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Cayuga Community College Auburn & Fulton, New York

Collegian www.cayugacollegian.com

Vol. 61 Issue 12

A pitch, a swing, and a possible miss for proposed CCC athletic fields

CAYUGABriefs Cayuga Records recording artist nominated for SAMMY

Cayuga Records recording artist Joanne Perry and her Cayuga Records album “Hearts Don’t Play By Rules” have been nominated for a SAMMY award (Syracuse Area Music Awards). The student producer of the album is Mike Cappelletti. Faculty/Staff producers are Mike Cortese and Doug Brill. The SAMMY awards ceremony will be held on March 8 at the Palace Theater in Eastwood. Cayuga Records is dedicated to teaching media production and entrepreneurship skills to Telcom students at Cayuga Community College. It was started, in part, by grants from the Kauffman Foundation and the Stardust Foundation.

Cayuga CC nursing program repeats 100 percent passing rate on national licensure exam Cayuga Community College’s nursing program has achieved a 100 percent pass rate on the National Council Licensure Exam for the second year in a row. The National Council Licensure Exam, known as NCLEX, is a national test that a nursing graduate must pass in order to obtain a nursing license. Every Cayuga nursing student who took the 2012 NCLEX passed, exceeding the New York State passing rate of 87 percent and the national rate of 90 percent.

COLLEGIAN OFFICE HOURS ALEC RIDER Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Fridays:

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm 10:00 am - 11:00 am 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

ABIGAIL YOUNG Mondays: Tuesdays: Thursdays:

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 11:00 am - 1:30 pm 11:00 am - 1:30 pm

Staff Meetings Mondays at 11:00 AM

ALL ARE WELCOME! EMAIL THE COLLEGIAN AT: cayugacollegian@gmail.com

February 19, 2013

By Alec Rider, editor-in-chief

An artist’s rendering of the baseball field planned for the CCC athletic complex.

Looking for Leaders

Candidates interested in running for Auburn Campus Student Government should apply this week; elections soon By Abigail Young, assistant editor Interested in having a say in how the Auburn Campus is run? The Auburn Student Government Organization (SGO) is accepting candidates for this year’s election. Positions that are available include president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and student trustee. Student can apply by stopping by the Student Government’s offices in the main building. In order to qualify for any of the positions, students must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and be a full-time student at the college. The duties of the president are to set agendas for and preside over regularly scheduled student government meetings, appoint members to standing college-wide committees and any established student government committees, present club budgets to the Faculty Student Association (FSA), oversee all student government activities, and maintain an active, voting role in the Student Senate, the Executive Board, and the FSA Board. Each week classes are in session, the SGO president is required to work in the student government office for 12 hours over the course of the week. The vice president should also be able to do all that the president does, in case the president is unable to do his or her job. Other duties for this position include being responsible for election dates, processing all applications for student government officers, and running the elections in the spring of each academic year. The vice president must also be in the office, but only for 10 hours each week while classes are in session.

The secretary’s duties are: being responsible for documenting and filing all student government meeting minutes, filing all Student Senate meeting minutes, collecting all student government club meeting minutes and records and have them kept on file. The secretary must also prepare a report for the SGO vice president every other week. During the week, the secretary must work for seven hours in the office while classes are in session. The treasurer is responsible for all student government funds and accounts, maintaining a complete and accurate record of all student government accounts. He or she will also present a complete and updated financial statement at each Executive Board meeting, and present a biweekly report to the vice president. The treasurer is also required to put in seven hours of work each week class are in session in the SGO office. The student trustee serves as the liaison between the Student Government Organization and the Cayuga Community College Board of Trustees. The student trustee is required to attend all Executive Board meetings and Senate meetings, and at the Senate meetings must present a trustee report. The student trustee must work three office hours per week while classes are in session. It is also expected the student trustee will fulfill these office hours at the opposite campus from where they attend classes no less than once per month.

Do you have the right stuff?

The Cayuga Citizen reports that The Dr. Joseph F. and Honey Karpinski athletic complex at Cayuga Community College may have just hit a pretty big roadblock. CCC President Dan Larson disagrees. The *proposed* New York State budget for the fiscal year 201314 doesn’t provide any funding for the planned athletic fields that could bring Dr. David Larson a host of revenue CCC President and an uptick in admission. CCC is hoping for the state to fund 50% of the project ($3 million out of $6 million) alongside the CCC Foundation and Dr. Karpinski who are providing the other $3 million. The $6 million, 150,000 square foot complex includes a softball field, a baseball field, and a multiuse field that can be used to host College soccer and lacrosse games. The planned Athletic Complex includes… • A total of three acres of artificial turf fields • Soccer/lacrosse artificial turf field • Baseball turf field with dugouts • Softball turf field with dugouts • 5,000 square foot locker rooms with showers, bathrooms, lockers/storage, other amenities • Public restrooms • Concession stands • Bleacher seating for 1,500 people This past Monday, CCC representatives paid a visit to Albany to lobby for increased capital funding from the state, which has been noticeably low for the past five decades. CCC President Dr. Dan Larson said the trip was productive with good interest and support from legislators concerning the project. “Another step in the process,” Larson said. “We’ll see what they’re able to do for us.” On a separate note: no word yet from the administration when the Pizza with the President event which was cancelled will be re-scheduled.


Opinions Opinions Opinions

Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian

FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI resigns His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI is abdicating the Papacy on February 28th, leaving behind 1.2 billion Roman Catholics. This is the first time in 600 years Alec Rider this has occurred since Gregory XII in 1415, and the first time without pressure since Pope Celestine V in 1294. Benedict stated that his decision to step down was “a decision of great importance for the life of the church,” citing his deteriorating strength as well as the physical and mental demands of the Papacy. The Papacy of Pope Benedict XVI was mostly spent picking up the shattered pieces of the American and Irish Catholic churches after rampant sex abuse within the church was uncovered through a series of articles by the Boston Globe in 2002, highlighting the prosecution of 5 Roman Catholic priests for the sexual abuse of young boys. Abusers were paid off to leave the Church and were moved to different locations where they were placed in areas that they could still abuse children, producing worldwide backlash and fueling accusations that the Catholic

church was covering up for sexual predators. Though Benedict XVI wasn’t Pope during this time, it wasn’t popular to place blame on the beloved Pope John Paul II. When John Paul II died and Benedict XVI rose to prominence, it was open season. It is relatively agreed that Benedict XVI will be remembered most for his attentiveness and advancement of inter-religious linking. The asteroid 8661 Ratzinger was also named for the former Cardinal Ratzinger when The Vatican made their archives available to scientists seeking to rectify miscarriages of justice against Galileo and other scientists perpetrated by the Catholic Church in the middle ages.

You can follow the Pope on Twitter, his handle is @Pontifex Until then, keep watch starting February 28th for white smoke coming from the Vatican chimney. There will be a new Pope by Easter and he may be the first black Pope. -Alec Rider, Editor-in-chief

By Abigail Young, assistant editor


The following commencement awards have an approaching application deadline. To be considered, students can obtain applications from the Financial Aid office in Auburn and Fulton, the Cayuga County Community College Foundation office in Auburn, or from the College website:

ACC/CCC Alumni Association Award: $440

Awarded to a graduate who will be transferring to a four-year institution, having completed at least 62 credit hours while maintaining a 3.0 average at Cayuga. Applicants must meet eligibility criteria as per the application form. Application deadline is March 31 of the year in which the student plans to graduate. http://www.cayuga-cc.edu/pdf/commencement_awards/ graduate_student.pdf

Ruth Edwards Carpenter Memorial Award: $8,000

Awarded to a graduate who intends to continue his/her education at Syracuse University in the field of medicine or health related areas of study and who has demonstrated academic excellence in his/her field. Application deadline is April 15 of the year in which a student plans to graduate. http://www.cayuga-cc.edu/pdf/commencement_awards/carpenter.pdf

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Ganey Business Award: $275

Awarded to a graduating Cayuga County resident who has completed all requirements for a degree in Business Administration or Accounting, has been accepted at a four-year college or university, and has given evidence of participation in community service and/or work. Application deadline is May 1 of the year in which a student plans to graduate. http://www. cayuga-cc.edu/pdf/commencement_awards/ganey_business_award.pdf

Thomas F. Steenburgh Memorial Award: $1,190

Awarded to a graduate transferring to a four-year institution who demonstrates strong academic potential and who possesses and best exemplifies those special qualities that made Professor Steenburgh a charismatic teacher and individual, i.e., sense of humor, personal integrity, strong work ethic, and exuberance for life. Application deadline is April 15 of the year in which a student plans to graduate. http://www.cayuga-cc.edu/pdf/commencement_ awards/steenburgh.pdf

Say Hello to SOMA By James Granger, staff writer

Earn credits while writing articles for Cayuga Community College’s student-run, award-winning newspaper by registering for Telcom 204 this fall!

T h e Cayuga Collegian welcomes letters from its readers. Submissions must be emailed to cayugacollegian @gmail. com. Submissions may be edited for content or length. Submissions must include your name, address and daytime phone number. All letters to the editor are copied exactly and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Collegian office, its staff or advisors. All letters are simply the opinions of the writers themselves.

Attention: Transferring Grads

Editorial Board ALEC RIDER - Editor-in-chief ABIGAIL YOUNG, Assistant Editor MARY G. MERRITT, Advisor Staff KATIE DUNN, Staff Writer JAMES GRANGER, Staff Writer SARAH GUIDONE, Staff Writer EMAIL CAYUGACOLLEGIAN@GMAIL.COM

Faculty and students may have noticed a new graphic on the college’s web page. The graphic shows a design for the new School of Media and the Arts. CCC will be melding several programs into the School of Media and the Arts. Theatre, writing, art, media and music will be some of the programs that will join the SOMA. Steve Keeler, Chairperson, Division of Humanities and Communication and The lounge near the Telcom hallway is decorated Director of Broadcasting with the new expanded curriculum vision. and Electronic Media was recently interviewed about When asked if funding could be the new school. arranged Keeler said, “Right now “The official start of the school to have additional SOMA events was Fall 2012 and programs have funded outside of academic budgets, been brought under the School of the Students Activities Board would Media and the Arts,” Keeler said. have to set aside funds.” Some goals of the new school Keeler did say he feels the school will be to increase collaboration does really well with media, music between disciplines such as theatre and art events with the resources and media, to develop new course available right now. Keeler then programs for students such as talked about students working with having majors in theatre and music. the Auburn Public Theatre, the “One key to developing the School Schweinfurth Art Center and the of Media and the Arts is expanding Theatre Mack at the Cayuga Museum. facilities which would connect Keeler said, “SOMA provides interns to the library to the technology for the Theatre Mack to run the sound building” Keeler said. Keeler went and voice equipment”. The plan is on to say “The new facilities would also to look at new programs such as help accommodate the expansion video production, social media and and growth of the programs such public relations. as music and art into the new Keeler also stated “We are looking buildings”. into several new majors to help Two examples Keeler gave was the change the school and expand with expansion of practice rooms for the the times.” With the new plans for music program which only have two athletic fields and facilities, SOMA rooms right now and a room to tape will also be looking to televise more an event with live audiences. Space sporting events. When the facilities for these programs will be needed and equipment become available, a in the long-term; an opportunity sports broadcasting concentration that Keeler stated would be to could become part of the media help increase collaboration with production degree. With the new community cultural opportunities. School of Media and the Arts, new The Auburn Public Theatre has opportunities will become available been working and collaborating for the college now and in the with the college. Cayuga Records future. The college will be able to and music ensembles have been grow academically, technically, and started but academic programs do culturally to increase the overall not have budgets to sponsor events. student experience.

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SPARTAN SPORTS CCC MEN’S LACROSSE SCHEDULE MARCH Sat 9 Jefferson Community College Corcoran HS Wed 13 Tompkins Cortland Community College * Corcoran HS Fri 15 at Mohawk Valley Community College Sun 17 Herkimer County Community College Corcoran HS Wed 20 at Finger Lakes Community College * Sat 23 at SUNY-Delhi Wed 27 at Onondaga Community College * Sat 30 Alfred State College Corcoran HS APRIL Wed 3 Broome Community College * Corcoran HS Sat 6 at Dean College Wed 10 at Niagara County Community College Sat 13 Genesee Community College Corcoran HS Wed 17 Monroe Community College Corcoran HS Sat 20 at Mercyhurst North East

s ’ C E L A

12:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 1:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM TBA 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 7:30 PM 1:00 PM

CCC MEN’S GOLF SCHEDULE APRIL Apr 5 vs. Mohawk Valley @ Oneida Community GC, Sherrill, NY 11:00 AM Apr 19 vs. Spartan Invitational @ Highland Park GC, Auburn NY 1:00 PM Apr 20 vs. Onondaga CC @ Links at Sunset Ridge, Marcellus, NY 10:30 AM Apr 21 vs. Jefferson CC @ Watertown Municipal, Watertown NY Apr 26 vs. Corning CC @ Corning CC, Corning NY Apr 27 vs. Broome CC @ Endwell Greens, Binghamton, NY 10:00 AM Apr 28 vs. Tompkins-Cortland CC @ Elm Tree GC, Cortland, NY 11:00 AM May 3 vs. Monroe CC @ Wildwood GC, Rush, NY May 4 vs. Genesee CC @ Batavia CC, Batavia, NY



BLADE RUNNER BEHIND BARS Oscar Pistorius, the South African Olympic runner affectionately known as “Blade Runner” from the carbon fiber blades that act as his legs that wowed London and the world last year has been charged with the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. It is believed that Steenkamp arrived home on Valentine’s Day and was shot in the head, chest, and arm by Pistorius. There had been a history of domestic disputes between the two. Pistorius claims that he didn’t know that it was Steenkamp in the house, instead believing that he was a victim of a burglary in process. Pistorius was an experienced marksman, explaining the very precise shooting.

In any case like this in the United States, this would be laughed off as another pathetic excuse. Except, this is South Africa, and everything Pistorius is saying collaborates his story. The New York Times reported last year that there was an alarming rise in burglaries around the area that Pistorius and Steenkamp lived. His fears that his paid guards were conspiring with burglars isn’t far-fetched either. Steenkamp was a law graduate and a model that was set to speak about love, valuing themselves and following their dreams at a high school in Johannesburg on Valentine’s Day. Domestic violence was also to be touched upon.

Pressing issue facing the game MONOPOLY The Internet has spoken on the fate of one classic Monopoly piece and its replacement shouldn’t really surprise anyone. Could you really trust a Facebook contest to pick anything other than a cat? The Cat will be joining such classic Monopoly tokens like the Scottie Dog, the Racecar, and the Top Hat. The beloved Monopoly tokens made a daring escape from their prison cells and were greeted by screaming fans. Unfortunately there was one cell that would not spring

open, a classic token that watched the celebration on a rickety old television, will not pass Go, will not collect $200, but will serve life in prison. So long, Iron. You can buy Monopoly throughout the year before Iron is gone forever, you know, the appeals process and all. In fact, a limited edition Monopoly only available at Target will include all of the pieces that were in jail and all of the pieces that had a chance to replace them.


Oscar Pistorius, the South African Olympic runner affectionately known as “Blade Runner” has been charged with the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

The Cayuga Collegian is looking for staff writers to cover news and events happening on the CCC Fulton Campus. Please email cayugacollegian@gmail.com



A new way to do mornings Tips for the budget shopper By Alec Rider, editor-in-chief

By Sarah Guidone, staff writer

PepsiCo announced that they are about to release a “new way to do mornings.” Their newest product is Mountain Dew: Kickstart, a caffeinated and fruit flavored breakfast alternative to coffee and supremely unhealthy energy drinks. Kickstart is 80 calories per serving and will have way less caffeine than energy drinks, yet 20 more milligrams than a Mountain Dew for that extra kick in the morning. Hopefully American Food and Vending will start stocking Kickstart in the library starting February 25th.

You can still feel good and look your best with empty pockets. There are fantastic fashion finds for people with a limited cash flow. College students often find it’s necessary to live on a budget. However, just because a budget is in order doesn’t mean shopping has to take a back seat. An experienced retail worker says customers miss out when they refuse to provide an email address. A savvy shopper subscribes to all emails of their favorite stores, so that way, they’ll know the exact time to shop and save. Most store emails notify you about upcoming sales, new products, and even coupons. For instance, at the Ann Taylor Factory Store in Waterloo, shoppers who subscribe to the stores emails are the only one’s who receive special offers of big discounts. Amber Clark, a first year student at CCC, says good shopping takes some thought. “If I know I want to go out shopping I prepare ahead of time, I save my money and set some aside to make sure my bills are paid,” she said. Experts agree with Clark, having a plan before going to the store is essential. Setting a price limit for how much you plan on spending will

Are you a gamer? By Alec Rider, editor-in-chief

Have you played more than a few games in your day and enjoy the achievements you’ve accrued? Well, Raptr might just be the next best website for you. Raptr is a social network for gamers. You can connect your Xbox Live, Playstation Network, and Steam accounts to your profile which shows everyone on Raptr how much of an awesome gamer you are. There are six experience ranks on Raptr for your games. “Newbie” means you are in the bottom 20%, “Amateur” means you are in the top 80%, “Experienced” is top 60%, “Dedicated” is top 40%, “Hardcore” is top 20%, and “Elite” is top 10%. Once you connect your accounts to Raptr, they connect you to the communities of the games you’ve played. They appear near the top of the page in an easily navigable horizontal bar. You can create your own posts or reply to others, basically communicating with hundreds of thousands of people who enjoy the same games that you do. Your profile also provides a breakdown of the percentage of the kind of games that you play, as well as your Gamerscore and the amount of achievements you have in a snazzy chart. Raptr also has partnerships with gaming publishers such as Activision (Call of Duty) and

Ubisoft (Assassin’s Creed) that allows Raptr to reward players for playing certain games. For example, the first episode of Assassin’s Creed III’s alternate history downloadable content “Tyranny of King Washington” comes out February 19th and Raptr is giving away rewards that I have a chance of receiving if my e-mail address is verified, my Xbox Live account is connected, I have the “Experienced” rank on Raptr for AC3 and complete the in-game achievements that are required. It’s that easy. There is one downfall that I could easily identify, but none past this one gripe I have. Open world games such as Fallout: New Vegas that have many achievements once DLC is downloaded put me right into the “Hardcore” rank when I get all of the achievements. But Xbox doesn’t pay attention to how many hours I’ve played FNV, so even though I’ve probably played 500 hours of this game, it’s at 0 on Raptr since I haven’t played it since I signed up, and it says I have to play another 40 hours (half a playthrough) to achieve “Elite”. I have schoolwork to do. But all in all, this is a superb social network for gamers that lacks the drama and backstabbing on Facebook, and the inundation of feels on Twitter. Try it out, you won’t be disappointed.

STAR WARS More, Tuned you stay By Alec Rider, editor-in-chief The Walt Disney Co.’s recent acquisition of LucasFilms and the Star Wars brand that came with it is starting to take shape. JJ Abrams, the creator of classic television shows Felicity, Alias, and Lost was tapped to be the director of Star Wars: Episode VII. Abrams was entrusted with the reboot of the Star Trek franchise and is now slated to become the

greatest director of our time if he brings the magic of the original trilogy to Episode VII. Canonical movies are confirmed to be coming out every two or three years starting in 2015 and will also be joined by standalone movies that will investigate the stories of our favorite Star Wars characters that could include the likes of Han Solo, Boba Fett, and Yoda.


help you from splurging. To shop effectively you must remember exactly what is in your closet. Instead of buying a whole new outfit, less expensive accessories to enhance what you already have will save you money. Expert shoppers know which pieces in their wardrobe can easily be swapped and re-matched with a new top, pants or skirt. Shopping at thrift stores is another great way to make your money go farther. “We have regular customers that come in all the time and know exactly where the product they want is,” said Salvation Army Thrift Store cashier Alicia Smith, a CCC business major. She says you can buy the same product that you would be able to get elsewhere but for a really low affordable price. And don’t forget to bring your Smartphone shopping. There are several apps, which provide barcodes that cashiers can easily scan at the check out. Some apps allow you to compare prices between stores to make sure you get the better deal. Shopping no longer has to be a stressful task that will leave you feeling broke. Be a smart shopper and get the most out of your money.

Coheed and Cambria’s The Afterman: Descension

By Alec Rider, editor-in-chief

Coheed and Cambria’s newest album “The Afterman: Descension” is a return to form for this epic Progressive rock group. The group’s entire discography is an overarching story surrounding the characters Coheed and Cambria as well as their brother and their children. “Descension” and sister album “The Afterman: Ascension” are prequels that surround Sirius Amory, the man who discovers Heaven’s Fence and is the first man to enter The Keywork. “Descension” starts with “Pretelethal” a song of reflection which moves into the last installment of the “Key Entity Extraction” series of songs that began on “Ascension”. “Key Entity Extraction V: Sentry the Defiant” is one of the hits of this album, a smooth and hard rocking song with great lyrics, a staple of Coheed and Cambria. The next track “The Hard Sell” is a direct shot across the bow of artists that “sell out” and go mainstream and is has some funky guitar licks which leads directly into what I believe is the best song on this album, coincidentally chalk full of funk. At just less than four minutes long, “Number City” is destined to be a rock radio hit, which is why I was confused why “The Dark Side of Me” was the first released single (I’ll get to that later.) “Number City” employs a sweet mix of great lyrics, funky bass licks,

the clavinet, and synthesizers that keeps you standing at attention throughout the song. The horn section at the end marks the end of Coheed’s best popular song since “Welcome Home.” “Gravity’s Union” almost acts like a story with an epilogue. Near the end of the song guitarist Travis Stever goes into a ridiculous guitar rip that leads into the last three verses that have a different feel from the rest of the song. “Away We Go” is another hit off this album; the rare poppy sounding Coheed song has a feel good beat and makes a sly tip of the hat to their song “Devil in Jersey City.” “Iron Fist” is a slowed down song that also makes reference to titles of past songs like “Welcome Home” and “In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth.” The first single off this album is “Dark Side of Me” which continues the moral of this album, reflection. If Amory thinks he’s guilty now, he’d feel pretty damn guilty to see what becomes of this twisted story. “2’s My Favorite 1” is the conclusion of this album. It doubles as the go to wedding song for any Coheed and Cambria fan. “The Afterman: Descension” is currently at #9 on the Billboard 200 with only 1 week on the charts, marking the 5th straight Coheed and Cambria album to reach the Top 10 of the Billboard 200.


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