11 18 2015 cayuga collegian vol 62 issue 8 final

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Collegian cayugacollegian@gmail.com

Vol. 62 Issue 8 November 18, 2015




Collegian Editor-in chief Slater covers Vice President Biden at Syracuse University

Grief-stricken Parisians leave flowers and light candles in the wake of the worst violence France has experienced since the end of World War II.

Day each December. Individuals wishing to purchase a wreath to use as a remembrance for a loved one, especially a member of the U.S. Military or as a decoration for their home, are encouraged to place an order. Businesses’ are also encouraged to purchase the wreaths for their employees and families. The 22-inch Maine Balsam Wreaths cost $15.00. Delivery can be to either Arlington cemetery,

More than 130 people are dead, hundreds more are wounded and millions are grieving from the organized terrorist attack that swooped the streets of Paris last Friday. Three teams of terrorists conducted attacks in six locations within the French city using seven suicide bombs. One of these locations was the Batachan Concert Hall, where approximately 90 people lost their lives during a performance by the metal band, Eagles of Death. Since the attack, security procedures have increased immensely across the globe and French President Francis Hollande extended a National State of Emergency. President Obama remarked, “This is an attack, not just on Paris, it’s an attack not just on France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share.” In addition, museums and highly trafficked areas such as the Eiffel Tower have been closed and people have been asked to avoid leaving their homes whenever possible. Despite the pain, suffering and fear the extremist groups intend on bringing to the citizens of France, people have still found comfort in being able to grieve with one another in Place de la Républic. Thousands gathered on Saturday to mourn. Place de la Républic is also where citizens mourned after the Charlie Hebdo shooting last January.




America’s funniest leadership speaker on Auburn campus Wednesday 11-18 What do you get when you mix a stand-up comedian and someone who has a master’s degree in leadership? One of the most sought after speakers on the college circuit. Mike Fritz’s knowledge of Mike Fritz leadership and the ability to make people laugh until it hurts is unmatched. Fritz’s program “Making Leadership F.U.N.” is a favorite on college campuses. Fritz is the author of the bestselling books “Great Student Leaders Aren’t Born They’re Made” and “Making Leadership F.U.N.” Fritz addressed the students on the Fulton Campus on Monday. He will be on the Auburn Campus, Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 11 a.m. in the Student Lounge.

Newspapers across America carry the details of the terrorist attacks.

Criminal Justice Club selling wreaths Students in CCC’s Criminal Justice Club are currently raising funds to support Wreaths Across America’s local effort. Wreaths Across America (WAA) is a national non-profit organization whose mission of - Remember, Honor and Teach is a carried out each year in part through the laying of wreaths on National Wreaths Across America

World still grieving as Paris extends State of Emergency


Preserve Activity Hour OPINIONS Ronda Rousey; she’ll get it back Caleb Slater Last Saturday, the ex-Olympian and cultural phenomenon “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey met her maker when she stepped into the ring with UFC fighter, Holly Holm. Rousey didn’t last very long before her head was penetrated by the fierce kick by her opponent, knocking her out cold onto the mat. Dean Martin once sang, “Ain’t that a kick in the head.” And although he wasn’t talking about the Rousey/Holm fight, I am. This is just the beginning and I have full faith and support in Rousey who was the first U.S. woman to take home the Olympic medal in judo back in 2008. Ronda is a fierce woman who has tackled every situation that came in her

way. Including criticisms from both Floyd Mayweather and Presidential candidate Donald Trump. When receiving an award at the ESPY’s Ronda said, “I wonder how Floyd feels about being beaten by a woman for once.” Personally, I first found out about Ronda Rousey while watching her stellar performance in the summer comedy hit, Entourage and I have been a huge fan since. She is not only an inspiration for young women everywhere, but just an amazing athlete altogether. She was undefeated in UFC, but now stands with a record of 12-1. This 28 year old not only has fighting experience, but gaming experience as well. Ronda has admitted to being a huge Pokémon fan, since the very beginnings of the series and has even hosted a Pokémon event when she was younger. Ronda Rousey is my favorite athlete of modern day and I know it won’t be long before she gets the title back!

Criminal Justice Club wreaths... CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE

Washington, DC or here to CCC, Auburn, NY. Make checks payable to Dr. Linda Townsend, WAA Representative. There will be a local remembrance ceremony sponsored by Dana L. West High School students, CCC CJ Club students and the Cayuga County Vietnam Veteran’s Chapter 704 at St. Peter and St. John’s Episcopal Church at 169 Genesee Street, Auburn, on National Wreaths Across America Day, Saturday, Dec. 12, 2015.

An invitation to attend the ceremony is extended to all who wish to remember and honor the sacrifices made by our military personnel that keep our nation strong and allows our citizens to enjoy freedom. The ceremony also provides an opportunity to teach future generations the price of our freedom. Please visit the www. wreathsacrossamerica.org for more information on the organization and to learn about the group’s mission and how to get involved.




The Activity the Activity Hour to be unable to atfree period from tend the study groups to get help for 11AM to Noon courses that they may be struggling on Mondays, with. This is where I find a moral isW e d n e s d a y s , sue with the scheduling of classes and Fridays that during the Activity Hour because many students study groups are the easiest way to have come to obtain help with courses outside rely on for a des- of the drop in tables for Math and ignated time for Writing in the Center for Academic which their clubs Success. They almost always meet at can meet, to hang regularly scheduled times on predeout, get lunch, termined days in a set location which do homework, go allows students to come if they need STAFF WRITER to a study group, to but having courses scheduled etc. This break when most of the study groups are is vital for most scheduled to meet will only make it students to unwind between classes, so students who are struggling in a get help, and catch up with friends course will be unable to seek help in but few realize that it is being slow- the study group because they have a ly encroached upon by an increasing class at the same time. Going one number of classes. step further it also impacts faculty What is the Activity Hour? I re- and staff who have meetings and ofalize that many students do know fice hours during the Activity Hour what the Activity Hour is but since but the encroaching classes will also there are a few out there who do not disrupt both of these as they will know about it I feel it is appropriate find themselves in class rather than we address this first. Quoting direct- free to meet with their colleagues or ly from the Student Handbook the students. Activity Hour is defined as: “CayuWhat can we do? Be vocal, be ga Community College celebrates heard, step up and tell the adminstudent activities hour on Mondays, istration that we want the Activity Wednesdays, and Fridays, between Hour to be free of classes and sec11am to 12pm. The activities hour tions for us to use as we please. This was created to give student clubs, or- is a sentiment that was echoed by ganizations and the general campus Andrea Jodeit, the Student Governan opportunity to meet or attend the ment President for the Auburn Camvariety of extracurricular programs pus, who also called for our fellow scheduled during this college break students to help us drive this point time. The activity hour also serves as home. “The Activity Hour is dedicatan ideal time to provide a host of col- ed to being free for students to atlege and or student committee meet- tend campus events, club meetings, ings at a designated free time.” In study group sessions and being a simpler words the Activity Hour is break between classes and it is unacan hour long break from classes ev- ceptable for classes to be scheduled ery Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during it. This not only makes it imfrom 11AM to Noon during which no possible for students to be involved classes are supposed to meet to al- in campus activities but it can also low us students the chance to engage block them from getting academic in the various extra curricular activ- help from the study groups that also ities that take place on campus. Af- meet during the Activity Hour. That ter all, all work and no play tends to is why the S.G.O. have decided to drive people insane (case and point: take action to reaffirm the Activity Jack Nicholson in The Shining). Hour to the campus administrators What happens during the Activity but we cannot do this by ourselves. Hour? The simplest answer for this We need the support of the student would be a lot. Each student uses the body to help us in our efforts by Activity Hour in different ways but approaching the administration to it is when most clubs like to meet, voice their opinions on this matter many campus wide events are scheduled for, study groups are held but it is used by many students as a chance to unwind and eat lunch between when their morning classes end and their afternoon classes begin. Why does it matter that classes are being scheduled during the Activity Hour? For starters the Activity Hour was established to give students a chance to engage in the CCC’s Anime Club looking to recruit numerous on campus activi- members during Activity Hour earlier ties and participate in clubs this year on the Auburn Campus. which like to meet during the Activity Hour. Scheduling class- or by signing the petition that we are es and sections during the Activity currently drafting to combat this isHour will only cause students who sue.” So, there you have it folks. The have to take those classes to be S.G.O. is currently working on the unable to participate in the activi- petition and will be tabling with it ties and clubs that meet during the once it is ready but in the meantime same time. Even worse is the fact you can reach out to campus adminthat many study groups meet during istrators or the S.G.O. itself to voice the Activity Hour and having more your opinions on this issue. Together classes scheduled during it will only we can truly make a difference and cause the students in the classes make the Activity Hour completely that are scheduled to meet during free of classes.

Steve Brewer




People have also flocked to social media to pay their respects to the French people. Facebook is currently advocating an added feature where users can highlight the French flag over their profile picture in memory of the victims in Paris. Many users of the service, Twitter, have been sharing their sorrow and feelings about the devastation. One user tweeted, “After the 9/11 attacks the French said, ‘Today we are all American.’ Well, today we are all French.” Please visit The Collegian Facebook page and leave a message for the people of Paris.


Vice President Joseph Biden takes the podium at Syracuse University.

Biden says take the Pledge

Students at LSU unite in prayer for Paris.

The Vice President directs SU students in the fight against sexual assault. By Caleb Slater, editor-in-chief With charismatic energy and excellent delivery, Vice President Joe Biden returned to his alma mater, Syracuse University last Thursday to encourage students to combat against campus sexual assault and violence. Students lined up by the thousands, outside the Goldstein auditorium in the Schine Student Center to hear their fellow Orangemen speak out about an issue that really drove home. Biden, a 1968 graduate from Syracuse University’s law school connected with the campus community by wearing an orange tie and revealing that he was at SU, “for the worst and best moments” of his life. Biden focused his attention on bringing to light the It’s On Us campaign, which is a pledge and personal commitment to help keep women and men safe from sexual assault. The initiative launched in 2014 and since the launch over a quarter of a million students nationwide have signed the pledge. “The cardinal sin is when a man puts his hand up to a woman,” Biden remarked. Biden has been a long proponent in the issue of sexual assault prevention. In 1994 the former Delaware Senator and current Vice President urged congress to pass The Violence against Women Act. This act: improved the criminal justice response to violence against women, established the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233) and has resulted in positive change across the board! Since 1994, stalking has been deemed illegal in all 50 states, intimate partner violence has declined 67% and more victims are reporting domestic and sexual violence, leading to arrests. Biden says the only area that wasn’t addressed in the act was sexual assault on college campuses. After reviewing the staggering facts that nearly 25% off all women attending college will be assaulted on campus and one in every five women, nationally will face assault, the Vice President searched for solutions. “You’ve got to get men more involved. Men on campus have

to take more responsibility and administrations on campus have to take more responsibility.” Biden declared. This involvement is the very staple of the It’s On Us campaign. The pledge focuses on four key ideas: 1) To recognize that nonconsensual sex is sexual assault. 2) To identify solutions in which sexual assault may occur. 3) To intervene in situations where consent has or cannot be given. 4) To create an environment in which sexual assault is unacceptable and survivors are supported. Since 2014, over 1,000 It’s On Us events have been held around the country, including an awareness video made by Cayuga Community College’s athletic department. Biden also told the crowd a personal story, one of his son, Beau Biden. Beau, who tragically died from brain cancer last May, was also an SU law school graduate. In college, Beau stood up against an athlete who was reportedly mauling a fellow student. The Vice President used this story to tie in a call to action. “Don’t look left and right, look in the mirror and ask yourself, are you living up to the standard to be a man? […] You have an obligation to speak up!” The Vice President wasn’t the only guest speaker on the issue last Thursday. Other notable speakers include: SU chancellor, Kent Syverud, Senator Kristin Hillabrand, Congressman John Katko and the Director of Syracuse University’s counseling center, Corey Wells, who directed students to available resources. Cayuga County and Cayuga Community College also have resources available for those in need of help. The County has set up the SAVAR (Sexual Assault Victims Advocacy Resource) and the college has councilors Meg Osbourne and Jeramie Blouers. Together we must stand up against this issue because as the Vice President said, “It is the worst of all forms of violence.”


Business leader speaks to student By Stephen (Max) Pinchak, contributing writer CCC’s business club, Phi Beta Lambda, recently hosted guest speaker Lisa Green. Green is the current Business Manager for the Auburn Enlarged City School District and CayugaOnondaga BOCES. A native to Central New York, she majored in accounting at Onondaga Community College before moving onto Le Moyne. Prior to working with the school district, Green worked as a CPA in Auburn for nearly a decade. She is also involved in many community committees, including being the Vice Chairperson for the Cayuga Centers Board of Trustees. She was nice enough to come

share her experiences and knowledge with us, and for that we thank her. Among the many topics she covered, she stressed the importance of communication skills in the Lisa Green workplace. She also said having a sense of humor at work can greatly improve your business experiences. She spoke about the operation of her key role, which include overseeing all business transactions and looking to improve the schools’ sustainability.

COVERING NEWS WHEREVER IT HAPPENS: Cayuga Collegian editor-in-chief Caleb Slater put himself near the newsmakers at SU.



CCC marks Veterans Day By Alexandra Cassick, staff writer

A day to remember the bravery of America’s veterans and their sacrifice for our country. Cayuga Community College took the week to honor student and faculty veterans. To recognize those who have served in our country’s military over the years, CCC made pins available to wear and show support. Along with the pins, there was a display of Military Culture located outside of the Bisgrove Theater. Students were encouraged to stop by the Fallen Soldiers table and write reflections in the “Cayuga Remembers” journal. On Veterans day the Veterans Club hosted a barbeque style lunch in the faculty lounge to say thank you to the veterans and raise awareness of their campus club.


FAMILY TREE by Samuel G. Phillips I’m going to chop down your family tree, One branch at a time. I will subtract the number of limbs from this tree by three. This is the last sight you’ll ever see. But I will let you plea before I commit this crime. I’m going to chop down your family tree. I do not like this particular tree, At noon it’ll happen, you’ll hear the bells chime. I will subtract the number of limbs on this tree by three.

CCC students join in a flag raising ceremony with the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps Truxton DDG103 Division to honor veterans on Veterans Day on the Fulton Campus.

I’ll chop you to pieces until you’re two pods in a pea. Once you’re cut down, this tree no one will ever climb. I’m going to chop down your family tree.

Write for The Collegian and earn credits at the same time! Register for Telcom 204, (Journalism Practicum),

with Collegian faculty advisor Mary Merritt.


We’ll start with the stump, then end with the knee, We’ll load up the wood, and sell it for a dime. I will subtract the number of limbs from this tree by three. We’ll destroy habitats, buzz won’t the bee. After we knock down your tree, we’ll roll out like a lumberjack in his prime. I’m going to chop down your family tree. I will subtract the number of limbs from this tree by three.


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