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Collegian Cayuga Community College Auburn & Fulton, New York





THE ART OF THE CAN By Marc Baan, associate editor

VETERANS WEEK EVENTS PLANNED Cayuga Community College will be recognizing Veterans Week (November 11-15) on both campuses. Veterans Week is designed to show our appreciation for all of the student, faculty, and staff veterans on our campus.

CCC’s business students, Aaron Ballard and Brittany Kulas, attended the Phi Beta Lambda Career Connections Conference in New York City on October 24-26.

CCC BUSINESS STUDENTS TAKE A BITE OF THE BIG APPLE Two business students Brittany Kulas and Aaron Ballard, business students and PBL


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Auburn Campus 11 AM- Auburn Veteran’s Club’s Chili & Soup Cook Off The Chili & Soup Cook Off will be held in the main hallway. The cost is $5 which includes sampling all of the chili/soup as well as a bottle of water. All proceeds will be donated to charity. Fulton Campus 11 AM-Noon: Fulton campus Veterans’ Luncheon in the Employee Lounge (F287)Veteran students as well as veteran faculty and staff are invited to the Veterans’ Luncheon. Veteran students are welcome to bring a guest. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Fulton Campus Noon-1 PM: Veteran Services Workshop in F254. Pizza Provided. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Auburn Campus 11 AM-Noon: Auburn campus Veterans’ Luncheon in the Business Industry Center (R209)Veteran students as well as veteran faculty and staff are invited to the Veterans’ Luncheon. Veteran students are welcome to bring a guest.

Cayuga Community College’s student theatre troupe Harlequin Productions four prestigious awards from the Theatre Association of New York State (TANYS), for the group’s fall performances of “All Around the Table.” 2019 TANYS AWARDS: Excellence in Scene Design to Virginia Fennessy for All Around the Table by Cayuga Community College; Meritorious Achievement in Direction to Bob Frame for All Around the Table by Cayuga Community College; Meritorious Achievement in Ensemble Acting to the Cast and Crew for All Around the Table by Cayuga Community College; Meritorious Achievement in Acting to Jennifer O’Neil for All Around the Table by Cayuga Community College. Director Bob Frame recently announced on Thursday, November 21 at 7 P.M. there will be a performance of the show at the college that will be brought to TANYS’ festival - which will feature four of the pieces in the original performance.

Telcom student, Jenna Fields, of Skaneateles, was voted “Best Costume” by Cayuga Collegian readers.

officers, participated in the conference held at the Marriott East in Mid-Manhattan. The conference included a networking session with other students across the country, business tours, and workshops. They visited the Marriott Marquis and IBM to see how their business’s function. The evenings allowed for some downtime to explore the city that never sleeps. They viewed stores from a business perspective, referring back to their studies in various business classes by looking at the branding, marketing, and structure of the stores. Brittany Kulas, president of the CCC chapter of PBL, said she really enjoyed being able to experience the hotel business tour to see how much goes into the day to day functions. One of the benefits to attending the conference is building relationships and networking. Vice President of the CCC PBL chapter, Aaron Ballard said that it was nice to see how other chapters across the country manage their own PBL chapters; gaining ideas and insight of what works for them and discussing challenges that they face. Phi Beta Lambda meets weekly on Wednesdays from 11-12 in the business lab. Any CCC student, regardless of degree program is welcome to join. If you are interested in learning more about our organization, please email Natalie Indelicato at nindelic@ cayuga-cc.edu — story provided


The holiday season is now here and during the time of cheer it is important to remember that not everyone is as lucky as you are. It is our duty to give as much as we can to those who don’t have, and the Art Club has beat us to it. Auburn’s Art Club has started a “Can Food Drive” which you can find on the main floor at the corner of the student lounge just before you enter the Tech Building on the Auburn campus. This whimsical art monster was will be up until the 25th of November. If you can please feed the art monster with any extra cans of food you might have so those who may not have enough to eat this holiday season… can.

Vol. 66 Issue 8 November 12, 2019

Members of the Auburn Fire Department visited the Tech Building to check for fire after a circuit breaker blew up.

By Marc Baan, associate editor A bit of excitement came over CCC’s Tech Building on the Auburn campus last Wednesday when all three floors were thrown into darkness. An email sent by Vice-President of Student Affairs, Jeffrey Rosenthal, stated “A breaker in one of the fuse boxes malfunctioned.” Data Center staff member Jeff Rogalski said a breaker blew in the Data Center on the third floor. He said it appeared the event had no affect on any of the school’s servers. Although the blackout was only a safety feature of the building’s system by preventing any surges traveling to other electrical components, it was enough to cancel evening classes. There were no injuries caused by the blown breaker, although everyone who had to evacuate the building said the same thing, “This is annoying, but at least it is not snowing.”





WINTER OR SUMMER? Our first snowfall has arrived, and chilly temperatures are on the way. Schools are already talking about cancellations, and we are expecting much more snow in the next few weeks. There has been a continuous debate on whether winter is a better season than summer. Many people would argue that winter is the worst season out of the four of them, but others look forward to winter all year. This is the time of year where the holidays are right around the corner, meaning more family time, a break from school or work, and overall a happy time for people all over the world. Skiers, snowboarders, ice skaters and many other athletes also look forward to the winter because this is the time to be able to get out and perform out in the open. Photographers also could argue they like winter because snow does make some of the most beautiful pictures when it is all set on trees, grass, etc. However, for other people, winter is not people’s favorite time of year. Freezing temperatures, slick roads, and blizzards for months at a time bring people no joy. It also becomes flu season, something no one wants to have. For myself, I do love winter pictures being a photographer, but I would much rather have summer during the cold times. Something new for myself is I will be commuting to Syracuse three days a week starting in January to continue my education at Le Moyne college. After a slippery accident driving last winter, it brings a great deal of fear trying to drive in nasty weather, but hopefully the roads stay clear. My advice this winter, drive slowly, give yourself enough time to get places you need to be, and make the best out of it however you can!!

Did you know according to Quartz.com in eleven states it is almost impossible to have an abortion because it is so frowned upon? People that support prochoice will say that it’s your body and it’s your choice what you do with it. My opinion is that you should only be able to have an abortion in certain circumstances. I think that you should be able to have an abortion if you’re too old and the pregnancy could harm you or the baby. If your pregnancy is putting your life at risk then I think you should stop the pregnancy. Sometimes if you’re too old it could affect how healthy your baby is inside and outside of the womb. A lot of these health problems aren’t little either. During pregnancy there’s a chance that the woman could get high blood pressure. If the woman gets high blood pressure during pregnancy this may increase her risk your risk of something

called preeclampsia. According to WebMD.com preeclampsia is when the woman’s blood pressure becomes higher than it was before she became pregnant. According to the Mayoclinic.org another example of getting pregnant at an older age is something called an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg gets implanted outside of the uterus. When this happens it usually gets implanted in the fallopian tubes, abdominal cavity or cervix and when this happens it is very dangerous for the mother’s health. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians an ectopic pregnancy happens in about one in fifty pregnancies. In my opinion, rape is another one of those circumstances where I feel like you should be able to have an abortion. Rape is another big issue that we face each and every day. Did you know that ev-

ery 73 seconds an American is sexually assaulted? According to Wikipedia.com between 25,000 and 32,000 women each year get pregnant after they were raped. These facts surprised me and disgusted me at the same time. The reason why I feel like you should be able to have an abortion is because if you were forced to do something you didn’t want to do and, in the end, you got pregnant you would be the one that would have to take care of the child for the rest of its life. Every life is precious and only in certain circumstances you should be able to have an abortion. If it could harm you or your baby’s life in the long run then I think you should stop the pregnancy. If you were in a position where you were raped and you didn’t choose to get pregnant then I think that’s another exception to have an abortion. — Samantha Conley, CCC student

WHY GUN LAWS MUST CHANGE IN THE US Gun laws in the US may as well not exist. The second amendment states that, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of the free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. However, when we consider the number of shootings in the past year that have killed innocent people and how easy it is for people to gain access to a gun should stricter laws be put in place? Yes, being a non-US citizen reading about mass shootings in the US weekly is shocking. My nation, England, hasn’t had a mass shooting in over 20 years and if there was to be the whole nation would be in lockdown. It is like people in the States have turned a blind eye to the horrific backlash guns can have when put in the wrong hands. CBS NEWS has stated that there have been more mass shootings in the US in 2019 then there has been days and we’re only in October. From this fact alone, there is no way to hide the truth, something needs to change. School years can be the best days of your life. It’s a time when we advance our skills and mature into young adults. We should feel safe and protected in school. However, up to July this year alone, 22 school shootings have been recorded in the US according to CNN NEWS. This number is simply ridiculous; imagine sending your son or daughter off to school every day knowing there’s a chance you may never see them again. After a school shooting in Scotland in 1996, the UK banned handguns and since then

there hasn’t been another school shooting in the UK. In fact, there have been fewer mass shootings in the UK in the last century then there have been school shootings in the US this year alone. Buying guns in the US is like a walk in the park, easy. THE TEXAS TRIBUNE explains that in Texas, you only have to be a resident of the state and 18 to qualify for purchasing a rifle and 21 to buy a handgun. The only check a legal gun seller will take is that the purchaser has no felonies which is usually the case amongst shooters in the US who are usually first-time offenders. Also, the guns laws in Texas at present have very flexible restrictions to where guns can and cannot be taken. You could walk into your local Walmart with two rifles on your shoulder and people wouldn’t even blink! Imagine the chaos a shooter could cause in a shop that big in such little time. Gun violence amongst gangs is on the rise in America and there are fears of a possible gun war breaking out in the States. Over 33,000 gangs are known to be active in the US according to the BUSINESS INSIDER with every gang having different aims but they all have one thing in common: they will use violence to get what they want. Gang wars regularly occur on the streets over territory, drugs and racial hate. Innocent civilians are being caught up in this mess daily and many lose their lives because of this hate. If guns laws were to be changed and stricter

rules were applied to gangs, along with unstable people who have a motive, they wouldn’t have the freedom to do as they will and take their anger out on innocent lives such as yours and mine. We must stop this ‘trend’ of gun violence in the US before it is too late. — Joshua Smith, CCC student

HAVE AN OPINION YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE? Send your submission to cayugacollegian@gmail. com. Your submission must include the writer’s full name, college year and home town. Anonymous letters and letters written under pseudonyms will not be published. For verification purposes, submissions must also include the writer’s home address, e-mail address and telephone number.

IS THE BOOK BETTER OR THE MOVIE? Books are better than movies; this is an argument that some people have and talk about because of their opinions on this topic. For a lot of movies there are books that they were made from and there also movies that are loosely based off of a book. In this day and age books made into movies are becoming more and more popular. Some people say books are better and some say movies are better. Books are better for a few reasons. Books have lots of details in them while movies have to cut lots out because they have a budget and they have a time limit that they have to keep. Books have many details for all the things because there is not really a limit on how many words that you can write down. A budget does really affect the movie because they may be only able to put in really big things and have to leave out little details that help the story progress. With all the details in a book

it would also make for a really long movie. There are a lot of things that have to be done like creating the scene with backgrounds and also creating the costumes which can add up to a lot of money. Another reason why books are better is because the directors will add stuff to make the movie better in their eyes which makes it really different and not that much better to other people. An example of this happening is in The Hobbit, the 3-parter series. They added quite a bit of characters that are not in the book. An example of them adding characters is Finbur who was a master hunter orc. They added these things in to the story yet they took out details that the author of the book wrote which makes no sense because the author wrote it the way he wanted to with the details to get his story across. So, adding stuff really just does not make any sense to do when you have a lot of detail the

author put into the book. Movies also take away the creativity that books have because you imagine a character one way and it makes you really think about what’s happening. Well a movie takes all of that away, so that you do not get to think about what they look like or how things happen. In a book you can be creative with where they are. Maybe you’re thinking of a different kind of green for the trees and a different blue sky than what the movie shows. So, you can argue that the movies are better, but if you read the book before or after you watch the movie you can see the difference and see which one is better. If you ever read the book you can easily see all the details that make it a good book to begin with and you can see why they shouldn’t make so many changes to the book to make it a movie. — Clara LeFever, CCC student


The Cayuga Collegian welcomes letters from its readers. Submissions must be emailed to cayugacollegian@gmail.com. Submissions must include your name, address and daytime phone number. All letters to the editor do not reflect the viewpoint of the Collegian office, its staff or advisor. All letters are simply the opinions of the writers themselves. All letters may be edited for content or length.


Kaitlyn Diego Marc Baan Emily Lane Christopher DeLeo Aidan Crandall Jared Fritz Nathan McKay Marie Kelley



Have you ever seen a crazy NCAA March Madness tournament? They are really intense, and many people are getting entertainment. Some people think that college athletes shouldn’t get paid. However, this is what brings a lot of attention to the NCAA and brings me to my point that college athletes should get paid. College athletes should get paid because athletes are putting their body on the line. Also, those tough injuries could hurt you later on in life. For example, in 2013 college athlete Kevin Ware from Louisville suffered a fractured tibia in his right leg during the Elite Eight game against Duke University that was a real terrifying sight to watch. After that terrible injury it was a rocky career for Kevin Ware, and he wasn’t getting paid. Kevin could’ve had great recovery time if he was getting paid so he could pay for the best rehab training to get back on the court. Also, college coaches and the college itself are getting paid lots of money but are not the ones who are playing. This is what bring me back to my point that athletes are putting their body on the line and not the coaches. These college athletes are performing at a high level against intense competition and are not getting paid by the NCAA. California passed a bill to allow college athletes to get pay and endorsements. But, others argue that this bill shouldn’t be allowed. According to the NY Post NFL player Tim Tebow said that it is selfish for athletes to want to be paid. However, how can

that be a selfish act when the athletes are the ones playing? They are many people who are feeling the same way I feel about the situation. According to CBS Sports the Rams running back Todd Gurley wore a anti NCAA shirt to support college athletes getting paid. In conclusion allowing college athletes to get paid will help college athletics. College athletes put on crazy incredible performances and still don’t receive a dollar. We need help to get college athletes to get paid not just only in California. — Jeremiah Marshall, CCC student

AUBURN SGO President: Marcus Oliver - molive13@cayuga-cc.edu Vice President: Krystal Gist - kgist@cayuga-cc.edu Secretary: Hannah Malone - hmalone2@cayuga-cc.edu


SPARTANS FIGHT VALIANTLY BEFORE FALLING IN CHAMPIONSHIP SPARTANS TAKE UNDEFEATED HERKIMER GENERALS TO OVERTIME BUT LOSE 2-1 The Cayuga Spartans men’s soccer team left it all on the field in the NJCAA Region III Championship...giving the undefeated and #2 nationally ranked Herkimer Generals all they could handle before succumbing in overtime 2-1. Head coach Chris Davison’s Spartans fought hard and had chances to send Herkimer home for a second straight season...but



Cayuga Community College’s Men’s Basketball team won against the Schenectady County Community College Royals on Saturday 79-50.

fell just short. Herkimer score first with just over 2 minutes remaining in the first half on a Ryheim Hinds goal. The Spartans tied it up in the 56th minute on a Matthew Devlin (Belfast, Northern Ireland) goal off a Cayuga corner kick... with the assist going to Brenno Rosselli (Pollensa, Spain). Sophomore goalkeeper Daniel Burdaspar (Navarra, Spain) made several spectacular saves...keeping the Spartans in the match and sending the game to overtime. A number of Spartans stepped up to fill some voids including defenders Will Leary (Crowbrough, England), Brenno Rosselli, and Angel Molina (Granada, Spain)...and midfielders Jamie Boam (Swindon, Wiltshire), Kent Meier (Farmington, PA), Isaac Bourne (Hampshire, England) and Alfie Hipwell (London, England). Herkimer score the game winner with 3 minutes remaining in the first overtime on a deflection...allowing them to get past the Spartans and move on to the Nationals. It was a great effort by Cayuga...and they literally left it all on the field. Congratulations to the Cayuga men’s soccer team on another great season!


ByJaden Erhegiamen, contributing writer

And another season ends for the Cayuga Spartans Men’s Soccer Team as they finished with a 12-5 season record. With a heartbreaking 2-1 loss on Sunday, November 3, against 2nd nationally-ranked Herkimer Generals, in overtime. We now look back on their season. “Coming into this season was a wake-up call for everybody, mostly for the freshman on the team,” said midfielder freshman Jamie Boam. “But I feel things will be a lot more different next year, now knowing what it feels like to lose in the regional finals.” “After they scored the overtime goal, I felt numb, sick knowing how it all turned out. But looking back, now knowing how the season goes by so quickly. I feel more comfortable, prepared, and hungrier than ever to win Nationals,”said Isaac Bourne. It was an exciting season; yes, indeed it was, but now we sit, wait, and seek what is ahead for the Cayuga Men’s Soccer Team next season.


By Kaitlyn Diego, Editor-in-chief

Attention Cayuga Community College students, are you employed on campus and looking to pick up a few extra hours? The college’s annual Craft Fair is December 6th, 7th, and 8th this year, and the Financial Aid office is looking for volunteers to cover shifts throughout the weekend. This opportunity is paid and for currently employed students at the college only at this time. Some of the duties include, assisting vendors with setting their tables up, helping vendors with directions and/ or general information, assisting vendors with moving items from their vehicles

into the college or when the fair is over, and any other tasks that may be assigned. Critical shifts that need to be covered right now are Friday, December 6th, from 2:30 pm to 7 pm, and Saturday, December 7th, from 7:45 am to 11:45 am. However, there are alternate shifts that need to be covered as well. Any student interested is asked to see the Financial Aid office for more information.

Midterms are always a stressful time for students. This is made worse when your computer isn’t working. Many of you at the Auburn and Fulton campus might have noticed that your library computer has seemed a bit slower than normal. Although, the timing might seem extremely inconvenient the technology issues are being addressed. The IT department has developed a patch for the networking issue and will be

deploying it as soon as possible. If you see that the computer you are using at the library is running slow or a black screen with an error message pops up please let the librarian on duty know immediately. If you come across a computer that is displaying the same issues away from the library give the IT department a call. Auburn 315-294-8596 x2296 Fulton 315-593-9319 x3107

CAN YOU HELP ME I CAN’T BREATHE By Allayah Dike, contributing writer


Cayuga Community College’s Center for Academic Success (CAS) tutor Ben Steimle tries to recruit more students to work in the center helping other students.

Hi! My name is Lilly Molisani. I’m from a small town called Clyde Savannah. My major is Liberal Arts and Sciences: Childhood Education AA: concentration English. This is my first semester of college. I found the Cayuga Collegian duck on the Auburn campus.

The Cayuga Collegian Duck Hunt is still on! Who will catch the next fowl? Stay tuned!


The CAS, Center for Academic Success, is an area of CCC where students can come and receive extra help away from their classes and professors. It offers a math and writing table for anyone who wants to come and stop in, and even some tutoring sessions for chemistry at another table. There is even the business lab in the library so that anyone can get the help they are looking for. There are the specialists for writing and math that are able to give you the utmost help when needed, but even the peer tutors at the table are more than capable of guiding a student into the right direction. The writing specialist, Katie Stout, has always been enthusiastic about the CAS. And it’s not only because her office is in there, but she truly wants “ to talk to students and help them see how their perspective matters, how their brain can do amazing things, no matter what it is they are doing or what information they are trying to understand.” The peer tutors at both tables hold this same perspective because knowing a student walked in

feeling down about their work and transitioned to feeling confident is what drives the people in the CAS. The CAS isn’t a place where students come to feel bad about themselves, its where they can improve their skills in whichever facet of school. School itself is about expanding your knowledge for that next step in life. People don’t come here because their bored, they come to improve and become a better person. Or as Katie put it, “Seriously dudes--if you’re not in school to learn stuff, try something else. If you decide to stay at CCC, take the extra step to be the best.” The CAS isn’t going to stop that way of thinking, everyone in there is going to push it further ahead. They will make your coursework fun and enjoyable while also making sure you’re receiving the best help possible. Every tutor is going to improve your way of either solving that calculus problem, setting up a conclusion for a paper, or even understanding adjusted trial balances. The CAS isn’t for a single group of students, it’s for every single student at CCC.


Anxiety is something in a society that is not talked about enough despite the fact that 18.1 percent of Americans age 18 and older have anxiety disorders in the United States alone. That percentage may not sound like a lot, but it represents more than 40 million teens and adults who have anxiety disorders. College students are particularly vulnerable to suffer from anxiety disorders. CCC college students say they employ different strategies to cope. “It depends on where I am at. If I’m around a lot of people, I begin to sweat and feel like everyone is staring at me and start not being able to breathe,” explained a CCC freshman who suffers with anxiety disorder. “When I get anxious it depends on where I am if I can control it or not,” another CCC student added. “If I’m in a room full of people and get anxious, I’ll leave without anyone noticing and take some time to myself.” The American Psychology Association, (APA), believes that the reason people have anxiety like this is because of the closed mindedness of adulthood and the pressure of societal standards. In simpler terms, they say it isn’t talked about enough. In the U.S., there are 41.6 percent of people with anxiety, 36.4% with depression, 21% with severe mental health concerns and 40% with mild mental health concerns. These numbers don’t lie and are growing. Adults can easily change that by being open about our mental health problems and helping others try and figure out what promotes positive environments as well as solutions when feeling overwhelmed. Experts say meditating, long deep breaths, calm walks, exercise, and creativity all promote better mental stability. Society hasn’t done their part, but it is slowly but surely getting better as people continue to try to understand mental health issues and act pro-actively when it comes to any mental health issue and try to better people who have these issues in their lives.

CAYUGA CLUBS! FULTON AND AUBURN CLUBS Please share your meeting times, events, and fund-raisers with

The Cayuga Collegian

We want to publish your news! Email: cayugacollegian@gmail.com



What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? Perhaps a bad grade on your midtem? The cop driving closely behind you? Your parents when you get home late? All valid things to be afraid of, but all tangible things—all things you can see coming.


Now think of the things you can’t see. Things that move in the comers of your eyes. Sounds that come from nowhere. The touch on your arm from the shadows ... HOW AFRAID ARE YOU NOW? If you’re brave enough, read this weekly installment of OUR SHADOW WORLD. WE will explore the myths and urban legends of our planet. From the creatures your grandparents told you they saw in the war, to the things found on an abandoned VHS tape on the side of the road. Nothing will be held back as we discover what people are afraid of in countries from all four corners of this world. Remember, all myths and legends start with some strand of the truth. Now let’s see if they stay are true or just turn out to be a good story!


Learn story-telling skills with hands-on, interactive instruction presented by former television news executive/news producer/ reporter, Prof. Mary G. Merritt

ns! a r e t e V r u o Honoring


Camping and hiking in our National and State Parks is almost an American family vacation tradition. Many of you reading this probably have stories from your youth of your mom and dad packing you and your siblings up in the van and driving for hours to see The Grand Canyon; or taking a family picture in front of Mount Rushmore; or if you where in my family, hiking the Blue Ridge Parkway. In the midst of all the fun and memories, there seems to be something lurking in the trees around you. Something that has been the cause of thousands of disappearances for more than 100 years in our National and State Parks. Something we are only starting to investigate. In this week’s edition we take a look into the countless missing person cases referred to as – The Missing 411 Files. The endless amount of missing people lost in our National and State Parks first came to light for David Paulides, a retired police detective, more than 15 years ago. “An off-duty park ranger came up to me David Paulides and mentioned he had concerns about someone who went missing in the parks,” said Paulides. He says he felt obliged to help look into the case and what he says he uncovered will put cold chill down anyone’s spine. Paulides uncovered evidence that there was negligence in the search and rescue of this missing person. If this wasn’t bad enough, it gets darker. After many unanswered calls to the Park Department, Paulides got a call from a federal agent and was told that the case of the person who went missing in the park was sealed and he would never see it. This case and the freeze on access to the file put Paulides on a crusade. He kept uncovering more and more missing person cases from parks in the U.S. and Canada, all of which had no normal explanation. There seemed to

David Paulides’ research uncovered 28 clusters of missing people across the United States. be thousands of people who just disappeared with no explanation. One scary discovery was that it seemed many people would disappear while there where many other people around them. Paulides’ research found 28 clusters with the most missing people. Age; sex; time of day; weather; there were no common connections. No one seemed safe and no one other then David Paulides was looking into the missing. This is a strange world were new discoveries are made every day. Since, to this day no solid answers have come to light to explain all of the disappearances, we may never know what is happening in our National and State Parks. Take the time to read Paulides’ books or watch the 2018 documentary to learn more about what might be watching us in our parks. If I were you, I would never stop hiking in the beauty of our parks, but ever since I read Poulides’ first book; I now tell everyone where I am going; and keep my phone in my hand the whole time… and just perhaps you should too.

SOMETHING FUNNY If you have SOMETHING FUNNY you would like to share with The Cayuga Collegian, please email a jpeg to cayugacollegian@ gmail.com with your name!


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