11 5 2013 vol 60 issue 8 cayuga collegian final

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Collegian Cayuga Community College Auburn & Fulton, New York



Vol. 60 Issue 8 November 5, 2013

CAYUGABriefs CCC ATHLETE IS PLAYER OF THE WEEK Congratulations to Ryan Killian (Scipio, NY) for being named Region III Playerof-the-Week for last week’s efforts. He becomes the third Spartan this Fall season to achieve this recognition. Ryan helped his team complete a great win in regionals as #6 seed Cayuga upended #3 seed SUNY Delhi by the score of 2-1. Killian beat two Bronco defenders and the goalkeeper with 7 minutes to go in the NJCAA Region III Sub-regional game to score the game-winner for the Spartans. Killian now has seven goals for the season.

Pipes and supplies ready for Franklin Street project.

Construction on Franklin Street Project will cause traffic delays and detours around college.

Happy 42nd Birthday to Cayuga Community College’s own radio station, WDWN. The radio station first broadcast was on Halloween night 42 years ago. The radio station celebrated the anniversary with cake and a costume contest in the Aubur campus cafeteria on Halloween day. Pictured above, WDWN radio advisor, Jeffrey M. Szczesniak, dressed as The Guardian of the Airwaves.

by Scott Shaft,CCC Public Safety Officer


FIRE DRILL Popcorn chef Karen Merritt


The Auburn Fire Department arriving at CCC last Monday for a burnt kernel.




Congratulations to everyone within the Criminal Justice Department for making its online program the number one online program in the country for 2013-2014 as reported by Newsday and BestOnlineColleges.org.

With the various fire drills going on this semester, students at the Auburn campus likely believed that the activation of fire alarms last Monday was just another. Students piled out of the building as usual, however, there was this strong odor of cooked popcorn. As students poured out the doors, someone joked with CCC staff member Karen Merritt questioning, “Did you burn the popcorn?” It turned out to be just that. Karen Merritt was working the popcorn machine handing bags of popped corn out to students as they passed by an event going on in the main lobby. “A kernel got stuck in the pot then started burning, and I couldn’t get it out quick enough,” said Merritt. Students milled around outside and watched the Auburn Fire Department arrive on the scene. After a quick inspection, the building was deemed safe and all were welcomed to return.

Students waited patiently on the front lawn.

Something small you can do for CCC by Eric Nans, Staff Writer There is an initiative for anyone affiliated with CCC to feature a lawn sign in your respective lawn. The vision is to enhance the visibility of the establishment in the region, promote a positive image of the College, and engender a sense of ownership and pride in our community’s college. This is only a part of a larger marketing strategy to identify low-cost, high-impact actions that can be implemented in 30-90 days to address our immediate enrollment challenges.




By Amber Sawyer, Staff Writer

Two types of signs were produced – one for ACC/CCC alumni, and one for students, faculty, staff and other members of the college community.

It may get harder to get to class on time. There is going to be a construction project on Franklin Street in front of the Auburn campus. They are running a new water main from Prospect Street to S. Lewis Street. This is going to cause detours and delays for students coming to the college. Starting November 11th, the City of Auburn is putting in a new 30” water main on Franklin Street. The project is going to be a two phase project. Phase one is going to start at Prospect Street and run down the west bound lane of Franklin Street and will stop on the west side of Seward Ave. This part of the phase should be complete by December 20th. Phase two is scheduled to begin on January 6th. They will continue from Seward Ave to S. Lewis Street. This is scheduled to be finished by the end of February. Then in the spring they are planning on repaving Franklin Street. What does this means to the College Community? This will mean detours and probably some delays during some phases of the project. The City is only planning on closing the westbound lane of Franklin Street in the construction zone. The east bound lane should continue to be open throughout most of the project. It may be closed during short periods of time to make connections. This should be done at times when the College and Auburn Junior high traffic volume is low. As they lay the pipe they are planning on filling it in behind them. This will open that section back up to two way traffic. The Public Safety office will attempt to inform the College Community as to the detours. Emails will be sent out and the TV monitors will be updating the detours. There will be signs posted at the main entrances of the college and a display will be posted near the front entrance. These will be updated as to the detours. The first detour should occur November 11th when the digging begins. Traffic coming in on Franklin Street from Skaneateles to the college, won’t be able to continue toward the front entrance of the college. Traffic will be detoured onto Prospect Street. This detour should go on for several days until the construction crosses Marvine Ave. The new detours for that will be posted at a later date. If you travel east on Franklin Street to the college, this shouldn’t affect your route except for maybe some traffic delays during this section. Please give yourself a little more time during this project. Also please give extra care in the parking lot. There is going to be an increased flow of traffic with people using the College as a short cut and parents picking up or dropping their children off at Auburn Junior High. There may be flag man near the construction area and intersection. Please be aware of them and obey their directions. At some point during this project the digging will block the Franklin Street entrances to the college. The college was reassured that both entrances would not be blocked at the same time.

O P I N I O N S History 101 production too good to miss Less than 20 people showed up for opening night of History 101 but that did not stop the amazing performance of the play. History 101 is a funny and witty play that looks back at the world’s history since the bang. The show was

If I could run Cayuga Community College, I would...

filled with laughter as they poked fun at some of the less lighter subjects. The show was a must see this year. All of Bob Frame and his cast of actors and actress’ hard work paid off. —Danielle Skowron, Editor-in-chief


Google & Privacy Invasion According to Syracuse.com the Google Street car may be in your neck of the woods. It has been spotted in several neighborhoods in the Syracuse, Oswego and in other surrounding areas taking pictures with a car that you won’t miss! Onondaga, AMBER SAWYER Cayuga, Herki mer, Madison and a few other counties may have the chance of seeing it too. They are specially equipped with directional cameras, GPS units, and laser range scanners as well as a giant photo rig on top of the car. This car takes photos constantly all over in 360 degree panoramas. It is similar to slide shows of pictures even capturing what you don’t want. Here’s where it all kicks in, as for the privacy issue. I clearly understand that the car is on public property taking photos,

however what about the photos taken by the batting machine on the top of the car. Those pictures are taken at an elevated position, allowing Google to see over hedge rows, and even privacy fences put in place for a reason. Those places are made private to be kept out of the public eye however with the photos being taken they will no longer be. Would you like to be in your backyard sunbathing while being watched unknowingly? I don’t think so! The second issue I see with this is the fact that it is setting up burglary. These photos are real time, and say a garage door is open at the time the Google car passes through, everyone can see into your home making easier access to what they would want. I see it as an invitations for burglars to “come right in.” Overall, I see this whole Google Street View as invading one’s privacy and it is by no means correct to do that. Feel free to share your comments and reviews with the Cayuga Collegian by emailing or talking to one of the staff. —Amber Sawyer, Staff Writer

GET INVOLVED! The Cayuga Collegian is always looking for more staff members. Email us at cayugacollegian@ gmail.com to join! You can also earn credits while writing articles for Cayuga Community College’s student-run, award-winning newspaper by registering for Telcom 204 this spring!

If you would like to share what you would change about Cayuga Community College, email us at cayugacollegian@ gmail.com or visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook. com/CayugaCollegian

Plenty participate by wearing purple to power public awareness of domestic violence The CCC Criminal Justice Department and students invited the campus community to assist them to participate in “Shine the Light on Domestic Violence” also known as Turn the State Purple to bring awareness to domestic violence. It was the third year CCC proudly participated along with numerous agencies, departments, offices and institutions from across New York State and Cayuga County to help spread awareness of domestic violence. The group placed purple signs on bulletin boards and in some of the other public areas. The Criminal Justice students also set up a table in the front lobby with pamphlets on

domestic violence and sold purple ribbon pins and bracelets for $1. All of the proceeds will be donated to the Cayuga County Center for Domestic Violence. On Wednesday, October 16th in honor of the state-wide “wear your purple “day, plenty wore purple to make the occasion. Criminal Justice students handed out purple party beads to people who forgot to where their purple. “Please help us bring awareness to the number one complaint police face. Let’s end this cycle,” said Criminal Justice Department professor Theresa Misiaszek.

Have an idea for a news story? Just email your thoughts to cayugacollegian@gmail.com.

CCC Men’s Soccer has reached the end by Nick Czerow, Sports Editor

An inside look at the life of an extreme couponer: CCC student Amber Sawyer says she purchased all the products above for pennies using coupons.

The Spartan’s upbeat season has unfortunately reached the end. Last Tuesday Genesee Community College gave Cayuga their final loss. The late game fashioned defeat was the second match suffered at the hands of the Cougars this season. The first dropped game to GCC came on September 25th in a lopsided 4-1 victory for Genesee. This time around Cayuga played great all the way through. CCC jumped out to lead by scoring the first point of the match in the 18th minute. The Spartans and Cougars were later tied at two a piece until the final few minutes. In the extra session, Genesee’s Austin Richardson scored the final goal in the 98th minute to put away the Spartans 3-2. The emotional loss did of course moisten some eyes; but that’s a good sign, right?

Freshman goalkeeper Tautis Poniskaitis commented, “The chemistry is really good between us; one of the closest teams I’ve ever been a part of. A few players were in tears, so you could see what it meant to everyone. Everyone cares for each other and plays for one another. The Spartans were looking to reach the National round of the NJCAA III tournament this year. Even though this is quite possibly the best season the CCC Men’s Soccer team has ever had, the players kept their hopes up. The Spartans finished their season with an 8-6-2 record, 4-2-1 at home. The Spartans will definitely have the confidence to do it all again next year. Players are already itching to get back on the field. Congratulations to the Cayuga Men’s Soccer team and thank you for the great season. Stay hungry Spartans.

CCC student, Amber Sawyer, cashes in with coupons Telcom, Sociology come by Brittany Glassey, Staff Writer

Extreme couponing, it’s something that many have heard about or even seen on the TLC show, but not many of us actually know someone who coupons. Well, now you will! Amber Sawyer is a student at CCC and she extreme coupons. “I started following a few blogs, I always wanted to start but never did, a few months ago I started because I wanted to save money,” Sawyer said, Sawyer says her process usually starts with buying anywhere from 10 to 20 newspapers on Sundays. She then separates each week’s new coupons into different piles and the cutting of coupons begins. After a few hours, all the coupons are cut and ready. She keeps them in a neatly organized binder along with information about coupon policies for different stores. Then she heads out to the stores. “After bills, I set aside money for coupons,” said Sawyer. She usually buys five to six orders a day from stores such as Wegmans, Wal-Mart, and Family Dollar. “It’s fun seeing how much money I can save and all the free stuff is fun,” said Sawyer. Sawyer says she usually walks away not spending much money at all. “Per product I don’t like to spend more than half of the retail value because I know I can get a better

deal,” said Sawyer. She searches various websites and pages on Facebook to find out about what deals are going on, where to shop and what coupons to use. “I usually buy razors, detergents, whatever food I can get, and personal hygiene products,“ she says. What is a couponer without their stockpile? Of course Sawyer has one and she says it just keeps growing. Sawyer doesn’t only use couponing to get things extremely cheap and even free, but she also gives back. Since our troops can use expired coupons, instead of throwing away her expired coupons, she donates them. She also used a coupon she had for dog food to donate dog food to a group of 12 abandoned dogs found in Madison County. The shelter that saved them needed dog food to get the dogs eating again. Sawyer says sher had a coupon where she could get dog food and then get money back, so she bought the dog food and used the money she got back to donate even more dog food to these dogs. How was she able to get money back? Well, Sawyer says unless otherwise stated on the coupon, you can get what she calls overage. She says it works in situations such as buying deodorant that is on sale at Wal-Mart for $2 each and you have a $3 off coupon, then you would get that dollar back. Sawyer also advises people to look out for Buy One, Get One Free deals because you can still use a coupon with that deal. Also, she says if you head over to Wegmans or Tops, they will double your coupons. Sawyer says she heads to Family Dollar for the daily deal. Family Dollar each day have an item on sale AND you can use a coupon. Sawyer says it is deals like this to look out for if you are interested in couponing because you can usually get many items for just a few cents. If you are interested in couponing and want to get started, Sawyer has one tip: “start out slow, don’t try to overwhelm yourself,” she says .

together for new course by Brittany Glassey, Staff Writer A new course to be offered this spring at CCC brings together two college departments for the first time. The course, The Impact And Implications Of Social Media & Networking On A Global Society, is linking Sociology with Telcom. The new course is the brainchild of Maureen Erickson, who is the professor of the course and who also teaches Sociology here at CCC. “This course combines both network platforms,” said Erickson. What will the course cover? Erickson says the course is not a typical lecture class, it involves lively and open discussions, reading, and is very hands on. She says there is one things students are sure to love–there won’t be any multiple choice tests. She says grading is based on discussions, papers, and a final capstone. During class students will frequent sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and MeetUp.com. Erickson says students will be taught not only class discussions, readings and projects, but also by using computers and cell phones. Finally an excuse to have your phone out in class with out upsetting the professor! Erickson says the course will also introduce the theory of social networking

and its impact on society. As social networking becomes present in students’ everyday lives, this course allows them to bring it into the classroom, but with a lesson behind it. “Why not have a Telcom course that double lists,” Erickson said. The course is 3 credits and can be used as an elective in Social Science, Social Behavioral Science, Liberal Arts and Telcom. Erickson says the course should also satisfy the computer literacy requirements in Liberal Arts and Science: Humanities & Social Science degree and it should transfer to a four year institution as an elective, a sociology course, or social science elective. The course is available on campus this spring, however it will be available during Intersession in January 2014 as a online course. Erickson hopes students walk away from this course with an understating that there are pros and cons when using the Internet and to be responsible when using social media. So while you are picking out courses with your adviser for spring, think about taking this course if it interests you.

Hindu Scholar Visits CCC

Extreme coupon expert, CCC student Amber Sawyer says finding room for her growing stockpile of inexpensive items is becoming a challenge.

“Dr. Malhotra has a warm, engaging and calming presence,” said CCC Professor Steve Keeler.

Dr. Ashok Malhotra, Hindu scholar and yoga teacher, presented a yoga-based stress reduction session recently in the Nature Center on the Auburn campus. Dr. Malhotra is a SUNY Distinguished Professor and member of SUNY’s Distinguished Academy. He is the Founder/ Chair of the Yoga Society (http://external. oneonta.edu/yoga/) and Founder of the Ninash Foundation (www.ninash.org), which promotes literacy education in the U.S. and India. He was nominated for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. Dr. Malhotra lectured to philosophy classes on Hinduism and Yoga during his visit. He is the founding chairman of the philosophy department at SUNY Oneonta. He also spoke to students about travelstudy/service opportunities with the Ninash Foundation Dr. Malhotra’s visit was co-sponsored by the School of Media and the Arts (SOMA); the college Human Resources Office Wellness Program; and the College Foundation.


Best costume: Taylor Sanchez


Second place: Jeremy Campbell & Amber Prenatt as Zombie Bonnie and Clyde

3rd place Mike Mianno as Doug Brill


The American Red Cross wants your blood Get ready to donate on Auburn campus November 21st by Brittany Glassey, Staff Writer Donating blood can be scary thing for many people. Many are just simply scared of needles, but sometimes overcoming a fear to do something good is well worth it. The American Red Cross believes blood donation is an integral part of the health and well being of the community. They say the need is constant, and there is no substitute for volunteer blood donations. “Every 2 seconds, someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion. D o n a t i n g takes about and hour of your time, but can help save up to three lives,” said Maureen Wellman, the Communications Manager for the American Red Cross Blood Services. The Red Cross makes the donation process as simple as possible. First you will be signed in to go over eligibility and donation information. Next, they will give you a bit of information to review about donation and you will be asked to show a form of ID. Then they will give you a miniphysical and you will then answer some questions during a private and confidential interview about your health and places you may have traveled to. The staff will check your temperature, pulse, blood pressure and hemoglobin level present in a small blood sample. Then you get to donate to a great cause, which only takes about eight to ten minutes. They recommend after donating to have a snack and something to drink. After ten to fifteen minutes you can continue on with your day. “Enjoy the feeling of accomplishment knowing that you have helped save lives,”

Ariana Blade

said Wellman. Wellman has some advice for students to get ready for blood donation. “Students should be in good health and come prepared, drink plenty of water so you are well-hydrated before donating. Bring a donor card, driver’s license or two other forms of ID with you to verify your age. Have a healthy meal before you donate and try to avoid fatty foods. Wear clothing with sleeves that can be raised above the elbow. Finally, if you are taking any medications, bring a list of those with you,” she said. If you really are not into giving blood but still want to help out, there are other ways to do so. “Other than making an appointment to donate blood, there are a lot of other great ways for students to get involved. If you cannot donate blood, but would like to help with your school blood drive, or if you just want to do more to ensure blood is there for patients who need it,” said Wellman. Some of the ways Wellman said students could get involved and support the cause include: recruiting donors for the blood drive, sign up to volunteer at a blood drive, post information online, and get a group of friends together to donate. Interested in helping out? On November 21st from 10 am to3 pm, the American Red Cross will be on the Auburn campus hosting a blood drive. Can’t make it? You can view a list of other blood drives in the area on the American Red Cross website.

Terri Hall, a smoker since the age of 17, died this year at the age of 53 of cancer.

SO YOU SMOKE? by Christine Jackson, Staff Writer So you smoke? It’s no big deal. You’re She started doing public service not going to do it forever and you can quit announcements for the CDC in 2012. She anytime, right? Statistics show that you died September 12 of this year at the age probably won’t. The 2012 U.S. Surgeon of 53. Her story is just one example of the General’s reports showed that 90% of adult damage that cigarette smoking can wreak on smokers started smoking before the age the human body. of 18, and 99% started by the age of 26. There are programs available to help you These numbers include people just like you stop smoking if you are ready to quit. Even who intended to quit after a few years. The if you aren’t, faced with the possibility living younger you were when you started smoking a scenario similar to he one portrayed above, the more likely it is that you already have or it would be worth your time to look into one. soon will become addicted to nicotine. If you CCC is giving 90 students the opportunity think that you’re safe from nicotine addiction to engage in a web-assisted tobacco because you only smoke on occasion, think intervention program that is being offered again. By age 26, you are almost certain to go by the University of Rochester Medical from being an occasional smoker to a daily Center. There are three eligibility guidelines smoker. Maybe you already want to quit, but for the program. You must be: are finding it hard to 1. enrolled as a do. matriculated part-time Do you remember or full-time community Terrie Hall? Maybe college student you don’t know her by 2. age 18 or older her name, but certainly 3. smoke at least you know her by her 5 cigarettes per day on face or her voice. She is at least 5 days per week, the lady who appeared OR have quit in the past in a series of public Terri Hall before and after smoking. 7 days and did smoke at service announcements least 5 cigarettes per day from the CDC entitled, “Tips from Former on at least 5 days per week. Smokers.” She spoke with an artificial larynx Participation is free. You will be asked to and in one of her commercials she showed complete surveys at 1, 6, and 12 months after the world what she had to do to get ready signing up. Whether you stop smoking or not in the morning after the you will receive a “thank surgeries removing the you” gift for completing tumors in her mouth the survey. If you are and in her larynx. Her interested please contact steps included putting Web-Assisted Tobacco a wig on, her false Intervention by email at teeth in, the hands free WATI@urmc.rochester. device that allows her edu or by phone at (585) to communicate without 276-6243. You can also holding her hands to her throat and the scarf contact the college’s Student Activities that hides it. Terrie started smoking at the Director, Norman Lee by email at leen@ age of 13. By the time she was seventeen she cayuga-cc.edu or by phone at (315) 255-1792 had developed a habit. She was diagnosed x 2232. with oral cancer at the age of 40, followed by What do you have to lose? a diagnosis of throat cancer.

Anthony Faiola

Meet Tutors from the Center for Academic Success Ariana Blade

Degree: Liberal Arts with Psychology Concentration Year: Sophomore Why did you choose to attend CCC? I transferred her after a bad experience at SUNY Potsdam, and wanted a more personal college experience. How did you get involved in peer tutoring? Professor Delany nominated me my first semester here. If you had to describe the CAS using one adjective what would it be? Well, Anthony stole my answer, so I would have to say RAD. What are your plans after graduation? I plan on transferring to a four year university and majoring in biopsychology or neuroscience.


Anthony Faiola

Degree: Biology Year: Sophomore What is your favorite part about CCC? It’s a two minute drive from my house. Who is your favorite instructor and why? I have four great professors that I cannot compare to each other. If you had to describe the CAS using one adjective what would it be? AWESOME!!!! Where do you think you will be and what do you think you will be doing 10 years from now? Hopefully I will be completing and internship with a medical school someplace in Pennsylvania.

Earn credits while writing articles for Cayuga Community College’s studentrun, award-winning newspaper by registering for Telcom 204 this spring! GOT NEWS? EMAIL cayugacollegian@gmail.com


Do a little apple polishing and help out a fellow ccc student at the same time! by Christine Jackson, Staff Writer Did you know that the apple has become a symbol for teachers and teaching? Students have presented apples to their teachers on the first day of school for centuries. Did you ever wonder why an apple was the gift of choice? According to CliffsNotes.com, there are few possible explanations: • As a form of payment for a teacher’s services, people would pay their children’s teachers with food, commonly potatoes or apples during the 16th to 18th centuries in Denmark, Sweden, and the United States. It is also thought that parents gave the teachers food to supplement a low income. Eventually as teachers’ wages went up the amount of food given lessened and eventually the apple was given out of a sense of tradition and appreciation for the teachers’ dedication. • Some people believe that the apple as a symbol of knowledge originates from the story of Adam and Even in which, Eve eats an apple from the Tree of Knowledge. There is no actual mention of an apple in the book of Genesis. It is referred to only as “the fruit of the tree of knowledge.” The thought is that since the apple is known as the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that the symbol makes

a perfect symbol for the knowledge that a teacher passes on to his/her students. • Still others offer up the explanation of the apple beginning with the letter “A” which is the first letter of the alphabet that children learn. In this case the apple is representative of the letter A. From the gifting of the apple came a term known as apple polishing, known more commonly today as brown-nosing or kissing up. So basically, the tutor club is suggesting that we do a little apple polishing this next week and buy our favorite professors and CCC staff members an apple. Not only will you be potentially earning an “A,” but you’ll be helping out a fellow student who may not be fortunate enough to be with their families on Thanksgiving. All proceeds from the apple sales will be used to purchase Wegman’s gift cards for the students who can’t go home this month. Apples will be available in the front hallway of the main building on the Auburn campus, Wednesday 11/6 and Thursday 11/7 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Pricing follows below: • 1 apple = $.50 • 3 apples = $1.00 • 5 apples = $2.00 • 12 apples = $5.00

ARE YOU READY FOR THE CHRISTMAS ELF? Help make a Cayuga County family’s Christmas brighter by donating your returnables! by Christine Jackson, Staff Writer Christmas is supposed to be a time of cheer and merry making. It’s hard to be merry when your financial obligations stand in the way of getting a few nice gifts to put under the tree for you children on Christmas morning. The PTK Club at CCC is putting together a fundraiser for The 2013 Christmas Elf Campaign. The program was started in 1987 by Roxanne Allexenberg to help local families in need provide gifts for their children at Christmas time. The Christmas Elf was quite successful in its first year of operation. The campaign was able to raise $7,000 in cash, $6,000 in toys and served 180

families. Today, the campaign raises approximately $27,000 in cash, $15,000 in toys and serves approximately 700 families including 1600 children. The campaign relies on volunteers from many community organizations within Cayuga County. Let’s show them how much we care about our community and help the PTK Club raise funds for the program by donating our $.05 NYS recyclable cans and bottles to the cause. Containers for the bottles and cans will be set up around campus to receive your donations throughout the months of November and December.

LOVE SHOULDN’T HURT Help raise funds for families affected by domestic violence

by Christine Jackson, Staff Writer A group of students enrolled in the Sociology 101 course are will be collecting items to donate to the Women’s Shelter of Auburn through next week. The shelter is provided by the Cayuga/Seneca Community Action Agency’s Domestic Violence Services program. In addition to operating a safe house for victims of domestic violence the program offers full support while women are

transitioning through the process. Advocates are available to help the women in working with the criminal justice, court and social services system, including accompanying them to their appointments. Families are assisted with finding safe, affordable housing and may remain in the program from 6 to 24 months. To day, CSCAA has assisted 11 families in obtaining housing. The drop off box is located outside of the main office. Collection are accepted from 8:00 – 4:00 daily. The last day for collections will be Monday, November 11th.

Earn credits while writing articles for Cayuga Community College’s studentrun, award-winning newspaper by registering for Telcom 204 this spring!


STUDENTS The Cayuga Collegian is looking for staff writers to cover news and events happening on the CCC Fulton Campus. Please email cayugacollegian@ gmail.com


CCC STUDENT NAMED SUNY STUDENT FELLOW Congratulations to Abbegail K. Brown At the system’s third annual “Critical Issues in Higher Education” conference in New York City, State University of New York Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher announced SUNY’s first class of Student Fellows, who will work with SUNY leadership over the next year to shape the system’s use of Big Data and transform the student experience. The conference, Building a Smarter University: Big Data, Innovation, and Ingenuity, has brought together international experts and thought leaders to examine how the emergence of big data can help higher education improve the student learning experience, enhance research, maximize resources, support effective community outreach, strengthen the education pipeline, and advance university infrastructure. “The ability to manage and accurately analyze data is a skill that is increasingly important in today’s marketplace,” said Chancellor Zimpher. “Learning from experts from across the globe at this week’s conference, the SUNY student fellows will play a critical role in helping SUNY to educate and prepare future generations of students for this challenge. “Selected by their campus provosts for this designation, our student fellows have each shown an interest in and capacity for using big data to enhance their academic and professional pursuits, and we are proud to partner with them as we determine the best uses for Big Data in the future of higher education.” The interests of the fellows span the disciplines of healthcare, computer

Abbegail Katherine Brown science, communication, finance, math, and education. Abbegail Katherine Brown, Cayuga Community College was named as a Student Fellow. Abbegail Katherine Brown is pursuing an associate’s degree in Liberal Arts & Human Services, with a concentration in Psychology. She hopes to earn a doctorate in Psychology and contribute valuable knowledge and research to the realms of adolescent psychology, biopsychology, and neuropsychology. She tutors in the Center for Academic Success at the college, in writing and psychology, and enjoys the interactions she has with students. She is enrolled in the Honors Study program and has completed multiple research projects in psychology. Abbegail is passionate about academics and the study of psychology because, she says, it gives her the freedom to understand the world in a logical and creative way.


t s i t r A l oca



J Spean

J Spean real name: Jakaub James Spina, 19-years-old, produced by Krispy K. Their equipment is limited, but he uses Fruity Loops Studio 11 to compose his beats. Instruments that can be found in his music are pianos, bass guitars, heavy kicks snares. After listening to some of his music myself, I realized there were inventive sounds in some of his tracks. J Spean is a Rap artist. When I asked who his music sounded like he replied “If I had to say what my music sounds like I sound like myself, try to crate a unique vibe with all my music, I like to invoke a feeling of emotion close to Eminem or a Tupac vibe.” People have told J Spean that his vocals and flow sounds like Mac Miller, but if he had to sound like someone, the one artist would be Big L. He’s released seven singles including: My Note Book, The Morning Remix, Itzsoweezee Remix, Still Not a Player Remix/ Remake. There are a few upcoming projects in the works, a EP called true N’ real, another feature remix Keep It Real, by Milk Bone, there is a music video in the works, and secret project to look out for. Artist J Spean has collaborated with include: Krispy K, Utahhh, ZVO. When I asked what his creative process was and how it worked he replied with “Real life situations and I just try to put them into songs likes to make emotional tracks especially pertaining to my life, inspiration just by the music, inspiration can come from anything a sound, a object, an idea. just grab

Date 11/5, 11/6, 11/7 Exhibition - Quilts Art Quilts Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Location: Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, 205 Genesee Street) Date 11/13 Cayuga Museum’s History Book Club Time: 7:00 pm Location: Cayuga Museum of History and Art 203 Genesee Street


Date: 11/5 Silverstein Time: 6 pm Location: The Lost Horizon

Have something funny? cayugacollegian@gmail.com

Date: 11/6 Breathe Carolina + Our Last Night + Give Us Jersey Time: 6 pm Location: The Lost Horizon

it and write it down before you forget.” J Spean’s message to the people is to “work hard at whatever you consider your passion, block out what other people say, if it’s negative, just use it for fuel to keep going.” His message to developing artists “Sometimes if you find yourself in hole, writers blocked, inspiration can found on the side of the road, If it’s a good idea write it down, if anyone says you can’t do this you can’t do that, don’t be afraid to do it.” https://soundcloud.com/j-speen/sets/speen

Date: 11/6 PAPADOSIO + EARTHCRY Time: Doors 8 pm; Show 9 pm Location: The Westcott Theater Date: 11/7 HOT BUTTERED RUM + WOODWORKS EMILY YATES Time: Doors 7 pm; Show 8 pm Location: The Westcott Theater Date: 11/8 LOTUS + COSBY SWEATER Time: Show 8 pm Location: The F Shed Date: 11/10 MUTANTES + CAPSULA Time: Doors 7 pm; Show 8 pm Location: The Westcott Theater Date: 11/12 The Rebel Era Tour + GRiZ + PEGBOARD NERDS + THE FLOOZIES Time: Doors 8 pm; Show 9 pm Location: The Westcott Theater

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