemporary Latino Poetry (Rebel Satori Press, 2011), Airmail: Women of Letters (Viking Australia, 2015), CHORUS: A Literary Mixtape (MTV Books, 2012), and elsewhere. A former social worker and public school teacher, Carlos has lectured and performed at more than 300 colleges and universities, facilitated countless workshops, and delivered numerous keynotes and commencement addresses. He continues to tour the globe.







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