12 11 2013 vol 60 issue 11 cayuga collegian final

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Collegian Cayuga Community College Auburn & Fulton, New York



Vol. 60 Issue 11 December 11, 2013

CCC Men’s Hoops Ranked #5 in Region

CCC sites to feature ‘SSO’

North Country Hands Spartans Third Straight Loss

by Danielle Skowron, Editor-in-chief Change is a coming your way! Soon you’ll be noticing that your mycayuga user name and passwords will be changing and much easier to use! This change, known as SSO or “Single Sign On” will make it so you have one user name and one password for everything. There will be a quick web setup. Also, this change will let you change your password without having to go to the help desk. James Forsythe says “We want students to be aware that this change is coming up and to watch for messages and instructions through email and the postal mail!” Be on the look out for the changes that are coming!

Special English Section for SOMA Students

DECEMBER 8, 2013 — Cayuga Community College men’s basketball team was handed its third straight loss as North Country C.C. defeated them 8876. Zaki Thomas (Paterson, NJ) led the Spartans in scoring with 20 points and 10 rebounds, Glenn Taggart (Rochester, NY) added 15 points, 4 rebounds, 4 assist, and 2 steals, while Joe Godette (New Rochelle, NY) finished with 13 points and 9 rebounds. The loss gives Cayuga a 5-6 overall record and 5-3 record in Region III. The Spartans will be back in action as they host Mohawk Valley C.C. on December 14th at 3 p.m.

Congratulations to the CCC men’s basketball team. The team is ranked #5 in the latest NJCAA Region III, Division III poll.

CCC’s Cayuga Records Releases New Album by Brittany Glassey, Staff Writer

This Spring Semester, the School of Media and the Arts (SOMA) is offering a special section of English 102 for SOMA students. Class requirements will be the same as other English 102 classes, but readings will center on an “arts” theme.

“Blueberry Soup,” a feature-length documentary directed by one of our own Telcom graduates, Eileen Jerrett, premiered last week in a special showing in Auburn. The Auburn Citizen published a feature article about Jerrett recently. To read the story, turn to page 4.



CCC Telcom Grad directs documentary Singer/songwriter, folk/rock musician Martin James performs some of the music he recorded with Cayuga Community’s College’s own student-run recording label, Cayuga Records. The CD release event was held last week at the Auburn Theater in Downtown Auburn.

Here at Cayuga Community College, the students have the chance to participate in so many ‘real world’ opportunities while attending school. One opportunity is offered through the school’s own recording label, Cayuga Records. Cayuga Records is a hands-on learning program to give media students a chance to gain experience in the music business. “Cayuga Records is great learning experience for students because they get a hands on real world taste of what the music industry entails.” said WDWN Radio Station Advisor & Instructional Assistant Jeff Szczesniak. So far, Cayuga Records has produced 11 albums, and two are planned for 2014. One of those albums is by Cayuga student Martin Seaman who goes by the stage name, Martin James. Last week, Cayuga Records held a album release event for his record. The event was held at Auburn Public Theatre and was free to attend. The event brought out a really good crowd who enjoyed a taco bar provided by local restaurant Mesa Grande, along with pizza and wings. The night included performances by country singer/songwriter Goldie Marie, Poet Christopher Kennedy and, of course, Martin James whose album is on the folk/rock side. Also at the Cayuga Records event, Cayuga’s Telcom department showed a student-run video and film produced by the college’s own production company, C3 Video. C3 Video will be releasing three new DVDs this year. Cayuga is the only Community College in New York state that offers its students the opportunity to create, develop, and launch their own businesses in electronic media.

Local students expose social stigmas with video by Danielle Skowron, Editor-in-chief

Auburn High School kids are taking strides to expose the many types of social groups which are present in the school. Robert Van Barlingen, a foreign exchange kid, made a video called “Auburn High School— Social Status.” The video went viral December 3rd and immediately took over social media with good and bad responses. The consensus of many of the students who agreed to be interviewed in the video was that “Preps rule the school and they have money and are pretty, that is why they are preps.” The students interviewed were asked a series of questions and then they are asked at the end of their interview what group they consider themselves to be in. Most of the

students classified themselves as nerds and misfits. Two students took it as far to say that jocks get special treatment for playing sports. The video created a firestorm on Facebook. Nicholas Radell posted “I’M SO EXCITED FOR SCHOOL TOMORROW, It’s gonna be just like that scene from Mean Girls where they have to go to the gymnasium because of the burn book. All thanks to one video xD.” That comment started an argument between current students and students who have graduated. Many felt the video exposed the whole truth about how students felt about their high school experience. Darren Sheftic said “If AHS denies that any of this is true then they’re f****** bullshitting...

And if that’s Shawn Heath doing the rape joke (I can’t even tell) I just can’t. The sad thing is the cliches from when our parents were kids are STILL true, Not once was I even invited to a party, but wanna know who was? The same 50 people that always went to each other’s houses for parties. That was 1/5 of our graduating class always hanging out with each other while the rest did their own thing.” At the end of the video a young man says “I’m popular, all the girls want to date me and all the guys want to be me.” In the end, Robert, who made the video, was forced to take the video down. (even though it’s still up). The video resulted in a fight at the high school, where two boys were arrested.

O P I N I O N S The Collegian says Bye Bye for now


The last issue of The Collegian for this semester, wow. This semester really flew by for me. I had an exciting first semester of being Editor-in-chief. I honestly could not have done it without the staff writers. The staff writers for The Collegian

are truly remarkable. For many of them, it is their first year writing and they stepped up their game. I’m humbled and thankful for them because without them, trying to create a paper every week would have been very hard. I want to thank everyone who read The Collegian this semester and stay tuned for what we have coming next semester. I hope everyone does well on their finals and The Collegian will see you all next semester! —Danielle Skowron, Editor-in-chief

Take Telcom 204, I did Pushing Past Personal Boundaries When my academic adviser recommended that I take Telcom 204 I was hesitant to say the least. I have always had passion for writing but I am extremely introverted so I thought that news reporting was out of the realm for me. While I do enjoy meeting new people the thought of an actual interview NICOLE LEMOINE with answers I would need to remember and quotes to quote, left me feeling a bit out of my element. A tad bit frightened actually. I had second, third and fourth thoughts about dropping the class altogether. Even though I wanted to challenge myself and push past my own limits my fears were getting the better of

me. With family time constraints and so many responsibilities I had every excuse possible to just drop the course and move on. I emailed Professor Merritt with my concerns and I have to say that if it was not for her reassurances and supportive urging I would have walked away from a wonderful experience. I am thrilled to say that I didn’t give up, I persevered and there were a few times this semester that I even thought that I could possibly have a career in journalism. The point to this story is that you don’t have to be the most outgoing person to be a good journalist. If you are an ardent writer and you enjoy getting the scoop on current events then head over to the Cayuga Collegian office and talk to Mary Merritt or register for Telcom 204! You will not be disappointed and you may even find your “forte” in the field of journalism. — Nicole Lemoine, Staff Writer

To the editor... STUDENT URGES OTHERS TO ENJOY WINTER IN CENTRAL NEW YORK Finals and winter break are quickly approaching and some people may be trying to find festivals and different activities to do over break. On November 29th the annual Christmas tree lighting took place in Syracuse. The next day the annual parade and Christmas tree lighting happened in Auburn. The “Old Tyme Christmas” will be in Weedsport on Route 34 on December 14, 2013. There will be indoor and outdoor vendors, food, snow bowling, live entertainment, horse drawn rides and a special visit from Santa. There will be a 5K Run/ Walk on the 14th, for late registry you will have to pay $24.00. All proceeds from the day including the race fee will go to area food pantries. In Syracuse, the 2014 Winterfest will be held January 13th- 23rd. At this year’s annual Winterfest, all ages will be enjoying displays, parties, cook-offs, including several competitions, entertainment, games and delectable food. According to Syracusewinterfest.com, the Winterfest draws the second largest audience in all of Central New York. The 67th Anniversary of the classic film,

If I could run Cayuga Community College, I would... “MAKE STUDENTS PLACE THEIR CELL PHONES ON A FRONT DESK AT THE BEGINNING OF A CLASS. THERE IS NO RESPECT IN THE CLASSROOM ANYMORE. STUDENTS ARE CONSTANTLY ON THEIR PHONES TEXTING AND NOT PAYING ATTENTION. WHY BOTHER GOING TO CLASS! HELLO PEOPLE!!! IT’S RUDE! WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.” — anonymous If you would like to share what you would change about Cayuga Community College, email us at cayugacollegian@ gmail.com or visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook. com/CayugaCollegian


STUDENTS The Cayuga Collegian is looking for staff writers to cover news and events happening on the CCC Fulton Campus. Please email cayugacollegian@ gmail.com

“It’s a Wonderful Life” will be held on Friday, December 13th through Sunday, December 15th, 2013 in Seneca Falls. Some special guests include The Bailey Sisters, Mary Owen and Bob Welch, an award-winning journalist and author of 15 books, including “52 Little Lessons From It’s a Wonderful Life.” The Wonderful Life Museum Holiday hours are Tuesday-Saturday 11-4. The only days the museum will be closed are December 24 through January 1. Ski Resorts have been open since the weekend of Thanksgiving. Greek Peak Mountain is now open with four trails and two lifts. Overall Greek Peak has 32 trials and 257 skiable acres. The annual snowfall is 122 inches. Greek Peak Resort features include snowboarding, night skiing, tubing, cross country skiing and snowshoe trails. Labrador Mountain is planning to reopen on Saturday December 14th. There are 250 skiable acres and the longest run is one mile. Labrador Mountains annual snowfall is 125 inches. Labrador has features such as snowboarding and night skiing. During winter break be sure to check out winter festivals during the day and go night skiing! —Melissa Wilson, CCC Freshman

New vending machines in place to stop thieves PHOTO BY AMBER SAWYER


by Amber Sawyer, Staff Writer It has come time for the semester to end, and we also have come to the end of the thefts in the Library on the Auburn campus. As most of you are probably aware already, there had been thefts from the Express Cafe in the Library. It was run on the honor system and was not suitable for the CCC community. Of course being now that the new vending machines are up and not on the honor system, American Vending is making money again. “Sales have increased since the switch. In addition, American Vending has recently installed a credit card reader on one of the machines so that they are able to provide better service for their customers, the CCC community,” Ed Wagner said.

Unfortunately, Wagner says no other students have come forward to make restitution. For those students who think they will not be caught, that seems to be quite wrong. Communication between CCC Campus police and American Vending are still ongoing. However at this point, at the end of the Fall semester 2013, no additional arrests have been made, Wagner confirmed. Students who wish to come forward and make restitution may still do so. This should be done either by contacting Ed Wagner or Campus Police. Everyone should now go enjoy those new machines with the intent to get healthy snacks and great service from American Vending.

New Event Planning course offered

Gets hands on experience in this exciting field. PHOTO BY AMBER SAWYER

by Nicole Lemoine, Staff Writer

Additional vending machines were needed in the Auburn Campus Library’s Express Cafe because people abused the previous ‘honor system’ of paying for their snacks and just took them without paying.

A word from our new President After only two weeks at Cayuga Community College I am beginning to feel at home. I must thank everyone for the incredible welcome I have received. It has truly been fun getting to know you and in turn you’re helping me Dr. Gregory get to know CCC. If DeCinque I have not met you yet, I hope to do so very soon. I have been very busy these two short weeks. Not only have I been meeting with individuals and leaders of various groups at the college, I have spent time with individual board members, several meetings with county officials from both Cayuga and Oswego counties, the Superintendent of Auburn Schools and I have met the Cayuga – Onondaga BOCES Superintendent and he has invited me to a meeting where I can meet all of the local superintendents. It is my belief that you really can’t get much done until you know the people. As John Roueche (one of my mentors) always said, “If you’re going to teach Johnny to read, you first have to know Johnny”. I apologize to the Fulton campus faculty, staff and students as I have not been over this week but I will be there next week and plan to have my weekly meeting with Maggie in Fulton to make sure I get there at least once a week. I did, however, meet with members of the Oswego County Legislature and the county administrator and we had a great talk about our presence in Oswego County and what the future may hold for us in that county. They clearly value the educational programs we provide and are very interested in workforce development. As I have studied and discussed the financial situation at Cayuga, I have confirmed that we are not out of the woods yet, but we are on target to make our enrollment goals for the year. You may have heard me comment that I believe we

must stabilize our finances and simultaneously be working on solutions to our future financial issues. As painful as the last year or so has been for all of you, the steps have been taken to begin rebuilding and re-establishing a strong Cayuga Community College. We have begun to develop some budget scenarios for next year based on a serious of assumptions. These assumptions include a $125 increase in base aid, a small increase over the current year budgeted enrollment, flat funding from the county and a small tuition increase. With these assumptions I believe we can put together a budget that will, while not adding anything, allow us to maintain our current levels of service. I will keep you well informed as we move forward. On a happier note I have also had the pleasure of attending a basketball game, a student art exhibit opening, a Cayuga Records night at the Auburn Public Theatre and had a chance to meet some great student tutors. These are the things that make my job fun! In each of my reports I will try to recognize some things which I discover each month where someone has done something that helps improve our financial position. This month I want to recognize and thank Kevin Drayer for saving a substantial amount of money for the college by renegotiating the leases on our college vehicles. He was able to reduce our leasing costs by almost 50%! In addition he was so diligent in getting the best price possible on light bulbs that he reduced the cost for a particular type of light bulb from $9.50 to $1.90. Wow! I know that there are many examples of others doing similar things to find savings and I hope to uncover them as I continue my “walk abouts” and talks with all of you. Again, thank you for the warm welcome and inviting me to be part of the Cayuga family. Greg

The Cayuga Collegian invites the new president to have a regular feature in every issue next semester.

Are you a take charge person with the desire and determination to manage a corporate event or to plan an up-and-coming party? Have you ever thought about becoming an event planner? If so you may want to check out Cayuga Community College’s new class offering for the Spring 2014 semester. Event Planning BUS 248 is an engaging three credit course that gives students the opportunity to gain essential event planning skills that are needed to break into this exciting career field. “It is a fun course and students generally enjoy it because we work on real events,” said Amy Valente, Event Planning Course instructor.

Some of the things that students will focus on are the budgeting, management, marketing, menu planning and venue requirements of conferences, conventions, meetings, corporate events and workshops. This is a hybrid course with classes meeting just once a week on Wednesdays from 1:302:50 p.m. When students are not in the classroom they will be out gaining actual field experience. Students will volunteer their new expertise as planners for an organization’s event. This real world experience is a key component of the course and the Auburn SPCA is just one of the many organizations that students can choose to work with. Student club members taking the class are welcome to work on the club event of their choice as well. If this sounds like something you are interested in be sure to register soon as this class is filling quickly. This course runs from 01-21-2014 – 05-09-2014 and a background in Business 103 is a recommendation.

Learn about wines of the world by Amber Sawyer, Staff Writer If you are 21-years-old and want to know about the different wines of the world William Prosser has the course for you! This class has been offered on Sunday afternoons this past Fall 2013 semester. For the last 13 or 14 years, CCC has been offering a credit-free course in wine called Exploring Wine. Then the question arose from the people taking this course, “Do you offer a credit class in wine as well?” Prosser said. He personally teaches that credit free course along with Bob Wojnar, and National Sales Manager of Dr. Frank Wines. Coming in this spring, as in every Spring semester, there are four evenings usually in March when they run this very informative course. In addition to this course you can even further your wine studies with a concentration that consists of three wine specific courses. More specifically, that would give students a Business Administration A.A.S. degree. The enrollments have been a bit slow, so go out and explore the wines of the world! Prosser says there has been continued interest in the wine studies.

“The course that seems to be the hit is Introduction to Wines of the World,” said Prosser. Prosser says students give various reasons why they would take this course. He says some say they’re looking for more information due to their love for wine, or some even do so because they are hoping to start a career in the wine industry or some related aspect. Whether it be for those reasons or for travel, tourism, sales representatives, tasting room managers or so on these courses should sure help you be on the way to your future plans. Come join the fun in the credit-free wine course, too this coming semester as Prosser and his coworkers present Exploring Wine in March 2014. Another one of the wine courses, Introduction to Wines of the World can even be taken online in the Summer of 2014. If you prefer the classroom setting, join in on the wine-tastic events by taking the same course on Sunday afternoons in the Fall of 2014.

What newspapers are writing about Cayuga Community College



Website of the Week WITH ERIC NANS

This weeks website is Craigslist.org. If you are wondering what happened to the penny saver, or the want ads for your local area, the one’s that used to be often sold in gas stations all over; they were moved online to Craigslist. Craigslist has a very simple user friendly set up. There are ten main subjects listed with each their own respective sub categories: Community, Housing, Jobs, Personals, For Sale, Discussion Forums, Services, Gigs, and Resumes. Craigslist is sorted by major cities internationally. Theoretically you could even look at want ads in Japan if you were interested. My father actually introduced me to the site last year. Since I’ve know about the site our family has bought most of our vehicles, luxury items and farm equipment off ads on the site. Even some good finds like a 50$ working vintage vending machine, an old nickel slot machine 30$, I found some DJ turntables worth 800$ for 400$, Pavey monitors worth 200$ for 100$. Not only did we have luck finding things we need, or fun luxury items, but we even used it to sell a car, and a welding machine making more than we bought them for on Craigslist on ads on Craigslist. I found a Job off the site at a pizza shop in Auburn once, it wasn’t glamorous but it was there when i needed provided via Craigslist. Making and an account is easy, it’s not required for using the site but it is if you would like to post things on the site;

Just create a username, and enter your email. Creating a post is simple and is a step by step process. I’ve found posting your ad in your city and the surrounding cities increases the amount, and speed of responses. This is the same for finding good deals, it’s about your judgement, research, and how far you are willing to travel. My father hasn’t hesitated to drive multiple states for the great deals he’s found on this site. There are also job postings for the area, the ability to post jobs, even a way to create a gig if you have an odd temporary job. One of my female friends from San Diego, California used Craigslist personal ads to find some of her boyfriends, my friend and I went with her to meet one of them. (He turned out to be a crazy person, but we didn’t find out for a couple months.) If you were to do this I advise meeting your new cyber friend with a couple of your friends. There was once a craigslist killer, but there has been efforts to put a stop to that. Another thing is being non specific one time someone put an ad for “Free Stuff” in front of their home, and told them they could stop by whenever to grab it. People showed up and ended up emptying his whole house; their excuse the ad said it was free. This is an awesome site I would just advise caution, become aware of how to spot fraudulent ads, and avoid them you will do great and save some money.

You can view the film on its website http://www.wilmaswishes.com/

The Auburn Campus phone and network project is currently on hold

installing a wall mount phone in every classroom

an emergency paging system that broadcasts through every phone

new ceiling mounted speakers in the hallways

external speakers installed at all entrances (an important safety upgrade)

also included are conference phones that will be located in the BIC, NUCOR, and the President’s Board Room

phones will be upgraded to a Cisco IP Phone.

“Stay tuned – we will keep everyone posted,” said Walter.



It was reported that at the December 2, 2013 Meeting of the Cayuga County Legislature, their procedural resolution to arrange funding of the County’s portion of the project was unexpectedly tabled. “We are very disappointed – and did not anticipate a funding issue, as this project had previously been approved by both the Cayuga County Legislature and the State of New York.,” said E. Bruce Walter, Manager of IT User Services in an email to the campus community. “We are optimistic that this will just be a delay.” The project includes planning, wiring and implementation of the new Cisco Network and Phone System. The wiring will include:

These two Auburn campus IT workers are David Harbaugh, Manager of Network Operations and Systems Administration and E. Bruce Walter, Manager of IT User Services. Despite the mess of wires in the photo, these are two of the hardest working professionals on campus. We’re really lucky to have IT personnel with a sense of humor.

Lady Spartans Drop to North Country The Cayuga Lady Spartans trailed 32-20 at the half but could not keep pace in the second-half and fell to North Country Community College 71-43. Shanna Shaff (Lansing, NY) led the Spartans with 12 points and Haylie Karlsen (Romulus, NY) added 10 points, while Samantha Shaheen (Union Springs, NY) led the team with 9 rebounds. Cayuga will close the first semester by hosting Mohawk Valley on Saturday December 14th.

Women’s Basketball 2013-2014

CCC’s Glenn Taggart named Male Athlete-of-the-Week Fitness Center Updated Schedule for Spring 2014 semester (including January & Summer)

Please be advised that after some internal workings of existing resources we have developed a tentative Fitness Center schedule that, while still a significant reduction in overall hours of operation, should help to minimize the impact on the people it serves.

During normal semester operation…the Fitness Center will be open: Monday – Thursday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday 7:00 am - 1:00 pm During the first week of each semester the Fitness Center will be closed for PE course orientations.

During semester breaks when the College is open (i.e. Summer and early January)… the Fitness Center will be open: Monday – Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm During times when the College is not open (i.e. holidays or official College Breaks) the Fitness Center will be closed.

Congratulations to men’s basketball player, Glenn Taggart, who was named NJCAA Region III Male Athlete-of-the-Week for the week of November 18-24.

Weekly accomplishments: Glenn averaged 20.5 ppg and 4 assists this week while the Spartans went 2-0 in wins over #6 nationally ranked SUNY Delhi and Columbia-Greene. Through Cayuga’s first eight games of the season Taggart is ranked #24 in scoring, #10 in steals and #24 in assists in the nation for the Spartans.


December 14, 2013 Women’s Basketball vs. Mohawk Valley Community College 1:00 PM

December 14, 2013 Men’s Basketball vs. Mohawk Valley Community College 3:00 PM


CAYA means ‘come as you are’, join the club today by Shaquella Newby, Contributing Writer CAYA, which stands for “Come as You Are”, is a group created by Cayuga Community College students of color. In 2006, the group was created and was assisted by Norman Lee. This club has numerous of events for the students which are diverse. Each event is based on the month of a different ethnic culture. Some of these months are “Latino Heritage Month”, “Black History Month”, and “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”, etc. The club welcomes students from all ethnic backgrounds. They plan and organize

activities such as basketball tournaments, and other fun things to do for students on Cayuga Community College campuses. CAYA welcomes and encourages all diverse students to the organization which explores culture, acknowledging the differences around us, and getting to know other students’ ethnic backgrounds. Their goal is to instill openness, exposure, and to celebrate the diversity in Cayuga Community College, and in the surrounding community.

GET INVOLVED! The Cayuga Collegian is always looking for more staff members. Email us at cayugacollegian@gmail. com to join! You can also earn credits while writing articles for Cayuga Community College’s student-run, award-winning newspaper by registering for Telcom 204 this spring!


Cayuga Collegian FLASHBACK... celebrating 60 years! Restoration of Finger Lakes Mall by Matt Sherman, Contributing Writer The Finger Lakes Mall was open in 1980 and it thrived. Originally it started with anchor stores such as Kmart, JCPenny’s, Chappell’s and Sears. It also had a few family activities such as a theatre and a roller skating area above the food court. Even though the mall had been a big hit, in 1994 Kmart closed its doors and shortly after, Chappell’s moved their location. The closings started the decline of the mall. By the 1990’s, the mall had only 45% of its building open. The mall was sold to Gregory Greenfeild in 1992 in the hopes that he could put life back into it. By 2003, the whole building was renovated inside and out. By this time, 80 percent of the building was being used. Shortly after, the space where Kmart occupied had been replaced by Sears. Bass Pro Shops set up shop in Sears’ old space, opening in 2004. And in 2012, the movie theatre closed down after seven years of being managed by the same company that managed the Auburn Movieplex 10. Since, small stores here and there have been coming and going, trying to keep the


mall going, but not very many stores last too long. In early 2012, a man by the name of Max Appleby had taken an interest in purchasing the mall in an effort to bring it back to life. Appleby is an entrepreneur. He is an associate at Empire Eatery, owner at Appleby Livestock Hauling and Sales Leader at Bass Pro Shops. Appleby has come up with a plan to make the Finger Lakes Mall the “it” place again. “It will cost approximately $3.7 million just to buy the mall, and this money will be coming from the livestock business and will be backed up by some apartment complexes I rent out over by Owasco Lake,” said Appleby. He says he would like to put more department stores in the mall, as well as bars and include things for families to do as well. He says one more big idea coming is a restaurant over the Bass Pro Shop. “The offer has been made and has gone through, just waiting for feedback now, I’m also in competition with 15 others trying to purchase the mall,” Appleby said. Although this sounds like a very big and exciting project for Appleby, it will take time and the Auburn community will just have to wait and see what happens in the future.

What other college newspapers are writing about.... FROM SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY’S DAILY ORANGE

Overwhelmed? Don’t give up! by Amber Sawyer, Staff Writer Many students are overwhelmed as the semester winds down. Teresa Hoercher, Coordinator of Tutor Services says “recognize that everyone is dealing with stress at this time whether it be because of the holidays or classes and such.” A little bit of stress can be motivating though, she confirms. A bit of anxiety also helps you to perform at your best by preventing the carelessness that comes from overconfidence. All of this is certainly not uncommon in students in the college setting. It is normal, so a person should just relax if they are overwhelmed, and make sure you do not procrastinate. A person has to be practical and not try to make up for a semester worth of procrastination in one week or just a few days. Think about yourself, and don’t put yourself down. Feelings of guilt only make problems worse. Stay positive, and then success could be right around the corner in your “neck of the woods” as they say. It will be easier to get through overwhelming situations if a person just calms down and takes small steps toward their goals. If you are unsure of what to do, Teresa says “do not be afraid to ask for help, come to the Center for Academic Success (CAS) to utilize the services that are available to you.” If you need specific course help like

in math or writing, you should go see Lorraine Mahoney (Math) or Karen Jetty (Writing). You can even go get help from peer tutors and attend study groups. Study groups occur Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays, and Fridays all throughout the day. If you do not see a study group for the course you need help in, simply fill out a Request For Tutorial Assistance sheet also known as a pink sheet that you can get right outside the doors of the CAS, and hand it in to Teresa, Coordinator of Tutorial Services in the CAS. She is very positive they can give a person the best help she can find whether it be a tutor or a website. Also, visit the CAS for very helpful handouts as well as many positive bright people that will be sure to guide you in the right direction.

Stay in touch after graduation by Dan Tielbaard, ContributingWriter In an interview with Louise Wilson, the Director of Alumni Affairs, of Cayuga Community College, she stated that it was their “mission to promote and enhance relations among alumni, the college community, and the community at large. The office is here to maintain connections with past students and stay in touch with those who have studied here.” The Alumni Association wants to stay in touch with students because they are proud to know that students that graduated from Cayuga Community College have succeeded as far up as being Emmy Award winners, and it makes CCC proud to say that they are the school that taught such alumni. A goal of the Alumni Association is to get to know students before they are gone, in hopes that the students will have updates on their lives and stories of success, which are stories that they love to hear. It is clear that they are making their goal a priority by having 23,000 students that still keep in touch with Cayuga Community College, although it gets difficult to keep in touch as Wilson explains that “people move away without letting them know, or women get married and their names

change and can’t be kept in touch.” They are also happy to announce that newsletters from CCC have won awards, and that there is also an electronic magazine. Wilson told of how past students would say how their education at Cayuga Community College was the base of their education. Wilson exclaimed, “The Alumni Association is here to help students to become alumni by offering grants and scholarships.” They are able to offer grants and scholarships through the College Foundation, which raises the money, as well as the Alumni Appeal, which brings in donations from past students. Donations have even been left to the Association in people’s wills. When asked what events the Alumni Association carries out for the public, Louise was quick to answer that “there are so many things we really want to do,” as she listed a few things that of past and upcoming events. She spoke about how there have been trips in which one does not have to be a student to join the fun, such as an overnight trip to New York City. In the past they have collected cookies around Christmas time and then they give them to retirement homes to bring cheer to those who may not have anyone.


t s i t r A l a c Lo


Daniel Newheiser

way I feel.” Daniel’s message to the people is “Someone understands” His message to developing artist is to “Put one foot in front of the other. Do something every day.” You can find out more about the artist of the week at: DanielNewheiser.com, youtube.com/ oneMusician


Jahmere Wilson has been making big strides in his music career. Recently Jahmere has been performing with a nationally known artist, Young Siege. Jahmere says “I played drums in a church choir since I was 10, but I always had a love for hiphop because of my father. I’ve always fell into music so I decided to start making my own” Jahmere mostly writes and performs hip-hop and R&B. Right now Jahmere is working closely with Young Seige, Bill Adams and Seige’s stage manager Mike Brown. They plan on going campaigning soon, making the music that they make known. Jahmere says his idols and influences are Jay-Z, 50 Cent and Michael Jackson. “Eventually there will an EP or Record, but right now I’m learning and still recording. Be on the look out for what Jahmere has coming up!

Artist Spotlight of the week comes to us from San Diego, California. Singer songwriter Daniel Newheiser age, 25. His instruments are his: Guitar, Voice, Piano, Production Skills. He classifies his genre as Organic Digital Sounds, Alternative. When I asked Daniel the vision of his art and what artist/s he sounded like, he replied “Music sounds like a pure expression from thought to the listener. I sound like Nine Inch Nails combined with Elliott Smith.” People have said “it sounds like nothing else” I’ve seen him personally perform some of his songs; his music has strong rhythm you can vibe to, there is always a strong message. Daniel has released several albums, eps, and singles. The most comprehensive collection is Daniel’s eponymous “Daniel Newheiser” album. Daniel told me he is working on a new digital ep and video collection. Once Daniel Newheiser was featured on Myspace as an up and coming artist by Justin Timberlake when he bought and took over the site. Daniel has performed next to artist like: Benny Marchant, Mora Mora, Bear Attack, among many others. When I asked his creative process he said it’s about “Trying to figure out what I’m going to say and then say it the

New Chairs for a seating area in the Main Hallway by the Irene Bisgrove Theater.

Get your free decal at Front Desk, Help Center and the new sitting area.

—Danielle Skowron, Editor-in-chief

SOMETHING FUNNY Photos That Will Make You Look Twice

Date 12/12 Exhibition - Quilts Art Quilts Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Location: Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, 205 Genesee Street) Date 12/12 Workshop - Makeshift: Hanging with Style, Paper Ornaments Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm Location: Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center


SPONGE + SPACEHOG + LIONIZE | TRAPPER SCHOEPP & THE SHADES Time: Doors 6 pm; Show 7 pm Location: The Westcott Theater Date: 12/12 The Animal House Tour BRO SAFARI + TORRO TORRO + CRNKN + ETC! ETC! Time: Doors 7 pm; Show 8 pm Location: The Westcott Theater Date: 12/13 Crows Cage CD Release Party Killaton + Jayne Dracula + One Kills All Time: 7 pm Location: The Lost Horizon Date: 12/14 Future Rock + Cosby Sweater + Vapor Eyes Time: 7 pm Location: The Lost Horizon

Have something funny? cayugacollegian@gmail.com

Date: 12/14 95X NIGHTMARE BEFORE X-MAS ALL THAT REMAINS + SOIL + ERA + CRY TO THE BLIND Time: Doors 6 pm; Show 7 pm Location: The Westcott Theater Date: 12/15 95X Presents Young Guns + Mantra + Bloodandstationwagons+ Far From Over Time: 6:30 pm Location: The Lost Horizon Date: 12/20 TONY TRISCHKA’S GLORY SHONE AROUND + WOODWORKS Time: Doors 7 pm; Show 8 pm Location: The Westcott Theater Date: 12/20 DIREKTOR & SADHU + Kreature + Stone Sound + Trill Bill Time: 7:00 pm Location: The Lost Horizon Date: 12/21 ST DARK HOLLOW (Grateful Dead Tribute) + NUM & NU AFRIKA Time: Doors 7 pm; Show 8 pm Location: The Westcott Theater

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