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MARCH 12, 20013

Members of the Cayuga Collegian staff traveled to New York City this past weekend to participate in a national media conference hosted by College Media Advisers and Associate Collegiate Press. The staff feels fortunate to have this opportunity to mingle with professional media presenters and other college students in their field as they attend a variety of educational sessions in The Sheraton Convention Center in Times Square. The keynote speakers for the event are Willie Geist, co-host of the 9 a.m. hour of the Today show on NBC, Multiplatform journalist andeditor Mark S. Luckie of Twitter and Jason Wagenheim, vice president and publisher of Teen Vogue. Other media professionals on hand include Brian Storm, founder and executive producer of the award-winning multimediaproduction studio MediaStorm; Mark Howard, senior vice president for digital advertising at Forbes Media; Christine Romans, international reporter and host of Your Bottom Line on CNN; Kyle Ellis, award-winning visual journalist with CNN Digital; author Bill German who chronicled his experience as a teenage journalist touring with The Rolling Stones; and Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now on PBS. “This conference gives the staff a doorway to learning and experiences in a variety of media which may help shape the direction of their careers,” said Collegian faculty adviser Mary Merritt.

This year’s team practicing in Spartan Hall.

Are you ready for some LAX? By Sarah Guidone, staff writer CCC’s men’s lacrosse season is just underway. The high expectations of the coaches and players will be put to the test in hopes of overcoming many obstacles that they face this season. Head Coach J.T. Pitcher says even though the team faces challenges, they are not letting it affect how they plan to play. The biggest challenge he anticipates for the season is keeping away from injuries. “We do have a lot more talent that we have had in the last couple of years, but we’re also a couple guys short in terms of a traditional lacrosse roster,” said Pitcher. “If we do have a couple of key injuries it will probably hurt us, so we are trying to mix in some rest for the guys and when we do have injuries we are being smart with them.” Pitcher says there is nothing typical about a week’s practice for the team. Not having a field of their own that the team can practice on has presented challenges. However, CCC’s athletic department has given the team some good alternative venues to use. “We have been able to use some off-site facilities. There is an indoor turf facility at Pine Grove in Camillus that we have been able to use. Also, we have been using some turf outside of Marcellus High School. In a typical week of practice we are kind of all

over the place, but we practice six days a week. Two days out of the week we have study sessions to make sure we are staying on top of our studies,” says Pitcher. Pitcher says endurance and toughness is what sets teams apart from their opponents. He says outworking your opponents is essential in order to win games. The CCC men’s lacrosse team has been working hard all winter in preparation for this upcoming season. “We are going to have to be really tough and outwork a lot of our opponents, that’s going to be our advantage,” said Pitcher. “Since mid October to January we held winter practices to make sure the guys were staying in good shape.” Pitcher says the team had a little competition they called the ‘winter warrior competition’. Points were awarded to players for attendance and winning certain competitions during the sessions. The players who worked the hardest, were awarded the most points. He said they totaled up the points at the end and had a champion. “The effort we have been putting in since the fall up to now will be what sets us a part,” says Pitcher. A high expectation to win is the main focus of both players and coaches. The team captains are Denzel Conze, a

defensive player majoring in Criminal Justice and Corrections and minoring in Business, and Mike McLaughlin, a midfielder majoring in Business Administration. Both are sophomores at CCC and say they are ready to play hard to get that winning season. “Our expectations are to play hard and ultimately get to the playoffs. I feel really strong about getting to the playoffs and want to win,” said Conze. McLaughlin added that he was most excited about getting some wins. They have been putting in the effort and hard work by practicing every day except for Sunday. He believes having a smaller team allows players to be more in shape and work harder. “Some may say having a smaller team is a bad thing, but at the same time we are more in shape because we get more reps and it gives us more of a reason to try harder to prove ourselves and give the school a better lacrosse reputation,” said Conze. The CCC men’s home lacrosse games are held at Corcoran High School in Syracuse. The opening game of the season was held there on Saturday March 9th. “I just want the team to win, my mind is set to win games,” said McLaughlin.

CCC Fulton Professor honored By Alec Rider, editor-in-chief

Fulton Campus biology professor Jean Siracusa

Jean Siracusa, a Biology teacher at the Fulton campus for nearly 20 years received the WCNY Women Who Make America Award for her work and contribution to the fields of science and education. A Cayuga alumnus with a Bachelor of Science in Biology from nearby Wells College, Siracusa has worked with the NYS Department of Conservation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She has served locally on the Cayuga County Environmental Management Council, acted as chair for the Owasco Flats Nature Reserve for 12 years, and was instrumental in establishing a community garden in Fulton.

Siracusa was honored with a group of other honorees on March 1st at the Women’s Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls. Award winners and guests were also invited to tour the Women’s Hall of Fame and Visitor Center. “I’ve done a lot of things because they were exciting to do, and because they made a difference,” said Siracusa, a mother of four and grandmother of two. “I’ve worked in a rain forest, done research on spiders, and worked in Hawaii. I’ve had a lot of amazing teachers and mentors, met visionaries who were an inspiration to me, and worked with wonderful people who are always there and never say no.”

C AY U G A C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E ’ S S T U D E N T- R U N N E W S PA P E R


Cayuga Collegian staff attends national conference

A lion, wolves and sharks! Oh My!

Does anybody remember when waterboarding was all the rage? You see, the left wing of politics in this country believed that our waterboarding of terrorists and enemy combatants for information regarding planned attacks on our homeland was, in fact, torture. The left screamed and hollered that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld were all war criminals and should be arrested and sent to The Hague for prosecution. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, and it is now a known fact that information from the Bush Administration, some that came from waterboarding, were instrumental in finally ending the life of Osama bin Laden, it seems as if President Obama has found a liking to some Bush Era policy.

First he started another “gun walking” program called Operation “Fast and Furious”, this differed from Bush’s “Operation “Wide Receiver” because “Fast and Furious” sent real and very useable guns into the hands of cartel members. The ATF lost the guns and some were found at the murder of ATF agents at the Arizona-Mexico border. Now Obama has decided that using drones as a means of conducting warfare is a good thing for the United States of America should do. The Leader of the Free world believes enhanced interrogation techniques are torture, that Guantanamo Bay prison should be closed, but we should rain hellfire (get it? Hellfire missiles?) and brimstone on top of places like Pakistan and Yemen that create more terrorists by injuring and even killing civilians? The United States killed a U.S. citizen in Yemen when a drone strike hit the car he was driving in. There was no doubt that he was involved with alQaeda, that’s fine and dandy, but a few weeks later, the U.S. landed a drone strike on top of that man’s son outside of a restaurant he was eating at, surely injuring anyone eating around him, just because he was born to a father who became a terrorist.

We’ve had a drone that was hacked and brought down out of the sky (drones are unmanned, controlled by a joystick remotely in the United States) by the Iranians. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) went on a 13 hour filibuster blocking the confirmation of John Brennan to Head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the man who is almost single handedly responsible who goes on the Obama Administration’s Disposition Matrix (drone kill list) which is not public, by the way. He spent almost all of 13 hours on the floor of the Senate detailing his gripes with Obama’s drone policy. There are a few fundamental issues with using drone strikes. Such as the fact that it doesn’t help our standing around the world by shooting missiles at people, it usually doesn’t. The international community looks to the United States on big, key issues. We have no moral high ground to stand on if say… Germany was to attack a far-right wing terrorist who somehow made it into the United States, injuring or killing innocent U.S. citizens. We’d be hypocrites if we spoke out. Also, these drones are run by software. Any hacking collective like Anonymous could take over a drone and send Hellfire missiles screaming wherever they so choose. If you think it can’t be done, you’re simply wrong. I believe we are making a very bad choice by using drones in our warfare. It will be a genie forever out of the bottle just as the atomic bomb was in 1945. Soon everyone will have them, and rogue nations like Russia, Syria, and Iran will use them to patrol their citizens and assassinate their dissidents, and it will all be on our heads.

— Alec Rider, editor-in-chief

CCC FULTON STUDENTS The Cayuga Collegian is looking for staff writers to cover news and events happening on the CCC Fulton Campus. Please email cayugacollegian@ gmail.com

This week was not a great week for the animal kingdom. A killer lion, a new hunting season for grey wolves, and migrating sharks have all made headlines this week. In California, a 24 year old volunteer Abigail Young was killed when a 550 pound lion mauled her inside of its enclosure. Dianna Hanson had just fed the lion, called Cous Cous, a meal and went into his large enclosure to clean it out. Somehow a gate leading from the smaller enclosure, where Cous Cous was, had been left open enough for the lion to get it open. Hanson was on her cellphone talking to another co-worker when the lion attacked. A county corner said that Dianna’s neck had been snapped by the lion, causing her to die instantly. Police had to then euthanize the animal when it could not be moved away from the body. The reserve where the lion lived, called Cat Haven, had never been cited by any government agencies for safety violations. However, a few groups, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and OSHA are launching investigations into how the attack occurred and what could have been done to prevent the attack. Lions were not the only ones on a hit list this week. The Rocky Mountain grey wolf has been taken off the Endangered Species List since May of 2011. The species has been thriving in the states of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. To cope with the

large population growth and manage the species’s health, a hunting season was re-opened to hunt the wolves. The state of Montana reported that 225 wolves had been killed during the season, and Idaho reported that 259 wolves had been killed during their season. Wyoming held a trophy contest in a controlled area near Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. The number of wolves killed was 42. Although wildlife experts state that this helping the species, opponents say it is hurting the species. “When you go and kill these wolves, a lot of times you’re killing the teachers, and when you kill the teachers of the pack you get the youngsters who haven’t absorbed the skills that would’ve been passed down over time to them from the elders of the pack,” said Marc Cooke of the Wolves of the Rockies conservative group. Some legislators in the state of Montana are even looking to make it open season on killing wolves. But on a slightly less sad note, the number of sharks in the coastal areas off of Florida seem to be doing well. Dozens of sharks have been spotted off the coast of South Florida causing some beaches to close down. It’s just a precaution to protect people said lifeguards. According marine biologists, the sharks have been migrating since the beginning of March. Don’t strum up the Jaws theme song just yet. The sharks were a mixture of blacktips and spinners. Maybe next week will be better for the animals.

— Abigail Young, assistant editor

What Cayuga Community College needs With the many challenges that college students face with part time jobs, school work and the responsibilities of participating in society, there comes a time when students and faculty alike are faced with a taboo of sorts. In recent years colleges around the Ithaca, Syracuse and Rochester area, all surrounding Cayuga Community College, have added programs for drug and alcohol abuse which includes meetings on their campuses. Does Cayuga Community not have individuals suffering from these diseases? Is it a topic of conversation that is swept under the rug and not even recognized as a disease, because alcohol and drug addiction is a disease. Specifically at Ithaca College, this last December Ithaca College recognized that there was a gap that needed to be filled in the equation of college students. It not only being imperative that students drink safely but know the consequences and effects of alcohol and drugs. Sure someone will spark up a joint or have a beer while watching a Syracuse game but when does it become an everyday occurrence? I find it important for colleges, and

Cayuga to address this issue. You may stop and think, ‘would that be really necessary?’, it couldn’t hurt. I believe Cayuga Community College prides itself on its diverse atmosphere and the many students that it brings to the classrooms. I’ve met so many single parents, returning students and others who have shared this issue with me of how they are trying to maintain their sobriety while being a full-time student. That is bravery, courage, and down right difficult. I believe Cayuga would soon find a great amount of integrity if this issue were addressed. Others may see it, others are still blind to the two diseases that affects more than 320,000 people, mostly men and women between the ages of 15 to 29. That’s the total number of deaths every year based on alcohol alone, that is 9% of the population in the United States alone. Don’t be blinded by taboos but embrace that this college, my college can welcome people who suffer from these diseases and that groups could meet at a designated time that is discrete but welcomed.

— Theresa L. Miller, CCC student

New SUNY financial aid letter By Danielle Skowron, staff writer

The Cayuga Collegian welcomes letters from its readers. Submissions must be emailed to cayugacollegian @gmail.com. Submissions may be edited for content or length. Submissions must include your name, address and daytime phone number. All letters to the editor are copied exactly and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Collegian office, its staff or advisors. All letters are simply the opinions of the writers themselves.


Editorial Board ALEC RIDER - Editor-in-chief ABIGAIL YOUNG, Assistant Editor MARY G. MERRITT, Advisor Staff KATIE DUNN, Staff Writer JAMES GRANGER, Staff Writer SARAH GUIDONE, Staff Writer DANIELLE SKOWRON, Staff Writer

SUNY announced a standardized financial aid letter that will be used in the 2013 school year and every year after that. This letter is supposed to help you make the decision on how to pay for school easier. The new letter format offers campus information and breaks down financial aid for the student. The goal of the letter is to make the decision of paying for school easier and less overwhelming for students. SUNY announced this financial aid letter as a part of their “Smart Track” program, which they started in September.

The “Smart Track” program’s goal is to makepaying for school an easier decision and less stressful on the student and their parents. They provide information like graduation rates, tuition rates, and the loan default rate. SUNY is one of the only schools that is proactive in the students decision on financial aid and loans on going to school. They are trying to combat student debt and make things easier on the student. SUNY is very focused on making school affordable and having the information ready for students to see.


CCC’s Nursing Department cares for students


By Sarah Guidone, staff writer

A patient ‘simulator’ receives care in CCC’s state-of-the-art nursing lab.



Issac Drury (Student Worker Piano Lab Tech)

Caitlyn Smith (Financial Aid) Former Student worker, now Temporary employee.

in simulated situations is a Cayuga Community very effective strategy. College’s nursing program “We have a simulation is producing top-notch mannequin, a computerized nurses, (100% passed mannequin worth $40,000. their certification exam He’s plugged into computers two years in a row), by and monitors. He can talk providing an experience by a teacher speaking into that is different than any a microphone,” said Alfieri. other nursing program One scenario Alfieri says in the area. Nursing students routinely preform Program Director and uses the mannequin as a Professor Linda Alfieri patient in an emergency says the most unique room experiencing chest feature about the The hallway pain and shortness of program at Cayuga is breath. The students that the students preform outside the Nursing determine whether the their clinical learning Department’s lab is patient is having a heart in a variety of settings. attack and perform CPR. She says most schools adorned with the This type of simulation are affiliated with only emblem all students four students, each one hospital giving their will be awarded upon involves with a specific role to play. students only one clinical Alfieri says most students experience. However, at their completion of in the nursing program are Cayuga that is not the certification. from the Auburn area. She case. says she is also seeing a number of “At Cayuga we are not affiliated with students who already have a college any one hospital, so our students are degree in another field return to school at agencies in Cayuga and Onondaga for training in nursing to match their counties so it could be possible that skills with the jobs available. students would be at five different Alfieri says most CCC nursing agencies throughout their program here, which makes for a very well prepared, graduates seek employment at a hospital. She says a majority of her adaptable, and flexible graduate,” said students stay in the area and are Alfieri. members of the community. She says moving around from agency “Many students will work their to agency promotes growth in students. careers in a hospital. Some will work They are able to work in different three to five years to get good experience settings with different people. Different and then go on to other endeavors. They types of teaching strategies also help the students in CCC’s nursing program excel. might work in physicians’ offices or in long term care,” says Alfieri. In fact, “Innovative teaching strategies help she says 12 of the 17 full-time nursing create active learning which involves faculty at CCC are CCC graduates. things such as case studies, where Alfieri says some CCC nursing the student has to apply the theory to graduates have even taken problem solve a particular situation,” unconventional positions like a traveler Alfieri said. nurse. The nurses travel around the The nursing lab at CCC’s Auburn country to different places doing their campus is a great way for students to services and helping those in need. gain experience hands-on. There are Another alum is working in a hospital different mannequins and beds that give the feel of a real hospital room. in Washington D.C. on a VIP unit which deals with patients of status or ranking. Alfieri says students performing care

CCC starts to feel budget pinch By James Granger, staff writer

Rhiannon Khoury (Student Worker Student Development)

Student Chris Dodge (left) and Andy Schemerhorn (Student Worker Tutor)

There are some subtle changes on campus this semester. Library hours on the Auburn campus have been shortened. The library is now closing at 7:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. “The library’s operating budget was cut to save money and we tried to minimize the impact of the cuts by looking at areas that were not be utilized as much,” said Interim library director Margaret Devereaux. Devereaux says the attendance during the library’s last 90 minutes of operation dropped by 1,500 patrons last fall compared to library usage in fall semester 2011. “More students are taking classes online and may not visit the library in person. Also many library resources are available online,” Devereaux said. Full-text reference sources, e-books, magazines, newspapers, scholarly journals, and streaming video are all available through he college’s library databases. Reference and research assistance from librarians is also available through the library’s website. Devereaux says the Fulton campus is not experiencing any cuts. “The Fulton campus has a different set-up, space is shared with other departments to form a learning with the Center for Academic Success and computer resources.” Devereaux wanted to stress that full library services will continue to be offered during the new operational hours. She says she is not anticipating cuts in the library’s ability to purchase new books. “The library will continue to provide the same level of services with the same professionalism the


library has always provided.” Devereaux did say she hopes funding will be increased at some point, but the library will carry on its main mission, to help in the education of the student population. College President Dr. Daniel Larson says he asked administration heads to do more with less. “Enrollment is down this year after the large increase we experienced in 2009-10 and 2010-11,” said Larson. “The funding for the college comes from three areas: 26.7% from Cayuga County, 24% from New York State and 48% from student tuition. New York State, by law, should fund community colleges at 40% as a full opportunity or open access college.” Larson says the college has great working relationships with Cayuga County’s elected state representatives. Larson says he is going to continue lobbying state officials for the 40% funding New York State is obligated to pay by law. Larson says the college is experiencing a 60% student retention rate. He says he has set goals for the college to help attract more students. “To engage students more, develop student/adviser relationships and increases resources to boost enrollment,” Larson said. Larson says he hopes increased funding and a rise in student enrollment will increase the college’s operating budget and restore any budget cuts so students can receive the highest level of education the college can provide.


Comedian Ryan Reiss visits Auburn Campus By Abigail Young, assistant editor Last Wednesday, CCC’s Auburn Campus hosted comedian Ryan Reiss in the cafeteria. Reis has been on MTV, TRL, and the Howard Stern Show. In case you missed the show, here are some of the highlights from it:

Speaking to a teacher aide in the front row: “Working with a student in the front row of a comedy show, not a great idea.”

Speaking to a table of African American basketball players: “Man, you guys need to be more diverse in your friendships.”

Speaking again to the table of basketball players: “Is that your girl? It looks like a hostage situation.” Talking about his 97 year old grandmother: “Ya, my grandmother always takes the bus, it’s her Facebook.” On American and winning a World Cup: “America had never won a World Cup, but we’ve won two World Wars.” Talking to a student about a neighborhood in New York City: “ I ’ m familiar with that neighborhood, it’s where I buy my crack.”


After making a comment about ratios: “Oh yeah, this is a community college, most of you are asking what is a ratio?”

Comedian Ryan Reiss


“Sir with the fish hook in the lips.... Man that screams you cannot pass a drug test.”

Reiss tried to get a student to propose to his girlfriend, he provide this as an opening to the proposal: “I will love you, I will honor you, and I will provide you with the best I can with a two year degree.” At the closing of the show, Reiss talked about driving through Pennsylvania. He noted there were a lot of signs against drunk driving. “It’s Pennsylvania, what are you gonna hit?”

Auburn Student Government candidate: (left to right) Martin Seaman, Ashlee Saret, Priscella Johnson and John Winkler.

Introducing Auburn Student Government candidates By Abigail Young, assistant editor Martin J Seaman

Martin is in his second year of study at CCC. He is majoring in Telecommunications. He is running for the position of president. He has been a Senate representative for the Radio & T.V. Guild from the Fall of 2012 to the Spring of 2013. He is also a radio DJ for CCC’s WIN89FM. He is running for president because he wants the experience of the job and the know-how that comes with the position. In a speech to the Student Senate, Martin said that he was going to set up a table in the main lobby every two weeks to talk to the students and hear what their concerns are. He also wants to meet with the president of CCC every month to talk about these concerns

John Winkler

CLOT TAKES DOWN UNDERTAKER The world of professional wrestling lost one of its nicest and most recognizable faces last week. The man famous for the gimmick of Paul Bearer, William William Moody Moody, died from a blood clot on Tuesday at the age of 58. Moody had suffered from weight problems for most of his life. Ballooning to 450 pounds at one point, but reportedly shed 225 pounds on his road to a healthier life. The portly Moody dropped his blonde hair Percy Pringle character that he brought to fame in the 1980s and traded it in for the slick black hair, pasty white face, and the gold urn of the mortician Paul Bearer in 1990 beginning what would become a more than 20 year relationship with who is regarded as the greatest wrestler to ever grace the WWE (formerly known as the WWF) The Undertaker. Moody was called in for the job and was told that the company was looking for a mortician character to manage The Undertaker. Fortunately for all parties involved, they found a man with a degree in mortuary science. “Vince is laughing like, “Ho ho ho ho!” -- you know, that trademark Vince McMahon laugh. So that moment there when we all realized that they were looking for a manager for ‘Taker and that I was a real mortician ... It was a moment in time that I will never forget

and I will take to my grave with me.” Within a year of his debut, The Undertaker would win his first WWF Championship from Hulk Hogan in 1991. The Undertaker and Paul Bearer would continue an unprecedented onagain, off-again on-screen relationship for ten years, against the Undertaker from 1996-1999 and back by his side from 1999-2000 when Moody left the company, something that will probably never be replicated. Paul Bearer would re-appear at WrestleMania XX in 2004 in a historic moment at Madison Square Garden, leading the Deadman once again. Moody left the company and made short stints as Paul Bearer in the years to come. His work in professional wrestling has made a mark on the industry and his death is a stinging blow to those who worked with him and had the opportunity to call him friend. “Very sad about Paul Bearer, he was a great person and one of the original boys, he was what made wrestling great. Much love, much respect.” –Hulk Hogan “Seems like only yesterday, though it was almost 25 years ago, that I was baby-sitting Percy Pringle’s children. #RIPPaulBearer” –Mick Foley “Rest in peace, Paul Bearer. You will never be forgotten. There will never be another. –Paul Levesque Fitting words for a man who managed The Undertaker for so long, who for more than twenty years has told the unfortunate souls that crossed his path, that he will make them “rest in peace.”

John is a freshman at CCC. He is majoring in the liberal arts with a math and science concentration. He is also running for president. He has been a member of numerous clubs including: the History Club, the Engineering and Technology Club, and the Chemistry Club. John is also the Freshman Senator for the Student Government. John is running for president because he learned as a Freshman Senator what the SGO is about and wants to continue what has happened with the current administration. In his speech to the Senate, John said

he has enjoyed his time as a Freshman Senator and wants to give back to the school. He also wants to address issues that are facing the campus and clubs.

Ashlee Saret

Ashlee is in her second year at CCC. She is majoring in Telecommunications. Ashlee is running for the position of vice president. She has been a student DJ at WIN89FM, and is also a student manager at WDWN. Ashlee is running for vice president because she wants to ensure that the voice of fellow students is fully represented.

Priscilla Johnson

Priscilla is in her second year at CCC. She is majoring in the Liberal Arts. She is running for the position of secretary. She has been a member of CAYA. Priscilla is running for secretary because she has wanted to get involved in campus activites and this is one way she thought that she could. In her address to the Senate, Priscilla voiced her excitement of getting involved in the SGO. She also said that she had been a secretary for numerous clubs at her high school. Voting will be held March 11th through the 15th in the main lobby. There will be a table set up where students can place their vote.

The Bible doesn’t disappoint

By Alec Rider, editor-in-chief

Roma Downey and Mark Burnett’s The Bible hit the airwaves on Sunday and drew ratings of, well, biblical proportions. The Bible gave the History Channel the best night of cable television so far this year boasting 13.1 million viewers, besting the likes of The Walking Dead and anything NBC has ran for the last two months. The 10 part miniseries depicting events in the best-selling book in the history of the world (also the most stolen) from Genesis to Revelations will continue over the next three weeks until Easter. The Bible stories featured Sunday night, Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Moses, attracted 5.6 million viewers in the 18 to 49-year-old age group, an astonishing number for the series that was expected to do poorly in the age group that determines advertising rates. There will undoubtedly be copycats in the coming months and years stemming from the success of the miniseries. Hollywood must have been caught up in the whirlwind of sex, drugs, and all around bad behavior to realize that the biblical epic Ben-Hur is

still one of the top 10 grossing films of all time (adjusted to inflation).

C AY U G A C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E ’ S S T U D E N T- R U N N E W S PA P E R

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